Workplace bullying and harassment can take many forms, from name calling and social isolation to excessive monitoring or work assignments intended to humiliate. Harassment specifically refers to discriminatory behaviors based on personal attributes. Bullying encompasses unreasonable behaviors that cause harm but may not be illegal. Both bullying and harassment negatively impact targets' wellbeing and organizational productivity and climate. Employers should provide avenues for staff to report issues and seek resolution through informal or formal processes to curb these harmful behaviors in the workplace.
2. What is bullying at work? Bullying is regarded as repeated unreasonable behaviour , where the behaviours cause, or have the potential to cause harm. Sources: Einarsen et al., 2003; Workcover NSW, 2008; Worksafe Victoria, 2003;
3. What could be considered unreasonable behaviour? Name calling, insults or intimidation Isolation (Social or Physical) Overwork Undermining behaviours Yelling and shouting Spreading malicious rumours and gossiping Excessive, unjustified or unreasonable monitoring of work Repeated unreasonable assignment of duties which are obviously unfavourable to a particular individual Withholding or denying access to necessary information, consultation or other resources
4. What could be considered harassment? Offensive jokes, suggestive or degrading comments Unwanted advances or continual invitations for dates Offensive physical contact Offensive pictures, posters or written material Threatening, abusive or offensive calls, letters, emails or SMS messages
5. What’s the difference? Harassment - used to describe behaviour of a discriminatory nature (used in anti-discrimination legislation) Bullying - used to describe behaviours that are unreasonable but which cannot be prosecuted under anti-discrimination legislation.
6. Discrimination Can be Direct - due to personal attributes such as race, sex, age etc Indirect- treating people in the same way which disadvantages a specific group of people Source:
7. It’s about balance Does the person feel offended, intimidated or humiliated? Would a ‘reasonable person’ have anticipated the behaviour would offend, intimidate or humiliate the person involved?
9. Is this really still happening in Australia? Source: 74% bullied 57% work with a bully One Third Sexually Harassed
10. Case Example Ballarat radio station was fined $50,000 plus court costs The individual was fined $10,000 and ordered to pay costs of $1,700 Source:
11. How does this impact people? Source: Fear/Stress/Anxiety Depression Physical symptoms Loss of motivation, concentration, self-confidence and morale Financial costs
12. How does this impact the organisation? Reduced efficiency, productivity and profitability Increased absenteeism/ staff turnover Unsafe work environment/stress claims Adverse publicity Preventative and reactive financial costs Inhibits innovation and creativity
14. Most people think this doesn’t apply to them but it includes: insulting or threatening gestures; continual unjustified and unnecessary comments about a person's work or capacity for work; the display of pictures, publications, graffiti, or the performance of entertainment at staff functions in the workplace that are perceived to be offensive; unwelcome physical contact; suggestions that sexual conduct is relevant to employment or promotion, and conditional to benefits or rewards being received; sexual assault and rape; threats of, or actual assault; persistent following or stalking within the workplace, or to and from work; continual jokes about food preferences; attributing of stereotypical or extreme behaviour to a particular group; interrogation or teasing someone about their sexual activities or private life; verbal comments, jokes and innuendo that are perceived to be offensive; rude, belittling or sarcastic comments; abusive, belittling or intimidating phone calls, emails, notes etc; offensive physical contact or coercive behaviour which is intended to be derogatory or intimidating; phone calls, letters or messages on electronic mail or computer networks which are threatening, abusive or offensive; dismissive treatment; unjustified and unreasonable exclusion of a person or group from normal conversation, work assignments, work related social activities and networks in the workplace; disparaging remarks about malingering made to other staff; inappropriate practical jokes played on people; overbearing or abusive behaviour towards staff; staring and leering; baiting or unreasonable teasing; publicly belittling someone's opinions, or dismissing their contribution without good reason, including in front of clients and work colleagues; and abuse of management or supervisory power such as: excessive and unreasonable work scrutiny; inappropriate or unreasonable criticism of someone's work or behaviour; constantly and inappropriately changing and/or setting impossible deadlines, tasks or targets; inappropriate or unreasonable blocking of promotion, training, development or other work opportunities; and branding as a troublemaker a person who raises legitimate workplace grievances, and taking no action to address the grievance. interference with a person's workspace, work materials, equipment or personal property, apart from that which is necessary for the ongoing work of the business unit;
15. What it isn’t As long as they are accurate, constructive and courteous (i.e. not threatening or humiliating); reasonable management decisions, discussions or actions are considered to be bullying or harassment (and this includes performance management). Similarly, occasional differences of opinion, conflicts and working relationship issues are part of working life and generally do not constitute harassment/bullying.
