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Qualities Of A Good Teacher
Fjoralba Kolila
Mgr. Kurt Magsamen Code–Academic Writing
19 October 2017
Thesis: How is a 'Good Teacher' defined in a student–centered classroom?
In education, it is not always easy to define the term 'good teacher'. When I entered into the
Master studies a year ago, I knew I wanted to be a good teacher. I started to list in my mind some
qualities and criteria of a good teacher, and began to realize the complexity of my question: 'What
makes a good teacher in a student–centered classroom? By definition, a good teacher is a
'high–quality teacher' (Merriam–Webster). In school systems, a good teacher is usually the one with
at least a bachelor degree, many certificates and is also related to students' test scores. However, it is
always more content...
Statement: A 'Good Teacher' should have some good qualities for an effective teaching in a
student–centered classroom. The question of what makes someone a good teacher is relevant to all
teaching contexts because most of the people have an opinion about this topic, based on their own
experiences in the classroom. Most would be able to identify at least one teacher from their past
who was memorable and would share stories to demonstrate why they had put this person into that
kind of category. Eight years ago, my English teacher asked the class to list the characteristics of a
'good teacher'. Descriptors such as caring, fun, interesting, creative and motivational made the
descriptions colorful. Because of the fact, that we rarely had to do with these kinds of teachers, made
us think like that. Practically, this question reminded me of this teacher because she was curious to
know what characteristics wanted her students to see in a good teacher. And this leads me to the
argument that, maybe she was trying to understand, to change something and to be more effective
for her students. The students' success lies in the quality and expertise of the teachers, yet some may
not have a teaching qualification. So what makes a good teacher? They have four characteristics.
First, they
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Qualities of a Good Teacher
Qualities of a good teacher Teaching is a difficult occupation. Teachers play an important part in
training children, teenagers... So, a good teacher must have some special qualities. They are:
knowledge, creation, confidence, empathy, sense of humor and passion. Imagine you are dreaming
being a teacher, you must accept that there are no doubt that knowledge is the first quality of a
good teacher. A good teacher need to enlarge his/her general knowledge on culture, society,
biology, geography... to provide students what they want to know. Beside, a good teacher must be a
person who are open to change. He/she must know "the only real constant in life is change". There
is a place not only for tradition but also for new ways, more content...
However, a good teacher need to believe that he/she can solve those problems. A teacher is a
window through which many young people will see their future, so he/she has to be a fine role
model. He/she need to show his/her confidence with the future, thereby teacher can teach student
how to believe in themselves. Empathy is the third quality. A teacher must have the ability to bond
with the students, to understand and resonate with their feelings and emotions. He/she need to put
his/herself in students' situation to understand and solve students' problem. A good teacher must
know that the aggression, negative attitudes that he/she can see in some students have a root
cause. He/she know that they are really scared young people who have come through some bed
experiences in life. This will keep a teacher calm and have control. If a teacher can do this, he/she
will gain more than love from his/her students. As we know, sense of humor is a key to surviving
as a teacher. A teacher who is humorous and funny can reduces barriers and lighten the atmosphere
especially during heavy period. By telling funny stories, joking with the students, a teacher can
makes class more enjoyable and makes students pay attention to the lessons. An ability to make
students laugh will carry a teacher far and gain he/she more respect. Last but not least, a good
teacher must be passionate about what he/she does. Teaching young people is a teacher's dream and
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Characteristics Of A Good Teacher Essay
Item One: Write a short essay reflecting on what characteristics make a good teacher, using your own
educational experiences. Without using names, identify the "best" and "worst" teacher that you have
had and support your choices with rationales.
What makes a good teacher? Ask this question to one hundred people and one would get one
hundred different answers. I have contemplated this question myself over the course of my twenty
years in education. The ideas that I have about the answer to this question are not the same ones
that I had twenty years ago. In my personal experience being a "good" teacher is something that I
always wanted. In recent years I have learned that teaching is not about being a "good" teacher but
about striving each day to be a "better" teacher than I was the day before.
A good teacher is one who knows her students and her students' needs. The students are the reason
that the teacher is there. Classrooms are filled with students from differing backgrounds and
families. As a teacher, one should know her students by talking with them, asking them questions,
learning their likes and dislikes and making them feel safe and comfortable in the classroom. The
classroom should be a safe haven for students where the teacher creates an atmosphere where
students feel comfortable in being themselves and expressing their opinions.
Another characteristic of a good teacher is one who knows her subject and is able to extend that
knowledge to her students. Every
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Mrs. Caroline: The Qualities Of A Good Teacher
"Of all the hard jobs around, one of the hardest is being a good teacher." Teachers who truly care
about their jobs knows what it really takes to be a teacher. It's more than just sitting behind a desk
and assigning your students to work; it's about long hours, hard work, passion and dedication as
some key factors. A teacher should be someone students look up to and aspire to learn more from,
not someone who makes them dread going to school. Nevertheless, Miss. Caroline was that teacher.
She was extremely naive, arrogant and insensitive. She did not bestow the traits a good teacher
would have. Miss.Caroline might have chosen the wrong profession considering it may be one of
the hardest jobs out there, but it can also be one of the most rewarding.
Miss. Caroline was completely clueless and utterly naive. Understanding and connecting with
students is a very important part of teaching. For a teacher to even begun teaching, a really big
factor is knowing more content...
Caroline walked around with buckets of it. For example; a student in her class, Walter Cunningham,
had come to school with no shoes on. Should the fact that he had no lunch either be a surprise to
her? She tried offering a quarter to him in front of the whole class for lunch. After a few failed
attempts, she becomes impatient when he does not accept it. What an ignorant teacher, if the boy
had no shoes, how would he have a quarter to pay her back? Scout tried explaining why to Walter
could not take the money but instead of hearing her out, Miss. Caroline took out her ruler. She had
whipped scouts hand 6 times, perhaps out of frustration or maybe it was a way to make her mistakes
someone else's fault. She had made her ashamed of telling the truth, but isn't that what's right?
It appears that Miss. Caroline did not fully understand that basis of being a teacher. Instead, she was
naive, arrogant and insensitive. She did not know how to teach. Miss. Caroline
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With my experience as a teacher, skills, and attributes that are necessary to be an outstanding
teacher. To be passion, leadership, and good classroom management and up to date content
knowledge. A teacher has to be able to accommodate the academic, social, and emotional needs of all
of their students. Engages all students into each lesson so they feel like they are part of the
classroom community. Skill and outstanding teacher cater to all students' diverse learning styles.
Doing his/her work an outstanding teacher is not only a leader but a good listener. In conclusion, an
outstanding teacher is to be a role model to all students, must always handle each situation in an
appropriate way. So that his/her students can learn from those situations
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Everyone knows that when it comes to making a difference in a student's academic and life
achievements, their teachers play a large role. A teacher's way of relating to their students, and
teaching them to achieve both socially and academically contributes to how effective teachers are.
