7. Leukocytes (Greek: “White Hollows”)
• All WBCs (leukocytes) have a nucleus and no hemoglobin.
• Protect body against microorganisms and remove dead cells and
• Their average total number is 6000 to 8000 per mm3.
• Granular or agranular classification based on presence of
cytoplasmic granules made visible by staining.
• Types & Functions
• Granulocytes
– Neutrophils: Small phagocytic cells
– Eosinophils: Reduce inflammation
– Basophils: Release histamine and increase inflammatory response
• Agranulocytes
– Lymphocytes: Immunity
– Monocytes: Become macrophages
8. Neutrophil (polymorphonuclear leukocyte)
1. Life Span: < 1 week
2. Granulocyte with specific and non-specific granules
3. About 9-12 µm in diameter (thus larger than RBC). Nucleus
long and multi-lobed (usually 2-4 lobes).
4. Cytoplasm has small, neutrally stained specific granules.
Non-specific granules are azurophilic (stains blue).
Specific granules
• Type IV collagenase (aids migration)
• Lactoferrin (sequesters iron)
• Phospholipase A2 (leukotriene synthesis)
• Lysozyme (digests bacterial cell wall)
Non-specific granules (lysosomes)
• Lysozyme
• Acid hydrolase
• Myeloperoxidase
• Elastase
9. Chemotaxis (from chemo- + taxis) is the
movement in response to a chemical stimulus.
5. Function: Primarily antibacterial
• Give fastest response of all WBC to bacteria and parasites.
• Neutrophils leave the blood and follow chemotaxic signals to sites of
wounding or other inflammation, and phagocytose foreign agents
such as bacteria. Pus is composed largely of dead neutrophils.
• Direct actions against bacteria
- release lysozymes which destroy/digest bacteria
- release defensin proteins that act like antibiotics
- release strong oxidants (bleach-like, strong chemicals ) that destroy
11. Eosinophil
1. Life Span: < 2 weeks
2. Granulocyte with specific and non-specific granules
2. About 10-14 µm in diameter. Bi-lobed nucleus. The cytoplasm has prominent
pink/red specific granules (stained with eosin dye).
3. The specific granules are ovoid in shape, and contain a dark crystalloid body
composed of major basic protein (MBP), effective against parasites. The rest
of the granule contains other anti-parasitic substances. The cytoplasm also
contains lysosomes (=azurophilic granules).
3. Function:
• Anti-parasitic activity
• Mediators of inflammatory/allergic responses in tissues
• Inactivate leukotrienes and histamine secreted by basophils
• Engulf and sequester antigen-antibody complexes
• Inflammatory stimulus increases production/release of eosinophils
from bone marrow, whereas inflammatory suppression decreases
eosinophil numbers in peripheral blood.
Specific granules
• Major basic protein
• Eosinophilic cationic protein
• Neurotoxin
• Histaminase
Non-specific granules (lysosomes)
• Lysozyme
• Acid hydrolase
• Myeloperoxidase
• Elastase
13. Basophil
1. Life Span: 1-2 years (?)
2. Granulocyte with specific and non-specific granules
2. About 8-10 µm in diameter. The cytoplasm contains large, purple/black specific
granules (stained with the basic dye) that are larger but not as numerous as
those of eosinophils. The nucleus is usually bi-lobed, but usually is partially
obscured by granules, which can lie over it.
3. The specific granules vary in size and shape, and have occasional myelin figures
(usually formed from phospholipids). The cytoplasm also has some lysosomes
(=azurophilic granules).
4. Function: Allergies and anaphylaxis (hypersensitivity reaction)
• Binding of antigens to membrane-bound IgE antibodies induces degranulation of specific
granules, which leads to allergic reaction.
• In hypersensitivity reaction, widespread vasodilation (arteriolar) and vessel leakiness induce
circulatory shock. Bronchial spasms cause respiratory insufficiency; combined effect is
anaphylactic shock.
5. Similarity to tissue mast cells: Tissue mast cells also have IgE receptors and
similar (though not identical) granule content. Mast cells and basophils have a
common precursor in bone marrow.
