Mammary duct ectasia is a non-cancerous breast condition that causes inflammation and thickening of the milk ducts, most commonly affecting women between 45-55 years old. It is caused by factors like nipple inversion, aging, obesity, and smoking. Symptoms include greenish or black nipple discharge, breast tenderness or pain, inverted nipples, redness, and swelling. Diagnosis involves breast exams, mammograms, ultrasounds, and biopsies. Treatment focuses on wearing supportive bras, applying heat/ice, taking pain medications, and potentially microdochectomy or duct excision surgery.
2. • It is inflammation and thickening of milk ducts.
• It is a non-cancerous ( benign) breast condition.
• It occurs in women between the age of 45 to 55
• Greenish or black nipple discharge,
• Tenderness in the nipple or areola,
• Inverted nipple,
• Pain,
• Redness on the affected breast,
• Swelling.
• Wear a supportive bra to reduce discomfort,
• Apply a warm compress/ heat pack,
• Sleep on the unaffected breast side,
• Use a breast pad,
• Quit smoking,
• Reduce weight,
• For mastitis - apply ice packs or cold compresses.
• Pain relief like acetaminophen,
• Anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen,
• Antibiotics.
• Microdochectomy,
• A total duct excision.