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Marketing Research
Prepared by
Rajveer Bhaskar
Assistant Professor, RCPIPER
Marketing Research
 Marketing research is the systematic
gathering, recording and analyzing of data
about problems relating to the marketing
of goods and services.
 Market research will give you the data you
need to identify and reach your target
market at a price customers are willing to
 Marketing research focuses and organizes
marketing information. It permits
entrepreneurs to:
 Spot current and upcoming problems in the
current market
 Reduce business risks
 Identify sales opportunities
 Develop plans of action
Market Research
 Successful marketing requires timely and
relevant market information.
 An inexpensive research program, based
on questionnaires given to current or
prospective customers, can uncover
dissatisfaction or possible new products or
 Marketing research is not a perfect science.
It deals with people and their constantly
changing feelings and behaviors, which are
influenced by countless subjective factors.
 To conduct marketing research, you must
gather facts and opinions in an orderly,
objective way to find out what people want
to buy, not just what you want to sell
 Market research will identify trends that
affect sales and profitability.
 Population shifts
 Legal developments
 The local economic situation should be
monitored to quickly identify problems and
 Keeping up with competitors' market
strategies also is important.
 Every small business owner must ask
the following questions to devise
effective marketing strategies:
 Who are my customers and
potential customers?
 What kind of people are they?
 Where do they live?
 Can and will they buy?
Why do market research?
 People will not buy products or services they
do not want.
 Learning what customers want and how to
present it drives the need for marketing
 Small business has an edge over larger
businesses in this regard.
 Small business owners have a sense of their
customers' needs from years of experience, but this
informal information may not be timely or relevant
to the current market.
How to do market research
 Analyze returned items.
 Ask former customers why they've switched.
 Look at competitors’ prices.
 Formal marketing research simply makes this
familiar process orderly. It provides a
framework to organize market information.
Market research - the process
 Market research can be simple or complex.
 You might conduct simple market
 Example: Questionnaire in your customer bills
to gather demographic information about your
 You might conduct complex research.
 Example: Hiring a professional market
research firm to conduct primary research to
aid in developing a marketing strategy to
launch a new product
 Regardless of the simplicity or complexity
of your marketing research project, you'll
benefit by reviewing the following seven
steps in the market research process.
Step 1: Define Marketing Problems
and Opportunities
 You are trying to launch a new product or
 Awareness of your company and its
products or services is low.
 The market is familiar with your company,
but still is not doing business with you.
 Your company has a poor image and
 Your goods and services are not reaching
the buying public in a timely manner.
Step 2: Set Objectives, Budget
and Timetables
 Explore the nature of a problem so you may
further define it.
 Determine how many people will buy your
product packaged in a certain way and
offered at a certain price.
 Test possible cause- and effect-
 For example, if you lower your price by 10
percent, what increased sales volume should
you expect?
 What impact will this strategy have on your
 Your market research budget is a portion of
your overall marketing budget.
 Allocate a small percentage of gross sales for
the most recent year to use on market
 It’s usually about 2 percent for an existing
 Planning to launch a new product or
 You may want to increase your budget to as much
as 10 percent of your expected gross sales.
 Other methods include analyzing and
estimating the competition's budget and
calculating your cost of marketing per sale.
 Prepare a detailed timeline to complete all
steps of the market research process.
 Establish target dates that will allow the
best accessibility to your market.
 For example, a holiday greeting card business
may want to conduct research before or
around the holiday season buying period, when
its customers are most likely to be thinking
about their purchases.
Step 3: Select Research Types,
Methods and Techniques
 Two types of research are available:
 Primary research is original information
gathered for a specific purpose.
 Secondary research is information that already
exists somewhere.
Secondary Research
 Secondary research is faster and less
expensive than primary research.
 Gathering secondary research may be as
simple as making a trip to your local
library or business information center or
browsing the Internet.
 It utilizes information already published.
 Surveys, books, magazines, etc.
Secondary Research Cont.
 Localized figures provide better information
as local conditions might buck national
 Newspapers and other local media are helpful.
 Many sources of secondary research material
are available. It can be found in:
 Libraries
 GALES' Directory is available at any public library.
 Colleges
 Trade and general business publications and
 Trade associations and government agencies are
rich sources of information.
Example of Secondary Research
 An article may show how much working
mothers spent on convenience foods last
 If you were thinking about selling a
convenience food, this information would
show you what kind of market there is for
convenience foods.
 It doesn’t show you how much they are willing
to spend on your particular product.
