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Episode 1: Principles of Learning

   Episode 1:

   Name of FS Student______________________________________________________________
   Course_______________________________________ Year & Section _____________________

   Resource Teacher 1______________________ Signature ______________Date______________

   Resource Teacher 2______________________ Signature ______________Date______________

   Resource Teacher 3______________________Signature______________ Date______________

   Cooperating School_______________________________________________________________

   My Target
           While I observe three different classes, I will be able to identify applications of the
   principles of learning in the teaching – learning process.

   My Performance (How I will be Rated)
Field Study 2, Episode 1- Principles of Learning
Focused on: Application of the principles of learning in the teaching – learning process

                       Exemplary               Superior                 Satisfactory              Unsatisfactory
                           4                      3                           2                         1
Observation/       All tasks were done    All or nearly all tasks   Nearly all tasks were     Fewer than half of tasks
Documentation:     with outstanding       were done with high       done with acceptable      were done; or most
                   quality; work          quality                   quality                   objectives met but with
                   exceeds                                                                    poor quality

                                                    3                          2                          1
My Analysis        Analysis questions     Analysis questions        Analysis questions were   Analysis questions were
                   were answered          were answered             not answered              not answered.
                   completely; in depth   completely                completely
                   answers; thoroughly                                                        Grammar and spelling
                   grounded on            Clear connection          Vaguely related to the    unsatisfactory
                   theories               with theories             theories
                   grammar and            Grammar and               Grammar and spelling
                   spelling.              spelling are              acceptable
                                                     3                         2                          1
   1|Field Study 2 : Experiencing the Teaching -Learning Process
Episode 1: Principles of Learning

                            Exemplary              Superior                Satisfactory                Unsatisfactory
                                 4                     3                         2                            1
My reflection          Reflection            Reflection              Reflection statements       Reflection statements are
                       statements are        statements are clear    are shallow; supported      unclear and shallow and
                       profound and clear,   but not clearly         by experiences from the     are not supported by
                       supported by          supported by            episode.                    experiences from the
                       experiences from      experiences from                                    episode.
                       the episode.          the episode.
                                  4                     3                                                     1
My portfolio           Portfolio is          Portfolio is            Portfolio is incomplete;    Portfolio has many lacking
                       complete, clear,      complete, clear,        supporting                  components; is
                       well-organized and    well-organized and      documentation is            unorganized and unclear.
                       all supporting        most supporting         organized but is lacking.
                       documentation are     documentation are
                       located in sections   available and/or
                       clearly designated.   logical and clearly
                                             marked locations.

                                4                     3                          2                           1
Submission             Before deadline.      On the deadline.        A day after the             Two days or more after
                                                                     deadline.                   the deadline.

                                 4                      3                        2                           1

                                                                     Rating based on
       Overall Score                                                 transmutation:

      ______________________________                                                           _________________
       Signature of FS Teacher above printed name                                                      Date

                                       Transmutation of Scores to Grades/ Ratings

     Score               Grade                 Rating               Score              Grade                 Rating

      20                  1.0                    99                 12-13               2.50                   81
     18-19                1.25                   96                   11                2.75                   78
      17                  1.5                    93                   10                3.00                   75
      16                  1.75                   90                   8-9               3.5                  72 and
      15                  2.00                   87                7- below             5.00                 below
      14                  2.25                   84

   2|Field Study 2 : Experiencing the Teaching -Learning Process
Episode 1: Principles of Learning

       My Map
      I will observe at least 3 different classes. Pay close attention to what the Resource
Teacher does to teach and what the learners do to learn.

       To hit my Target, I will work my way through these steps:

 Step 1 : I will review the principles of learning on pp. 21 - 25 of
           Principles of Teaching 1, 2007 by Corpuz, B. and G.

                 Step2 : I will observe 3 different classes

                Step 3 : I will identify evidence of applications of the principles of
                           learning. (You are given a sample in # 1 principle.) I can
                            cite more than one evidence per principle of learning.

                       Step 4: Guided by a question/questions, I will reflect on my
                                experience, write down my reflection.

