The document discusses the typology between the Jewish feasts and ceremonies held in the earthly sanctuary and their fulfillment in Christ and the heavenly sanctuary. It notes that the seven biblical feasts - Passover, Unleavened Bread, First Fruits, Weeks, Trumpets, Day of Atonement, and Tabernacles - were memorials that pointed forward to the ministry of Jesus Christ. Each feast is examined in terms of its symbolic significance and correspondence to Christ's life and ministry, such as Passover symbolizing His death and the wave sheaf offering representing His resurrection. The document emphasizes that the earthly services and feasts were shadows pointing to greater spiritual realities fulfilled in Christ and His heavenly sanctuary ministry
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The sanctuary power point
2. What is the purpose?
Why it is that God has a sanctuary?
Why is it that we cannot see our God face to face?
What happened?
4. “If you cling to self, refusing to yield your
will to God, you are choosing death. To
sin, wherever found, God is a consuming
fire. If you choose sin, and refuse to
separate from it, the presence of God,
which consumes sin, must consume you.”
Thoughts on the Mount of Blessing 62
6. “We have such an high priest…
a minister of the sanctuary,
and of the true tabernacle…”
Hebrews 8:1-2
10. Heavenly Sanctuary –Exodus 15:17
Mosaic Sanctuary—Exodus 25:8
Solomon’s Temple—1 Kings 5:5
Ezekiel’s Temple—Ezekiel 40-48
Zerubabbel’s Temple (Herod’s Temple)—Haggai 2:7, 9
Jesus Christ—John 2:18-20
Each of Us—1 Corthanians 6:19-20; 3:16, 17
Church of Christ—1 Peter 2:5
New Jerusalem—Revelation 21:2, 3
14. “Righteousness is obedience to the law. The
law demands righteousness, and this the
sinner owes to the law; but he is incapable of
rendering it. The only way in which he can
attain to righteousness is through faith. By
faith he can bring to God the merits of
Christ, and the Lord places the obedience of
His Son to the sinner's account. Christ's
righteousness is accepted in place of man's
failure, and God receives, pardons, justifies,
the repentant, believing soul, treats him as
though he were righteous, and loves him as
He loves His Son.
15. “This is how faith is accounted
righteousness; and the pardoned soul goes
on from grace to grace, from light to a
greater light. He can say with rejoicing,
"Not by works of righteousness which we
have done, but according to His mercy He
saved us, by the washing of regeneration,
and renewing of the Holy Ghost; which He
shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ
our Saviour; that being justified by His
grace, we should be made heirs according to
the hope of eternal life" (Titus 3:5-7).”
Faith and Works 101
16. Christ’s Righteousness
Not my own!!
Laodicean Message
Inside the sin problem is being dealt with,
but still covered from the outside!
17. 5 cubits x 5 cubits square, 3 cubits tall
Shittim wood overlaid w/brass
4 horns on the 4 corners
Fire light by God to be continually burning
18. Brass looking mirror’s of the women
Foot basin & hand bowl to wash
19. Daily Activities
From 9am-3pm
All different types of sacrifices & offerings
9am & 3pm sacrifices
Yearly Feasts:
Feast of Unleavened Bread
Feast of First Fruits
Feast of Weeks
Blowing of the Trumpets
Day of Atonement
Feast of Tabernacles
20. Priest had to be 30 yrs old to begin service
First sacrifice & Last sacrifice was done for
the day by the priests for the children of
Sin offering (Lev. 15)
Lamb, 2 turtle doves, handful of flour
North side
24. Table of Shewbread
2 cubits x 1 cubit, 1 ½ cubits tall
2 crowns around the top
Two stacks of bread, 6 in each stack
Changed the bread every Sabbath
7 Golden Candlestick
Made of 1 Talent of Gold
Beaten into shape
Alter of Incense
1 cubit x 1 cubit, 2 cubits tall
4 horns on the corners of the alter
1 crown around the top
Incense burned on top
25. Sprinkle blood on four horns of alter of incense
Recorded sin/covered by blood of sacrifice
Trim candlestick wicks, and replenish oil
28. God’s Dilemma?
Key to the Sanctuaries?