What does it mean to be an effective teacher? Overall there seems to be an emphasis that teacher
effectiveness is related to how well their students are doing based on standardized testing. As
teachers we know there is much more that goes into being an effective teacher then just teaching our
students based on tests. In this paper different definitions of an effective teacher will be addressed
along with how to assess teachers on being more content...
Farr (2010) says effective teachers should set big goals that are meaningful for their students and
measurable throughout the year. When a teacher invests their time into their students they show
motivation needed to reach their students needs at any level to make sure they reach the goals set
for them. Planning is essential and teachers must not just plan a lesson and move on with it, they
have to understand their students and have an idea of where their students are going and how best
they can help them succeed growth in the most efficient way. Being able to plan for each students
learning means also being able to change. Effective teachers should be able to observe their
students learning along the way and change whenever needed to ensure their students are
continuing to develop knowledge. Some students may need more time and different strategies used
to reach their goals. Teachers have to be prepared to take a step back, decide what the problem is
and come up with solutions and approaches that will help their students. Overall an effective
teacher no matter what concern, issue, difficulty or other obstacle may be in their way should be
able to overcome them, and find the strategy or strategies to reach each student to ensure that they
can achieve those big goals set for them. (Farr, 2010) In an article done by the National Education
Policy Center (2010), teachers should be looked at under three
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The Qualities Of An Outstanding Teacher
Describe the skills or attributes you believe are necessary to be an outstanding teacher.
While there are many ways to be an outstanding teacher, every high–quality teacher should, in my
opinion, have these skills and dispositions:
A focus on relationships. This includes relationships with students, relationships with parents,
relationships with other teachers, relationships between students, relationships between content
areas, and so on. Building excellent relationships with other individuals, especially students, is vital
to being an excellent teacher, no matter the grade level or content area.
Always growing and seeking to improve their practice, learning from their mistakes. Teaching is not
a profession that is the same more content...
Outstanding teachers know their stuff! They know what they are teaching and how to teach it so
that students will understand and be able to use their knowledge in multiple contexts.
Reflective. Outstanding teachers take time to reflect on their own practice and on student learning,
asking themselves questions and really seeking to find the answers. Part of being reflective is using
data to inform future teaching, really wrestling with the numbers and information we get from
students about their learning so that we can modify our instruction to best suit their needs.
Solid classroom management/community. Have you ever been in a classroom that could "run
itself"? It probably belonged to an outstanding teacher. Phenomenal teachers craft a classroom that is
a community, where all learners are able to grow in relationships, knowledge, and maturity. Systems
are in place to make the classroom run smoothly so that time can be spent on more important things
than where to put homework in the morning.
Give back to the school beyond the classroom. The school is a community, just like the classroom
should be. One of the best ways to make that community more beneficial to all its members is to give
back. Outstanding teachers know this and put it into practice, whether it is coaching a sport,
volunteering with PTO activities, serving on a committee, or supporting other teachers.
Remember why we are here. In the craziness of mandates and
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Positive Qualities Of A Good Teacher
The teacher is an integral part of education. A teacher has many methods to influence his students.
A positive or negative influence from a teacher early on life can have a significant effect on the
life of a child. Therefore, all teachers should strive to be what is considered a "good teacher." A
good teacher always inspires students and make them want to study better. A good teacher can be
defined as someone who makes a class positive, being strict with the students and be opening to
In class, the atmosphere is a vital factor of education. A teacher full of positive energy can keep the
course highly active. Not every child learns the same way, nor are they interested in the same things,
so continuing students in good study interest can make students focus more on the teacher. The
teacher needs design multiple ways to get students' interests in teaching. A good example is a
teacher called Mr. White from a video shown in NBC. He is a teacher from Charleville, NC. He
always has a special handshake with each one of his students before studying in front of the
classroom. It let students know the class will begin soon and making students think more about
class. The handshake has the positive effect to prepare class. For essential school students, being fun
and doing active activities in class makes them focus more on educational activities. Further,
improving the learning interest of students and studying effects. Another example is a teacher Jaime
Escalante in the
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Qualities of a Good Teacher
Have you ever wondered what makes a good teacher? What separates a mediocre teacher from a
terrific teacher? Teachers play an important role in the education of our society. Important skills and
aspects to have are knowledge of the learning materials, respect for the children, good
communication, and an understanding of the needs of the children. These are the qualities a good
teacher to should have. Knowledge One of the most important qualities for a teacher to have is
knowledge. A good teacher should understand the central concepts and have an understanding of the
subject that they teach and be able to demonstrate a vast knowledge of the subject matter. Knowledge
enables students to approach head–on the topics at hand and more content...
There is no single way for a teacher to teach all the students all the time. A good teacher chooses the
methods and techniques that are successful in helping a specific class or how a specific student
learns on a specific day. This can include working in small groups, student–directed discovery, or
direct teacher–centered instruction. To teach students successfully, a teacher must command a wide
range of techniques and be able to choose the appropriate one any given day. A good teacher is one
who understands the students without bias and can communicate on their level. A teacher can take
on many roles like a parent, a friend, a counselor and should be a person whom is approachable at
any time confidently with problems not confined to his or her subject alone. Communication
Communication plays a big part in the effectiveness of a teacher. Communication does not only take
place by means of words; nonverbal communication (or body language) is equally important. (Detlef)
A good teacher incorporates all forms of communication into a classroom setting by taking into
account multicultural differences and uses those differences to provide an innovative learning
experience and provide meaningful classroom experiences. A good teacher understands that
communication is a two–way process. They are expert listeners and interpreters of what students
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An outstanding teacher is extremely knowledgeable and understanding of the content being
presented and teaches the lessons dynamically to cater to all students' diverse learning styles. To
ensure that the teacher is knowledgeable and understanding of the content an outstanding teacher has
to have an on going, voluntary, self motivated pursuit of knowledge for their profession and the
content they are teaching. A superior teacher must always strive to improve upon that knowledge
base through research, investigation, and professional development. Outstanding teachers need to
strive to be lifelong learners and continually grow in their professional development.
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Characteristics Of A Great Teacher
What Makes A Great Teacher
A world without education is a world without knowledge. Teachers play a significant role in
educating the uneducated because it is a rewarding profession. However, it can only be done if there
is dedication, passion, and determination. These are the key factors that separate a great teacher from
a "mediocre" teacher. A "mediocre" teacher enjoys his or her work and is satisfied with their work.
