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 Access is the first and arguably most important phase of non- surgical root canal
treatment. A well-designed access preparation is essential for a good endodontic result.
Without adequate access, instruments and materials become difficult to handle properly in
the highly complex and variable root canal system
 The access cavity preparation generally refers to the part of the cavity from the occlusion
table to the canal orifice. (Ingle and Cohen)
 A coronal opening to the center (pulp chamber) of a tooth, required for effective cleaning,
shaping, and obturation of the pulp canals and chamber during endodontic or root canal
therapy. (Medical Dictionary)
Objectives Of Access Cavity Preparation
The objective of the coronal access preparation is to provide a
smooth free-flowing tapered channel from the orifice to the apex
that allows instruments, irrigants, and medicaments to attempt
cleaning and shaping of the entire length and circumference of
the canal, with as minimal a loss of structural integrity to the tooth
as possible
Objectives Of Access Cavity Preparation
(1) To remove all caries,
(2) To conserve sound tooth structure,
(3) To completely unroof the pulp chamber,
(4) To remove all coronal pulp tissue (vital or necrotic),
(5) To locate all root canal orifices,
(6) To achieve straight- or direct-line access to the apical foramen or to the initial
curvature of the canal, and
(7) To establish restorative margins to minimize marginal leakage of the restored
tooth. (Cohen)
Endodontic Coronal Cavity Preparation:
 I. Outline Form
 II. Convenience Form
 III. Removal of the remaining carious dentin (and defective
 IV. Toilet of the cavity
Endodontic Radicular Cavity Preparation
 I and II. Outline Form and Convenience Form (continued)
 IV. Toilet of the cavity (continued)
 V. Retention Form
 VI. Resistance Form
Principle 1: Outline form
 To achieve optimal preparation, three factors of internal
anatomy must be considered:
(1) the size of the pulp chamber,
(2) the shape of the pulp chamber, and
(3) the number of individual root canals, their curvature, and their
Principle 2: Convenience Form
(1) unobstructed access to the canal orifice,
(2) direct access to the apical foramen,
(3) cavity expansion to accommodate filling techniques, and
(4) complete authority over the enlarging instrument.
Convenience form makes more convenient (and accurate)
preparation and filling of the root canal.
Four important benefits are gained through convenience form modifications:
Principle 3: Removal of the Remaining Carious Dentin
and Defective Restorations
(1) to eliminate mechanically as many bacteria as possible from
the interior of the tooth,
(2) to eliminate the discolored tooth structure, that may ultimately
lead to staining of the crown, and
(3) to eliminate the possibility of any bacteria-laden saliva leaking
into the prepared cavity. The last point is especially true of
proximal or buccal caries that extend into the prepared cavity.
Principle IV: Toilet of the access opening
All of the caries, debris, pulp tissues and necrotic materials must be
removed from the chamber before the radicular preparation is begun,
otherwise, these elements my be carried into the canal, it may act as
an obstruction during canal enlargement.
Soft debris carried from the chamber might increase the bacterial
population in the canal.
Coronal debris may also stain the crown, particularly of anterior
(Cohen, Pathways of the Pulp,10th Edition)
1. Visualization of the Likely Internal Anatomy
 Evaluation of angled periapical radiographs and examination of
tooth anatomy at the coronal, cervical, and root levels.
 Diagnostic radiographs help the clinician estimate the position of
the pulp chamber, the degree of chamber calcification, the
number of roots and canals, and the approximate canal length
 Palpation along the attached gingiva aids the determination of
root location and direction.
2. Evaluation of the Cementoenamel Junction
and Occlusal Anatomies
 In a study involving 500 pulp chambers, Krasner and Rankow
found that the cementoenamel junction (CEJ) was the most
important anatomic landmark for determining the location of pulp
chambers and root canal orifices.
 The study demonstrated the existence of a specific and consistent
anatomy of the pulp chamber floor. These authors proposed nine
guidelines, or laws, of pulp chamber anatomy to help clinicians
determine the number and location of orifices on the chamber
Krasner P, Rankow HJ: Anatomy of the pulp
chamber floor. J Endod 30(1):5, 2004.
 Law of centrality: The floor of the pulp chamber is always located in the center of
the tooth at the level of the CEJ.
 Law of concentricity: The walls of the pulp chamber are always concentric to the
external surface of the tooth at the level of the CEJ, that is, the external root surface
anatomy reflects the internal pulp chamber anatomy.
 Law of the CEJ: The distance from the external surface of the clinical crown to the
wall of the pulp chamber is the same throughout the circumference of the tooth at
the level of the CEJ, making the CEJ is the most consistent repeatable landmark for
locating the position of the pulp chamber.
 Law of color change: The pulp chamber floor is always darker in color than the
First law of symmetry: Except for
the maxillary molars, canal orifices
are equidistant from a line drawn in
a mesiodistal direction through the
center of the pulp chamber floor.
Second law of symmetry: Except
for the maxillary molars, canal
orifices lie on a line perpendicular
to a line drawn in a mesiodistal
direction across the center of the
pulp chamber floor.
First law of orifice location: The
orifices of the root canals are
always located at the junction of
the walls and the floor.
Second law of orifice location: The
orifices of the root canals are
always located at the angles in the
floor–wall junction.
Third law of orifice location: The
orifices of the root canals are
always located at the terminus of
the roots’ developmental fusion
3. Preparation of the Access Cavity Through
the Lingual and Occlusal Surfaces
 Access cavities on anterior teeth usually are prepared through
the lingual tooth surface, and those on posterior teeth are
prepared through the occlusal surface.
 These approaches are the best means of achieving straight-
line access and diminishing esthetic and restorative concerns.
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Some authors have recommended that
the traditional anterior access for
mandibular incisors be moved from the
lingual surface to the incisal surface in
selected cases. This allows better
access to the lingual canal and
improves canal debridement
Mauger MJ, Waite RM, Alexander JB, Schindler WG: Ideal endodontic
access in mandibular incisors. J Endod 25(3):206, 1999.
4. Removal of All Defective Restorations and Caries
Before Entry Into the Pulp Chamber
 With an open preparation, canals are much easier to locate,
and shaping, cleaning, and obturation are much easier to
 All carious dentin must be removed during access preparation.
This removal prevents irrigating solutions from leaking past the
rubber dam into the mouth and prevents carious dentin and its
bacteria from entering the root canal system
Article pop up
Amalgam fillings and dentin
debris block canal orifices,
preventing proper shaping and
In one study, it was determined
that clinicians were about 40%
more likely to miss fractures,
caries, and marginal
breakdown if restorations were
not completely removed.
Abbott PV: Assessing restored teeth with pulp and periapical
diseases for the presence of cracks, caries, and marginal
breakdown. August Dent J 49:33, 2004.
