Commercial International Bank is a national Egyptian bank with multinational operations headquartered in Egypt. It offers a range of banking, insurance, and securities services to corporate clients, wealthy individuals, and the upper-middle class. While the banking industry is increasingly competitive with new entrants, the company has maintained high profitability through its reputation for trustworthiness and quality services. It follows green practices to reduce its environmental impact and aims to lower resource consumption over time.
8. Current and potential
S Qatar National bank (QNB)
S National bank of Kuwait (NBK)
S Credit Agricole
S Alex Bank
S Banque Misr
S Others
14. Does it follow green production
S Yes!
S Lower consumption
S Goal
15. Strengths and Weaknesses
Strengths Weaknesses
Trustworthy and good reputation No enough focus on the normal
individual customer
Great quality and quantity of
Not enough marketing or