Meanwhile a great teacher is constantly adding and changing their teaching methods to
accommodate the needs of each student. One of the articles that we have read over the course of this
semester, states, "...Great teachers, he concluded, constantly reevaluate what they are doing"
(Amanda and Ripley). When I was doing my research a common theme that came up was the fact
that teacher need to constantly evaluate their teaching methods. It is crucial for teachers to
constantly reevaluate their methods and to accommodate the new changes that are constantly
occurring in the world. For example as technology advances teachers need to have the skills to add
technology into their teaching methods.
Along with my scholarly research articles, I had the opportunity to interview two of my former high
school teachers Mike Kelly, and Alison Alvarez. Through the interviews, I was able to understand
what it is like to be a teacher from their point of view and I was able to learn the qualities that
makes a successful teacher. Mrs. Alvarez, said the
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What makes a good teacher? Essay
In my opinion, a good teacher should be one who puts her heart into teaching. This is because
only by doing so will the students feel their passion and hard work. When a teacher strives hard
for the students, students will put in their effort as well. If a teacher dislikes her job, goes to
classes in a bad mood, her teaching would also be affected and students would not be able to enjoy
lessons as well.
Another point that makes a good teacher would be his/her patience. Teachers should not get upset or
even worse, give up on the students who are not so strong in their studies. Instead, they should have
the patience to slowly coach them, give them extra lessons, and find different ways to encourage
them. Let them know that the more content...
It would be better if the teacher is able to find common topics to chat with the students. This would
let the students feel like they can relate better to the teacher.
"You must not give up. I want to let you know that even if you're facing so many problems, and
feel like there's no one to talk to, I'll be here for you. Everyone else might want to be the sun that
lights up your life, but I rather be the moon that guides you through your darkest hours. Let's strive
hard and work toward our goal together!" This was what my high school teacher told me 10 years
ago and I have remembered it until now, and will remember it for the next 10 years and so on.
I was once a problematic kid who mixed with bad company and flunk tests. I never thought about
what I was going to do the next day, what more when I grew up. Of course when I was younger, I
had lots of dreams. I wanted to set up my own company, I wanted to be a teacher, I wanted to be
able to drive an airplane and the list went on. But as the years went by, they became less
insignificant to me and soon, I forgot every single one of those dreams and goals. I got to a new
school and knew friends who smoke and took drugs. My grades started dropping from "A" to fails.
But I did not care. I could not be bothered by then. I went partying every night and got home drunk.
What was the point of studying? My parents are
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A good teacher is not defined by a specific personality or style of teaching; rather, a good teacher
is defined by her commitment to her students ' learning. A good teacher is someone who is patient
with her students, who creatively and relentlessly finds helpful ways to communicate ideas to
students, and who instills confidence in her students by setting them up for success. A good teacher
inspires her students to strive for more than they think possible. A good teacher teaches her
students how to learn on their own. A good teacher is able to manage a class effectively and
cultivate a space that is free and safe for learning. And, most importantly, a good teacher is always
driven by a motivation of genuine love and care for her more content...
It 's good for the mind and body to have a break, get some sleep, be with friends, eat some food,
etc.; sometimes I just get so excited and focused on going above and beyond that I neglect other,
equally important things. This has always been a problem in my life throughout high school and
college and various jobs I have worked. I was always an Astudent and a dedicated athlete and a
devoted employee – I have even received feedback from employers at times telling me to not work
so much in my free time. I have learned that sometimes it is better to settle for simpler and equally
sufficient activities/solutions than to spend hours of personal time coming up with something
more "interesting" or creative; and while I believe I have made some progress in making these
determinations of when to spend less time on work in personal time, I think it will always be an
area I can work to improve on.
Teaching Approaches
There are several methods and approaches of teaching available to be used in the EFL classroom.
As Davies and Fraenkel point out in their book, The Language in English Teaching, there is no
"best" method but rather different choices based on each unique learning situation.1 In the context of
a B2 level classroom, where students have already developed a degree of fluency and spontaneity in
the target
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Qualities of a Good Teacher
A teacher is an individual who plays the most vital role in the development of any being. The
future of any student depends on the qualities and dedication of a teacher. It is the teacher who
creates an interest in students to develop and progress and achieve what ever aims they set for
themselves. The most important qualities of a teacher are as follows: 1.A good teacher tries
continuously. Teachers respect students who try hard even if they do not succeed; similarly students
should respect teachers who try their best for quality teaching. 2.Good teachers are always ready to
take risks. They set impossible goals for themselves and then struggle hard to achieve them. 3.Good
teacher always have positive attitude. more content...
6. Dedication to excellence. Good teachers want the best from their students and themselves. They
don't settle for poor grades, knowing it reflects upon their ability to teach just as much upon a
student's ability to excel. The best teachers encourage the sharing of ideas and offer incentives (like
not having to do homework for a day) to get students to think outside the box. They don't tolerate
students' badmouthing other teachers, doing their best to point out that other teachers are human
too. They encourage students to be good people, not just good memorizers of text. They want
students to learn and be able to apply what they learned, not just be able to pass tests. 7.
Unwavering support. The best teachers know that everyone is able to do well if they have the right
teacher. They don't accept that a student is a lost cause. They encourage if you are frustrated and
provide true belief that you can get the material. They stand up for individuals against other students,
not allowing for in class taunting. Sometimes, they even extend this outside the classroom, although
taunts in the hallways are very hard for teachers to combat. The best teachers are there if you need
extra help and even encourage it. 8. Willingness to help student achieve. The best teachers are those
that don't stop teaching when the bell rings. They hold extra sessions for SAT prep; they reach out to
students after class. They know that some
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What Are The Qualities Of A Good Teacher
Every teacher wants to be a good teacher, but what is a good teacher? Who is it? What are the
characteristics of a good teacher and how can you become one? What qualities should a good
teacher possess. A good teacher must be knowledgeable in his or her subject of specialisation,
passionate, approachable, good communicator and professional. KNOWLEDGEABLE A good
teacher must be knowledgeable. It is important for the teacher to have strong knowledge in the
subject that he or she specialises in so that he or she will be able to teach his or her student. If the
teacher has strong knowledge of the subject he or she teaches, it will help him or her to be able to
answer every question that the student can possibly ask thus helping the student to understand the
subject better. (Kennedy 1990) science content (opinions, axioms, facts, etc.). It relates to the "facts"
and "principles" of the science being taught, from which the teacher derives appropriate examples,
pictures, etc. for instruction, relations, organisation and structure of the contents of a scientific
subject. This knowledge on the subject defines the more content...
A professional teacher does not favour men than women or women than men. A professional
teacher does not let his or her belief make him or her undermine the students' diverse beliefs, but
instead teacher accept and respect the students' beliefs and religion. A good teacher can motivate his
or her students by using creative and inspirational methods of teaching. A good teacher is different
in his or her methods approach and that makes him or her stand out from the crowd. Hence the
reason why students enjoy the teacher's classes and seek him or her out for new ideas. Great
teachers are always thinking of new ways to do things. Good professional teachers always strive to
bring the best presentations of content to students to make sure that students
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Reflective Essay on a Good Teacher...
