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Homecoming Skit Script – Senior Squarepants Taylor Kunkel
*Enter PLANKTON. From the Chum Bucket, he uses a stethoscope and binocularsto spyon SPONGEBOB as he comes running to
ward the camera with spatula in hand and hat on head. He then runs into the KrustyKrab*
(Muffled talking is to portraythe way PLANKTON can hear through the stethoscope)
SPONGEBOB: I’m ready!I’m ready!
*SPONGEBOB runs to the grill, but stops at the register to greet SQUIDWARD and MR. KRABS*
SPONGEBOB: Hi Mr. Krabs!…Hi Squidw ard. ;)
SQUIDWARD: Barnacle head…
MR. KRABS: Okay me boy, I need ya to make dem here Krabby Patties for Santa Clara’s Homecoming game tonight because I nee
d me some money! Aye aye aye aye aye
SPONGEBOB: (aw estruck) You want me…to make Krabby Patties for a…a HOMECOMING game? (He explodes w ith excitement)
OH BOY!!! When can I start?
MR. KRABS: Right now boy, get crackin’!Those patties ain’t gonna make themselves! Aye aye aye. (Then turning serious) But boy,
I don’t w ant any funny businessgoing on, so take the formula *MR. KRABS pulls out the formula from his back pocket and puts it in
SPONGEBOB’s hand* to make sure everything turns out perfectly
*Just then, a butterflyflutters into the Chum Bucket and attacks Plankton. (showclip from the actual show) Plankton is so terrified th
at he drops the stethoscope and makes a run for it, thus ending his spying spree & bringing talking backto normal. The scene goes
back to the KrustyKrab*
SPONGEBOB: Oh Mr. Krabs, you know me better than that! Da-a-a-a-a. *SPONGEBOB returns the formula to MR. KRABS* Everyt
hing w illbe fine.
MR. KRABS: Alright then, me boy. Don’t let me dow n now!
*Exit MR. KRABS. Scene flashes backto Chum Bucket. PLANKTON revives himself*
PLANKTON: What on earth w as that…*pause* Oh w here wasI? Karen! I have the perfect plan to steal that recipe! Then I’ll have th
e busiest establishment in Bikini Bottom! Muahahahahaha!
KAREN: Here w e go again…
*Scene flashes back to the KrustyKrab. Enter PATRICK. He walks up to the register*
PATRICK: Hi Squidw ard.
SQUIDWARD: What do you w ant, Patrick…
PATRICK: Uhh… can I get some mayonnaise?
SQUIDWARD: That’s not on the menu (then, speaking to himself) moron…
PATRICK: Oh... Is mayonnaise an instrument?
SQUIDWARD: NO. Now order something or go be stupid somew here else.
PATRICK: Okay, okay! I’ll have uhh…
*time card: two hours later; the line becomes insanelylong and people become impatient*
SQUIDWARD: Patrick, do you plan on ordering today?
PATRICK: Uhh okay... One Krabby Patty, please! *PATRICK hands SQUIDWARD money*
Homecoming Skit Script – Senior Squarepants Taylor Kunkel
SQUIDWARD: How original... One Krabby Patty, coming up.
SPONGEBOB: Order up! *SPONGEBOB hands the KrabbyPattyto SQUIDWARD*
*PATRICK greets SPONGEBOB, SQUIDWARD gives PATRICK his KrabbyPatty, PATRICK thanks both, and then takes a seat at a
table. Enter COACH, walking up to register*
COACH: Ahoy ye scallywags!Ineed me 100 Krabby Patties, yo ho yo ho.
*LINE OF CUSTOMERS groan in hunger*
*SPONGEBOB excitedlystickshis head out of the serving window*
SPONGEBOB: Oh boy!! 100 Krabby Patties?! What for?
COACH: I’m a footballcoach at Santa Clara High and me boys need their energy to beat Piedmont!
SPONGEBOB: OH. You must be the coach for the Homecoming game! Aye aye captain! *SPONGEBOB salutes* 100 Krabby Pattie
s, coming right up!
*Several seconds later, SPONGEBOB comesout with an enormous laundrybag filled with KrabbyPatties*
SPONGEBOB: (struggling to speak) Here you are sir, 100 Krabby Patties! If you need any more, I’ll be flipping patties at the game t
onight, too!
