The word rare earth metals often causes people to wonder what kind of metals are being discussed. A good number of people are usually confused by the term and often associate it with metals that are so precious that they can hardly be found on earth.
3. The word rare earth metals often
causes people to wonder what kind
of metals are being discussed. A
good number of people are usually
confused by the term and often
associate it with metals that are so
precious that they can hardly be
found on earth. This is actually true
in as far specialty is concerned.
However, the rare earth metals are
actually common in the earth’s crust.
They contribute to a huge fraction of
the elements in the earth’s crust.
Countries that are highly
industrialised are able to extract
these metals from beneath earth’s
surface. For example, Chinese
producers of these metals are able to
extract them from beneath the
earth’s surface using sophisticated
extraction methods.
4. A rare metal belongs to the group of
metals that are used to manufacture high
tech products and weaponry. A good
number of high products that are available
on the market today have a component
which has been made of a rare earth metal
or at least contain some of it. This also
applies to some of the sophisticated
weaponry that is available today and only
owned by elite armies such as American
and British armies.
Due to the major purpose for the mining
and processing of these metals, they are
often referred to as tech metals. This is the
name that is commonly used on the stock
market platforms. They are quite expensive
to buy and they often fetch huge sums of
money on the metal exchange market. This
may explain why many people are taking
advantage of investments in technology
5. These metals are often said to be rare because they are not common on the surface of
the earth and they are only produced by selected countries. Today, China is the leading
producer of rare earth metals. More than 90 % of the total fraction of rare earth metals
that are available on the market today are produced by china.
A few other producers are spread in various parts of the world including the United States
where mining for such metals is quite serious. Another notable source of rare earth metals
is Australia which is currently merging forces with American companies in a bid to escalate
the mining and processing of such metals. There are also a few African countries which are
considered as being among notable producers of the metals.
6. Rare earth metals are used in the manufacture of high tech products and a good number
of electronic products because of the properties that they possess. In particular, they are
said to possess unique magnetic properties and certain special electrochemical attributes.
They are also light enough to fit perfectly in any electronic device or product. There are
numerous examples of rare earth metals that are known today. They number up to 17 and
their atomic numbers range between 20 and 72. There is Ytterbium, Lutetium, Thulium,
Erbium and Holmium whose atomic numbers are 70, 71, 69, 68 and 67 respectively.
Lithium has recently become popular because of its contribution to the making of batteries
for the storage of electrical energy.