Removal of Unsupported Tooth Structure
 All unsupported tooth structure should be removed to assess
restorability and to prevent tooth fracture.
 Unnecessary removal of sound tooth structure should be
5. Straight- or Direct-line Passage of Instruments
o the Apical Foramen or Initial Canal Curvature
 Sufficient tooth structure must be removed to allow instruments to
be placed easily into each canal orifice without interference from
canal walls, particularly when a canal curves severely or leaves
the chamber floor at an obtuse angle.
 access design is dependent not only on the orifice location, but
also on the position and curvature of the entire canal.
 The walls of the root canal, rather than the walls of the access
preparation, must guide the passage of instruments down the
6. Delay of Dental Dam Placement Until Difficult
Canals Have Been Located and Confirmed
 Difficulty can arise in gaining access into teeth that are
crowded and rotated, fractured to the free gingival margin,
heavily restored and calcified, or part of a fixed prosthesis.
 In these situations the clinician’s best course of action may be
to prepare the initial part of the access cavity before placing
the dental dam so that the inclination of root eminences can be
7. Location, Flaring, and Exploration of All Root
Canal Orifices
 A sharp endodontic explorer is used to locate canal orifices
and to determine their angle of departure from the pulp
 Next, all canal orifices and the coronal portion of the canals are
flared to make instrument placement easier. The canals are
then explored with small, precurved K- files (#6, #8, or #10).
8. Inspection of the Pulp Chamber, Using Magnification
and Adequate Illumination
 Magnification and illumination are particularly important in root
canal therapy, especially for determining the location of canals;
negotiating constricted, curved, and calcified canals; and
débriding and removing tissue and calcifications from the pulp
 Surgical loupes, endodontic endoscopes, and the DOM are
some of the commercially available instruments that can help
the clinician accomplish these goals.
9. Tapering of Cavity Walls and Evaluation of Space
Adequacy for a Coronal Seal
 A proper access cavity generally has tapering walls with its
widest dimension at the occlusal surface.
 In such a preparation, occlusal forces do not push the
temporary restoration into the cavity and disrupt the seal.
Article Pop up
 At least 3.5 mm of temporary filling material (e.g., Cavit [3M,
St. Paul, MN]) is needed to provide an adequate coronal seal
for a short time
Webber RT, del Rio CE, Brady JM, Segall RO: Sealing
quality of a temporary filling material. Oral Surg Oral Med
Oral Patholgy 46(1):123, 1978.
Removal of Caries and Permanent
 Caries typically is removed early, before the pulp chamber is
entered. This minimizes the risk of contamination of the pulp
chamber or root canal(s) with bacteria.
 Defective permanent restorations, whether amalgams, composite
resins, or crowns, must be removed entirely to prevent coronal
leakage from contaminating the pulp chamber, the root canal(s),
or both after the endodontic appointment.
 Removal of defective permanent restorations also permits
straight-line access
• An initial external outline opening is prepared on the lingual surface of the anterior tooth at
center of the anatomic crown
• A #2 or #4 round bur or a tapered fissure bur is used to penetrate through the enamel and
slightly into the dentin (approximately 1 mm). An outline form is created, similar in
geometry to an ideal access shape for the particular anterior tooth; it is one half to three
quarters the projected final size of the access cavity
• The bur is directed perpendicular to the lingual surface as the external outline opening is
Initial External Outline Form
Penetration Of The Pulp Chamber Roof
• The angle of the bur is changed
from perpendicular to the
lingual surface to parallel to the
long axis of the root
• Penetration into the tooth is
accomplished along this root’s
long axis until the roof of the
pulp chamber is penetrated;
frequently a drop-in effect is felt
when this occurs.
Complete Roof Removal
Once the pulp chamber has been
penetrated, the remaining roof is
removed by catching the end of a round
bur under the lip of the dentin roof and
cutting on the bur’s withdrawal stroke
All of the pulp chamber roof, including
the pulp horns, must be removed and all
internal walls must be flared to the
lingual surface of the tooth. Complete
roof removal is confirmed with a #17
operative explorer if no “catches” are
discovered as the explorer tip is
withdrawn from the pulp chamber along
the mesial, distal, and facial walls.
Identification Of All Canal Orifices
• After the pulp chamber has
been unroofed, the canal
orifices are located with an
endodontic explorer
• While probing the chamber
floor, the explorer often
penetrates or dislodges
calcific deposits blocking an
orifice. It also can be used
to evaluate straight-line
Positioning the explorer in an orifice allows the clinician to check the shaft for
clearance from the axial walls and to determine the angle at which a canal departs
the main chamber
Once the orifice(s) has been
identified and confirmed, the
lingual shoulder is removed.
This structure is the lingual
shelf of dentin that extends
from the cingulum to a point
approximately 2 mm apical to
the orifice
The lingual shoulder can be
removed with a tapered safety-
tip diamond or carbide bur or
with Gates-Glidden burs.
Removal Of The Lingual Shoulder And
Orifice And Coronal Flaring
The tip of a fine safety-tip diamond bur
is placed approximately 2 mm apical to
the canal orifice and inclined to the
lingual during rotation to slope the
lingual shoulder.
The clinician must be careful when
using this bur to avoid placing a bevel
on the incisal edge of the access
 When Gates-Glidden burs are used, the largest that can passively be placed 2
mm apical to the orifice is used first. During rotation, the bur is leaned against
the lingual shoulder and withdrawn. The clinician can increase the size of
these burs sequentially, depending on the size of the canal, and repeat the
shaping of the lingual wall until the lingual shoulder of dentin has been
 During this process the orifice should also be flared so that it is contiguous
with all walls of the access preparation. This can be done with small to large
Gates-Glidden burs. These burs are used in a circumferential filing motion,
flaring each wall of the canal in sequence. To prevent iatrogenic mishaps on
thin walls facing a root concavity, these burs should be placed passively into
the canal and rotated as they are gently leaned against a canal wall and
Straight-line Access Determination
Ideally, an endodontic file can
approach the apical foramen
or the first point of canal
curvature undeflected.
Deflected instruments also
lack access to critical areas
of the canal and therefore do
not shape and clean
effectively. Attempts to shape
and clean without straight-
line access often lead to
procedural errors such as
ledging, transportation, and
Inadequate removal of the lingual
shoulder causes the file to deflect in a
facial direction and if the lingual shoulder
has been adequately removed and the
file still binds on the incisal edge, the
access cavity should be extended farther
incisally until the file is not deflected.
The final position of the incisal wall of
the access cavity is determined by two
(1) complete removal of the pulp
horns and
(2) straight-line access.
