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Hand-drawn Iceberg Diagram - Editable PowerPoint Graphics
Hand-drawn Iceberg Diagram
Insert text Insert text

Insert text Insert text

Insert text Insert text

Insert text Insert text

Insert text Insert text

Insert text Insert text
Hand-drawn Iceberg Diagram
Insert text Insert text

Insert text Insert text

Insert text insert text
Insert text insert text

 Insert text Insert text
 Insert text Insert text

Insert text Insert text
 Insert text Insert text
 Insert text Insert text
 Insert text insert text
 Insert text insert text
 Insert text insert text

Insert text insert text

Insert text Insert text
Hand-drawn Iceberg Diagram
Insert text Insert text

Insert text

Insert text

Insert text Insert text

Insert text Insert text

Insert text Insert text Insert text Insert text

Insert text Insert text Insert text
Insert text Insert text Insert text
 Insert text Insert text

 Insert text Insert text

 Insert text Insert text

 Insert text Insert text

 Insert text insert text insert text

 Insert text insert text insert text

 insert text insert text insert text

 insert text insert text insert text
Hand-drawn Iceberg Diagram

Insert text Insert text
Insert text

Insert text

Insert text

 Insert text Insert text
 Insert text Insert text
 Insert text Insert text

Insert text Insert text

 Insert text Insert text

Insert text

Insert text Insert text
Insert text Insert text

Insert text Insert text
Insert text
Hand-drawn Iceberg Diagram - Editable PowerPoint Graphics
DOWNLOAD our maps and diagrams and discover
the advantages of native PowerPoint images.

Crisp and Clear: much sharper than clip art
Change size without loss of resolution

Change color to all or part of an image
Remove parts of an image to highlight
Combine images to create something new

From This


Customer Discovery Step-by-Step


and Pricing


Market type


Test “Product” Hypothesis
Friendly first



Market Knowledge

Test “Product” Hypothesis
First reality

Verity the


Verify the

Yet more

Verity the
Business Model

Second Reality

Iterate or Exit

1st Advisory

Can Do So Much

MORE… Compare

Clear and Sharp Resolution

Resize without loss
Combine parts
Change colors
Separate parts
Be creative
Change colors

Change size

Separate pieces
About us
Launched in June 2004, Chillibreeze Solutions Pvt. Ltd. is a content and design service provider catering to the needs
of a global clientele. We offer a wide range of content writing and design services and are constantly coming up
with new and innovative ways to help our customers. We have expanded our range of services by offering specific,
niche products and services through our group websites.
Offering content writing and editing services to customers across the globe.
Specializing in PowerPoint Presentation support to consultants across the globe.
Selling Products at:
Specialized in Apple Keynote Presentation.
Specialized in PowerPoint Infographic.
eProduct Store.

Contact us:

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Hand-drawn Iceberg Diagram - Editable PowerPoint Graphics

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  • 3. Hand-drawn Iceberg Diagram Insert text Insert text Insert text Insert text Insert text insert text Insert text insert text  Insert text Insert text  Insert text Insert text Insert text Insert text  Insert text Insert text  Insert text Insert text  Insert text insert text  Insert text insert text  Insert text insert text Insert text insert text Insert text Insert text
  • 4. Hand-drawn Iceberg Diagram Insert text Insert text Insert text Insert text Insert text Insert text Insert text Insert text Insert text Insert text Insert text Insert text Insert text Insert text Insert text Insert text Insert text Insert text  Insert text Insert text  Insert text Insert text  Insert text Insert text  Insert text Insert text  Insert text insert text insert text  Insert text insert text insert text  insert text insert text insert text  insert text insert text insert text
  • 5. Hand-drawn Iceberg Diagram Insert text Insert text Insert text Insert text Insert text  Insert text Insert text  Insert text Insert text  Insert text Insert text Insert text Insert text  Insert text Insert text Insert text Insert text Insert text Insert text Insert text Insert text Insert text Insert text
  • 7. DOWNLOAD our maps and diagrams and discover the advantages of native PowerPoint images. Crisp and Clear: much sharper than clip art Change size without loss of resolution Change color to all or part of an image Remove parts of an image to highlight Combine images to create something new
  • 8. Makeovers Fast From This To This Customer Discovery Step-by-Step Product Hypothesis Customer and Problem Hypothesis Distribution and Pricing Hypothesis Demand creation Hypothesis Market type Hypothesis Competitive Hypothesis Test “Product” Hypothesis Friendly first Contacts Problem Presentation Customer Understanding Market Knowledge Test “Product” Hypothesis First reality cheack Verity the Problem “Product” Presentation Verify the Product Yet more Customer Visits Verity the Business Model Second Reality cheack Iterate or Exit 1st Advisory Board Verify
  • 9. You Can Do So Much MORE… Compare Clear and Sharp Resolution Resize without loss Combine parts Change colors Separate parts Be creative
  • 11. About us Launched in June 2004, Chillibreeze Solutions Pvt. Ltd. is a content and design service provider catering to the needs of a global clientele. We offer a wide range of content writing and design services and are constantly coming up with new and innovative ways to help our customers. We have expanded our range of services by offering specific, niche products and services through our group websites. Offering content writing and editing services to customers across the globe. Specializing in PowerPoint Presentation support to consultants across the globe. Selling Products at: Specialized in Apple Keynote Presentation. Specialized in PowerPoint Infographic. eProduct Store. Contact us: [email protected]