Reflective Essay: A Good Teacher...
Standard 1: Development, learning, and motivation–
A teacher has his or her own style or way of motivating their students. Motivation plays an
important part in a student's success of learning and development. There are times when teachers
spend more time with their students than most parents do, thus, a teacher is fundamental in
shaping their students success. If parents or teachers are poor leaders our children are the ones
who are at a disadvantage. When they shine as leaders our children blossom and the world is wide
open to them. As a future teacher it is of utmost importance that I make sure to find the best style of
teaching for the students I will be teaching in order for them to receive more content...
Not every child learns the same way, nor are they interested in the same things. In my fieldwork I
have noticed that it is becoming more difficult to keep the attention of twenty to twenty–five
children under the age of ten. Most of the students in the class were not really that interested in
researching or reading. When it came time to learn a new activity they would sigh and state that
they did not want to do any of the work. However, if a conversation was sparked about a new
video game they were all excited to converse about it. A good teacher must learn to incorporate
everyone's beliefs into the daily curriculum. All students must be aware of the differences in the
world and around them. Teachers have a lot of responsibility and need to make sure that they make
learning a positive experience for all. By being sensitive to the needs of everyone and presenting
different ways of doing things, it can be possible for everyone to have an equal opportunity to do
their best.
Standard 3: Instruction– Differentiated instruction is very effective in the classroom. Teachers
should be well aware of how greatly students may vary in readiness, interest, and modes of learning.
Teachers need to work to adjust the classroom to the needs of subgroups of students. Cooperative
learning or student– centered instruction is not a new concept. Like direct instruction it has been
used as
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Qualities of a Good Teacher
Qualities of a good teacher Teaching is a difficult occupation. Teachers play an important part in
training children, teenagers... So, a good teacher must have some special qualities. They are:
knowledge, creation, confidence, empathy, sense of humor and passion. Imagine you are
dreaming being a teacher, you must accept that there are no doubt that knowledge is the first
quality of a good teacher. A good teacher need to enlarge his/her general knowledge on culture,
society, biology, geography... to provide students what they want to know. Beside, a good teacher
must be a person who are open to change. He/she must know "the only real constant in life is
change". There is a place not only for tradition but also for new ways, more content...
Therefore your meals are not equal, which means you won't have enough energy for a long day.
Obesity ––––––––––––––––––––––– Name: Bich Tram Class: IE 4.5 – M4 Name: Bich Tram Class:
IE 4.5 –
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Characteristics Of A Good Teacher
hat is a good teacher?: A good teacher, at its base, has two main characteristics: A Solid, working
knowledge of the content and a high intrapersonal intelligence. One without the other will result in a
horrible teacher. If a teacher is an expert in their content but is incapable of relating and contenting
with their students, they will not effectively teach. On the other hand, a teacher who is a "people
person" and has a great relationship with their students, but doesn't have a solid grasp of the content,
will inevitably fail to teach effectively as well. A good teacher will have those two basic components.
However, a 'great' teacher will have extreme patience, be encouraging, inspiring, a clear
communicator, in tune with the emotions of their students and show genuine excitement for the
content that they're teaching. Students notice these things. Passion and excitement is contagious.
The teacher mindset also goes a long way. For example, "empathize with kids, respect them and
believe that each one has something special that can be built upon (Lieberman, Ann." Respecting, caring and believing in every student makes the quality of
one's teaching go from great to life–changing. Strengths and Weaknesses: My first–time teaching in
this program I made a few mistakes. Firstly, I didn't write new vocabulary on the board for visual
reference. Secondly, I did not monitor the room efficiently for answering all the student's questions
and meeting all their needs. Lastly, I overexplained the grammar concept, resulting in a high
percentage of teacher–talk time. I have corrected these errors for the most part. Sometimes I still
forget to write new vocabulary on the board, but for the most part I do this. I also went to the other
extreme at one point where I over–monitored. I think I have know found a healthy balance in the
classroom. In my opinion, the thing that I need to work on the most is eliminating some of my
teacher–talk time. With every teacher practice I discover new ways to allow the students to talk
more than me. That is the hardest thing for me because the silence of students makes me feel
uncomfortable, so I often try to fill the silence with my own voice. This is what I need to
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The Qualities Of An Effective Teacher Essay
To answer the question "what are the qualities of an effective teacher?" I will use two things: my
experience with phenomenal teachers and my work as a tutor and mentor throughout high school. I
have come to believe an effective teacher is like a musician. Teachers transfer knowledge to the
minds of students just as musicians transmit tunes to the ears of audiences. Both groups captivate
others and inspire them. Each unique interaction requires coordinated messaging. To achieve
successful "language" in the classroom, a teacher must control tenor and pulse in order to create an
optimal environment for positive learning. The first aspect to effective teaching requires the teacher
to have knowledge of the subject matter. However, this is complicated because the possession of raw
knowledge and the ability to recite facts are not sturdy enough crutches for an effective teacher.
Teachers must also be able to integrate information. An effective teacher must find a balance
between complexity and simplicity, creating students who are not broken records of unapplied
knowledge nor who simply seek points for accuracy. To achieve this balance, teachers must
meticulously articulate their own knowledge so that fresh minds are neither overwhelmed nor bored
by it. Similarly, a good musician constructs pleasant timbre; he doesn't simply spit out jumbled
arrangements of sound, he creates smooth harmony that leaves the audience craving more. How do
teachers present material so that students
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A Good Teacher Essay
Who is a teacher and what makes a good teacher? By definition, a teacher is a person who teaches,
especially in school, but can anyone be a teacher? That is a matter of the possession of
qualification and the overall talent utilized whilst on the workforce. Having such qualification
simply doesn't create a good teacher, though. Becoming a good teacher requires work, effort and
time that one must be willing to sacrifice from their daily lives. A good teacher must be able to
teach the students clearly. He/she must be well prepared, whether it is regarding the lesson of the
day or any sudden questions the pupil may ask. A good teacher should have confidence with
themselves and be organized at all times. A good teacher respects his/her job and tries to be as
effective as possible.
But from being a good teacher, there is one higher form of teachers' ranking and that is being a
great and effective teacher. Being a good teacher is easy, but being a great teacher requires more
effort than what is usually expected and required. With being a great teacher, teaching is not a job,
but more content...
With that knowledge only can a person be creative about it. A certain degree of knowledge is
essential for one person to be able to adapt it to any situation or use it as an output in the education
industry whilst teaching. But can intelligent people be creative? Few studies have claimed that not
all intelligent people can be creative, but other researches have shown this to be fabricated.
