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Rafiel Saavedra

 Concise
 Organized
 Tailored to Audience
 Persuasive
 Credible
 Proper Delivery

 Say what you need to say
 Nothing more
 Nothing less
 Be focused
 There is always a time limit
    Saying too much bores and is counterproductive
    Saying too little leaves audience confused

 You have your points
 You say your points
 You move on
 Speech has clear beginning middle and end

 Who are you talking to?
 Identity of your audience is imperative
 Are you talking to:
    elementary school students?
    college students?
    business men and woman?
    union workers?

 Same speech can be made differently
 Appeal to the audience
 Convince them of your speech
 Several ways to do this:
   Humor
   Evidence based logic
   Bandwagoning
   Fearmongering
   And many many more
   Wikipedia has several more examples here and here

 People need a reason to believe you
 Sound like you know what you’re doing
 Look like you know what you’re doing
 Look likeable
   Clean shaven
   Clean clothes
   Well dressed
   Well combed

 Way you say it is more powerful than how you say it
 Good hand motions
 Confident body language
 Fluent speech
 Good attitude
 Good   ways to practice your speech:
   Talk to yourself in the mirror
      (Doing this allows you to see your visual mistakes (i.e. body
   Repetition
      (The more you do it the more you know it the more prepared you
   Extemporaneous speaking
      Don’t memorize you speech word by word
      Memorize concepts and order of delivery
      Allows you to improvise on the spot
      Preserves speech emotion
 Hand motions
    Help give outlet to nervous energy
    Helps pacing, gives you rhythm

 Practice with friend or family
    Especially the encouraging kind, they set you up for success
    Talk to a pet if you have no one else

 Breath properly
    Breath steadily even if the rest of you isn’t steady
    Breathing steadily gives you rhythm and relaxes

 More tips here!
 Here’s more good advice on good speechmaking

 Here’s how NOT to make a speech
 Cat Stare Picture
 We Need You pic
 Of course, thank you YouTube for these great videos.
 Thank you Wikipedia for its sites
 Thank you University of Rochester for its webpage
 Everything else from Microsoft office.

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RS How to Make a Good Speech

  • 1. HOW TO MAKE A GOOD SPEECH By Rafiel Saavedra
  • 2. QUALITIES OF A GOOD SPEECH  Concise  Organized  Tailored to Audience  Persuasive  Credible  Proper Delivery
  • 3. CONCISE  Say what you need to say  Nothing more  Nothing less  Be focused  There is always a time limit  Saying too much bores and is counterproductive  Saying too little leaves audience confused
  • 4. ORGANIZED  You have your points  You say your points  You move on  Speech has clear beginning middle and end
  • 5. AUDIENCE  Who are you talking to?  Identity of your audience is imperative  Are you talking to:  elementary school students?  college students?  business men and woman?  union workers?  Same speech can be made differently
  • 6. PERSUASIVE  Appeal to the audience  Convince them of your speech  Several ways to do this:  Humor  Evidence based logic  Bandwagoning  Fearmongering  And many many more  Wikipedia has several more examples here and here
  • 7. CREDIBLE  People need a reason to believe you  Sound like you know what you’re doing  Look like you know what you’re doing  Look likeable  Clean shaven  Clean clothes  Well dressed  Well combed
  • 8. DELIVERY  Way you say it is more powerful than how you say it  Good hand motions  Confident body language  Fluent speech  Good attitude
  • 9. PREPARATION  Good ways to practice your speech:  Talk to yourself in the mirror  (Doing this allows you to see your visual mistakes (i.e. body language))  Repetition  (The more you do it the more you know it the more prepared you are)  Extemporaneous speaking  Don’t memorize you speech word by word  Memorize concepts and order of delivery  Allows you to improvise on the spot  Preserves speech emotion
  • 10. DEALING WITH ANXIETY  Hand motions  Help give outlet to nervous energy  Helps pacing, gives you rhythm  Practice with friend or family  Especially the encouraging kind, they set you up for success  Talk to a pet if you have no one else  Breath properly  Breath steadily even if the rest of you isn’t steady  Breathing steadily gives you rhythm and relaxes  More tips here!
  • 11. VIDEOS!!!  Here’s more good advice on good speechmaking   Here’s how NOT to make a speech 
  • 12. REFERENCES  Cat Stare Picture  We Need You pic  Of course, thank you YouTube for these great videos.  Thank you Wikipedia for its sites  Thank you University of Rochester for its webpage  Everything else from Microsoft office.