Visual Inspection Of The Access Cavity
The clinician should inspect
and evaluate the access cavity,
using appropriate
magnification and illumination
The axial walls at their junction
with the orifice must be
inspected for grooves that
might indicate an additional
canal. The orifice and coronal
canal must be evaluated for a
Refinement And Smoothing Of
Restorative Margins
 The final step in the preparation of an access cavity is to refine
and smooth the cavosurface margins. Rough or irregular
margins can contribute to coronal leakage through a
permanent or temporary restoration.
 Butt joint margins are indicated rather than beveled margins,
which produce thin composite edges that can fracture under
excursive functional loads and ultimately result in coronal
Removal Of Caries And Permanent Restorations
Posterior teeth requiring root canal therapy typically have been heavily
restored or the carious process is extensive. Such conditions, along with
the complex pulp anatomy of posterior teeth, can make the access
process challenging.
Initial External Outline Form
 As with anterior teeth, the pulp chamber of posterior teeth is
positioned in the center of the tooth at the level of the CEJ. An
access starting location must be determined for an intact tooth.
In maxillary premolars this
point is on the central groove
between the cusp tips
Crowns of mandibular pre- molars are tilted lingually relative to their
roots, and the starting location must be adjusted to compensate for this
Access cavity preparation
 To determine the starting location for molar access cavity
preparations, the clinician must establish the mesial and distal
boundary limitations.
 Evaluation of bite-wing radiographs is an accurate method of
assessing the mesiodistal extensions of the pulp chamber.
Maxillary Molars Mandibular Molars
 The mesial boundary : a line
connecting the mesial cusp tips.
 Distal boundary: the oblique ridge
 The mesial boundary : a line connecting
the mesial cusp tips
 Distal boundary: line connecting the
buccal and lingual grooves.
For molars the correct starting location is on the central groove halfway
between the mesial and distal boundaries.
 Penetration through the enamel into the dentin (approximately 1 mm) is performed with a
#2 round bur for premolars and a #4 round bur for molars
 The bur is directed perpendicular to the occlusal table, and an initial outline shape is
created at about one half to three fourths its projected canal size.
 The premolar shape is oval and widest in the buccolingual dimension.
 The molar shape is also oval initially; it is widest in a buccolingual dimension for maxillary
molars and in a mesiodistal direction for mandibular molars.
 The final outline shape for molars is triangular (for three canals) or rhomboid (for four
canals); however, the canal orifices dictate the position of the corners of these geometric
shapes. Therefore, until the orifices have been located, the initial outline form should be
left as an oval.
Penetration Of The Pulp Chamber Roof
 The angle of penetration is changed from perpendicular to the
occlusal table to an angle appropriate for penetration through
the roof of the pulp chamber.
 In premolars the angle is parallel to the long axis of the root(s)
both in the mesiodistal and buccolingual directions.
In molars the penetration angle should be
toward the largest canal, because the pulp
chamber space usually is largest just occlusal
to the orifice of this canal. Therefore, in
maxillary molars the penetration angle is
toward the palatal orifice, and in mandibular
molars it is toward the distal orifice
A round bur, a tapered fissure bur, or a safety-
tip diamond or carbide bur is used to remove
the roof of the pulp chamber completely,
including all pulp horns
Access cavity preparation
The safety-tip diamond or carbide bur
is passed between the orifices along
the axial walls to remove the roof, taper
the internal walls, and create the
desired external outline shape
Identification Of All Canal Orifices
 In posterior teeth with multiple canals, the canal orifices play an
important role in determining the final extensions of the external
outline form of the access cavity.
 Ideally, the orifices are located at the corners of the final
preparation to facilitate the shaping and cleaning process.
 Internally, the access cavity should have all orifices positioned
entirely on the pulp floor and should not extend into an axial wall.
Extension of an orifice into the axial wall creates a mouse hole effect, which
indicates internal underextension and impedes straight-line access. In such cases
the orifice must be repositioned onto the pulp floor without interference from axial
The cervical bulges are shelves of dentin that frequently overhang orifices in posterior teeth, restricting access into
root canals and accentuating existing canal curvatures. These bulges can be removed with safety-tip diamond or
carbide burs or Gates-Glidden burs. The instruments should be placed at the orifice level and leaned toward the
dentin bulge to remove the overhanging shelf
After the shelf has been removed, the orifice and constricted coronal portion of the canal can be flared with
Gates- Glidden burs, which are used in a sweeping upward motion with lateral pressure away from the
Straight-line Access Determination
Visual Inspection Of The Pulp Chamber Floor
Refinement And Smoothing Of
The Restorative Margins
 In both temporary and interim permanent restorations, the
restorative margins should be refined and smoothed to
minimize the potential for coronal leakage. The final
permanent restoration of choice for posterior teeth that have
undergone root canal therapy is a crown or onlay.
C Penetration of the pulp roof.
D, removal of the pulp roof/pulp
horns with a round carbide bur.
E, Location of the orifice with a
Mueller or LN bur.
F, Exploration of the canal with a
small K- le.
G-I, Flaring of the orifice/coronal
third of the mesial canal with Gates-
Glidden burs.
J, Flaring of the orifice/coronal third
of the distal canal with a #.12 taper
nickel–titanium rotary le.
K, Flaring of the orifice/coronal
third of the distal canal with a
Gates-Glidden bur.
L, Funneling of the mesial axial
wall from the cavosurface margin to
the mesial orifice.
M, Funneling of the distal axial wall
from the cavosurface margin to the
distal orifice .
N, Completed access preparation.
O, Verification of straight-line
Ingle’s Endodontics, 6th Edition
Average time of eruption: 7 to 8 years;
Average age of calci cation: 10 years;
Average length: 22.5 mm.
Root curvature (most common to least common): straight > labial > distal.
 A newly erupted central incisor has three pulp horns, and the
pulp chamber is wider mesiodistally than buccolingually.
 In cross-section, the root canal at the CEJ is triangular in
young teeth and oval in older teeth. It gradually becomes
round as it approaches the apical foramen.
Multiple canals are rare, but lateral canals are common.
The external access outline form for
the maxillary central incisor is a
rounded triangle with its base toward
the incisal aspect
The width of the triangular base is
determined by the distance between
the mesial and distal pulp horns.
Average time of eruption, 8 to 9 years;
Average age of calcification, 11 years;
Average length, 22 mm.
Root curvature (most common to least common): distal > straight.
 The pulp chamber outline of the maxillary lateral incisor is
similar to that of the maxillary central incisor; however, it is
smaller, and two or no pulp horns may be present.
 This tooth is wider mesiodistally than buccolingually.
 Normally only one root canal is present, but two and
three canals have been reported
• The external access outline form for the maxillary lateral incisor may be
a rounded triangle or an oval, depending on the prominence of the
mesial and distal pulp horns
• When the horns are prominent, the rounded triangular shape is
compressed mesiodistally relative to a central incisor, producing a more
slender triangle.
