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     IN U                                  f   th

    A              en
                                               Every Child Matters
 IT      eU

       th                                      The five Outcomes and the
                                     UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC)

                             These articles of the UNCRC are relevant to all five Outcomes
                Article 1                                                              Article 6
                Everyone under 18 years of age has all the                             All children have the right to life.
                rights stated in the UN Convention on the                              Governments should ensure that children
                Rights of the Child.                                                   survive and develop healthily.
                Article 2                                                              Article 12
                The Convention applies to everyone, whatever                           Governments to ensure that children have the
                their nation, race, colour, sex, religion, abilities,                  right to express freely their views and to take
                opinion, wealth or social position.                                    account of children’s views. Children have the
                                                                                       right to be heard in any legal or administrative
                Article 3                                                              matters that affect them.
                All organisations concerned with children should
                work towards what is best for each child.                              Article 22
                                                                                       Refugee children have the right to protection and
                Article 4                                                              assistance and the same rights as other children
                Governments shall take all neccessary steps to                         wherever they are or whatever their circumstance.
                make these rights available to all children.
                 Being healthy                       Staying safe          Enjoying and             Making a positive           Economic
                  Enjoying good                     Being protected          achieving                 contribution             well-being
                   physical and                     from harm and     Getting the most out          To the community       Not being prevented
                  mental health                   neglect and growing of life and developing        and to society and         by economic
                   and living a                     up able to look        broad skills for        not engaging in anti-    disadvantage from
                 healthy lifestyle                 after themselves          adulthood              social or offending     achieving their full
                                                                                                        behaviour             potential in life

                     Article 23                          Article 9              Article 5                Article 5                Article 8
               Special care and                   Right to family life    Governments              Governments             Government respect
               support for children               unless the child is     respect the rights       respect the rights      child’s right to name,
               with special needs                 abused or neglected     and responsibilities     and responsibilities    nationality, family
                                                                          of parents               of parents
                      Article 24                        Article 10                                                              Article 10
               Right to health care,              Right of families to           Article 7              Article 10         Right of families to
               clean drinking water,              be together             Birth registration       Right of families to    be together
               nutritious food and a                                      and nationality          be together
                                                        Article 13                                                               Article 18
               clean environment
                                                  Right to receive and          Article 13               Article 13        Governments must
                     Article 27                   share information       Right to receive and     Right to receive and    support parents with
               Standard of living that            so long as it is        share information        share information       services for children
               meets physical,                    not damaging            so long as it is         so long as it is
                                                                                                                                 Article 19
               mental, spiritual,                                         not damaging             not damaging
                                                        Article 18                                                         Government
               moral and social needs
                                                  Governments must              Article 14               Article 14        protection of
                     Article 31                   support parents with    Freedom of thought       Freedom of thought      children, including
               Right to rest, play and            services for children   and religion,            and religion,           from abuse or
               enjoy art and culture                                      government respect       government respect      neglect by parents
                                                        Article 19
                                                                          for parental guidance    for parental guidance
                     Article 36                   Government                                                                      Article 24
               Right to protection                protection of                 Article 15                                 Right to health care,
               from any activities                children, including     Right to meet together                           clean drinking water,
               that harm welfare                  from abuse or           and join groups                                  nutritious food and a
               and development                    neglect by parents                                                       clean environment
Being healthy                  Staying safe          Enjoying and                          Making a positive                  Economic
    Enjoying good                Being protected          achieving                              contribution                    well-being
     physical and                from harm and     Getting the most out                       To the community              Not being prevented
    mental health              neglect and growing of life and developing                     and to society and                by economic
     and living a                up able to look        broad skills for                     not engaging in anti-           disadvantage from
   healthy lifestyle            after themselves          adulthood                           social or offending            achieving their full
                                                                                                  behaviour                    potential in life

       Article 39                      Article 20                    Article 17                    Article 15                     Article 26
 Governments to help            Governments to                 Right to reliable             Right to meet together         Extra support for
 restore a child’s              provide proper care            information from the          and to join groups             families in need
 health, self-respect           and protection for             media; information
                                                                                                   Article 29                     Article 27
 and dignity after              children without family        provided that young           Education should               Standard of living
 abuse or neglect                                              people can understand         develop each child’s
                                      Article 21                                                                            that meets physical,
                                Adoption of children                  Article 20             personality, talents           mental, spiritual,
                                according to what is           Governments to                and abilities to their         moral and social needs
                                best for a child               provide proper care           fullest potential, as
                                                               and protection for            well as develop
                                      Article 25                                             respect for parents,
                                                               children without family
                                Children in care,                                            other members of
                                protection or under                  Article 23              human society, and
                                treatment to be                Special care and              the environment
                                reviewed regularly             support for children
                                                               with special needs                  Article 30
                                       Article 32                                            Right to use
                                Protection from work                 Article 28              language, religion
                                that is dangerous or           Right to education            and customs of
                                detrimental to health                                        family or group
                                                                     Article 29
                                or education
                                                               Education should                    Article 31
                                     Article 33                develop each child’s          Right to rest, play and
                                Protection from                personality, talents          enjoy art and culture
                                dangerous drugs                and abilities to their
                                                               fullest potential, as                Article 42
                                     Article 34                                              Governments to
                                                               well as develop
                                Protection from                                              ensure that everyone,
                                                               respect for parents,
                                sexual abuse                                                 adults and young
                                                               other members of
                                      Article 35               human society, and            people, is aware of
                                Children should not            the environment               the rights and
                                be abducted or sold                                          responsibilites
                                                                     Article 30              contained in UNCRC
                                       Article 36              Right to use
                                Protection from                language, religion
                                activities that harm           and customs of
                                development                    family or group
                                       Article 37                    Article 31
                                Fair treatment by the          Right to rest, play and
                                law; not imprisoned            enjoy art and culture
                                with adults
                                      Article 39
                                Help to restore
                                health, self-respect
                                and dignity after
                                abuse or neglect
                                      Article 40
                                Child offenders to
                                receive legal help;
                                prison is last resort