*COACH hands SQUIDWARD a boatload of money all jumbled up; thanks the boys and exits with his order. SPONGEBOB returns t
o his post*
SQUIDWARD: Idiot… *SQUIDWARD struggles to organize the moneyinto the register* Who has the nerve to just leave someone w
ith a mess like this… Oh w hat’sthis? *SQUIDWARD pulls out a folded w hite paper fromthe pile, unfolds it and realizes he’s holding
the game plan. Slight pause* Spongebob…
SPONGEBOB: (seen through w indow)Yes, Squidward?
SQUIDWARD: We have his game plan. You’d better go give it to him, or he’ll come back… -___-
SPONGEBOB: But Squidw ard, Ican’t! There are too many customers!Here, give it to me! *SPONGEBOB pulls a bottle out of a hol
e in his head, rolls up the game plan, sticks it into the bottle and corks it* now it’llbe sa—
*Just then, enter MERMAID MAN and BARNACLE BOY like old, confident men*
*SPONGEBOB drops the bottle on the kitchen floor and runs to the dining area to greet them. Enter PLANKTON, unseen. He walks
into the kitchen to find the bottle unattended*
PLANKTON: Can it be?! The Krabby Patty formula, just out in the open like this? Muahahahaha! Imbeciles!
*PLANKTON grabs the bottle and runs off. Exit PLANKTON*
MERMAID MAN: (points up to the air, legs spread apart, knees bent) Eviiiil!
BARNACLE BOY: I’m telling ya, you old coot! This is the Krusty Krab, not the retirement home.
MERMAID MAN: Huh? Oh… oh okay. Well I guess w e’d better get going then.
SPONGEBOB: Bye Mermaid Man! Bye Barnacle Boy!
CUSTOMER #1: (irritated fromthe w ait) Any day now!I’ve been w aiting in line for three hours!
*SPONGEBOB returns to his post and is in the middle of making a KrabbyPattywhen he realizesthat the game plan is missing. He
looks everywhere within the kitchen, making a total mess*
Homecoming Skit Script – Senior Squarepants Taylor Kunkel
SQUIDWARD: What is it, you nim rod?
SPONGEBOB: The game plan is gone! Someone stole it! What are w e going to do?!
SQUIDWARD: WE? Don’t you mean YOU? Figure it out yourself, stupid.
SPONGEBOB: (to himself) Oh no! Without the game plan, Santa Clara w illnever be able to beat Piedmont! Alright, you know w hat t
o do Spongebob, you can do this! FOR THE KRUST KRAB! OHLOOLOOLOOLOOL!
*SPONGEBOB runs over to PATRICK who is sitting at a nearbytable*
SPONGEBOB: Patrick, w e need to go find Sandy RIGHT NOW. The game plan has been stolen!
PATRICK: (takes a bite of his food / slurp of his drink) Sure thing, buddy!
*SPONGEBOB and PATRICK make their way over to SANDY’s dome and bang on her door*
SANDY: Well how dy Spongebob and Patrick!
SPONGEBOB: Sandy! Quick! You’ve gotta help. Someone stole the game plan for Santa Clara’s Homecoming game and they’re pl
aying tonight!
SANDY: Not w orries, Spongebob!I’m almost done w ith my latest invention. With it, w e can trackthat sucker anywhere!Allit’s missi
ng is some jelly fromJellyfish Fields to fuel it up.
*SANDY pulls out two jellyfishing nets; then SPONGEBOB, SANDY, and PATRICK make their way to Jellyfish Fields. Upon their arr
ival, the jellyfish are seen just swaying and buzzing around*
SPONGEBOB: Quick Patrick! Catch a jellyfish!
PATRICK: Whoa! (something catches Patrick’s eye—a footballfalling fromthe sky. He catches it in his net) Haha it’s a giraffe!
SANDY: Never mind that! I’ve got the jelly. (SANDY dumps jelly into the device, then, talking to her device--) Okay, contraption. Loc
CONTRAPTION: Follow Blue’s clues.
*CONTRAPTION shows a path of paw prints from Blue’s Clues which lead up to the Chum Bucket*
SPONGEBOB: (looks at results) Holy fishpaste!It’s at the Chum Bucket!