• The outline form usually is oval if the mesial and distal pulp horns are
not prominent.
Average time of eruption: 10 to 12 years
Average age of calcification: 13 to 15 years
Average length: 26.5 mm.
Root curvature (most common to least common): distal > straight > labial.
 It is wider labiolingually than mesiodistally.
 It has no pulp horns.
 Its smallest pointed incisal edge corresponds to the single cusp.
 The pulp chamber outline at the CEJ is oval. A lingual shoulder is
present. From this point, the root canal remains oval until it
approaches the apical third of the root, where it becomes
Usually one root canal is present, although two canals have been
• The external access outline form is oval or slot shaped because no mesial or
distal pulp horns are present.
• The mesiodistal width of the slot is determined by the mesiodistal width of
the pulp chamber. The incisogingival dimension is determined by straight-line
access factors and removal of the lingual shoulder.
• The incisal extension often approaches to within 2 to 3 mm of the incisal
edge to allow for straight-line access.
Average time of eruption:10 to 11 years
Average age of calcification:12 to 13 years
Average length: 20.6 mm
Root curvature (most common to least common):
• buccal root—lingual > straight > buccal;
• palatal root—straight > buccal > distal;
• single root—straight > distal > buccal.
 The pulp chamber of the maxillary first premolar is wider buccolingually
than mesiodistally.
 In the buccolingual dimension the chamber outline shows a buccal and a
palatal pulp horn. The buccal pulp horn usually is larger. The palatal
orifice is slightly larger than the buccal orifice
 From the floor, two root canals take on a round shape at midroot and
rapidly taper to their apices, usually ending in extremely narrow, curved
root canals.
 The palatal canal usually is slightly larger than the buccal canal
The maxillary first premolar may have one, two, or three roots and canals; it most often has two.
When three canals are present, the external outline form becomes triangular with the base on the buccal aspect. The
mesiobuccal and distobuccal corners of the triangle should be positioned directly over the corresponding canal
Schematic representation of a three-canal access preparation.
Three canals
 The access preparation for the maxillary first
premolar is oval or slot shaped
 It also is wide buccolingually, narrow mesiodistally,
and centered mesiodis- tally between the cusp tips.
The mesiodistal width should correspond to the
mesiodistal width of the pulp chamber.
 The buccal extension typically is two thirds to three
fourths up the buccal cusp incline.
 The palatal extension is approximately halfway up
the palatal cusp incline.
 The buccal and palatal walls funnel directly into the
orifice . Because of the mesial concavity of the root,
the clinician must take care not to overextend the
preparation in that direction, as this could result in
Average time of eruption: 10 to 12 years
Average age of calcification:12 to 14 years
Average length: 21.5 mm
Root curvature (most common to least common): distal > bayonet > buccal >
 The root canal system of the maxillary second premolar is
wider buccolingually than mesiodistally. This tooth may have
one, two, or three roots and canals.
 Two or three canals can occur in a single root A buccal and a
palatal pulp horn are present; the buccal pulp horn is larger. A
single root is oval and wider buccolingually than mesiodistally.
The canal(s) remain oval from the pulp chamber floor and
taper rapidly to the apex.
 When two canals are present, the maxillary second pre- molar
access preparation is nearly identical to that of the first premolar.
Because this tooth usually has one root, if two canals are
present, they are nearly parallel to each other and the external
outline form must have a greater buccolingual extension to permit
straight-line access to these canals than with the first premolar
with two roots and diverging canals. If only one canal is present,
the buccolingual extension is less and corresponds to the width
between the buccal and palatal pulp horns
 If three canals are present, the external access outline form is the
same triangular shape illustrated for the maxillary first premolar
Average time of eruption: 6 to 7 years
Average age of calcification: 9 to 10 years
Average length: 20.8 mm
Root curvature (most common to least common):
• mesiobuccal root—distal > straight;
• distobuccal root—straight > mesial > distal
• palatal root— buccal > straight.
 The maxillary first molar is the largest tooth in volume and one of the most complex in root
and canal anatomy. The pulp chamber is widest in the buccolingual dimension, and four
pulp horns are present (mesiobuccal, mesiopalatal, distobuc- cal, and distopalatal).
 The pulp chamber’s cervical outline form has a rhomboid shape, sometimes with rounded
corners. The mesiobuccal angle is an acute angle; the distobuccal angle is an obtuse
angle; and the palatal angles are basically right angles.
 The palatal canal orifice is centered palatally; the distobuccal orifice is near the obtuse
angle of the pulp chamber floor; and the main mesiobuccal canal orifice (MB-1) is buccal
and mesial to the distobuccal orifice and is posi- ioned within the acute angle of the pulp
chamber. The second mesiobuccal canal orifice (MB-2) is located palatal and mesial to
the MB-1. A line drawn to connect the three main canal orifice —the mesiobuccal (MB)
orifice , distobuc- cal (DB) orifice , and palatal (P) orifice —forms a triangle, known as the
molar triangle.
 The three individual roots of the maxillary first molar (i.e.,
mesiobuccal root, distobuccal root, and palatal root) form a tripod.
The palatal root is the longest, has the largest diameter, and
generally offers the easiest access. It can contain one, two, or
three root canals
 The distobuccal root is conical and may have one or two canals
 The mesiobuccal root has generated more research and clinical
investigation than any other root in the mouth. It may have one,
two, or three root canals
Access cavity preparation
MB 2 canal is located mesial to or directly on a line between the
MB-1 and palatal orifice , within 3.5 mm palatally and 2 mm mesi-
ally of the MB-1 orifice
Negotiation of the MB-2 canal often is difficult; a ledge of dentin covers its orifice, the orifice has a mesiobuccal
inclination on the pulp floor, and the canal’s pathway often takes one or two abrupt curves in the coronal part of
the root.
Most of these obstructions can be eliminated by troughing or countersinking with ultrasonic tips mesially and
apically along the mesiobuccal pulpal groove. This procedure causes the canal, when present, to shift mesially,
meaning that the access wall must be moved farther mesially. Troughing may need to be 0.5 to 3 mm deep. Care
must be taken to avoid furcal wall perforation of this root. Apical to the troughing level the canal may be straight or
may curve sharply to the distobuccal, buccal, or palatal.
 Because the maxillary first molar almost always has four canals, the
access cavity has a rhomboid shape, with the corners corresponding to
the four orifices (MB-1, MB-2, DB, and P)
 The access cavity should not extend into the mesial marginal ridge.
Distally, the preparation can invade the mesial portion of the oblique
ridge, but it should not penetrate through the ridge. The buccal wall
should be parallel to a line connecting the MB-1 and DB orifices and
not to the buccal surface of the tooth.
