This newsletter article profiles ECO-TEC, a fuel supply company that signed an exclusive contract with the government of Zanzibar to address frequent fuel shortages. It discusses how ECO-TEC proposed a new supply model to guarantee reliable fuel delivery and stabilize prices. Since beginning deliveries in 1995, Zanzibar has enjoyed uninterrupted supply and fuel prices have remained unchanged while tax revenues from fuel have increased substantially. ECO-TEC aims to continue its best services and investments that benefit Zanzibar's energy sector.
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._.. A~quarterly News Letter 1 July - September 1997 Vol. 2 lssiieJNo: 9 .
• Law Forum - Income Tax Regulations
• Sponsor's Profile - ECO-TEC aims to continue
L--~_ _ __p___r_o_v~ding best services to Zanzibar
2. A Quarterly News Letter July - September 1997 Vol. 2 Issue No. 9
By Steve Herbert
ECO-TEC met with the Govern-
ment of Zanzibar (GOZ) in 1994 to
discuss possible solutions to the all
too frequent fuel shortages in
Zanzibar. With each supply disrup-
tion came the associated problem
of a black market, where products
would be sold for many times their
official price. The people of Zanzi-
bar could not rely on the suppliers
at that time to fulfil their obligations,
and this uncertainty manifested
itself in individuals storing products
as security against the next short-
age. The Government suffered by
way of substantially reduced tax
income from fuel imports, which
combined with an inefficient
collection system resulted in an
unacceptably low level of revenue
recovered from the fuel sector.
Fuel is the life blood of any
economy, so the supply disruptions
and associated price volatility were
fundamentally damaging to
Zanzibar, not only in a physical sense
- whereby business and individuals
were unable to carry out their daily
duties - but also in terms of inflation-
ary pressure. Governments World-
wide are intensely aware of the
need to have a stable - and
preferably low - level of inflation, in
order to create the necessary level
of confidence which precipitates
investment and growth. At the end
of our studies Eco-Tee proposed a
supply model which would assist the
Government in collecting the
petroleum taxes and guaranteed
fuel supplies at a fixed price, in
order to create both consumer
confidence and provide price
Eco-Tee began delivering
petroleum productsto Zanzibar in
July, 1995, since which time Zanzibar
has enjoyed two years of unprec-
edented supply reliability. Prices
have remained unchanged - save
for changes in the petroleum taxes,
and consumers are now confident
that the service stations will have
fuel. All of this has been achieved
during a period when only one of
the three storage terminals at Mtoni
has been continuously operational,
thereby placing considerable strain
The ChiefMinister Dr. Mohammed Gharib Bilal (left) discussing a point with
ECO-TEC Management Team, Mr. Keith Stockman (right), Mr. Tonny Caden
(second right) and the resident General Manager Mr. Soud H. Soud.
in the supply logistics.
Eco-Tee made the commitment
to GOZ to use Zanzibar resources
wherever possible. We worked
closely with the Zanzibar Shipping
Corporation (Shipco) to carry out
the necessary work to their vessel
M/T UHURU, in order that she could
be used as the supply vessel.
During the first year of supplies, we
learned of the plight of the M/T
UKOMBOZI, interned in Madagas-
car. Although we were advised
that several unsuccessful attempts
had already been made to secure
her release, we managed - with
Shipco'ssupport - to negotiate a
settlement with the Madagascan
company SECREN, which would
provide the necessary financial
platform for her release. We then
issued the US S2.3 million bank
guarantee as the agreed security
and paid USS l 00,000 for the
necessary repair work to make her
There are currently five (5) taxes
applicable to oil imports. Two (2)
based on volumes delivered to the
Marketers depots and three (3)
based on off-take from the depots.
Eco-Tee'ssupply model records
every litre of oil - verified by an
independent inspector - so that the
associated tax revenue due is
calculated to the last shilling. Eco-
Tec works closely with the Revenue
Department to ensure they have
regular updates on the volumes of
oil delivered to the marketers as
well as stock positions at the depots
which enables one to calculate the
Eco-Tee understands that in
1994, approximately USS 375,000
was collected from petroleum
imports. In the first year of Eco-Tee's
supply, petroleum tax revenues
increased to USS 2.6 million, and
furthermore to USS 3.5 million in the
second year. Eco-Tee has discussed
3. with GOZ, a pricing and supply
schedule which is capable of
earning up to US$ 8 million, at prices
which would be below those in
Mainland Tanzania.