Creativity is claimed to be the highest form of intelligence. So, should creativity be looked upon as if
opposed to intelligence? Creativity is one of the qualities of intelligence; same way as analytical
intelligence and practical intelligence. Although analytical and practical intelligence plays an
important role, without creativity, the task loses the touch of the creator, thus making it the same as
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Qualities Of A Good Teacher Essay

  • 1. Qualities Of A Good Teacher Fjoralba Kolila Mgr. Kurt Magsamen Code–Academic Writing 19 October 2017 Thesis: How is a 'Good Teacher' defined in a student–centered classroom? In education, it is not always easy to define the term 'good teacher'. When I entered into the Master studies a year ago, I knew I wanted to be a good teacher. I started to list in my mind some qualities and criteria of a good teacher, and began to realize the complexity of my question: 'What makes a good teacher in a student–centered classroom? By definition, a good teacher is a 'high–quality teacher' (Merriam–Webster). In school systems, a good teacher is usually the one with at least a bachelor degree, many certificates and is also related to students' test scores. However, it is always more content... Statement: A 'Good Teacher' should have some good qualities for an effective teaching in a student–centered classroom. The question of what makes someone a good teacher is relevant to all teaching contexts because most of the people have an opinion about this topic, based on their own experiences in the classroom. Most would be able to identify at least one teacher from their past who was memorable and would share stories to demonstrate why they had put this person into that kind of category. Eight years ago, my English teacher asked the class to list the characteristics of a 'good teacher'. Descriptors such as caring, fun, interesting, creative and motivational made the descriptions colorful. Because of the fact, that we rarely had to do with these kinds of teachers, made us think like that. Practically, this question reminded me of this teacher because she was curious to know what characteristics wanted her students to see in a good teacher. And this leads me to the argument that, maybe she was trying to understand, to change something and to be more effective for her students. The students' success lies in the quality and expertise of the teachers, yet some may not have a teaching qualification. So what makes a good teacher? They have four characteristics. First, they Get more content on
  • 2. Qualities of a Good Teacher Qualities of a good teacher Teaching is a difficult occupation. Teachers play an important part in training children, teenagers... So, a good teacher must have some special qualities. They are: knowledge, creation, confidence, empathy, sense of humor and passion. Imagine you are dreaming being a teacher, you must accept that there are no doubt that knowledge is the first quality of a good teacher. A good teacher need to enlarge his/her general knowledge on culture, society, biology, geography... to provide students what they want to know. Beside, a good teacher must be a person who are open to change. He/she must know "the only real constant in life is change". There is a place not only for tradition but also for new ways, more content... However, a good teacher need to believe that he/she can solve those problems. A teacher is a window through which many young people will see their future, so he/she has to be a fine role model. He/she need to show his/her confidence with the future, thereby teacher can teach student how to believe in themselves. Empathy is the third quality. A teacher must have the ability to bond with the students, to understand and resonate with their feelings and emotions. He/she need to put his/herself in students' situation to understand and solve students' problem. A good teacher must know that the aggression, negative attitudes that he/she can see in some students have a root cause. He/she know that they are really scared young people who have come through some bed experiences in life. This will keep a teacher calm and have control. If a teacher can do this, he/she will gain more than love from his/her students. As we know, sense of humor is a key to surviving as a teacher. A teacher who is humorous and funny can reduces barriers and lighten the atmosphere especially during heavy period. By telling funny stories, joking with the students, a teacher can makes class more enjoyable and makes students pay attention to the lessons. An ability to make students laugh will carry a teacher far and gain he/she more respect. Last but not least, a good teacher must be passionate about what he/she does. Teaching young people is a teacher's dream and Get more content on
  • 3. Characteristics Of A Good Teacher Essay Item One: Write a short essay reflecting on what characteristics make a good teacher, using your own educational experiences. Without using names, identify the "best" and "worst" teacher that you have had and support your choices with rationales. What makes a good teacher? Ask this question to one hundred people and one would get one hundred different answers. I have contemplated this question myself over the course of my twenty years in education. The ideas that I have about the answer to this question are not the same ones that I had twenty years ago. In my personal experience being a "good" teacher is something that I always wanted. In recent years I have learned that teaching is not about being a "good" teacher but about striving each day to be a "better" teacher than I was the day before. A good teacher is one who knows her students and her students' needs. The students are the reason that the teacher is there. Classrooms are filled with students from differing backgrounds and families. As a teacher, one should know her students by talking with them, asking them questions, learning their likes and dislikes and making them feel safe and comfortable in the classroom. The classroom should be a safe haven for students where the teacher creates an atmosphere where students feel comfortable in being themselves and expressing their opinions. Another characteristic of a good teacher is one who knows her subject and is able to extend that knowledge to her students. Every Get more content on
  • 4. Mrs. Caroline: The Qualities Of A Good Teacher "Of all the hard jobs around, one of the hardest is being a good teacher." Teachers who truly care about their jobs knows what it really takes to be a teacher. It's more than just sitting behind a desk and assigning your students to work; it's about long hours, hard work, passion and dedication as some key factors. A teacher should be someone students look up to and aspire to learn more from, not someone who makes them dread going to school. Nevertheless, Miss. Caroline was that teacher. She was extremely naive, arrogant and insensitive. She did not bestow the traits a good teacher would have. Miss.Caroline might have chosen the wrong profession considering it may be one of the hardest jobs out there, but it can also be one of the most rewarding. Miss. Caroline was completely clueless and utterly naive. Understanding and connecting with students is a very important part of teaching. For a teacher to even begun teaching, a really big factor is knowing more content... Caroline walked around with buckets of it. For example; a student in her class, Walter Cunningham, had come to school with no shoes on. Should the fact that he had no lunch either be a surprise to her? She tried offering a quarter to him in front of the whole class for lunch. After a few failed attempts, she becomes impatient when he does not accept it. What an ignorant teacher, if the boy had no shoes, how would he have a quarter to pay her back? Scout tried explaining why to Walter could not take the money but instead of hearing her out, Miss. Caroline took out her ruler. She had whipped scouts hand 6 times, perhaps out of frustration or maybe it was a way to make her mistakes someone else's fault. She had made her ashamed of telling the truth, but isn't that what's right? It appears that Miss. Caroline did not fully understand that basis of being a teacher. Instead, she was naive, arrogant and insensitive. She did not know how to teach. Miss. Caroline Rosa Get more content on
  • 5. With my experience as a teacher, skills, and attributes that are necessary to be an outstanding teacher. To be passion, leadership, and good classroom management and up to date content knowledge. A teacher has to be able to accommodate the academic, social, and emotional needs of all of their students. Engages all students into each lesson so they feel like they are part of the classroom community. Skill and outstanding teacher cater to all students' diverse learning styles. Doing his/her work an outstanding teacher is not only a leader but a good listener. In conclusion, an outstanding teacher is to be a role model to all students, must always handle each situation in an appropriate way. So that his/her students can learn from those situations Get more content on