*SPONGEBOB, PATRICK, and SANDY rush over to the Chum Bucket*
PLANKTON: Muahahaha! Yes!I’ve finally gotten a hold of the Krabby Patty secret formula, and w ith it, I WILL RULE THE WORLD!
*SPONGEBOB, PATRICK, and SANDY barge into the Chum Bucket*
SPONGEBOB: Not so fast, Plankton!
SANDY: Yeah! Fun time’s over!
PATRICK: (singing) F is for friends who do stuff together, Uis fo—
SANDY: Not now , Patrick!
PLANKTON: Imbeciles! You w on’t be able to stop me from finding out w hat’sin this secret formula!
SPONGEBOB: Secret formula? Oh da-a-a-a-a-a-a!Silly Plankton! No! That’s not the secret formula!That’s a game plan for Santa
Clara’s Homecoming game!
Homecoming Skit Script – Senior Squarepants Taylor Kunkel
SANDY: Yeah! Check it out if you don’t believe us!
*PLANKTON un-corks the bottle and unravels the game plan. Out loud, he reads, “Bruin Pride will lead to victory*
PLANKTON: …oh......
KAREN: Yeah Plankton, you moron.
PLANKTON: Karen! D: D: D: … w ell. Even better! Give me the formula and—
*PATRICK remembers the football in hisnet and throws it at PLANKTON. PLANKTON is knocked over and the game plan goes flyin
g. SLOW MO. SPONGEBOB dives for it, but GARY suddenlyappears to save the day instead hehe*
SPONGEBOB: Yay!We did it! We saved the game plan!
*timecard: several hours later*
*Different shots of the Football Field with the KrustyKrab training musicplaying*
ANNOUNCING FISH: Attention Bikini Bottom, attention! THIS JUST IN: The Santa Clara Bruins have w on the Homecoming game a
fter a successfulfumble by number 20!
*video show sclip of a fumble w ith an audio edit of “MY LEG!”, and a w inning field goal fromnumber 14, the crowd cheers*
FISH: Here’s to an exciting rest of the day, backto you Kimberly Vernon

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Homecoming Skit Script

  • 1. Homecoming Skit Script – Senior Squarepants Taylor Kunkel *Enter PLANKTON. From the Chum Bucket, he uses a stethoscope and binocularsto spyon SPONGEBOB as he comes running to ward the camera with spatula in hand and hat on head. He then runs into the KrustyKrab* (Muffled talking is to portraythe way PLANKTON can hear through the stethoscope) SPONGEBOB: I’m ready!I’m ready! *SPONGEBOB runs to the grill, but stops at the register to greet SQUIDWARD and MR. KRABS* SPONGEBOB: Hi Mr. Krabs!…Hi Squidw ard. ;) SQUIDWARD: Barnacle head… MR. KRABS: Okay me boy, I need ya to make dem here Krabby Patties for Santa Clara’s Homecoming game tonight because I nee d me some money! Aye aye aye aye aye SPONGEBOB: (aw estruck) You want me…to make Krabby Patties for a…a HOMECOMING game? (He explodes w ith excitement) OH BOY!!! When can I start? MR. KRABS: Right now boy, get crackin’!Those patties ain’t gonna make themselves! Aye aye aye. (Then turning serious) But boy, I don’t w ant any funny businessgoing on, so take the formula *MR. KRABS pulls out the formula from his back pocket and puts it in SPONGEBOB’s hand* to make sure everything turns out perfectly *Just then, a butterflyflutters into the Chum Bucket and attacks Plankton. (showclip from the actual show) Plankton is so terrified th at he drops the stethoscope and makes a run for it, thus ending his spying spree & bringing talking backto normal. The scene goes back to the KrustyKrab* SPONGEBOB: Oh Mr. Krabs, you know me better than that! Da-a-a-a-a. *SPONGEBOB returns the formula to MR. KRABS* Everyt hing w illbe fine. MR. KRABS: Alright then, me boy. Don’t let me dow n now! *Exit MR. KRABS. Scene flashes backto Chum Bucket. PLANKTON revives himself* PLANKTON: What on earth w as that…*pause* Oh w here wasI? Karen! I have the perfect