Specific granules
• Histamine
• Heparin
• Eosinophil chemotactic factor
• Phospholipids for synthesis of leukotrienes, e.g.
slow-reacting substance of anaphylaxis ( SRS-A )
Non-specific granules (lysosomes)
• Lysozyme
• Acid hydrolase
• Myeloperoxidase
• Elastase
15. Lymphocyte
1. Life Span: variable (few days to several years)
2. Small lymphocyte (about 90% of lymphocytes you will see) are ~8 µm in
diameter, while large lymphocytes may be up to about 15 µm. Round,
dense nucleus (abundant heterochromatin). The cytoplasm of a small
lymphocyte is a narrow rim around the nucleus, and when well stained is
pale blue. T-lymphocytes and B-lymphocytes cannot be distinguished in
a smear.
3. The cytoplasm doesn't appear to be very active, containing mainly
mitochondria and free ribosomes.
4. Function: Cellular and humoral immunity. In general:
– B-lymphocytes (B-cells): may differentiate into tissue plasma B cells which
make antibodies. Some B-cells become memory cells.
– T-lymphocytes (T-cells): cytotoxic T cells and helper T cells.
18. Monocyte
1. Life Span: few days in blood, several months in connective tissue
2. About 16 µm in smears, thus the largest leukocyte. Large, eccentric
nucleus either oval, kidney-shaped or horseshoe-shaped, with delicate
chromatin that is less dense than that of lymphocytes. Pale cytoplasm,
often grayish, may contain occasional stained granules (lysosomes =
azurophilic granules). Large lymphocytes may resemble monocytes, but
the lymphocyte nucleus is usually more dense.
3. Cytoplasm contains mitochondria and some small lysosomes.
4. Function
– Migrate into tissues and constitute mononuclear phagocyte system that help
destroy foreign bodies and maintain or remodel tissues
Tissue macrophages Kupffer cells (liver) Osteoclasts (bone)
Dust cells (lungs) Microglia (brain)
– Mediate inflammatory response
– Antigen presenting cells
20. Major functions of WBCs
• Defensive action:
– Phagocytosis: The neutrophils and monocytes engulf
foreign particles and microorganism.
– Antibody formation: Lymphocytes produce antibodies
(mainly gamma globulin) and play an important role in
defensive mechanism of the body.
• Secretion of heparin: The basophils secret heparin, which
helps in the prevention of intravascular clot.
• Manufacture of trephones: Leukocytes produce some special
protein like substance known as “trephones” which have
great influence on nutrition, growth and tissue repair .
21. Differential WBC Count (DC)
• Detection of changes in numbers of circulating
WBCs (percentages of each type)
– indicates infection, poisoning, leukemia,
chemotherapy, parasites or allergic reaction
• Normal WBC counts
– TC (Total count): 5,000-10,000 / L
– DC (Differential count)
• neutrophils 60-70% (up if bacterial infection)
• lymphocyte 20-25% (up if viral infection)
• monocytes 3 -- 8 % (up if fungal/viral infection)
• eosinophil 2 -- 4 % (up if parasite or allergy reaction)
• basophil <1% (up if allergy reaction or hypothyroid)
22. Inflammation: Role of Neutrophils and Macrophages
When tissue injury occurs, whether caused by bacteria, trauma, chemicals, heat, or any
other phenomenon, multiple substances are released by the injured tissues and cause
dramatic secondary changes in the surrounding uninjured tissues. This entire complex of
tissue changes is called inflammation.
“Walling-Off” Effect of Inflammation. One of the first results of inflammation is to “wall
off ” the area of injury from the remaining tissues. The tissue spaces and the lymphatics in
the inflamed area are blocked by fibrinogen clots so that after a while, fluid barely
flows through the spaces. This walling-off process delays the spread of bacteria or toxic
Tissue Macrophage Is a First Line of Defense Against Infection.
Within minutes after inflammation begins, the macrophages already present in the
tissues, whether histiocytes in the subcutaneous tissues, alveolar macrophages in the
lungs, microglia in the brain, or others, immediately begin their phagocytic actions.