Courtyard represents?
When Christ ascended up to heaven, where did He go?
How do we know that?
What is the practical application of the Holy Place?
30. Passover
Feast of Unleavened Bread
Feast of the First Fruits
Feast of Weeks (Pentecost)
Blowing of the Trumpets
Day of Atonement
Feast of Tabernacles
32. 14th & 15th day of the 1st month
Lamb that was slain (Ex 12:3)
No broken Bones (Ex 12:46)
Lamb without blemish (Ex
Sprinkled Blood
Meant a ‘passing over’;
Salvation from a death threat
(Ex 12:13)
They were to eat Bitter Herbs
No Leaven within the house
Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us.”
1 Cor. 5:7
14th & 15th day of the 1st month
Christ, the Lamb of God (Jn 1:29)
No broken Bones (Jn 19:36)
Without blemish (1 Pet 1:19)
Sprinkled Blood
Means a ‘passing over’ of our sins
that bring the wages of sin (Rom
Christ’s experience on the cross was
a very bitter one
Leaven=Sin; Christ, though he took
on our sin, knew NO sin himself!
33. 16th day of the 1st month
No harvest to be done till
they had waved the first
handful before the Lord.
(Lev 23:11)
“Christ… is become the firstfruits of
them that slept.”
1 Cor. 15:20
16th day of the 1st month
Christ, the First fruits of those
who raise from the graves. Must
be presented before God. (Jn
34. 50 days after the Waving of
the Firstfruits
Loaves of leavened bread
waved before the Lord to
receive His blessing on the
yield of labor (Lev 23:17)
“Christ… ascended up on high… and gave gifts
unto men.”
Eph. 4:8
50 days after Christ ascended
was Pentecost
The Holy Spirit was poured
out upon man (bread made
with leaven) Acts 2:1-4
35. Symbolic Chart of Jewish Feast Days
Feast of
Unleaven Bread
and Bitter herbs
Feast of
Feast of Weeks
Cross of
Calvary Bitter
Blowing of
Day of
Feast of
50 days
10 days 5 days
10 years 5 years
Daniel 8:14
36. On the first day of the seventh month,
trumpets were blown to alert the people that
the Day of Atonement was fast approaching.
For the next ten days all were to prepare for
the Day of Atonement.
All were to prepare their hearts and bring
their gifts of sacrifice to the temple, for this
time was appointed for deep heart searching
and repentance.
37. Just as the trumpets were blown 10 days
before the “Day of Atonement” in order
to direct the minds of the people to the
cleansing of the sanctuary, likewise the
“Millerite movement” began about 10
years before 1844, calling people to
repentance and the cleansing of the
sanctuary of their hearts.
39. “The Feast of Tabernacles was not only commemorative
but typical. It not only pointed back to the wilderness
sojourn, but, as the feast of harvest, it celebrated the
ingathering of the fruits of the earth, and pointed
forward to the great day of final ingathering, when the
Lord of the harvest shall send forth His reapers to
gather the tares together in bundles for the fire, and to
gather the wheat into His garner. At that time the
wicked will all be destroyed.” PP 541.
40. Symbolic Chart of Jewish Feast Days
Feast of
Unleaven Bread
and Bitter herbs
Feast of
Feast of Weeks
Cross of
Calvary Bitter
Blowing of
Day of
Feast of
50 days
10 days 5 days
10 years 5 years
42. Homework:
Priestly work: Lev 16
People’s cooperation: Lev 23
In one sentence or less describe the
purpose of the DOA
43. God’s Dilemma?
Key to the Sanctuaries?
Courtyard represents?
When Christ ascended up to heaven, where did He go?
How do we know that?
What is the practical application of the Holy Place?
Describe Type & Antitype.
What are the 7 Jewish feasts?