  • 6. Everyone knows that when it comes to making a difference in a student's academic and life achievements, their teachers play a large role. A teacher's way of relating to their students, and teaching them to achieve both socially and academically contributes to how effective teachers are. What does it mean to be an effective teacher? Overall there seems to be an emphasis that teacher effectiveness is related to how well their students are doing based on standardized testing. As teachers we know there is much more that goes into being an effective teacher then just teaching our students based on tests. In this paper different definitions of an effective teacher will be addressed along with how to assess teachers on being more content... Farr (2010) says effective teachers should set big goals that are meaningful for their students and measurable throughout the year. When a teacher invests their time into their students they show motivation needed to reach their students needs at any level to make sure they reach the goals set for them. Planning is essential and teachers must not just plan a lesson and move on with it, they have to understand their students and have an idea of where their students are going and how best they can help them succeed growth in the most efficient way. Being able to plan for each students learning means also being able to change. Effective teachers should be able to observe their students learning along the way and change whenever needed to ensure their students are continuing to develop knowledge. Some students may need more time and different strategies used to reach their goals. Teachers have to be prepared to take a step back, decide what the problem is and come up with solutions and approaches that will help their students. Overall an effective teacher no matter what concern, issue, difficulty or other obstacle may be in their way should be able to overcome them, and find the strategy or strategies to reach each student to ensure that they can achieve those big goals set for them. (Farr, 2010) In an article done by the National Education Policy Center (2010), teachers should be looked at under three Get more content on
  • 7. The Qualities Of An Outstanding Teacher Describe the skills or attributes you believe are necessary to be an outstanding teacher. While there are many ways to be an outstanding teacher, every high–quality teacher should, in my opinion, have these skills and dispositions: A focus on relationships. This includes relationships with students, relationships with parents, relationships with other teachers, relationships between students, relationships between content areas, and so on. Building excellent relationships with other individuals, especially students, is vital to being an excellent teacher, no matter the grade level or content area. Always growing and seeking to improve their practice, learning from their mistakes. Teaching is not a profession that is the same more content... Outstanding teachers know their stuff! They know what they are teaching and how to teach it so that students will understand and be able to use their knowledge in multiple contexts. Reflective. Outstanding teachers take time to reflect on their own practice and on student learning, asking themselves questions and really seeking to find the answers. Part of being reflective is using data to inform future teaching, really wrestling with the numbers and information we get from students about their learning so that we can modify our instruction to best suit their needs. Solid classroom management/community. Have you ever been in a classroom that could "run itself"? It probably belonged to an outstanding teacher. Phenomenal teachers craft a classroom that is a community, where all learners are able to grow in relationships, knowledge, and maturity. Systems are in place to make the classroom run smoothly so that time can be spent on more important things than where to put homework in the morning. Give back to the school beyond the classroom. The school is a community, just like the classroom should be. One of the best ways to make that community more beneficial to all its members is to give back. Outstanding teachers know this and put it into practice, whether it is coaching a sport, volunteering with PTO activities, serving on a committee, or supporting other teachers. Remember why we are here. In the craziness of mandates and Get more content on
  • 8. Positive Qualities Of A Good Teacher The teacher is an integral part of education. A teacher has many methods to influence his students. A positive or negative influence from a teacher early on life can have a significant effect on the life of a child. Therefore, all teachers should strive to be what is considered a "good teacher." A good teacher always inspires students and make them want to study better. A good teacher can be defined as someone who makes a class positive, being strict with the students and be opening to students. In class, the atmosphere is a vital factor of education. A teacher full of positive energy can keep the course highly active. Not every child learns the same way, nor are they interested in the same things, so continuing students in good study interest can make students focus more on the teacher. The teacher needs design multiple ways to get students' interests in teaching. A good example is a teacher called Mr. White from a video shown in NBC. He is a teacher from Charleville, NC. He always has a special handshake with each one of his students before studying in front of the classroom. It let students know the class will begin soon and making students think more about class. The handshake has the positive effect to prepare class. For essential school students, being fun and doing active activities in class makes them focus more on educational activities. Further, improving the learning interest of students and studying effects. Another example is a teacher Jaime Escalante in the Get more content on
  • 9. Qualities of a Good Teacher Have you ever wondered what makes a good teacher? What separates a mediocre teacher from a terrific teacher? Teachers play an important role in the education of our society. Important skills and aspects to have are knowledge of the learning materials, respect for the children, good communication, and an understanding of the needs of the children. These are the qualities a good teacher to should have. Knowledge One of the most important qualities for a teacher to have is knowledge. A good teacher should understand the central concepts and have an understanding of the subject that they teach and be able to demonstrate a vast knowledge of the subject matter. Knowledge enables students to approach head–on the topics at hand and more content... There is no single way for a teacher to teach all the students all the time. A good teacher chooses the methods and techniques that are successful in helping a specific class or how a specific student learns on a specific day. This can include working in small groups, student–directed discovery, or direct teacher–centered instruction. To teach students successfully, a teacher must command a wide range of techniques and be able to choose the appropriate one any given day. A good teacher is one who understands the students without bias and can communicate on their level. A teacher can take on many roles like a parent, a friend, a counselor and should be a person whom is approachable at any time confidently with problems not confined to his or her subject alone. Communication Communication plays a big part in the effectiveness of a teacher. Communication does not only take place by means of words; nonverbal communication (or body language) is equally important. (Detlef) A good teacher incorporates all forms of communication into a classroom setting by taking into account multicultural differences and uses those differences to provide an innovative learning experience and provide meaningful classroom experiences. A good teacher understands that communication is a two–way process. They are expert listeners and interpreters of what students Get more content on
  • 10. An outstanding teacher is extremely knowledgeable and understanding of the content being presented and teaches the lessons dynamically to cater to all students' diverse learning styles. To ensure that the teacher is knowledgeable and understanding of the content an outstanding teacher has to have an on going, voluntary, self motivated pursuit of knowledge for their profession and the content they are teaching. A superior teacher must always strive to improve upon that knowledge base through research, investigation, and professional development. Outstanding teachers need to strive to be lifelong learners and continually grow in their professional development. Get more content on