plan to steal that recipe! Then I’ll have th e busiest establishment in Bikini Bottom! Muahahahahaha! KAREN: Here w e go again… *Scene flashes back to the KrustyKrab. Enter PATRICK. He walks up to the register* PATRICK: Hi Squidw ard. SQUIDWARD: What do you w ant, Patrick… PATRICK: Uhh… can I get some mayonnaise? SQUIDWARD: That’s not on the menu (then, speaking to himself) moron… PATRICK: Oh... Is mayonnaise an instrument? SQUIDWARD: NO. Now order something or go be stupid somew here else. PATRICK: Okay, okay! I’ll have uhh… *time card: two hours later; the line becomes insanelylong and people become impatient* SQUIDWARD: Patrick, do you plan on ordering today? PATRICK: Uhh okay... One Krabby Patty, please! *PATRICK hands SQUIDWARD money*
  • 2. Homecoming Skit Script – Senior Squarepants Taylor Kunkel SQUIDWARD: How original... One Krabby Patty, coming up. SPONGEBOB: Order up! *SPONGEBOB hands the KrabbyPattyto SQUIDWARD* *PATRICK greets SPONGEBOB, SQUIDWARD gives PATRICK his KrabbyPatty, PATRICK thanks both, and then takes a seat at a table. Enter COACH, walking up to register* COACH: Ahoy ye scallywags!Ineed me 100 Krabby Patties, yo ho yo ho. *LINE OF CUSTOMERS groan in hunger* *SPONGEBOB excitedlystickshis head out of the serving window* SPONGEBOB: Oh boy!! 100 Krabby Patties?! What for? COACH: I’m a footballcoach at Santa Clara High and me boys need their energy to beat Piedmont! SPONGEBOB: OH. You must be the coach for the Homecoming game! Aye aye captain! *SPONGEBOB salutes* 100 Krabby Pattie s, coming right up! *Several seconds later, SPONGEBOB comesout with an enormous laundrybag filled with KrabbyPatties* SPONGEBOB: (struggling to speak) Here you are sir, 100 Krabby Patties! If you need any more, I’ll be flipping patties at the game t onight, too! *COACH hands SQUIDWARD a boatload of money all jumbled up; thanks the boys and exits with his order. SPONGEBOB returns t o his post* SQUIDWARD: Idiot… *SQUIDWARD struggles to organize the moneyinto the register* Who has the nerve to just leave someone w ith a mess like this… Oh w hat’sthis? *SQUIDWARD pulls out a folded w hite paper fromthe pile, unfolds it and realizes he’s holding the game plan. Slight pause* Spongebob… SPONGEBOB: (seen through w indow)Yes, Squidward? SQUIDWARD: We have his game plan. You’d better go give it to him, or he’ll come back… -___- SPONGEBOB: But Squidw ard, Ican’t! There are too many customers!Here, give it to me! *SPONGEBOB pulls a bottle out of a hol e in his head, rolls up the game plan, sticks it into the bottle and corks it* now it’llbe sa— *Just then, enter MERMAID MAN and BARNACLE BOY like old, confident men* SPONGEBOB: MERMAID MAN! BARNACLE BOY! *SPONGEBOB drops the bottle on the kitchen floor and runs to the dining area to greet them. Enter PLANKTON, unseen. He walks into the kitchen to find the bottle unattended* PLANKTON: Can it be?! The Krabby Patty formula, just out in the open like this? Muahahahaha! Imbeciles! *PLANKTON grabs the bottle and runs off. Exit PLANKTON* MERMAID MAN: (points up to the air, legs spread apart, knees bent) Eviiiil! BARNACLE BOY: I’m telling ya, you old coot! This is the Krusty Krab, not the retirement home. MERMAID MAN: Huh? Oh… oh okay. Well I guess w e’d better get going then. SPONGEBOB: Bye Mermaid Man! Bye Barnacle Boy! CUSTOMER #1: (irritated fromthe w ait) Any day now!I’ve been w aiting in line for three hours! *SPONGEBOB returns to his post and is in the middle of making a KrabbyPattywhen he realizesthat the game plan is missing. He looks everywhere within the kitchen, making a total mess*