Average time of eruption: 11 to 13 years
Average age of calcification: 14 to 16 years
Average length: 20 mm.
Root curvature (most common to least common):
• mesiobuccal root—distal > straight;
• distobuccal root—straight > mesial > distal;
• palatal root—straight > buccal.
 The distinguishing morphologic feature of the maxillary second
molar is that its three roots are grouped closer together and
are sometimes fused. Also, they generally are shorter than the
roots of the first molar and not as curved.
 The second molar usually has one canal in each root;
however, it may have two or three mesiobuccal canals, one or
two distobuccal canals, or two palatal canals
 When four canals are present, the access cavity prepara- tion
of the maxillary second molar has a rhomboid shape and is a
smaller version of the access cavity for the maxillary first molar
 If only three canals are present, the access cavity is a rounded
triangle with the base to the buccal.
 If only two canals are present, the access outline form is oval and
widest in the buccolingual dimension.
Access cavity preparation
Average time of eruption:17 to 22 years;
Average age of calcification:18 to 25 years
Average length: 17 mm.
 The root anatomy of the maxillary third molar varies greatly.
This tooth can have one to four roots and one to six canals,
and C-shaped canals also can occur. The third molar usually
has three roots and three root canals
 he tooth may be tipped significantly to the distal, the buccal, or
 The access cavity form for the third molar can vary greatly.
Because the tooth typically has one to three canals, the access
preparation can be anything from an oval that is widest in the
buccolingual dimension to a rounded triangle similar to that
used for the maxillary second molar. The MB, DB, and P orifice
often lie nearly in a straight line as the DB orifice moves even
closer to the line connecting the MB and P orifice- . The
resultant access cavity is an oval or highly obtuse triangle.
Average time of eruption: 6 to 8 years
Average age of calcification: 9 to 10 years
Average length: 20.7 mm
Root curvature (most common to least common): straight > distal > labial.
 The pulp outline of the mandibular incisors is wider
 Often a dentinal bridge is present in the pulp chamber that
divides the root into two canals. The two canals usually join
and exit through a single apical foramen, but they may persist
as two separate canals.
 The external outline form may be triangular or oval, depending on the
prominence of the mesial and distal pulp horns
 One study determined that by age 40 years the mandibular incisor
pulp chamber has decreased in size sufficiently to routinely justify an
oval access cavity
 Complete removal of the lingual shoulder is critical, because
this tooth often has two canals that are buccolingually oriented,
and the lingual canal most often is missed
Average time of eruption: 9 to 10 years
Average age of calcification: 13 years
Average length: 25.6 mm
Root curvature (most common to least common): straight > distal > labial.
 The root canal system of the mandibular canine is very similar
to that of the maxillary canine, except that the dimensions are
smaller, the root and root canal outlines are narrower in the
mesiodistal dimension, and the man- dibular canine
occasionally has two roots and two root canals located labially
and lingually
 The access cavity for the
mandibular canine is oval or
slot shaped
 The incisal extension can
approach the incisal edge of
the tooth for straight-line
access, and the gingival
extension must penetrate the
cingulum to allow a search
for a possible lingual canal.
Access cavity preparation
Average time of eruption: 10 to 12 years
Average age of calcification: 12 to 13 years
Average length: 21.6 mm.
Root curvature (most common to least common): straight > distal > buccal.
 The root canal system of the mandibular first premolar is wider
buccolingually than mesiodistally. Two pulp horns are present: a
large, pointed buccal horn and a small, rounded lingual horn.
 Direct access to the buccal canal usually is possible, whereas the
lingual canal may be quite difficult to find. The lingual canal tends
to diverge from the main canal at a sharp angle. In addition, the
lingual inclination of the crown tends to direct les buccally, making
location of a lingual canal orifice more difficult
 The mandibular first pre- molar sometimes may have three
roots and three canals
 One study reported a C-shaped canal anatomy in this tooth.
The oval external outline form of the mandibular first premolar
typically is wider mesiodistally than its maxillary counterpart, making
it more oval and less slot shaped
Because of the lingual inclination of the crown, buccal extension can
nearly approach the tip of the buccal cusp to achieve straight-line
access. Lingual extension barely invades the poorly developed
lingual cusp incline. Mesiodistally the access preparation is centered
between the cusp tips. Often the preparation must be modified to
allow access to the complex root canal anatomy frequently seen in
the apical half of the tooth root.
Access cavity preparation
Average time of eruption:11 to 12 years
Average age of calcification:13 to 14 years
Average length: 22.3 mm.
Root curvature (most common to least common): straight > distal > buccal.
 The mandibular second premolar is similar to the first pre-
molar, with the following differences: the lingual pulp horn
usually is larger; the root and root canal are more often oval
than round; the pulp chamber is wider buccolingually; and the
separation of the pulp chamber and root canal normally is
distinguishable compared with the more regular taper in the
first premolar.
the crown typically has a smaller lingual
inclination, less extension up the buccal
cusp incline is required to achieve straight-
line access.
the lingual half of the tooth is more fully
developed, and therefore the lingual access
extension typically is halfway up the lingual
cusp incline.
The mandibular second premolar can have
two lingual cusps, sometimes of equal size.
When this occurs, the access prepa- ration
is centered mesiodistally on a line
connecting the buccal cusp and the lingual
groove between the lingual cusp tips. When
the mesiolingual cusp is larger than the
distolin- gual cusp, the lingual extension of
the oval outline form is just distal to the tip
of the mesiolingual cusp
 The canal morphology of the mandibular second premolar is
similar to that of the first premolar with its many variations: two,
three, and four canals and a lin- gually tipped crown.
Fortunately, these variations are found less often in the second
Access cavity preparation
Average time of eruption: 6 years
Average age of calcification: 9 to 10 years
Average length: 21 mm
Root curvature (most common to least common):
• mesial root—distal > straight
• distal root—straight > distal
 It often is extensively restored, and it is subjected to heavy
occlusal stress. Therefore the pulp chamber frequently has
receded or is calcified. The tooth usually has two roots, but
occasionally it has three, with two or three canals in the mesial
root and one, two, or three canals in the distal root
 Orifice to all canals usually are located in the mesial two thirds of
the crown, and the pulp chamber floor is roughly trapezoid or
rhomboid. Usually four pulp horns (MB, ML, DB, and DL) are
 The mesial canal orifice usually are well separated within the main pulp
chamber and connected by a developmental groove. The MB orifice
commonly is under the mesiobuccal cusp, whereas the ML orifice
generally is found just lingual to the central groove. On occasion an MM
canal orifice is present in the groove between the MB and ML orifice
 When only one distal canal is present, the orifice is oval buccolingually
and the opening generally is located distal to the buccal groove. If the le
tip takes a sharp turn in a distobuccal or distolingual direction, the
clinician should search for yet another orifice
The access cavity for the mandibular first molar typically is trapezoid or
rhomboid regardless of the number of canals present. When four or more
canals are present, the corners of the trapezoid or rhombus should
correspond to the posi- tions of the main orifice
Access cavity preparation
 The radix entomolaris (rE) is a super- numerary root located
distolingually in mandibular molars, whereas the radix
paramolaris (rP) is an extra root located mesiobuccally.