Primary Research
 Primary research can be as simple as
asking customers or suppliers how they
feel about a business, or as complex as
surveys conducted by professional
marketing research firms.
 Examples of primary research are:
 Direct-mail questionnaires
 On-line or telephone surveys
 Experiments
 Panel studies
 Test marketing
 Behavior observation
Primary Research
 Primary research is divided into reactive and
nonreactive research.
 Nonreactive
 Observes how real people behave in real market
situations without influencing that behavior
 Reactive research
 Includes surveys, interviews and questionnaires
 This research is best left to marketing
professionals, as they usually can get more
objective and sophisticated results.
Primary Research Cont.
 Those who can't afford high-priced marketing
research services should consider asking
nearby college or university business schools
for help.
Step 4: Design Research Instruments
 The most common research instrument is
the questionnaire. Keep these tips in mind
when designing your market research
 Keep it simple. Include instructions for
answering all questions
 Begin the survey with general questions and
move toward more specific questions.
 Design a questionnaire that is graphically
pleasing and easy to read.
 Before printing the survey, ask a few
people to complete the survey and give
 Mix the form of the questions for different
sections of the questionnaire
 Scales
 Rankings
 Open-ended questions
 Closed-ended questions
 The form or way a question is asked may
influence the answer given. Questions are
in two forms: closed-end questions and
open-end questions.
Closed-ended questions
 Types of closed-ended questions include:
 Multiple choice questions
 “Yes” or “No” questions
 Scales refer to questions that ask
respondents to rank their answers or
measure their answer at a particular point on
a scale.
 For example, a respondent may have the choice to
rank his/her feelings toward a particular
statement. The scale may range from "Strongly
Disagree" "Disagree" and "Indifferent" to "Agree"
and "Strongly Agree."
Open-ended questions
 Respondents answer questions in their own
 Types of open-ended questions include:
 Word association questions ask respondents to
state the first word that comes to mind when a
particular word is mentioned.
 Fill-in-the blank
 For example, a question might
read: “When I eat toast and
jelly, I use _____brand of jelly
and it usually costs about
________ per jar.
Step 5: Collect Data
 To obtain clear, unbiased and
reliable results, collect the
data under the direction of
experienced researchers.
 Before beginning data
collection, You must to train,
educate and supervise your
research staff.
 Untrained staff conducting
primary research will lead to
interviewer bias.
Step 5 Cont.
 Stick to the objectives and rules associated
with the methods and techniques you have
set in Step 2 and Step 3.
 Be as scientific as possible in gathering your
Step 6: Organize
and Analyze the Data
 Once data has been collected, it needs to
be cleaned.
 Cleaning research data involves editing,
coding and tabulating results.
 Start with a simply designed research
instrument or questionnaire.
 Look for data focusing on immediate market
 Rely on subjective information only as support
for more general findings of objective research.
 Analyze for consistency; compare the results of
different methods of your data collection.
 Look for common opinions that may be counted
 Read between the lines. For example, combine
U.S. Census Bureau statistics on median income
levels for a given location and the number of
homeowners vs. renters in the area.
Step 7: Present and Use Market
Research Findings
 Once marketing information is
collected and analyzed, present
it in an organized manner to the
decision makers of the business.
 You may want to report your
findings in the market analysis
section of your business plan.
 You may want to familiarize your
sales and marketing departments
with the data or conduct a
companywide informational
training seminar using the
Assess Available Information
 Assess the information that is immediately
 You may have the information you need to
support your marketing plan without doing
extensive market research.
 Weigh the cost of gathering more
information against its potential
Gather Additional Information
 Before considering surveys or field
experiments, look at currently held
 Sales records
 Complaints
 Receipts
 Other records that show where
customers live and work, and
how and what they buy.
Additional Information Cont.
 Credit records are an excellent source of
information. They give information about:
 Customers' jobs
 Income levels
 Marital status
 Employees may be the best source of information
about customer likes and dislikes.
 They hear customers' minor gripes about the store or
service - the ones customers don't think important
enough to take to the owner.
 Employees are aware of the items customers request
that you do not stock.
 They often can supply good customer profiles from
their day-to-day contacts.
 Visit the following Web site for information on how to conduct
market research:
 If you need assistance in conducting primary market
research, contact your local SBDC office,
 Market Research Workbook
 Conducting market research factsheet:
Additional Resources
 Summary of marketing basics:
 Market trends and forcasts:
 Research and Statistics Office of Economic

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Market research

  • 1. Marketing Research Prepared by Rajveer Bhaskar Assistant Professor, RCPIPER
  • 2. Marketing Research  Marketing research is the systematic gathering, recording and analyzing of data about problems relating to the marketing of goods and services.  Market research will give you the data you need to identify and reach your target market at a price customers are willing to pay.