  • 3. Homecoming Skit Script – Senior Squarepants Taylor Kunkel SPONGEBOB: SQUIDWAAARD!!! SQUIDWARD: What is it, you nim rod? SPONGEBOB: The game plan is gone! Someone stole it! What are w e going to do?! SQUIDWARD: WE? Don’t you mean YOU? Figure it out yourself, stupid. SPONGEBOB: (to himself) Oh no! Without the game plan, Santa Clara w illnever be able to beat Piedmont! Alright, you know w hat t o do Spongebob, you can do this! FOR THE KRUST KRAB! OHLOOLOOLOOLOOL! *SPONGEBOB runs over to PATRICK who is sitting at a nearbytable* SPONGEBOB: Patrick, w e need to go find Sandy RIGHT NOW. The game plan has been stolen! PATRICK: (takes a bite of his food / slurp of his drink) Sure thing, buddy! *SPONGEBOB and PATRICK make their way over to SANDY’s dome and bang on her door* SANDY: Well how dy Spongebob and Patrick! SPONGEBOB: Sandy! Quick! You’ve gotta help. Someone stole the game plan for Santa Clara’s Homecoming game and they’re pl aying tonight! SANDY: Not w orries, Spongebob!I’m almost done w ith my latest invention. With it, w e can trackthat sucker anywhere!Allit’s missi ng is some jelly fromJellyfish Fields to fuel it up. *SANDY pulls out two jellyfishing nets; then SPONGEBOB, SANDY, and PATRICK make their way to Jellyfish Fields. Upon their arr ival, the jellyfish are seen just swaying and buzzing around* SPONGEBOB: Quick Patrick! Catch a jellyfish! PATRICK: Whoa! (something catches Patrick’s eye—a footballfalling fromthe sky. He catches it in his net) Haha it’s a giraffe! SANDY: Never mind that! I’ve got the jelly. (SANDY dumps jelly into the device, then, talking to her device--) Okay, contraption. Loc ate: GAME PLAN. CONTRAPTION: Follow Blue’s clues. *CONTRAPTION shows a path of paw prints from Blue’s Clues which lead up to the Chum Bucket* SPONGEBOB: (looks at results) Holy fishpaste!It’s at the Chum Bucket! *SPONGEBOB, PATRICK, and SANDY rush over to the Chum Bucket* PLANKTON: Muahahaha! Yes!I’ve finally gotten a hold of the Krabby Patty secret formula, and w ith it, I WILL RULE THE WORLD! *SPONGEBOB, PATRICK, and SANDY barge into the Chum Bucket* SPONGEBOB: Not so fast, Plankton! SANDY: Yeah! Fun time’s over! PATRICK: (singing) F is for friends who do stuff together, Uis fo— SANDY: Not now , Patrick! PLANKTON: Imbeciles! You w on’t be able to stop me from finding out w hat’sin this secret formula! SPONGEBOB: Secret formula? Oh da-a-a-a-a-a-a!Silly Plankton! No! That’s not the secret formula!That’s a game plan for Santa Clara’s Homecoming game!
  • 4. Homecoming Skit Script – Senior Squarepants Taylor Kunkel PLANKTON: What…? SANDY: Yeah! Check it out if you don’t believe us! *PLANKTON un-corks the bottle and unravels the game plan. Out loud, he reads, “Bruin Pride will lead to victory* PLANKTON: …oh...... KAREN: Yeah Plankton, you moron. PLANKTON: Karen! D: D: D: … w ell. Even better! Give me the formula and— *PATRICK remembers the football in hisnet and throws it at PLANKTON. PLANKTON is knocked over and the game plan goes flyin g. SLOW MO. SPONGEBOB dives for it, but GARY suddenlyappears to save the day instead hehe* SPONGEBOB: Yay!We did it! We saved the game plan! SPONGEBOB, PATRICK, SANDY / GARY: Hooray! / Meow . *timecard: several hours later* *Different shots of the Football Field with the KrustyKrab training musicplaying* ANNOUNCING FISH: Attention Bikini Bottom, attention! THIS JUST IN: The Santa Clara Bruins have w on the Homecoming game a fter a successfulfumble by number 20! *video show sclip of a fumble w ith an audio edit of “MY LEG!”, and a w inning field goal fromnumber 14, the crowd cheers* FISH: Here’s to an exciting rest of the day, backto you Kimberly Vernon