16. What action should staff take in response to bullying/harassment? Keep detailed records about the incidents Talk about it with someone who can provide assistance such as your Manager, HR staff or an Equity and Diversity Officer. If you feel comfortable let the bully know that their behaviour makes you feel uncomfortable Do not retaliate- and walk away from the situation if it becomes out of control Seek resolution - informal or formal process
17. Who can I speak to? Senior Management, Immediate Supervisor or next level Manager HR Manager/Advisor Union representative Health & Safety Representatives Employee Assistance Programs Equity and Diversity Officers
18. What can I do? Be self aware Accept feedback and proactively seek it Remember, intent is irrelevant
There are many different definitions or descriptions of workplace bullying, though there is growing consensus on the most accepted inclusions in the definition. Typically, bullying at work is regarded as repeated unreasonable behaviour, where the behaviours cause, or have the potential to cause harm (see Einarsen et al., 2003; Workcover NSW, 2008; Worksafe Victoria, 2003).
What could be considered unreasonable behaviour? Name calling, insults or intimidation Social or physical isolation (which might also include witholding information or preventing access to opportunities) Overwork (such as impossible deadlines, undue disruptions) Destabilisation or undermining behaviours (e.g., failure to give credit, assigning people meaningless tasks, setting people up to fail, reminding people of their mistakes, removing responsibility without cause) Yelling and shouting Spreading malicious rumors and gossiping Excessive, unjustified or unreasonable monitoring of work Repeated unreasonable assignment of duties which are obviously unfavourable to a particular individual Witholding or denying access to necessary information, consultation or other resources
Some of you may be wondering what the different is between the term ‘harassment’ and ‘bullying’. Essentially, the difference is that for some time the term “harassment” has been used in anti-discrimination legislation to describe behaviour of a discriminatory nature (i.e. directed at staff with a personal attribute that is specifically covered by the legislation). “ Bullying” describes behaviours that are unreasonable, but which cannot be prosecuted under anti-discrimination legislation.
Direct discrimination is treating one person less favourably than another because of particular attributes, such as race, colour, sex, sexual preference, age, disability, medical record, impairment, marital status, pregnancy, potential pregnancy, family responsibilities, criminal record, trade union activity, political opinion, religion, national extraction or social origin. Indirect discrimination is treating everyone the same but in a way that ends up being unfair to a specific group of people. An example of this is where the design of a workplace prevents a person with a disability from accessing the equipment needed to do the job.
It also helps to think about Australia’s general community standards about the behaviour that was demonstrated.
74% Australian workers say they have been bullied at work Of those bullied, 65 per cent said they were intimidated, threatened and verbally abused by either a colleague or manager. 57 per cent reported that they currently work with someone they considered to be a bully Nearly one third claim to have been sexually harassed 74 per cent of sexual harassment cases went unreported, often because workers feared the impact it would have on their job.
A BALLARAT radio station was recently convicted and fined $50,000 for failing to provide a safe workplace, after one of its employees was found guilty of workplace bullying. The company was convicted and fined $25,000 for failing to provide a safe workplace, and $25,000 for failing to provide instruction, training and supervision in relation to bullying. It was also ordered to pay costs of $5,000. The radio station had allowed one of its announcers, Reginald Mowat, 34, to verbally and physically abuse staff until just before his sacking in November last year Magistrate Coburn found the company had no system for complaints to be made and dealt with and should have stopped the bullying when they became aware of it. He said the company was prepared to retain Mowat with no regard to the consequences for other staff. Mowat was fined $10,000 and ordered to pay costs of $1,700. “The court has confirmed that psychological bullying is as unacceptable as physical bullying. “The victims in this case have been traumatised and exposed to repeated verbal violence. The court has endorsed the view that verbal bullying is not acceptable and that there are consequences for failing to manage it.” He warned employers not to ignore what’s going on in their workplace, and recommended they set up a system for training people and addressing bullying where it occurs. “Complaints and incident reports must be acted on. There needs to be an awareness of the effects of repeated verbal abuse or offensive language, such as lowered morale, reduced productivity and staff turnover,” he said.
71 per cent of respondents who had been bullied said they dreaded going to work. 70 per cent said bullying behaviour negatively impacted on their work output and motivation and 46 per cent claimed being a victim of bullying had made them physically ill. Women were more likely to be bullied than men-79 per cent versus 69 per cent. Of those who had been bullied, 82 per cent said the culprit was their boss/manager, 50 per cent a co worker and 10 per cent a subordinate.
Organisation Reduced efficiency, productivity and profitability Increased absenteeism/ staff turnover Unsafe work environment/stress claims Adverse publicity Preventative and reactive financial costs Inhibits innovation and creativity
Be aware of your behaviour at work- be conscious of your body language, your tone and the way that your behaviours can be interpreted. You may not think that your behaviour is bullying, but to someone else- it could be. If someone offers to give you feedback you should welcome it and see it as a way to further development yourself. Turn the feedback into a constructive mechanism. Also if you aren’t getting any feedback, seek it out from your manager, direct reports and colleagues.