Joshua Thompson is applying for an open management position. He has over three years of management experience and has been consistently promoted and given increased responsibilities due to his expertise in management, commitment to excellence, and strong communication skills. Thompson's resume is enclosed and he is available to schedule an interview to further discuss employment opportunities.
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Cover letter for functional resume
1. Joshua Thompson
706 N Knight St.
PlantCity, Fl.33563
[email protected]
I am contact you regardingthe open management position.My professional experiencemakes me an excellent
candidatefor this position.
As you will seefrom the enclosed resume, I have more than three years of experience in management. My resume
shows that I have been consistently rewarded for hard work with promotions and increased responsibilities.These
rewards are a direct resultof my expertise in management, my commitment to personal and professional
excellence, and my excellent written and oral communication skills.
If you have questions,or if you want to schedulean interview, pleasecontactme at (863)513-5652.I look forward
to meeting you to further discuss employment opportunities.
Joshua D. Thompson