This document provides a comprehensive overview of medical terminology and human anatomy terms. It begins by explaining common prefixes related to numbers, directions, and positions. It then defines basic anatomy terms for different body parts. The document also lists common conditions, surgical procedures, and abbreviations. The goal is to help the reader learn and understand important terminology when navigating medical documents, reports, and manuals.
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In our previous courses, you may have noticed a number of complex anatomy and physiology
terms getting tossed around. Our complete medical terminology list will help you learn some of
the most common anatomical and surgical terms by looking at prefixes, suffixes, and roots.
Many times you’ll encounter a medical term that contains a prefix that describes a number. Here
are a few of the most common.
Prefix Meaning Example
Mono-, uni- One Unilateral
Bi- Two Bilateral
Tri- Three Triplicate
In medicine, you’ll often encounter terms that describe where a procedure or condition takes
place on the body.
Prefix Meaning Example
Ab- Away from Abduction
Ad- Toward Adduction
Ecto-, exo- Outside Ectoparasite
Endo- Inside Endoderm
Epi- Upon Epinenephrine
9. There are also a number of positional and directional medical terms that are not suffixes or
prefixes, but are instead standalone words. Here is a short medical billing terminology list of
some of the most valuable.
Word Meaning Example
Anterior or ventral At or near the front surface of the body “Anterior nerves”
Posterior or dorsal At or near the real surface of the body “Dorsal surface of the hand”
Superior Above “Superior (cranial) aspect”
Inferior Below “Inferior aspect”
Lateral Side “Lateral aspect”
Distal Farthest from center “Axons distal to the injury”
Proximal Nearest to center Proximal end of the forearm”
This medical billing terminology list will help you navigate the CPT and ICD manuals, decipher
doctor’s reports, and give you a more thorough understanding of the medical practice in general.
Let’s look now at a few basic terms for the regions of the body. You might recognize some of
Word Body Part
Abdominal abdomen
Buccal Cheek
Cranial Skull
10. Digital Fingers and toes
Femoral Thigh
Gluteal Buttock
Hallux Great toe
Inguinal Groin
Lumbar Loin (lowest part of the spine below the false ribs and between the hips)
Mammary Breast
Nasal Nose
Occipital Back of head
Pectoral Chest
Sternal Breastbone
Thoracic Chest
Umbilical Navel
Ventral Belly
Now that we’ve taken a look at the terms that describe the major regions of the body, let’s turn to
some conditions that may affect those body parts in this medical terminology list.
11. Prefix Meaning Example
Ambi- Both Ambidextrous
Dys- Bad, painful, difficult Dyslexia
Eu- Good, normal Eukaryote
Homo- Same Homogenous
Iso- Equal, same Isotope
Mal- Bad, poor Malnutrition
Suffix Meaning Example
-algia Pain Myalgia
-emia Blood Hypoglycemia
-itis Inflammation Bronchitis
-lysis Destruction, break down Dialysis
-oid Like Haploid
-opathy Disease of Neuropathy
-pnea Breathing Sleep apnea
Let’s wrap up this vocabulary review with a look at some of the most common surgical
procedures. Since it’s always imperative to list where on the body a surgical procedure was
performed, these vocabulary terms are a small but useful addition to this section. Memorize this
medical terminology suffixes list and you’ll know instantly what kind of procedure was
performed, even if you don’t know exactly what the procedure did.
Suffix Meaning Example
-centesis Puncture a cavity to remove fluid Amniocentesis
-ectomy Surgical removal or excision Hysterectomy
-ostomy A new permanent opening Tracheostomy
-otomy Cutting into, incision Gastrotomy
-orrhaphy Surgical repair or suture Gastrorrhaphy
-opexy Surgical fixation Nephropexy
-oplasty Surgical repair Rhinoplasty
-otripsy Crushing or destroying Lithotripsy
Note that you can also use your CPT manual to study human anatomy vocabulary. Current CPT
manuals come with instructive illustrations, diagrams, and charts all throughout the book,
including a medical terminology abbreviations list. In the front of the CPT manual, you should
be able to find a list of anatomical illustrations. Bookmark this page and refer to it in case you’re
looking for an illustration of the eye or inner ear, or need to remember which artery goes where.
Also, be sure to download our book for more detailed tables on medical terminology.
In the next section, find our medical terminology abbreviations list.