  • 3.  Marketing research focuses and organizes marketing information. It permits entrepreneurs to:  Spot current and upcoming problems in the current market  Reduce business risks  Identify sales opportunities  Develop plans of action
  • 4. Market Research  Successful marketing requires timely and relevant market information.  An inexpensive research program, based on questionnaires given to current or prospective customers, can uncover dissatisfaction or possible new products or services.
  • 5.  Marketing research is not a perfect science. It deals with people and their constantly changing feelings and behaviors, which are influenced by countless subjective factors.  To conduct marketing research, you must gather facts and opinions in an orderly, objective way to find out what people want to buy, not just what you want to sell them.
  • 6.  Market research will identify trends that affect sales and profitability.  Population shifts  Legal developments  The local economic situation should be monitored to quickly identify problems and opportunities  Keeping up with competitors' market strategies also is important.
  • 7.  Every small business owner must ask the following questions to devise effective marketing strategies:  Who are my customers and potential customers?  What kind of people are they?  Where do they live?  Can and will they buy?
  • 8. Why do market research?  People will not buy products or services they do not want.  Learning what customers want and how to present it drives the need for marketing research.  Small business has an edge over larger businesses in this regard.  Small business owners have a sense of their customers' needs from years of experience, but this informal information may not be timely or relevant to the current market.
  • 9. How to do market research  Analyze returned items.  Ask former customers why they've switched.  Look at competitors’ prices.  Formal marketing research simply makes this familiar process orderly. It provides a framework to organize market information.
  • 10. Market research - the process  Market research can be simple or complex.  You might conduct simple market research.  Example: Questionnaire in your customer bills to gather demographic information about your customers  You might conduct complex research.  Example: Hiring a professional market research firm to conduct primary research to aid in developing a marketing strategy to launch a new product
  • 11.  Regardless of the simplicity or complexity of your marketing research project, you'll benefit by reviewing the following seven steps in the market research process. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
  • 12. Step 1: Define Marketing Problems and Opportunities  You are trying to launch a new product or service.  Awareness of your company and its products or services is low.  The market is familiar with your company, but still is not doing business with you.  Your company has a poor image and reputation.  Your goods and services are not reaching the buying public in a timely manner. Opportunity Problem Problem Problem Problem
  • 13. Step 2: Set Objectives, Budget and Timetables
  • 14. Objectives  Explore the nature of a problem so you may further define it.  Determine how many people will buy your product packaged in a certain way and offered at a certain price.  Test possible cause- and effect- relationships.  For example, if you lower your price by 10 percent, what increased sales volume should you expect?  What impact will this strategy have on your profit?
  • 15. Budget  Your market research budget is a portion of your overall marketing budget.  Allocate a small percentage of gross sales for the most recent year to use on market research.  It’s usually about 2 percent for an existing business.  Planning to launch a new product or business?  You may want to increase your budget to as much as 10 percent of your expected gross sales.  Other methods include analyzing and estimating the competition's budget and calculating your cost of marketing per sale.
  • 16. Timetables  Prepare a detailed timeline to complete all steps of the market research process.  Establish target dates that will allow the best accessibility to your market.  For example, a holiday greeting card business may want to conduct research before or around the holiday season buying period, when its customers are most likely to be thinking about their purchases.
  • 17. Step 3: Select Research Types, Methods and Techniques  Two types of research are available:  Primary research is original information gathered for a specific purpose.  Secondary research is information that already exists somewhere.
  • 18. Secondary Research  Secondary research is faster and less expensive than primary research.  Gathering secondary research may be as simple as making a trip to your local library or business information center or browsing the Internet.  It utilizes information already published.  Surveys, books, magazines, etc.
  • 19. Secondary Research Cont.  Localized figures provide better information as local conditions might buck national trends.  Newspapers and other local media are helpful.  Many sources of secondary research material are available. It can be found in:  Libraries  GALES' Directory is available at any public library.  Colleges  Trade and general business publications and newspapers  Trade associations and government agencies are rich sources of information.
  • 20. Example of Secondary Research  An article may show how much working mothers spent on convenience foods last year.  If you were thinking about selling a convenience food, this information would show you what kind of market there is for convenience foods.  It doesn’t show you how much they are willing to spend on your particular product.