Eco-Tee's principal investments
in Zanzibar include (l) the M/T
UKOMBOZI, (2) Holding strategic
stock in the event Zanzibar needs
urgent supplies, (3) providing the
Marketers with extended credit
facilities. Another investment which
we hope to conclude in the near
future is the construction of our own
strategic storage depot which
would ensure that Zanzibar always
has sufficient fuel, virtually irrespec-
tive of the current problems associ-
ated with Marketers under-ordering
and the occasional delay at the
loading port.
Apart from Eco-Tee's contrac-
tual responsibility to supply oil to
Zanzibar. we have offered our
services as oil consultants to GOZ, as
our World-wide network of offices
For the last two years, Eco-Tee has been supplying fuel oils to Zanzibar.
The Chairman ofEco-Tee Mr. Leslie Guillot, revisited the two years his
company has been in operation and other issues in an exclusive Interview
with our Editorial Board Member Nana Mwanjisi. Excerpts
Nana ECO-TEC has signed an
exclusive fuel supply contract with
the Government of Zanzibar. Can
you briefly give a profile of your
GUILLOT: Eco-Tee International (ET!)
is a trust company specifically set
up to identify commercial opportu-
nities. In 1994, while working in
Zanzibar on a fishing project, ETI was
approached by the Ministry of
Finance to try and find a solution to
the frequent and often chronic fuel
shortages suffered in Zanzibar. Once
the Government of Zanzibar (GOZ)
accepted ETl's proposal of a new
supply model, Eco-Tee Zanzibar
(ETZ) was formed to manage the
contractual supply obligations. ETZ is
a partnership of three entities that is
Eco-Tee International, Masefield Ltd.
both of the United Kingdom and the
Government of Zanzibar.
Nana Is your Company satisfied
with the facilitating services being
provided by ZIPA ?
GUILLOT: We understand ZIPA's role
as one of facilitating investment. We
do feel however. that its success is
encumbered by a legacy of
Ministerial bureaucracy, which
creates delays and inhibits the flow
of information required for the
relevant parties to understand what
need to be done to achieve one's
objective(s). Perhaps ZIPA needs a
substantial improvement in au-
tonomy to be able to service
potential investors' needs.
Nana In the past two years since
the Government awarded ECO-TEC
this supply contract, it is evident that
there has been steady supply of fuel
in the Islands. However. there are
some people who are sceptical of
your ability and even question ECO-
TEC'scredibility. What is your re-
action to this ?
GUILLOT: One of the fundamental
promises ET! made to GOZ, was to
bring to an end, the frequent
shortages suffered prior to July,
1995. As you indeed mention, we
have achieved this with great
success. For the past 2 years Zanzi-
bar has experienced a period of
unprecedented supply continuity,
enables us to provide comprehen-
sive advice on the energy sector.
Eco-Tee constantly looks for oppor-
tunities which may benefit Zanzibar.
One example of this is the introduc-
tion to GOZ, of the electricity
company ESCOM, who are now
compiling a report on how Zanzibar
can have its own independent
power supply.
Steve Hbert is the Operations Manager of
Eco-Tee based in London. •
at fixed prices. Fuel prices in
Zanzibar are now substantially
below those in Mainland Tanzania,
which is a situation we believe has
never before been achieved.
Our sceptics appear to have a
rather short memory which conve-
niently forgets the pre-1995 situation
of shortages, black markets, price
volatility and consumer uncertainty.
We understand that some of the
suppliers at that time , who were
unable to deliver fuel on reliable
basis, now wish to replicate ETZ's
supply model. Perhaps the saying
"a leopard never changes its sports"
is an appropriate response. Can
Zanzibar place any real trust in
companies who were unable to
perform when they had their
chance to do so ?