                         For further information or to download this leaflet, please visit our website at:
                                  or for more copies of this leaflet (code 32016) call the Helpdesk:

                                                           0870 606 3377
UNICEF UK receives no statutory UN funding and is dependent on voluntary donations from governments and individuals.
The UK Committee for UNICEF is a Company Limited by Guarantee, registered in England and Wales, No: 3663181. Registered Charity No: 1072612

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  • 1. ld hi P eC IN U f th so ht JO LL ig eR th on A en tio n Every Child Matters IT eU N Co nv th The five Outcomes and the th wi UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) These articles of the UNCRC are relevant to all five Outcomes Article 1 Article 6 Everyone under 18 years of age has all the All children have the right to life. rights stated in the UN Convention on the Governments should ensure that children Rights of the Child. survive and develop healthily. Article 2 Article 12 The Convention applies to everyone, whatever Governments to ensure that children have the their nation, race, colour, sex, religion, abilities, right to express freely their views and to take opinion, wealth or social position. account of children’s views. Children have the right to be heard in any legal or administrative Article 3 matters that affect them. All organisations concerned with children should work towards what is best for each child. Article 22 Refugee children have the right to protection and Article 4 assistance and the same rights as other children Governments shall take all neccessary steps to wherever they are or whatever their circumstance. make these rights available to all children. Being healthy Staying safe Enjoying and Making a positive Economic Enjoying good Being protected achieving contribution well-being physical and from harm and Getting the most out To the community Not being prevented mental health neglect and growing of life and developing and to society and by economic and living a up able to look broad skills for not engaging in anti- disadvantage from healthy lifestyle after themselves adulthood social or offending achieving their full behaviour potential in life Article 23 Article 9 Article 5 Article 5 Article 8 Special care and Right to family life Governments Governments Government respect support for children unless the child is respect the rights respect the rights child’s right to name, with special needs abused or neglected and responsibilities and responsibilities nationality, family of parents of parents Article 24 Article 10 Article 10 Right to health care, Right of families to Article 7 Article 10 Right of families to clean drinking water, be together Birth registration Right of families to be together nutritious food and a and nationality be together Article 13 Article 18 clean environment Right to receive and Article 13 Article 13 Governments must Article 27 share information Right to receive and Right to receive and support parents with Standard of living that so long as it is share information share information services for children meets physical, not damaging so long as it is so long as it is Article 19 mental, spiritual, not damaging not damaging Article 18 Government moral and social needs Governments must Article 14 Article 14 protection of Article 31 support parents with Freedom of thought Freedom of thought children, including Right to rest, play and services for children and religion, and religion, from abuse or enjoy art and culture government respect government respect neglect by parents Article 19 for parental guidance for parental guidance Article 36 Government Article 24 Right to protection protection of Article 15 Right to health care, from any activities children, including Right to meet together clean drinking water, that harm welfare from abuse or and join groups nutritious food and a and development neglect by parents clean environment
  • 2. Being healthy Staying safe Enjoying and Making a positive Economic Enjoying good Being protected achieving contribution well-being physical and from harm and Getting the most out To the community Not being prevented mental health neglect and growing of life and developing and to society and by economic and living a up able to look broad skills for not engaging in anti- disadvantage from healthy lifestyle after themselves adulthood social or offending achieving their full behaviour potential in life Article 39 Article 20 Article 17 Article 15 Article 26 Governments to help Governments to Right to reliable Right to meet together Extra support for restore a child’s provide proper care information from the and to join groups families in need health, self-respect and protection for media; information Article 29 Article 27 and dignity after children without family provided that young Education should Standard of living abuse or neglect people can understand develop each child’s Article 21 that meets physical, Adoption of children Article 20 personality, talents mental, spiritual, according to what is Governments to and abilities to their moral and social needs best for a child provide proper care fullest potential, as and protection for well as develop Article 25 respect for parents, children without family Children in care, other members of protection or under Article 23 human society, and treatment to be Special care and the environment reviewed regularly support for children with special needs Article 30 Article 32 Right to use Protection from work Article 28 language, religion that is dangerous or Right to education and customs of detrimental to health family or group Article 29 or education Education should Article 31 Article 33 develop each child’s Right to rest, play and Protection from personality, talents enjoy art and culture dangerous drugs and abilities to their fullest potential, as Article 42 Article 34 Governments to well as develop Protection from ensure that everyone, respect for parents, sexual abuse adults and young other members of Article 35 human society, and people, is aware of Children should not the environment the rights and be abducted or sold responsibilites Article 30 contained in UNCRC Article 36 Right to use Protection from language, religion activities that harm and customs of development family or group Article 37 Article 31 Fair treatment by the Right to rest, play and law; not imprisoned enjoy art and culture with adults Article 39 Help to restore health, self-respect and dignity after abuse or neglect Article 40 Child offenders to receive legal help; prison is last resort For further information or to download this leaflet, please visit our website at: or for more copies of this leaflet (code 32016) call the Helpdesk: 0870 606 3377 UNICEF UK receives no statutory UN funding and is dependent on voluntary donations from governments and individuals. The UK Committee for UNICEF is a Company Limited by Guarantee, registered in England and Wales, No: 3663181. Registered Charity No: 1072612