Neutrophil Invasion of the Inflamed Area Is a Second Line of
Defense. Within the first hour or so after inflammation begins, large numbers of
neutrophils begin to invade the inflamed area from the blood. Because the blood
neutrophils are already mature cells, they are ready to immediately begin their
scavenger functions for killing bacteria and removing foreign matter.
23. Acute Increase in Number of Neutrophils in the Blood—“Neutrophilia.”
Also within a few hours after the onset of acute, severe inflammation, the number of
neutrophils in the blood sometimes increases fourfold to fivefold—from a normal of 4000
to 5000 to 15,000 to 25,000 neutrophils per microliter. This is called neutrophilia,
which means an increase in the number of neutrophils in the blood.
Second Macrophage Invasion into the Inflamed Tissue Is a Third
Line of Defense. Along with the invasion of neutrophils, monocytes from the blood enter
the inflamed tissue and enlarge to become macrophages. Even after invading the
inflamed tissue, monocytes are still immature cells, requiring 8 hours or more to swell to
much larger sizes and develop tremendous quantities of lysosomes; only then do they
acquire the full capacity of tissue macrophages for phagocytosis.
As already pointed out, macrophages can phagocytize far more bacteria (about five times
as many) and far larger particles, including even neutrophils themselves
and large quantities of necrotic tissue, than can neutrophils.
Increased Production of Granulocytes and Monocytes by the
Bone Marrow Is a Fourth Line of Defense. The fourth line of defense is greatly increased
production of both granulocytes and monocytes by the bone marrow. This results from
stimulation of the granulocytic and monocytic progenitor cells of the marrow. However, it
takes 3 to 4 days before newly formed granulocytes and monocytes reach the stage of
leaving the bone marrow.
24. Formation of Pus
When neutrophils and macrophages engulf large numbers of bacteria and necrotic tissue,
essentially all the neutrophils and many, if not most, of the macrophages eventually die.
After several days, a cavity is often excavated in the inflamed tissues that contains varying
portions of necrotic tissue, dead neutrophils, dead macrophages, and tissue fluid. This
mixture is commonly known as pus.
25. Leukemias
Leukemias are a group of cancers of the blood or bone
marrow and are characterized by an abnormal
proliferation (production by multiplication) of blood
cells, usually white blood cells (leukocytes).
Leukemia is a broad term covering a spectrum of
diseases. Any of various acute or chronic neoplastic
diseases of the bone marrow in which unrestrained
proliferation of white blood cells occurs and which is
usually accompanied by anemia and
26. Classification of leukemias
Two major types (4 subtypes) of leukemias
Acute leukemias
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL)
Acute myelogenous leukemia (AML)
(also "myeloid" or "nonlymphocytic")
Chronic leukemias
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)
Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML)
(Within these main categories, there are typically
several subcategories)
27. Myeloid vs Lymphoid
• Any disease that arises from the myeloid
elements (white cell, red cell, platelets) is a
myeloid disease
….. AML, CML
• Any disease that arises from the lymphoid
elements is a lymphoid disease
….. ALL, CLL
28. Acute vs. chronic leukemia
• Acute leukemias:
• Young, immature, blast cells in the bone marrow
(and often blood)
• More fulminant (severe and sudden in onset)
• More aggressive course
• Chronic leukemias:
• Accumulation of mature, differentiated cells
• Often subclinical or incidental presentation
• In general, more indolent (slow) course
• Frequently splenomegaly
• Mature appearing cells in the B. marrow and blood
29. Leukopenia
A clinical condition known as leukopenia occasionally occurs in which the bone marrow
produces very few white blood cells, leaving the body unprotected against
many bacteria and other agents that might invade the tissues.
Within 2 days after the bone marrow stops producing white blood cells, ulcers may
appear in the mouth and colon, or the person might develop some form of
severe respiratory infection. Bacteria from the ulcers rapidly invade surrounding tissues
and the blood. Without treatment, death often ensues in less than a week after acute
total leukopenia begins.
Irradiation of the body by x-rays or gamma rays, or exposure to some drugs and
chemicals, is likely to cause aplasia of the bone marrow.