3|Field Study 2 : Experiencing the Teaching -Learning Process
Episode 1: Principles of Learning

My Tools
       As I observe a class, I will use the Observation Sheet for a more focused observation.

                                         OBSERVATION SHEET

Name of the Resource Teachers Observed:_________________, __________________, ______________

School Address:___________________________________________ Date:_________________________

Grade/ Year Level: ____________________________Subject Area: _______________________________

             Principles of Learning                  Teaching Behavior of the Teaching/Learning
                                                     Behavior of the Learner as Proof of the
                                                     Application of the Principle of Learning


1. Learning is an experience which occurs inside 1. Teacher lets the learners do the learning activity.
the learner and is activated by the learner.     e.g. – pupil write letter A instead of Teacher writing
                                                 or them.

2. Learning is the discovery of the personal 2.
meaning and relevance of ideas.

4|Field Study 2 : Experiencing the Teaching -Learning Process
Episode 1: Principles of Learning

3. Learning is a consequence of experience.    3.

4. Learning is a cooperative and collaborative 4.

5. Learning is an evolutionary process.        5.

6. Learning is sometimes a painful process.    6.

5|Field Study 2 : Experiencing the Teaching -Learning Process
Episode 1: Principles of Learning

7. One of the richest resources or the learning is 7.
the learner himself.

8. The process of learning is an emotional as well 8.
as intellectual.

9. The process o problem solving and the learning 9.
are highly unique and individual.

6|Field Study 2 : Experiencing the Teaching -Learning Process
Episode 1: Principles of Learning

My Analysis

  1. What is the impact of the Resource Teacher’s observance of these principles on the
     teaching – learning process and on the learners? _________________________________
  2. Which learning principle was applied most? _____________________________________
  3. Which learning principle was applied least or not at all applied? ____________________
  4. Do you agree with these principles of learning? Or have you discovered that they are not
     always correct? ___________________________________________________________

7|Field Study 2 : Experiencing the Teaching -Learning Process
Episode 1: Principles of Learning


      My Reflections
 1.  My reflections on my observations of my Resource Teacher’s observance of these principles. Did
     my Resource Teachers adhere to these principles? _________________________
  2. Lessons I have learned from my observations on the classroom application of the principles of
     learning ___________________________________________________________

8|Field Study 2 : Experiencing the Teaching -Learning Process
Episode 1: Principles of Learning