45. Ark of the Covenant
Mercy Seat
2 Cherubim
Shekinah Glory
Ten Commandments
Aaron’s Rod that budded
Scroll of the Torah
46. First sacrifice bullock & ram for himself and his family
Garments & cleansing for the priest before going into
God’s presence
2 goats selected & lots cast
Blood of the goat taken into the MHP
Incense collected and taken in also
No one else to be in the Sanctuary
“For on that day shall the priest make an atonement for
you, to cleanse you, that ye may be clean from all
your sins before the LORD.” Lev 16:30
47. “For on that day shall the priest make an
atonement for you, to cleanse you, that
ye may be clean from all your sins
before the LORD.”
Lev 16:30
49. “The blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin, -
-blots out all iniquity. . . We need to be on our
guard against the idea that the blotting out of sin is
merely as the passing of a sponge over a slate, or an
entry in a ledger, to balance the account. This is
not the blotting out of sin. An ignorant man
who saw a thermometer for the first time thought
to lessen the heat by breaking it. But how much
effect did this have upon the weather?--Just as
much as the wiping out of the record of his sin has
upon the sinner…
50. “Though all the record of all our sin, even
though written with the finger of God,
were erased, the sin would remain,
because the sin is in us.
“The blotting out of sin is the erasing of it
from the nature, the being of man. The
blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin…
51. “The erasing of sin is the blotting of it
from our natures, so that we shall know
it no more… (in other words) they do
not think of doing it any more. This is
the work of Christ in the true
(Waggoner, Review and Herald, Sept. 30, 1902).
52. “In the typical system, which was a shadow of the sacrifice
and priesthood of Christ, the cleansing of the sanctuary was
the last service performed by the high priest in the
yearly round of ministration. It was the closing work of the
atonement --a removal or putting away of sin from Israel. It
prefigured the closing work in the ministration of our High
Priest in heaven, in the removal or blotting out of the sins of
His people, which are registered in the heavenly records.”
GC 352
And how was everything cleansed on this “Day of
And what does the blood symbolize?
What motivates us; what mind do we have?
It was cleansed by the blood.
It symbolizes God’s broken heart of Love for us.
The mind of Christ vs. The mind of Self.
54. “There is a difference between the forgiveness of sins
and the blotting out of sin. There is a difference
between the gospel being preached for the forgiveness
of sins and the gospel being preached for the blotting
out of sin. In our generation comes the provision for
the blotting out of sin. And the blotting out of sin is
what will prepare the way for the coming of the Lord;
and the blotting out of sin is the ministry of
our High Priest in the most holy place in the
heavenly sanctuary; and it makes a difference to the
people of God in their ministry, in their message, and in
their experience, whether they recognize or experience
the fact of the change…”
55. Now that should be distinctly brought out in
the third angel’s message; and with that, of
course, will come the clearest revelation of
the gospel ministry for this time, the blotting
out of sin in this generation, thus preparing
the way of the Lord.”
W.W. Prescott, The Gospel Message of Today, 53
57. “The student… should understand the nature
of the two principles that are contending for
supremacy, and should learn to trace their
working through the records of history and
prophecy, to the great consummation. He
should see how this controversy enters into
every phase of human experience; how in
every act of life he himself reveals the one or
the other of the two antagonistic motives;
and how, whether he will or not, he is even
now deciding upon which side of the
controversy he will be found.”
Ed 190
58. “Selfishness is the root of
all evil.” Ev 633
“…the law of self-renouncing
love is the law of life for earth
and heaven; that the love
which "seeketh not her own"
has its source in the heart of
God…” DA 19
“In the lives of those who are partakers of the divine nature
there is a crucifixion of the haughty, self-sufficient spirit that
leads to self-exaltation... In its place the Spirit of Christ
abides, and in the life the fruits of the Spirit appear. Having
the mind of Christ, His followers reveal the graces of His
character.” 7MR 263.