AAL – anterior Axillary Line
ACL – Anterior Cruciate Ligament
ADSF – Anterior Decomposition Spinal Fusion
AGN – Acute Glomerulonephritis
AKA – Above Knee Amputation
APR – Abdominoperineal Resection
ARF – Acute Renal Failure
ASA – Acute Surgical Abdomen
BAT – Blunt Abdominal Trauma
BIH – Bilateral Inguinal Hernia
BKA – Below Knee Amputation
CA – Cancer
CBD – Common Bile Duct
CBDE – Common Bile Duct Exploration
CKD – Chronic Kidney Disease
CLEA – Continuous Lumbar Epidural Anesthesia
COM – Chronic Otitis Media
D3 – Distal Third
DIH – Direct Induinal Hernia
DL – Direct Laryngoscopy
ECCE – Extra Capsular Cataract Extraction
EDC – Extensor Digitorum Communis
EDH – Epidural Hematoma
14. EEA – End to end Anastomosis
EEL – Emergency Exploratory Laparotomy
EGD – Esophagogastroduodenoscopy
ERCP – Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography
FBE – Foreign Body Extraction
FCU – Flexor Carpi Ulnaris
FDS – Flexor Digitorum Superficial
FDP – Flexor Digitorum Profundus
FESS – Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
FIA – Fistula in Ano
FTSG – Full Thickness Skin Grafting
GCS – Glascow Coma Scale
GETA – General Endotracheal Anesthesia
GSW – Gunshot Wound
HPT – Hemoperitoneum
I & D – Incision & Drainage
IBG – Iliac Bone Graft
ICS – Intercostal Space
IIH – Indirect Inguinal Hernia
IJ – Intrajugular
IOC – Intraoperative Cholangiogram
BAC-blood alcohol concentration
BB-breakthrough bleeding
BBB-blood-brain barrier: bundle-branch block
BBT-basal body temperature
BE-barium enema
16. PET: Polyethylene terephthalate
MBAA: N-(2-methylbut-3-yn-2-yl) acrylamide
PBS: Phosphate buffered saline
PPS: Potassium persulfate
PTFE: Polytetrafluorethylene
PU: Polyurethane
QACs: Quaternary ammonium compounds
TEM: Transmission electron microscopy
TGA: Thermogravimetric analysis
TSA: Tryptone Soya Agar
UV: Ultraviolet
AAA -Atypical Antipsychotic Agent
∉ And
AA -Alcoholics Anonymous
Acct -Account
ACOA- Adult Children of Alcoholics
ADD -Attention Deficit Disorder
ADHD- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
ADL -activities of daily living
AFDC -Aid to Families with Dependent Children
AIDS- Acquired Immune Deficiency Disorder
AKA -also known as
AM -(ante meridian) before noon
Amt -amount
Anon -anonymous
Ans -answer
AOP -Adult Outpatient Services
APA -American Psychiatric Association
APNA -American Psychiatric Nurses Association
Approx/~ -approximately
Appt- appointment
APS -Adult Protective Services
Apt -apartment
c -with
Cat scan -Computerized axialtomography scan
CCC -Clinical Care Committee
Δ -change
CIA -Central Intelligence Agency
Ct. -client
Clin -Clinician
17. Asnmt -assignment
ASOC -Adult System of Care
Assn -association
Asstd- assisted
Atty -attorney
Ave -avenue
A/VH -audio/visual hallucinations
AWOL -absent without leave
BA -Bachelor of Arts
B&C -Board & Care
Beh -Behavior
Beh mod- Behavior Modification
Bib -brought in by
BMI -Body Mass Index
BS -Bachelor of Science
C/O -complains of
18. CM -Case Manager
CMS -Centers for Medicaid/Medicare Services
Co- company
Col -Collateral
Conf -conference
Cont -continue
Coord -Coordination
CPS -Child Protective Services
CRP -Crisis Response Professional
CTRS -Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist
Cnty -County
DA -District Attorney
Day -Rehab Day Rehabilitation
D/C -discontinued/discharged
↓ -decrease
DD -Developmentally Disabled
DEC -Decanoate
dep -Depression
dept -department
dev -Develop(ed)/development
Dir -Director
D/O -disorder
Dissoc -Dissociative/dissociation
19. DMDA -Depressive & Manic Depressive Association
DMH -Department of Mental Health
Dr. -doctor
DDI Drug – Drug Interactions
DTO -Danger to others
DTS -Danger to self
Dx -diagnosis
Ea -each
e.g. -exempli gratia) for example
EA -Emotions Anonymous
EBD -Emotionally and Behaviorally Disordered
ECT -Electric Convulsive Shock Therapy
EEG/eeg -Electroencephalogram
EEOC -Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
EMDR -Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing
Emer pln -Emergency Plan
ER- Emergency Room
ESP -Extrasensory Perception
Et. Al. -(Et alli) and others
Etc. -(et cetera) and so forth
ETOH- Alcohol
Eval -evaluation
Exec Offices- Executive Offices
20. Exp experience
Exp. Arts Expressive Arts
Ext extension
FAX facsimile
FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation
FDA Food and Drug Administration
Fed Federal
Ft feet
f/u follow up
Gal. gallon
GCC Government Code Chapter
GED General Equivalency Diploma
grp tx Group Therapy
GP General Practitioner
GPA grade point average
grp group
