A short story is a fictional piece of writing between 500-15,000 words that tells a single event and has a beginning, middle, and end. It uses elements like setting, characterization, plot, conflict, climax, resolution, theme, and point of view to create an impression on the reader and draw them into the action. The document defines these common elements of a short story and their purposes.
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How To Write A Short Story
1. Elements of a Short Story Free powerpoints at http://www.worldofteaching.com
2. Definition of a Short Story Tells about a single event or experience Fictional (not true) 500 to 15,000 words in length It has a beginning, middle, and end Creates an impression on the reader
3. Elements of a Short Story Setting Characterization Plot Conflict Climax Resolution Theme Point of view
5. Short Story Vocabulary Characterization: Creation of imaginary people who appear to be real to the reader. The writer gives information about the characters in the story.
6. Short Story Vocabulary Plot: A series of events through which the writer reveals what is happening, to whom, and why.
9. Short Story Vocabulary Resolution: The story’s action after the climax until the end of the story. The “conclusion” of the story.
10. Short Story Vocabulary Theme: The story’s main ideas. The “message” the writer intends to communicate by telling the story.
11. Short Story Vocabulary Point of view: The position of the narrator of the story and what the writer sees from that vantage point.
12. Elements of a Short Story Setting Characterization Plot Conflict Climax Resolution Theme Point of view
13. Great writers are able to use the elements of the short story with such precision that the reader is caught up in the action of the story. This is a mark of a good story and our goal as a writer. Short Story
Editor's Notes
Students will be provided a copy of the power point presentation in outline form. The outline form will have blanks to be filled in during the presentation. This presentation is in preparation of writing a short story for their portfolio. This presentation was designed for a resource Language Arts class; students having learning and behavior disorders.