  • 21. Primary Research  Primary research can be as simple as asking customers or suppliers how they feel about a business, or as complex as surveys conducted by professional marketing research firms.  Examples of primary research are:  Direct-mail questionnaires  On-line or telephone surveys  Experiments  Panel studies  Test marketing  Behavior observation
  • 22. Primary Research  Primary research is divided into reactive and nonreactive research.  Nonreactive  Observes how real people behave in real market situations without influencing that behavior  Reactive research  Includes surveys, interviews and questionnaires  This research is best left to marketing professionals, as they usually can get more objective and sophisticated results.
  • 23. Primary Research Cont.  Those who can't afford high-priced marketing research services should consider asking nearby college or university business schools for help.
  • 24. Step 4: Design Research Instruments  The most common research instrument is the questionnaire. Keep these tips in mind when designing your market research questionnaire.  Keep it simple. Include instructions for answering all questions  Begin the survey with general questions and move toward more specific questions.  Design a questionnaire that is graphically pleasing and easy to read.
  • 25.  Before printing the survey, ask a few people to complete the survey and give feedback.  Mix the form of the questions for different sections of the questionnaire  Scales  Rankings  Open-ended questions  Closed-ended questions  The form or way a question is asked may influence the answer given. Questions are in two forms: closed-end questions and open-end questions.
  • 26. Closed-ended questions  Types of closed-ended questions include:  Multiple choice questions  “Yes” or “No” questions  Scales refer to questions that ask respondents to rank their answers or measure their answer at a particular point on a scale.  For example, a respondent may have the choice to rank his/her feelings toward a particular statement. The scale may range from "Strongly Disagree" "Disagree" and "Indifferent" to "Agree" and "Strongly Agree."
  • 27. Open-ended questions  Respondents answer questions in their own words.  Types of open-ended questions include:  Word association questions ask respondents to state the first word that comes to mind when a particular word is mentioned.  Fill-in-the blank  For example, a question might read: “When I eat toast and jelly, I use _____brand of jelly and it usually costs about ________ per jar.
  • 28. Step 5: Collect Data  To obtain clear, unbiased and reliable results, collect the data under the direction of experienced researchers.  Before beginning data collection, You must to train, educate and supervise your research staff.  Untrained staff conducting primary research will lead to interviewer bias.
  • 29. Step 5 Cont.  Stick to the objectives and rules associated with the methods and techniques you have set in Step 2 and Step 3.  Be as scientific as possible in gathering your information.
  • 30. Step 6: Organize and Analyze the Data  Once data has been collected, it needs to be cleaned.  Cleaning research data involves editing, coding and tabulating results.  Start with a simply designed research instrument or questionnaire.
  • 31.  Look for data focusing on immediate market needs.  Rely on subjective information only as support for more general findings of objective research.  Analyze for consistency; compare the results of different methods of your data collection.  Look for common opinions that may be counted together.  Read between the lines. For example, combine U.S. Census Bureau statistics on median income levels for a given location and the number of homeowners vs. renters in the area.
  • 32. Step 7: Present and Use Market Research Findings  Once marketing information is collected and analyzed, present it in an organized manner to the decision makers of the business.  You may want to report your findings in the market analysis section of your business plan.  You may want to familiarize your sales and marketing departments with the data or conduct a companywide informational training seminar using the information.
  • 33. Assess Available Information  Assess the information that is immediately available.  You may have the information you need to support your marketing plan without doing extensive market research.  Weigh the cost of gathering more information against its potential usefulness.
  • 34. Gather Additional Information  Before considering surveys or field experiments, look at currently held information:  Sales records  Complaints  Receipts  Other records that show where customers live and work, and how and what they buy.
  • 35. Additional Information Cont.  Credit records are an excellent source of information. They give information about:  Customers' jobs  Income levels  Marital status  Employees may be the best source of information about customer likes and dislikes.  They hear customers' minor gripes about the store or service - the ones customers don't think important enough to take to the owner.  Employees are aware of the items customers request that you do not stock.  They often can supply good customer profiles from their day-to-day contacts.
  • 36.  Visit the following Web site for information on how to conduct market research: /SERV-MARKETRESEARCH.html  If you need assistance in conducting primary market research, contact your local SBDC office,  Market Research Workbook asp  Conducting market research factsheet: Additional Resources
  • 37.  Summary of marketing basics: ketandprice/SERV_MARKBASICS.html  Market trends and forcasts: doc_id=2023#Trends  Research and Statistics Office of Economic Research: