This document discusses transient response and steady state response analysis for first and second order systems.
For first order systems, the time constant tau determines how quickly the system response reaches steady state. Examples show calculating tau, steady state error, and plotting the system response.
For second order systems, characteristics like peak time, maximum overshoot, and settling time are influenced by system parameters. Examples demonstrate plotting the response and calculating steady state error.
In conclusion, first order system response depends on tau, while second order response depends on damping ratio and natural frequency. Faster response corresponds to smaller tau or higher damping ratio and natural frequency.
On first order system the value of 𝜏 (tau) will decide
accelerate of response system from start statecondition until
steady state. The fewer the constant time, response will be
While on second order system influenced by the value of
and . The more the value of , response will be deeper.