HI homicidal ideation
HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Hm home
Hosp hospital
H&P history and physical
HUD (Dept. of) Housing and Urban Development
21. Hx history
i.e. (id est) that is
ICF Intermediate Care Facility
ICU Intensive Care Unit
ID identity
IDT Intensive Day treatment
IEP Individualized Education Plan
IM Intramuscular
IMD Institutions for Mental Diseases
In. inches
↑ increase
Inc. incorporated (company)
1:1 Individual attention/therapy
Ind/indiv individual
Info information
I/P or Inpt In-Patient
IPU In-Patient Unit
IQ intelligence quotient
IRS Internal Revenue Service
IUD Intrauterine device
Jr junior
L left
Lb pound(s)
22. LCSW Licensed Clinical Social Worker
LEA Local Education Agency
LPS Lanterman-Petris-Short
LPT Licensed Psychiatric Technician
LSD d-lysergic acid diethylamide
Ltd. Limited
LVN Licensed Vocational Nurse
LWBS Left without being seen
male MD Doctor of Medicine
MDD Major Depressive Disorder
MDT Multidisciplinary Team
Med medication
grp men’s group
Medssoc Medical Services System of Care
MFCC Marriage, Family & Child Counselor
MFT Marriage and Family Therapist
MFTI Marriage & Family Therapist Intern
Mgr manager
Mgmt management
23. MH Mental Health
MHCM Mental Health Case Manager
MHW Mental Health Worker
Mi miles
Min minutes
Misc miscellaneous
Mo. month
MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Msg message
MSW Master of Social Work
NA Narcotics Anonymous
N/A not applicable
� -negative
NOS Not Otherwise Specified N/S’ or
N/S No-Show
∅ -nothing
NVCSS Northern Valley Catholic Social Services
# -number
OA -Overeaters Anonymous OD overdose
OK- correct/all right
24. O/P or outpt out-patient
OR operating room
OTC over-the-counter
Oz ounce
P/c phone call
P/pp page/pages
p after
PCP Primary Care Provider
Pd paid
Pet Scan Positron emission tomography
PG Public Guardian
PhD Doctor of Philosophy
PHF Psychiatric Health Facility
Pkg package
PM (post meridian) after noon
PMD Private Medical Doctor
PO Probation/Parole Officer
Po per os (by mouth)
POP People of Progress
Prac Practice
Prev previous
ProACT Professional Assault Response Training
Prob Problem
25. PsyD Doctor of Psychology
Pt patient
PTA Parent Teachers Association
+ positive I Psych/Psychology
Qt. Quart
qs Quantity sufficient
? question
R right
RABA Redding Area Bus Authority
R/B/A Risks/Benefits/Alternatives
Re: regarding
Rec’d received
Ref Reference/referred
RET Rational Emotive Therapy
RN Registered Nurse
ROTC Reserve Officer’s Training Corps
RPD Redding Police Department
R&B Room and Board
R&R rest and relaxation
RTC Return to Clinic
Rx / Rx’d prescription/prescribed
s without
26. SA Suicide Attempt
SAT Scholastic Aptitude Test
SCHC Shasta Community Health Center
SCMH Shasta County Mental Health
SCOE Shasta County Office of Education
SCSO Shasta County Sheriff’s Office
Schiz Schizophrenia
S/E side effect
Secy secretary
SED Severely Emotionally Disturbed
SI Suicidal ideation
Sign. Other/S.O. Significant Other
SLP Stillwater Learning Program
SNF Skilled Nursing Facility
SOB Shortness of breath
Sr. senior
S/S signs and symptoms
SSI Supplemental Security Income
SSDI Social Security Disability Income
St/st street
STD Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Sub Q Subcutaneous
SUD Substance Use Disorder
27. Sup. -Supervisor
Svc -services
Sx -symptoms
Sx -Mgmt symptom management
TB/tb/Tb -Tuberculosis
TBS -Therapeutic Behavioral Service Plan
Tech -techniques
THC -Marijuana
TLC- tender loving care
Trg -training
TV- television
∴ -therefore
Tx- treatment
UE -upper extremity
UFO- unidentified flying object
UR- Utilization Review
URI -Upper Respiratory Infection
US/USA -United States (of America)
VA -Veterans Administration
VIP -Very Important Person
VO- Verbal Order
Voc- Rehab Vocational Rehabilitation
vs -versus
28. _
c -with
s -without
WNL -within normal limits
Wt- weight
Wk -week
Wk- comp workman’s compensation
Wkly -weekly
Wknd -weekend
Wt -weight
Xmas -Christmas
Yd -yard
YOP -Youth Outpatient Programs
YSOC -Youth System of Care
grp Woman’s Group
29. Prescription Medical Terms
q = Every
d = Day
h = Hour
w or wk = Week
HS = At Hour of Sleep
AM = Morning
PM = Afternoon or Evening
BID = Twice a Day
TID = Three Times a Day
QID = Four Times a Day
PRN = As Needed
PO = By Mouth
IM = Intramuscular
STAT = Immediately
As Dir = As Directed
ml = milliliter
mg = milligrams
mcg = micrograms
á = Before
ć = With
ś = Without
p = After
x = Except
π = Two
τ = One
Δ = Change
SIG = Directions to Patient
= Recipe/prescription
♂ = Male
♀ = Female