59. Five things that the Children of Israel were to do:
1. To keep a holy convocation;
2. Offer an offering made by fire;
3. Afflict their souls; (this includes 3 things as found in Isaiah 58:5)
a. Bowing head as a bulrush
b. Fasting
c. Sackcloth and Ashes
4. Do no work;
5. It shall be a Sabbath of rest.
60. Five things that the Children of Israel were to do:
1. To keep a holy convocation;
2. Offer an offering made by fire;
3. Afflict their souls; (this includes 3 things as found in Isaiah 58:5)
a. Bowing head as a bulrush
b. Fasting
c. Sackcloth and Ashes
4. Do no work;
5. It shall be a Sabbath of rest.
61. A calling together; unity among brethren, and a
Separation of the common from the sacred
In other words, the holy convocation includes a separation
from the things that develop the mind of self, so that the
mind of Christ can be more fully developed.
The question of which mind is developed is the real reason
why we have been counseled not to partake of
competitive sports or games, for we must honestly ask
ourselves, which mind do these games develop? Do they
encourage the spirit of esteeming others first, or the
spirit of thinking of self first?
Music, games, dancing, amusements, etc.
62. Five things that the Children of Israel were to do:
1. To keep a holy convocation;
2. Offer an offering made by fire; Rom 12:1, 2
3. Afflict their souls; (this includes 3 things as found in Isaiah 58:5)
a. Bowing head as a bulrush
b. Fasting
c. Sackcloth and Ashes
4. Do no work;
5. It shall be a Sabbath of rest.
63. Five things that the Children of Israel were to do:
1. To keep a holy convocation;
2. Offer an offering made by fire;
3. Afflict their souls; (this includes 3 things as found in Isaiah 58:5)
a. Bowing head as a bulrush
b. Fasting
c. Sackcloth and Ashes
4. Do no work;
5. It shall be a Sabbath of rest.
64. The experience of afflicting one’s soul first deals with a
deep repentance, a confession of sins, that which we
have personally done, and like Daniel, what we as a
body of people, have done to God. God is calling for us
to turn away from self,
to repent of our own ways,
and to partake of His mind.
65. Five things that the Children of Israel were to do:
1. To keep a holy convocation;
2. Offer an offering made by fire;
3. Afflict their souls; (this includes 3 things as found in Isaiah 58:5)
a. Bowing head as a bulrush
b. Fasting
c. Sackcloth and Ashes
4. Do no work;
5. It shall be a Sabbath of rest.
66. Refraining from anything that beclouds the mind and
distracts us from being united with the Mind of Christ
God deals with what we feed the mind, but He also
deals with what we feed the body, why?
Health Message: What feeds the stomach, feeds the
67. “The very food they place before them is such as to
irritate the stomach. The excitement thus produced is
communicated to the brain, and as a result the
passions are aroused. It cannot be too often repeated
that whatever is taken into the stomach affects
not only the body, but ultimately the mind as
well. Gross and stimulating food fevers the blood,
excites the nervous system, and too often dulls the
moral perceptions, so that reason and conscience
are overborne by the sensual impulses…”
68. “…It is difficult, and often well-nigh impossible, for
one who is intemperate in diet to exercise patience
and self-control. Hence the special importance of
allowing children, whose characters are yet unformed,
to have only such food as is healthful and
unstimulating. It was in love that our heavenly
Father sent the light of health reform to guard
against the evils that result from unrestrained
indulgence of appetite.”
Child Guidance 460
69. “health should be as sacredly guarded as the
character.” C.T. 83
“Grains and fruits prepared free from grease,
and in as natural a condition as possible,
should be the food for the tables of all who
claim to be preparing for translation to
Heaven.” TSDF 132
“When the plagues of God shall be all around
you, you will then see the principles of health
reform and strict temperance in all things that
temperance alone is the foundation of all the
graces that come from God, the foundation of
all victories to be gained.” TE 201.