Average time of eruption:11 to 13 years
Average age of calcification:14 to 15 years
Average length:19.8 mm.
Root curvature (most common to least common):
• mesial root—distal > straight;
• distal root—straight > distal > mesial > buccal;
• single root—straight > distal > bayonet > lingual.
 The pulp chamber and canal orifice of the mandibular second
molar generally are not as large as those of the first molar.
This tooth may have one, two, three, or four root canals
 In some man- dibular second molars with single or fused roots,
a le placed in the mesiobuccal canal may appear to be in the
distal canal. This happens because the two canals sometimes
are connected by a semicircular slit, a variation of the C-
shaped canal
Access cavity preparation
Access cavity preparation
 The anatomy of the mandibular third molar is unpredict- able;
therefore the access cavity can take any of several shapes.
When three or more canals are present, a traditional rounded
triangle or rhomboid shape is typical. When two canals are
present, a rectangular shape is used. For single-canal molars,
an oval shape is customary.
Access cavity preparation
Teeth With Minimal Or No Clinical Crown
Caries left untreated can cause loss of coronal tooth structure. Badly
decayed teeth typically can fracture- under occlusal function because of
the undermined and unsupported remaining tooth structure.
Teeth that have been heavily restored with amalgam, composite resin, or
glass ionomer restorative materials can have minimal coronal tooth
External trauma can cause the clinical crown to fracture, sometimes
shearing off to the free gingival margin.
 In young teeth, traumatic fractures often expose the pulp
chamber, making preparation easy. However, in older teeth
that have had caries or large restorations, the pulp chambers
typically have receded or calcified. Loss of significant coronal
anatomy to guide penetration angles can make access quite
the clinician should study
their root angulation on
pretreatment radio- graphs
and examine the cervical
crown anatomy with an
Pulp chambers are located at
the center of the crown at the
level of the CEJ.
 Access often is started without a dental dam in place so that root eminences can be
visualized and palpated as access is attempted
 Because the external root anatomy is formed by odontoblasts in the pulp, by visualizing
the root anatomy both radiographically and clinically, the clinician should have a good idea
of access penetration angles.
 Every effort is made to stay centered within the root for the best chance of locating the
pulp canal.
 The depth of penetration needed to reach the pulp canal is measured on a pretreatment
radiograph. If the clinician reaches this depth without locating the canal, two radiographs
should be taken before the process proceeds.
A, A mandibular first premolar with
the crown missing. B, An endodontic
explorer fails to penetrate the
calcified pulp chamber. C, A long-
shank round bur is directed in the
assumed long axis of the root. D,
Perforation of the root wall (arrow),
resulting from the clinician’s failure to
consider root angulation. E, Palpation
of the buccal root anatomy without a
dental dam in place to determine root
angulation. F, Correct bur angulation
after repair of the perforation with
mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA;
DENTSPLY Tulsa Dental Specialties,
Tulsa, OK). The dental dam is placed
as soon as the canal is identified.
Heavily Restored Teeth (Including Those With
Full Veneer Crowns)
 Restorative materials alter the external anatomic landmarks on the crown of a tooth
 Most restorative materials block the passage of light into the internal aspects of the tooth,
resulting in poor visibility during preparation of the access cavity
 Coronal leakage often occurs when parts of large restorations are left in the tooth because
the restorations are loosened by the vibration of the access drilling
 Instruments can rub against restoration fragments during shaping and cleaning, creating
lings that can be carried into the canal system
 intact full or partial veneer crown often change the crown-to-root angulation to correct
preexisting occlusal discrepancies. Full veneer crowns also can alter tooth rotation.
Access cavity preparation
 Complete removal of an extensive restoration from the cervical
region of the tooth permits more direct access to the root canal(s).
For example, class V restorations often cause calcification of the
coronal canal, making location of the canal through the occlusal
approach quite difficult.
 removal of the class V restoration allows more direct access to
the calcified canal, which makes location and treatment much
easier. Any remaining canals can be treated through the
conventional occlusal access cavity
Access cavity preparation
Access cavity preparation
Metal veneer crowns are best penetrated with new, sharp carbide burs.
round burs work well, but tungsten carbide transmetal burs are more
Porcelain or ceramo-metal restorations must be handled delicately to
minimize the potential for fracture. The clinician should use a round
diamond bur and copious water spray to penetrate the porcelain.
After porcelain penetration, a transmetal bur and copious water spray
should be used to penetrate the metal coping; the water spray minimizes
heat buildup, which could fracture the porcelain
Access cavity preparation
Teeth With Calcified Canals
Teeth with severe pulp calcification may present problems with locating and
negotiating root canals
Canals become less calcified as they approach the root apex
Various ways to locate and deal with calcified canals
1. use of magnification and transillumination, as well as careful examination of color changes and
pulp chamber shapes
2. A fiberoptic light directed through the CEJ can reveal subtle landmarks and color changes that
may not otherwise be visible. The chamber floor is darker in color than its walls, and
developmental grooves connecting orifices are lighter in color than the chamber floor.
3. staining the pulp chamber floor with 1% methylene blue dye
4. performing the sodium hypochlorite “champagne bubble” test
5. searching for canal bleeding points.
Access cavity preparation
Access cavity preparation
Access cavity preparation
Crowded Teeth
Conventional access preparations may not be possible in patients with crowded
teeth. The decision regarding an alternative approach must be based on straight-
line access principles and conservation of tooth structure. In certain circumstances
a buccal access preparation may be the treatment of choice
Rotated Teeth
 Rotated teeth can present problems for the clinician during
access cavity preparation because of the altered crown-to-root
 Perforations in rotated teeth during access preparation usually
occur because of faulty angulation of the bur with respect to
the long axis of the root.
Problems associated with rotated teeth:
 Mistaken identification of an already located canal, resulting in a search in the
wrong direction for additional canals. Whenever a difficult canal is located, a
file should be placed in the canal and an angled radiograph taken. This
determines which canal has been located. A search for another canal orifice
can then begin in the correct direction
 Failure to locate a canal or extra canals
 Excessive gouging of coronal or radicular tooth structure
 Instrument separation during attempts to locate an orifice
 Failure to debride all pulp tissue from the chamber
Poor access placement and
inadequate mesial extension leave
both mesial orifices uncovered.