  • 11. Characteristics Of A Great Teacher What Makes A Great Teacher A world without education is a world without knowledge. Teachers play a significant role in educating the uneducated because it is a rewarding profession. However, it can only be done if there is dedication, passion, and determination. These are the key factors that separate a great teacher from a "mediocre" teacher. A "mediocre" teacher enjoys his or her work and is satisfied with their work. Meanwhile a great teacher is constantly adding and changing their teaching methods to accommodate the needs of each student. One of the articles that we have read over the course of this semester, states, "...Great teachers, he concluded, constantly reevaluate what they are doing" (Amanda and Ripley). When I was doing my research a common theme that came up was the fact that teacher need to constantly evaluate their teaching methods. It is crucial for teachers to constantly reevaluate their methods and to accommodate the new changes that are constantly occurring in the world. For example as technology advances teachers need to have the skills to add technology into their teaching methods. QUALITIES OF A GOOD TEACHER Along with my scholarly research articles, I had the opportunity to interview two of my former high school teachers Mike Kelly, and Alison Alvarez. Through the interviews, I was able to understand what it is like to be a teacher from their point of view and I was able to learn the qualities that makes a successful teacher. Mrs. Alvarez, said the Get more content on
  • 12. What makes a good teacher? Essay In my opinion, a good teacher should be one who puts her heart into teaching. This is because only by doing so will the students feel their passion and hard work. When a teacher strives hard for the students, students will put in their effort as well. If a teacher dislikes her job, goes to classes in a bad mood, her teaching would also be affected and students would not be able to enjoy lessons as well. Another point that makes a good teacher would be his/her patience. Teachers should not get upset or even worse, give up on the students who are not so strong in their studies. Instead, they should have the patience to slowly coach them, give them extra lessons, and find different ways to encourage them. Let them know that the more content... It would be better if the teacher is able to find common topics to chat with the students. This would let the students feel like they can relate better to the teacher. "You must not give up. I want to let you know that even if you're facing so many problems, and feel like there's no one to talk to, I'll be here for you. Everyone else might want to be the sun that lights up your life, but I rather be the moon that guides you through your darkest hours. Let's strive hard and work toward our goal together!" This was what my high school teacher told me 10 years ago and I have remembered it until now, and will remember it for the next 10 years and so on. I was once a problematic kid who mixed with bad company and flunk tests. I never thought about what I was going to do the next day, what more when I grew up. Of course when I was younger, I had lots of dreams. I wanted to set up my own company, I wanted to be a teacher, I wanted to be able to drive an airplane and the list went on. But as the years went by, they became less insignificant to me and soon, I forgot every single one of those dreams and goals. I got to a new school and knew friends who smoke and took drugs. My grades started dropping from "A" to fails. But I did not care. I could not be bothered by then. I went partying every night and got home drunk. What was the point of studying? My parents are Get more content on
  • 13. A good teacher is not defined by a specific personality or style of teaching; rather, a good teacher is defined by her commitment to her students ' learning. A good teacher is someone who is patient with her students, who creatively and relentlessly finds helpful ways to communicate ideas to students, and who instills confidence in her students by setting them up for success. A good teacher inspires her students to strive for more than they think possible. A good teacher teaches her students how to learn on their own. A good teacher is able to manage a class effectively and cultivate a space that is free and safe for learning. And, most importantly, a good teacher is always driven by a motivation of genuine love and care for her more content... It 's good for the mind and body to have a break, get some sleep, be with friends, eat some food, etc.; sometimes I just get so excited and focused on going above and beyond that I neglect other, equally important things. This has always been a problem in my life throughout high school and college and various jobs I have worked. I was always an Astudent and a dedicated athlete and a devoted employee – I have even received feedback from employers at times telling me to not work so much in my free time. I have learned that sometimes it is better to settle for simpler and equally sufficient activities/solutions than to spend hours of personal time coming up with something more "interesting" or creative; and while I believe I have made some progress in making these determinations of when to spend less time on work in personal time, I think it will always be an area I can work to improve on. Teaching Approaches There are several methods and approaches of teaching available to be used in the EFL classroom. As Davies and Fraenkel point out in their book, The Language in English Teaching, there is no "best" method but rather different choices based on each unique learning situation.1 In the context of a B2 level classroom, where students have already developed a degree of fluency and spontaneity in the target Get more content on
  • 14. Qualities of a Good Teacher A teacher is an individual who plays the most vital role in the development of any being. The future of any student depends on the qualities and dedication of a teacher. It is the teacher who creates an interest in students to develop and progress and achieve what ever aims they set for themselves. The most important qualities of a teacher are as follows: 1.A good teacher tries continuously. Teachers respect students who try hard even if they do not succeed; similarly students should respect teachers who try their best for quality teaching. 2.Good teachers are always ready to take risks. They set impossible goals for themselves and then struggle hard to achieve them. 3.Good teacher always have positive attitude. more content... 6. Dedication to excellence. Good teachers want the best from their students and themselves. They don't settle for poor grades, knowing it reflects upon their ability to teach just as much upon a student's ability to excel. The best teachers encourage the sharing of ideas and offer incentives (like not having to do homework for a day) to get students to think outside the box. They don't tolerate students' badmouthing other teachers, doing their best to point out that other teachers are human too. They encourage students to be good people, not just good memorizers of text. They want students to learn and be able to apply what they learned, not just be able to pass tests. 7. Unwavering support. The best teachers know that everyone is able to do well if they have the right teacher. They don't accept that a student is a lost cause. They encourage if you are frustrated and provide true belief that you can get the material. They stand up for individuals against other students, not allowing for in class taunting. Sometimes, they even extend this outside the classroom, although taunts in the hallways are very hard for teachers to combat. The best teachers are there if you need extra help and even encourage it. 8. Willingness to help student achieve. The best teachers are those that don't stop teaching when the bell rings. They hold extra sessions for SAT prep; they reach out to students after class. They know that some Get more content on
  • 15. What Are The Qualities Of A Good Teacher Every teacher wants to be a good teacher, but what is a good teacher? Who is it? What are the characteristics of a good teacher and how can you become one? What qualities should a good teacher possess. A good teacher must be knowledgeable in his or her subject of specialisation, passionate, approachable, good communicator and professional. KNOWLEDGEABLE A good teacher must be knowledgeable. It is important for the teacher to have strong knowledge in the subject that he or she specialises in so that he or she will be able to teach his or her student. If the teacher has strong knowledge of the subject he or she teaches, it will help him or her to be able to answer every question that the student can possibly ask thus helping the student to understand the subject better. (Kennedy 1990) science content (opinions, axioms, facts, etc.). It relates to the "facts" and "principles" of the science being taught, from which the teacher derives appropriate examples, pictures, etc. for instruction, relations, organisation and structure of the contents of a scientific subject. This knowledge on the subject defines the more content... A professional teacher does not favour men than women or women than men. A professional teacher does not let his or her belief make him or her undermine the students' diverse beliefs, but instead teacher accept and respect the students' beliefs and religion. A good teacher can motivate his or her students by using creative and inspirational methods of teaching. A good teacher is different in his or her methods approach and that makes him or her stand out from the crowd. Hence the reason why students enjoy the teacher's classes and seek him or her out for new ideas. Great teachers are always thinking of new ways to do things. Good professional teachers always strive to bring the best presentations of content to students to make sure that students Get more content on