Nana How do you account for the
sporadic shortages that have
occurred even during this term of
your Contractual obligations?
GUILLOT: The process of purchasing,
loading, shipping, and discharging
petroleum products, is quite compli-
cated. Although at the com-
mencement of ETZ's deliveries to
Zanzibar, there were 3 operational
storage depots, problems with the
quality of many of the tanks meant
that significant improvements were
required. The result was that for the
continued to next page
4. A Quarterly News Letter July - September 1997 Vol. 2 Issue No.
~ · . . . d
The ChiefMinister (centre) accompanied by the Minister for Commumcati~n an .
Transport Hon. AmaniA. Karume being shown around MIT UK0'!1-BOZI. immedi-
ately upon her return from Madagascar whereby it underwent ma1or repairs.
last 12 months only British such we believe has gained the
Petroleum's (BP) terminal has been Government's confidence in such a
operational. This means that capacity. We have acted as
Zanzibar had approximately only 15 advisors on many oil related mat-
days storage capacity, which we ters, and as an example recently
are sure you can appreciate introduced the South African
placed substantial operational company ESCOM, who are now
restrictions on Eco-Tee, preventing working with GOZ on a solution to
us from loading at ports which were
further than a few days away from
Zanzibar, and leaving us exposed to
any operational problem which
occur from time to time in the oil
world such as Refinery shutdowns,
Mechanical problems with the
supply vessel, and Loadport con-
gestion. To compensate for the
Land storage problem, Eco-Tee has
held strategic stock on board of the
MIT UKOMBOZI, and has been
discussing with GOZ the idea of
building land storage tanks for
strategic storage purposes.
Nana Is it correct to say that the
contract empowers you to act as
Agents of the Government in the
collection of revenues? Have you
performed your duty to the maxi-
GUILLOT: The Fuel supply contract
does not empower Eco-Tee to act
as agents of GOZ. ETI is always
searching however, for opportunities
which may benefit Zanzibar, and as
Zanzibar's electricity shortfall. We
work closely with the Shipping
Corporation of Zanzibar, and make
all of our shipping expertise within
Ell's world wide group of offices
available to them. This co-opera-
tion, aligned with Ell's financial
strength, enabled the release of the
MIT UKOMBOZI from her internment
in Madagascar, and continues in
the form of repairing the vessel to
international standards.
Nana I understand that one of your
contractual obligations isto build
storage facilities in Zanzibar, which
will act as supply base as well as a
security against shortages. How far
have you implemented this obliga-
GUILLOT: Absolutely not. ETZ was
established to supply the Zanzibar
marketers with products. ETZ is not a
retail company, but the problems
with storage capacity and Market-
ers under-ordering on a regular
basis, has prompted ETZ to construct
land storage tanks to provide GOZ
with autonomous strategic storage.
We have concluded the necessary
formalities and are now in a position
to acquire our own storage.
Nana Some people believe that
the Government is loosing some
revenues by not exercising control in
bunkering activities for various
vessels. Is this area excluded in your
contract ? If it is inclusive, do you
have any plans to begin bunkering?
GUILLOT: It is correct that the
Zanzibarian registered vessels are
not bunkering in Zanzibar to any
significant degree, which is surpris-
ing given the GOZ discount which
makes the local price very competi-
tive in comparison with Dar-es-
Salaam. What one has to appreci-
ate is that International bunkers and
local bunkers are very different,
whereby International bunkers carry
little or no taxes. We know that
certain vessel owners are buying
International bunkers in ports such
as Mombassa, and transferring to
other vessels in their fleet at sea in
Tanzanian waters, to avoid paying
taxes. This is illegal, and requires
strong Government action to put an
end to what is also a potentially
dangerous operation, capable of
causing substantial pollution.
Nana Does Eco-Tee envisage to
diversify and may be consider to
invest in other areas ?
GUILLOT: As discussed above, ETI
constantly looks for new projects
which could be commercially
rewarding to both ETZ and Zanzibar.
We are currently discussing some
ideas with GOZ, although we must
say that managing the supply of
fuel to Zanzibar takes up much of
our time. We are hopeful however,
of progressing one or two ideas in
the near future. •