70. Five things that the Children of Israel were to do:
1. To keep a holy convocation;
2. Offer an offering made by fire;
3. Afflict their souls; (this includes 3 things as found in Isaiah 58:5)
a. Bowing head as a bulrush
b. Fasting
c. Sackcloth and Ashes
4. Do no work;
5. It shall be a Sabbath of rest.
71. Day of Judgment:
"Then Jacob said unto his household, and to all that
were with him, Put away the strange gods that are
among you; and be clean, and change your garments;…
And they gave unto Jacob all the strange gods which
were in their hand, and all their earrings which were in
their ears; and Jacob hid them under the oak which was
by Shechem." Gen. 35:2-4.
72. Day of Judgment:
“The Lord standeth up to plead, and standeth to judge
the people. The Lord will enter into judgment with the
ancients of his people…Moreover the Lord saith,
Because the daughters of Zion are haughty, and walk
with stretched forth necks, and wanton eyes, walking
and mincing as they go…In that day the Lord will take
away their bravery of their tinkling ornaments about
their feet, and their cauls, and their round tires like the
moon, the chains…the rings and the nose jewels, the
changeable suits of apparel…” Isaiah 3:13-23.
73. “In 1844 our great High Priest entered the most
holy place of the heavenly sanctuary, to begin the
work of the investigative judgment… In the typical
service, when the work of atonement was
performed by the high priest in the most holy place
of the earthly sanctuary, the people were required
to afflict their souls before God, and confess their
sins, that they might be atoned for and blotted out.
Will any less be required of us in this antitypical
Day of Atonement?…”
74. What is our condition in this fearful and solemn
time? Alas, what pride is prevailing in the
church, what hypocrisy, what deception, what
love of dress, frivolity, and amusement, what
desire for the supremacy!
All these sins have clouded the mind, so that
eternal things have not been discerned. Shall we
not search the Scriptures, that we may know
where we are in this world's history?”
1SM 125.
75. Five things that the Children of Israel were to do:
1. To keep a holy convocation;
2. Offer an offering made by fire;
3. Afflict their souls; (this includes 3 things as found in Isaiah 58:5)
a. Bowing head as a bulrush
b. Fasting
c. Sackcloth and Ashes
4. Do no work=Gathering riches/Laodicean Message
5. It shall be a Sabbath of rest.
76. Five things that the Children of Israel were to do:
1. To keep a holy convocation;
2. Offer an offering made by fire;
3. Afflict their souls; (this includes 3 things as found in Isaiah 58:5)
a. Bowing head as a bulrush
b. Fasting
c. Sackcloth and Ashes
4. Do no work=Laodicean Message
5. It shall be a Sabbath of rest=Covenant between God
and His people/Righteousness by Faith
77. Five things that the Children of Israel were to do:
1. To keep a holy convocation;
2. Offer an offering made by fire;
3. Afflict their souls; (this includes 3 things as found in Isaiah 58:5)
a. Bowing head as a bulrush
b. Fasting
c. Sackcloth and Ashes
4. Do no work;
5. It shall be a Sabbath of rest.
78. For whatsoever soul it be that shall not
be afflicted in that same day, he shall be
cut off from among his people…
And whatsoever soul it be that doeth
any work in that same day, the same
soul will I destroy from among his
Leviticus 23:29-30
79. “To protect the people of God from the
corrupting influence of the world, as well as to
promote physical and moral health, the dress
reform was introduced among us. It was not
intended to be a yoke of bondage, but a
blessing… It would distinguish God's people
from the world and thus serve as a barrier
against its fashions and follies. He who knows
the end from the beginning, who understands
our nature and our needs,--our compassionate
Redeemer,--saw our dangers and difficulties,
and condescended to give us timely warning and
instruction concerning our habits of life, even in
the proper selection of food and clothing.”
CH 598- 599
#36: Draw the Timeline of the Jewish/Christian Era w/2300 day prophecy included to see the big picture!
#49: Muddy shoes on kitchen floor illustration.
How long will mother keep mopping?
Till they quit tracking the mud!
Mom=High Priest
Quit Tracking altogether=Cleansed!