Information about the position and
location of pulp chambers can be
obtained through evaluation of
pretreatment radiographs, especially
bite-wing radiographs, and assessment
of the tooth anatomy at the
cementoenamel junction (CEJ).
Inadequate extension of the distal
access cavity leaves the distobuccal
canal orifice unexposed. All
developmental grooves must be traced
to their termination and must not be
allowed to disappear into an axial wall.
Gross overextension of the access
cavity weakens the coronal tooth
structure and compromises the final
restoration. This mistake results from
failure to determine correctly the
position of the pulp chamber and the
angulation of the bur
Allowing debris to fall into canal orifices
results in an iatrogenic mishap.
Amalgam fllings and dentin debris
block canal orifices, preventing proper
shaping and cleaning. Complete
removal of the restoration and copious
irrigation help prevent this problem.
Failure to remove the roof of the pulp
chamber is a serious underextension
error; the pulp horns have been
exposed. Bite-wing radiographs are
excellent aids in determining vertical
Access preparation in which the roof of
the pulp chamber remains and the pulp
horns have been mistaken for canal
orifices. The whitish color of the roof,
the depth of the access cavity, and the
lack of developmental grooves are
clues to this underextension. Root
canal orifices generally are positioned
at or slightly apical to the CEJ.
Overzealous tooth removal caused by
improper bur angulation and failure to
recognize the lingual inclination of the
tooth. This results in weakening and
mutilation of the coronal tooth
structure, which often leads to coronal
Inadequate opening; the access cavity
is positioned too far to the gingival with
no incisal extension. This can lead to
bur and file breakage, coronal
discoloration because the pulp horns
remain, inadequate instrumentation
and obturation, root perforation, canal
ledging, and apical transportation
Labial perforation caused by failure to
extend the preparation to the incisal
before the bur shaft entered the access
Furcation perforation caused by failure
to measure the distance between the
occlusal surface and the furcation. The
bur bypasses the pulp chamber and
creates an opening into the periodontal
tissues. Perforations weaken the tooth
and cause periodontal destruction.
They must be repaired as soon as they
are made for a satisfactory result.
Perforation of the mesial tooth surface
caused by failure to recognize that the
tooth is tipped and failure to align the
bur with the long axis of the tooth. This
is a common error in teeth with full
crowns. Even when these perforations
are repaired correctly, they usually
cause a permanent periodontal
problem because they occur in a
difficult maintenance area.
The most embarrassing error, with the
greatest potential for medical and legal
damage, is entering the wrong tooth
because of incorrect dental dam
placement. When the crowns of teeth
appear identical, the clinician should
mark the tooth with a felt-tip marker
before the dental dam is placed.
Burs and files can be broken if used
with an improper motion, excessive
pressure, or before the access cavity
has been properly prepared. A broken
instrument may lock into the canal
walls, requiring excessive removal of
tooth structure to retrieve it. On
occasion, fragments may not be
In endodontics, pioneering clinicians have developed alternative
approaches with the aim to achieve treatment goals while preserving
healthy tooth structure. Even though selective studies suggest better
outcomes result on average for teeth with greater remaining tooth
structure, the minimally invasive trend is not yet supported by high levels
of scientific evidence
 Traditional endodontic cavities are geometrically predesigned shapes
 The outline form in a traditional endodontic cavity determines the occlusal extent of
the prepared cavity.
 The convenience form is dictated by the degree of dentin to be removed at specific
locations so as to achieve a straight-line access to the root canal orifices.
 The extension for prevention in the endodontic cavity involves the removal of
dentin obstructions to extend the straight-line access to the apical foramen or to the
primary curvature of the root canal. Employing the concept of extension for
prevention facilitates the treatment procedures and avoids procedural errors.
Nonetheless this occurs at the expense of crucial structural dentin, which may
compromise the biomechanical integrity of tooth.
Drawbacks of TEC
 The traditional endodontic cavity preparation usually results in the removal of dentin in order
to explore the expected pulp chamber floor anatomy and canal openings. Additional
alterations to the tooth anatomy, such as preflaring the coronal aspect of the root canal, are
usually recommended to facilitate cleaning, shaping, and filling of the root canals
 Moreover, the taper of endodontic instruments has moved from its traditional size of 0.02 to
larger and even variable designs, which increases the amount of radicular dentin removed
during instrumentation.
 It is crucial to realize that both the remaining (residual) dentin and modification of original
root canal geometry play a crucial role in the biomechanical responses of tooth structures to
functional forces
 The remaining dentin also serves as a foundation for the restorative procedures that follow
endodontic therapy. Thus, it is desirable to preserve the coronal/radicular dentin structure
and maintain the geometry of the root canal anatomy so as to conserve the mechanical
integrity of endodontically treated teeth
The emerging concept of conservative endodontic access is a shift to
transform the outline of the endodontic cavity from a traditional operator-
centric design to a scheme that focuses more on dentin preservation and the
endodontic–restorative interface
Contracted endodontic access prioritizes the removal of
(i) restorative material ahead of tooth structure,
(ii) enamel ahead of dentin, and
(iii) occlusal tooth structure ahead of cervical dentin.
It overlooks the traditional requirements of straight-line access and
complete unroofing of the pulp chamber while emphasizing the
importance of preserving the crucial pericervical dentin
What is PCD?
 Pericervical dentin is the dentin located 4 mm above and 4 mm
below the crestal bone. This regional dentin is significant for the
distribution of functional stresses in teeth. It is thus necessary to
conserve pericervical dentin as much as possible to maintain the
biomechanical response of the radicular dentin
 In the case of incisors, the conservation of cingulum dentin
(pericingulum dentin) is suggested to improve the functional
stress distribution in teeth. These viewpoints are in direct
disagreement with the principles of traditional endodontic access
Access cavity preparation
What is soffit?
 A contracted endodontic cavity
preserves a portion of the roof
around the entire coronal
aspect of the pulp chamber.
This dentin is known as dentin
roof strut or soffit
 The long-term strength
attributes of dentin
preservation in the contracted
endodontic cavity are not
clearly established at this time,
but it is presumed to provide
some degree of structural
bracing, which in turn would
minimize cuspal flexure during
Access cavity preparation
Access cavity preparation
- Why are Gates Glidden burs so problematic?
GG burs have been used more
aggressively and with more reliance on
larger sizes (4, 5, and 6) to reduce
binding and fracture of rotary files. GG
burs have always been considered
“safe” because they do not end cut and
are self-centering. There is a significant
problem here, which is “cervical self-
centering.” Because the shank of the
GG is so thin, it is difficult to “steer” the
GG bur away from high-risk anatomy.