     My Portfolio

                    Principles of Learning in My Own Words









9|Field Study 2 : Experiencing the Teaching -Learning Process

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Fs 2 episode 1

  • 1. Episode 1: Principles of Learning Episode 1: PRINCIPLES OF LEARNING Name of FS Student______________________________________________________________ Course_______________________________________ Year & Section _____________________ Resource Teacher 1______________________ Signature ______________Date______________ Resource Teacher 2______________________ Signature ______________Date______________ Resource Teacher 3______________________Signature______________ Date______________ Cooperating School_______________________________________________________________ My Target While I observe three different classes, I will be able to identify applications of the principles of learning in the teaching – learning process. My Performance (How I will be Rated) Field Study 2, Episode 1- Principles of Learning Focused on: Application of the principles of learning in the teaching – learning process Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Tasks 4 3 2 1 Observation/ All tasks were done All or nearly all tasks Nearly all tasks were Fewer than half of tasks Documentation: with outstanding were done with high done with acceptable were done; or most quality; work quality quality objectives met but with exceeds poor quality expectations 4 3 2 1 My Analysis Analysis questions Analysis questions Analysis questions were Analysis questions were were answered were answered not answered not answered. completely; in depth completely completely answers; thoroughly Grammar and spelling grounded on Clear connection Vaguely related to the unsatisfactory theories with theories theories -Exemplary grammar and Grammar and Grammar and spelling spelling. spelling are acceptable superior. 4 3 2 1 1|Field Study 2 : Experiencing the Teaching -Learning Process
  • 2. Episode 1: Principles of Learning Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Tasks 4 3 2 1 My reflection Reflection Reflection Reflection statements Reflection statements are statements are statements are clear are shallow; supported unclear and shallow and profound and clear, but not clearly by experiences from the are not supported by supported by supported by episode. experiences from the experiences from experiences from episode. the episode. the episode. 2 4 3 1 My portfolio Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio is incomplete; Portfolio has many lacking complete, clear, complete, clear, supporting components; is well-organized and well-organized and documentation is unorganized and unclear. all supporting most supporting organized but is lacking. documentation are documentation are located in sections available and/or clearly designated. logical and clearly marked locations. 4 3 2 1 Submission Before deadline. On the deadline. A day after the Two days or more after deadline. the deadline. 4 3 2 1 Subtotals Rating based on Overall Score transmutation: ______________________________ _________________ Signature of FS Teacher above printed name Date Transmutation of Scores to Grades/ Ratings Score Grade Rating Score Grade Rating 20 1.0 99 12-13 2.50 81 18-19 1.25 96 11 2.75 78 17 1.5 93 10 3.00 75 16 1.75 90 8-9 3.5 72 and 15 2.00 87 7- below 5.00 below 14 2.25 84 2|Field Study 2 : Experiencing the Teaching -Learning Process
  • 3. Episode 1: Principles of Learning My Map I will observe at least 3 different classes. Pay close attention to what the Resource Teacher does to teach and what the learners do to learn. To hit my Target, I will work my way through these steps: Step 1 : I will review the principles of learning on pp. 21 - 25 of Principles of Teaching 1, 2007 by Corpuz, B. and G. Salandalan Step2 : I will observe 3 different classes Step 3 : I will identify evidence of applications of the principles of learning. (You are given a sample in # 1 principle.) I can cite more than one evidence per principle of learning. Step 4: Guided by a question/questions, I will reflect on my experience, write down my reflection. 3|Field Study 2 : Experiencing the Teaching -Learning Process
  • 4. Episode 1: Principles of Learning My Tools As I observe a class, I will use the Observation Sheet for a more focused observation. OBSERVATION SHEET Name of the Resource Teachers Observed:_________________, __________________, ______________ School Address:___________________________________________ Date:_________________________ Grade/ Year Level: ____________________________Subject Area: _______________________________ Principles of Learning Teaching Behavior of the Teaching/Learning Behavior of the Learner as Proof of the Application of the Principle of Learning Sample: 1. Learning is an experience which occurs inside 1. Teacher lets the learners do the learning activity. the learner and is activated by the learner. e.g. – pupil write letter A instead of Teacher writing or them. 2. Learning is the discovery of the personal 2. meaning and relevance of ideas. 4|Field Study 2 : Experiencing the Teaching -Learning Process
  • 5. Episode 1: Principles of Learning 3. Learning is a consequence of experience. 3. 4. Learning is a cooperative and collaborative 4. process. 5. Learning is an evolutionary process. 5. 6. Learning is sometimes a painful process. 6. 5|Field Study 2 : Experiencing the Teaching -Learning Process
  • 6. Episode 1: Principles of Learning 7. One of the richest resources or the learning is 7. the learner himself. 8. The process of learning is an emotional as well 8. as intellectual. 9. The process o problem solving and the learning 9. are highly unique and individual. 6|Field Study 2 : Experiencing the Teaching -Learning Process
  • 7. Episode 1: Principles of Learning My Analysis 1. What is the impact of the Resource Teacher’s observance of these principles on the teaching – learning process and on the learners? _________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 2. Which learning principle was applied most? _____________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 3. Which learning principle was applied least or not at all applied? ____________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 4. Do you agree with these principles of learning? Or have you discovered that they are not always correct? ___________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 7|Field Study 2 : Experiencing the Teaching -Learning Process
  • 8. Episode 1: Principles of Learning _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ My Reflections 1. My reflections on my observations of my Resource Teacher’s observance of these principles. Did my Resource Teachers adhere to these principles? _________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 2. Lessons I have learned from my observations on the classroom application of the principles of learning ___________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 8|Field Study 2 : Experiencing the Teaching -Learning Process
  • 9. Episode 1: Principles of Learning My Portfolio Principles of Learning in My Own Words 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 9|Field Study 2 : Experiencing the Teaching -Learning Process