  • 16. Reflective Essay on a Good Teacher... Reflective Essay: A Good Teacher... Standard 1: Development, learning, and motivation– A teacher has his or her own style or way of motivating their students. Motivation plays an important part in a student's success of learning and development. There are times when teachers spend more time with their students than most parents do, thus, a teacher is fundamental in shaping their students success. If parents or teachers are poor leaders our children are the ones who are at a disadvantage. When they shine as leaders our children blossom and the world is wide open to them. As a future teacher it is of utmost importance that I make sure to find the best style of teaching for the students I will be teaching in order for them to receive more content... Not every child learns the same way, nor are they interested in the same things. In my fieldwork I have noticed that it is becoming more difficult to keep the attention of twenty to twenty–five children under the age of ten. Most of the students in the class were not really that interested in researching or reading. When it came time to learn a new activity they would sigh and state that they did not want to do any of the work. However, if a conversation was sparked about a new video game they were all excited to converse about it. A good teacher must learn to incorporate everyone's beliefs into the daily curriculum. All students must be aware of the differences in the world and around them. Teachers have a lot of responsibility and need to make sure that they make learning a positive experience for all. By being sensitive to the needs of everyone and presenting different ways of doing things, it can be possible for everyone to have an equal opportunity to do their best. Standard 3: Instruction– Differentiated instruction is very effective in the classroom. Teachers should be well aware of how greatly students may vary in readiness, interest, and modes of learning. Teachers need to work to adjust the classroom to the needs of subgroups of students. Cooperative learning or student– centered instruction is not a new concept. Like direct instruction it has been used as Get more content on
  • 17. Qualities of a Good Teacher Qualities of a good teacher Teaching is a difficult occupation. Teachers play an important part in training children, teenagers... So, a good teacher must have some special qualities. They are: knowledge, creation, confidence, empathy, sense of humor and passion. Imagine you are dreaming being a teacher, you must accept that there are no doubt that knowledge is the first quality of a good teacher. A good teacher need to enlarge his/her general knowledge on culture, society, biology, geography... to provide students what they want to know. Beside, a good teacher must be a person who are open to change. He/she must know "the only real constant in life is change". There is a place not only for tradition but also for new ways, more content... Therefore your meals are not equal, which means you won't have enough energy for a long day. Obesity ––––––––––––––––––––––– Name: Bich Tram Class: IE 4.5 – M4 Name: Bich Tram Class: IE 4.5 – Get more content on
  • 18. Characteristics Of A Good Teacher hat is a good teacher?: A good teacher, at its base, has two main characteristics: A Solid, working knowledge of the content and a high intrapersonal intelligence. One without the other will result in a horrible teacher. If a teacher is an expert in their content but is incapable of relating and contenting with their students, they will not effectively teach. On the other hand, a teacher who is a "people person" and has a great relationship with their students, but doesn't have a solid grasp of the content, will inevitably fail to teach effectively as well. A good teacher will have those two basic components. However, a 'great' teacher will have extreme patience, be encouraging, inspiring, a clear communicator, in tune with the emotions of their students and show genuine excitement for the content that they're teaching. Students notice these things. Passion and excitement is contagious. The teacher mindset also goes a long way. For example, "empathize with kids, respect them and believe that each one has something special that can be built upon (Lieberman, Ann." Respecting, caring and believing in every student makes the quality of one's teaching go from great to life–changing. Strengths and Weaknesses: My first–time teaching in this program I made a few mistakes. Firstly, I didn't write new vocabulary on the board for visual reference. Secondly, I did not monitor the room efficiently for answering all the student's questions and meeting all their needs. Lastly, I overexplained the grammar concept, resulting in a high percentage of teacher–talk time. I have corrected these errors for the most part. Sometimes I still forget to write new vocabulary on the board, but for the most part I do this. I also went to the other extreme at one point where I over–monitored. I think I have know found a healthy balance in the classroom. In my opinion, the thing that I need to work on the most is eliminating some of my teacher–talk time. With every teacher practice I discover new ways to allow the students to talk more than me. That is the hardest thing for me because the silence of students makes me feel uncomfortable, so I often try to fill the silence with my own voice. This is what I need to Get more content on
  • 19. The Qualities Of An Effective Teacher Essay To answer the question "what are the qualities of an effective teacher?" I will use two things: my experience with phenomenal teachers and my work as a tutor and mentor throughout high school. I have come to believe an effective teacher is like a musician. Teachers transfer knowledge to the minds of students just as musicians transmit tunes to the ears of audiences. Both groups captivate others and inspire them. Each unique interaction requires coordinated messaging. To achieve successful "language" in the classroom, a teacher must control tenor and pulse in order to create an optimal environment for positive learning. The first aspect to effective teaching requires the teacher to have knowledge of the subject matter. However, this is complicated because the possession of raw knowledge and the ability to recite facts are not sturdy enough crutches for an effective teacher. Teachers must also be able to integrate information. An effective teacher must find a balance between complexity and simplicity, creating students who are not broken records of unapplied knowledge nor who simply seek points for accuracy. To achieve this balance, teachers must meticulously articulate their own knowledge so that fresh minds are neither overwhelmed nor bored by it. Similarly, a good musician constructs pleasant timbre; he doesn't simply spit out jumbled arrangements of sound, he creates smooth harmony that leaves the audience craving more. How do teachers present material so that students Get more content on
  • 20. A Good Teacher Essay Who is a teacher and what makes a good teacher? By definition, a teacher is a person who teaches, especially in school, but can anyone be a teacher? That is a matter of the possession of qualification and the overall talent utilized whilst on the workforce. Having such qualification simply doesn't create a good teacher, though. Becoming a good teacher requires work, effort and time that one must be willing to sacrifice from their daily lives. A good teacher must be able to teach the students clearly. He/she must be well prepared, whether it is regarding the lesson of the day or any sudden questions the pupil may ask. A good teacher should have confidence with themselves and be organized at all times. A good teacher respects his/her job and tries to be as effective as possible. But from being a good teacher, there is one higher form of teachers' ranking and that is being a great and effective teacher. Being a good teacher is easy, but being a great teacher requires more effort than what is usually expected and required. With being a great teacher, teaching is not a job, but more content... With that knowledge only can a person be creative about it. A certain degree of knowledge is essential for one person to be able to adapt it to any situation or use it as an output in the education industry whilst teaching. But can intelligent people be creative? Few studies have claimed that not all intelligent people can be creative, but other researches have shown this to be fabricated. Creativity is claimed to be the highest form of intelligence. So, should creativity be looked upon as if opposed to intelligence? Creativity is one of the qualities of intelligence; same way as analytical intelligence and practical intelligence. Although analytical and practical intelligence plays an important role, without creativity, the task loses the touch of the creator, thus making it the same as everyone Get more content on