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At the end of the training, participants will be able to: - Determine  why customers complain - Show the right attitude in receiving complaints - Follow the steps in Handling Customer  Complaints  - Know the importance of properly handling customer complaints SESSION OBJECTIVES
CUSTOMER SERVICE is the ability of the organization to constantly and consistently exceed customer expectation.
Limbic System Emotional Brain
L – stands for  LISTEN Let them vent, let them tell their story, let them take it out Active listening    a. what they are telling   b. how they are telling it   c. what they are not telling Do not interrupt, do not try to justify, do not try to solve the problem
Be aware of your tone of voice Be aware of your body language  Remove barriers If there is a designated place for complaints, invite the guests there Nod from time to time  Keep eye contact What to Do Face to Face  Please continue… Tell me more Then what happened? uhm yes Uh uh What to Say Face to Face Is that so… Yes… I see… Uh uh  hmm Use comforting murmurs like:  What to Say On the Phone
I appreciate that you are telling this to me.. I understand what you feel I can see why are you frustrated What To Say to EMPATHIZE Gosh, that must be frustrating for you... I understand what you are going through. If that happened to me, I will feel frustrated too…
A – stands for  APOLOGIZE Saying sorry is not an admission of fault but apologizing is for the inconvenience of the customer If the company has made a mistake by all means apologize about the situation. You must not take the blame for what someone did, but you must take  OWNERSHIP   of the situation.
What to say to APOLOGIZE I’m sorry you feel frustrated I’m so sorry that happened. Let me fix that for you. I’m sorry you have to go through this I am sorry for the inconvenience I think I owe you an apology I understand how disappointing it  must have been, I’m sorry. Wow. We really messed up. Our sincere apologies Clearly, we didn’t deliver the experience you were expecting
F – stands for  FIX 1. Clarify the problem  2. Promptly resolve the issue - Explain corrective actions if you are not  authorize to rectify the complaint 3.Involve the customer in solving the problem - Do not promise anything you cannot keep 4. Check back on the customer  5. Compliment the Customer
What to Say to   CLARIFY Sir what I hear you saying is… Mam, If I understand you right… Mam, You mean to say… Sir you are telling us… Let me verify… Sir what I understand from our talk is…. Is there anything else Sir we need to discuss…
What to Say to EXPLAIN CORRECTIVE ACTIONS Sir, here’s what I will do to fix the problem Mam, I’m going to need to make some phone calls… Sir, this will take another hour… I’ll speak with my manager who can better help you with the situation… Sir, I will have to check on
What to Say to INVOLVE THE CUSTOMER IN SOLVING THE PROBLEM What can I do to make you happy? How can I make it up to you? How can I make things right?
What to Say to CHECK BACK How does that sound Sir? What do you think of that Mam? Will that meet your needs Sir? Would that be satisfactory Mam? Does that make sense Sir?
What to Say to Give COMPLIMENTS We are truly grateful to have the opportunity to turn the situation around…  Thank you for bringing the matter to our attention… Thank you for improving the quality of our service… It’s people like you who keep our business growing… We appreciate your time telling the concern to us..
PLUS 1 MEANS This step is what separates the good from the great This is to compensate the customer for the trouble by  adding on  something extra The power of Plus 1 is that it creates extraordinarily loyal customers It creates a WOW! In the customer’s mind and build a loyal customer base
You can write a hand written note Company T-shirt Free round of drinks Free dessert Gift certificate Merchandise Percentage off their meal Give them your calling card and assure VIP treatment next visit
R – stands for  RECORD Develop a system of record keeping Log in the complaint and any relevant data As much as possible this should be explained to  the department

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  • 1.  
  • 2. At the end of the training, participants will be able to: - Determine why customers complain - Show the right attitude in receiving complaints - Follow the steps in Handling Customer Complaints - Know the importance of properly handling customer complaints SESSION OBJECTIVES
  • 3.  
  • 4.  
  • 5.  
  • 6.  
  • 7.  
  • 8. CUSTOMER SERVICE is the ability of the organization to constantly and consistently exceed customer expectation.
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  • 29.  
  • 30. L – stands for LISTEN Let them vent, let them tell their story, let them take it out Active listening a. what they are telling b. how they are telling it c. what they are not telling Do not interrupt, do not try to justify, do not try to solve the problem
  • 31. Be aware of your tone of voice Be aware of your body language Remove barriers If there is a designated place for complaints, invite the guests there Nod from time to time Keep eye contact What to Do Face to Face Please continue… Tell me more Then what happened? uhm yes Uh uh What to Say Face to Face Is that so… Yes… I see… Uh uh hmm Use comforting murmurs like: What to Say On the Phone
  • 32.  
  • 33.  
  • 34. I appreciate that you are telling this to me.. I understand what you feel I can see why are you frustrated What To Say to EMPATHIZE Gosh, that must be frustrating for you... I understand what you are going through. If that happened to me, I will feel frustrated too…
  • 35. A – stands for APOLOGIZE Saying sorry is not an admission of fault but apologizing is for the inconvenience of the customer If the company has made a mistake by all means apologize about the situation. You must not take the blame for what someone did, but you must take OWNERSHIP of the situation.
  • 36. What to say to APOLOGIZE I’m sorry you feel frustrated I’m so sorry that happened. Let me fix that for you. I’m sorry you have to go through this I am sorry for the inconvenience I think I owe you an apology I understand how disappointing it must have been, I’m sorry. Wow. We really messed up. Our sincere apologies Clearly, we didn’t deliver the experience you were expecting
  • 37. F – stands for FIX 1. Clarify the problem 2. Promptly resolve the issue - Explain corrective actions if you are not authorize to rectify the complaint 3.Involve the customer in solving the problem - Do not promise anything you cannot keep 4. Check back on the customer 5. Compliment the Customer
  • 38. What to Say to CLARIFY Sir what I hear you saying is… Mam, If I understand you right… Mam, You mean to say… Sir you are telling us… Let me verify… Sir what I understand from our talk is…. Is there anything else Sir we need to discuss…
  • 39. What to Say to EXPLAIN CORRECTIVE ACTIONS Sir, here’s what I will do to fix the problem Mam, I’m going to need to make some phone calls… Sir, this will take another hour… I’ll speak with my manager who can better help you with the situation… Sir, I will have to check on
  • 40. What to Say to INVOLVE THE CUSTOMER IN SOLVING THE PROBLEM What can I do to make you happy? How can I make it up to you? How can I make things right?
  • 41. What to Say to CHECK BACK How does that sound Sir? What do you think of that Mam? Will that meet your needs Sir? Would that be satisfactory Mam? Does that make sense Sir?
  • 42. What to Say to Give COMPLIMENTS We are truly grateful to have the opportunity to turn the situation around… Thank you for bringing the matter to our attention… Thank you for improving the quality of our service… It’s people like you who keep our business growing… We appreciate your time telling the concern to us..
  • 43. PLUS 1 MEANS This step is what separates the good from the great This is to compensate the customer for the trouble by adding on something extra The power of Plus 1 is that it creates extraordinarily loyal customers It creates a WOW! In the customer’s mind and build a loyal customer base
  • 44. You can write a hand written note Company T-shirt Free round of drinks Free dessert Gift certificate Merchandise Percentage off their meal Give them your calling card and assure VIP treatment next visit
  • 45. R – stands for RECORD Develop a system of record keeping Log in the complaint and any relevant data As much as possible this should be explained to the department
  • 46.  
  • 47.  
  • 48.  
  • 49.  
  • 50.  
  • 51.  
  • 52.  
  • 53.  
  • 54.  
  • 55.