As the GG bur straightens the coronal,
or “high-curve,” it can shortcut across a
fluting or furcation, and weaken and/or
create strip perforations
- Why are round burs so destructive?
Presuming one could drop into the
pulp chamber in the way drawn
and described in texts, the
chamber roof would now be
removed by scooping it up and
away with a round carbide. A 2-
dimensional (2-D) drawing, with
the relatively small size of the bur
and chamber roof overhanging a
large pulp chamber, makes this
seem like a reasonable
proposition. The chamber walls
are somehow always drawn flat
even though they are cut by a
round bur.
 In reality, it is truly impossible to do: to cut flat walls in 3-D with
a round instrument. What happens is that the chamber is
unroofed in some areas leaving pulpal and necrotic debris, and
the walls are overextended and gouged in other areas.
Furthermore, the internal radius of curvature at many of the
pulpal line angles is simply too small for all but the smallest of
round burs.
-Why is deroofing so dangerous?
Advantage of soffit: cleanup is easier and it’s an important advance in minimally
invasive access. It is a perfect example of banked tooth structure.
However, it is the attempts at removing the soffit that are far more damaging to the
surrounding PCD. The idea that a round bur can be drop- ped below this soffit and
drawn coronally to unroof the chamber is predicated on large pulp chambers and
exceptional hand skills. Clinically, it is impossible. Attempting to remove the pulp
chamber roof does not accomplish any real endodontic objective, and invariably
gouges the walls that are responsible for long-term survival of the tooth. The
primary reason to maintain the soffit is to avoid the collateral damage that usually
occurs, namely the gouging of the lateral walls. Research will certainly need to be
done to validate the strength attributes of the roof strut or soffit.
Access cavity preparation
Aids to preserve dentin in contracted
endodontic cavities
Operating microscopes and other visual enhancers
 It is well recognized that operating microscopes and other aids for
magnification improve clinical performances in endodontics.
 The minuscule dimensions of root canal orifices/lumen make it an
extremely difficult anatomy to perform precise clinical procedures on
without magnification.
 In recent years, there has been wide-ranging development and
application of technologies in endodontics. Most important are the
operating microscopes, loupes, and increased light levels, all of which
result in improvements in the precision with which endodontic procedures
are routinely practiced.
 CBCT images appear to be a reliable, noninvasive measuring tool that can be used in all
spatial planes to explore root canal anatomy.
 With high-resolution CBCT, we are able to obtain a detailed identification of the root canal
system, its variations, and anomalies; the position and size of the pulp chamber;
calcifications; the number, position, size, extent, and curvatures of the roots and their
canals; the tri-dimensional shape of each canal: whether it is round, oval, or has any other
form at any specific level of the root; as well as the status of the surrounding bone.
 Preoperative cone beam volumetric tomography (CBVT) imaging provides additional
diagnostic information when compared with preoperative periapical radiographs, which
may lead to diagnostic and/or treatment plan modifications in approximately 62% of cases
Access cavity preparation
Guidelines for contracted endodontic
Step 1: Three-dimensional Imaging
• Three-dimensional imaging is used to provide a detailed
assessment of the root canal and root anatomy via a high-
definition localized CBCT scan.
• It is used to determine the number of roots, canals, sizes,
curvatures, and characteristics in order to establish a customized
strategy with which to approach the canal anatomy in the most
conservative way.
Step 2A: Preparation Of The Contracted Access Cavity
 The contracted endodontic access cavity is suggested in order to
minimize changes in cuspal deformation and decrease cuspal
bending by maintaining the bulk dentin structure without
significant restorative requirements.
 In anterior teeth, it is recommended to shift the approach as
incisal as possible.
 In posterior teeth, an attempt should be made to create a small
cavity centered in between the roots and existing root canals.
Access cavity preparation
Access cavity preparation
 The endodontic cavity should be as small as possible while still
achieving the biological objectives of the root canal treatment
and as wide as the anatomy permits in a particular case.
 Generally, a contracted cavity is suggested to be slightly wider
than the coronal extension of the root canal. This permits the
maintenance of some of the roof (dentin soffit) around the
entire coronal portion of the pulp chamber
Access cavity preparation
Step 2B: preparation of contracted access cavity using a lesion-
guided approach
 The aim of this phase is to approach the pulp chamber through
discontinuities in the crown (caries, restorations, etc.) It is
important to recognize the limiting factors in this approach, which
may be beyond the operator’s control. For instance tooth position,
inclination, mouth-opening capabilities of the patient, anatomical
complexity, degree of calcification, and other patient-related
factors, all of which would result in increased time required for the
endodontic treatment
 • This phase warrants considerable training and technical
Access cavity preparation
Access cavity preparation
Access cavity preparation
Access cavity preparation
Access cavity preparation
• Cases where coronal hard
structures have been affected or
those cases where the individual
limitations of the patient do not
allow a reduced access cavity can
be treated through a
conventionally deroofed one.
• However, by limiting the removal
of hard structures at the
pericervical, radicular, and apical
zones of those teeth, long-term
success should improve.
• An example is this c-shaped
second mandibular molar with a
deep and wide restoration that
results in symptomatic apical
periodontitis. Even though the
access and the restoration may be
considered conventional, the
conservative shape retains most
of the structural behavior of the
original tooth at this level. 6-year
follow-up. Restorative dentistry by
Dr. Tom as Seif, Caracas,
Step 3: cervical procedures
 The goal is to respect and conserve the pericervical dentin.
 This step is suggested in order to allow better transfer of occlusal forces to the
radicular portion of the tooth. In young patients, this goal can be achieved by
maintaining the natural funnel shape of the canals. In calcified teeth, attempts
to mechanically recreate this cone shape in a meticulous manner by staying
away from the furcal area are required.
 To establish the original horizontal dimensions of the root canal at the
pericervical area such that the final preparation size can be established by
removing no more than approximately 10% of the dentin at this level. Thus a
proposed taper for shaping procedures can be achieved
Step 4: instrumentation through a contracted access
 Radicular body procedures
• The goal of this step is to avoid any weakening of the root and/or iatrogenic perforations
• In this phase, it is necessary to adjust the instruments and their taper to the limits and
dimensions of the horizontal configuration of each root/root canal
 Apical procedures
• The goal of this step is to produce the minimum tooth structural changes possible while still
achieving the biological objectives of root canal treatment
• This final step focuses on keeping the apical foramen as small as possible
Access cavity preparation
Access cavity preparation
Impacts of Contracted Endodontic Cavities on
Instrumentation Efficacy and Biomechanical
Responses in Maxillary Molars
Brent et al. Impacts of Contracted Endodontic Cavities on Instrumentation Efficacy and
Biomechanical Responses in Maxillary Molars J Endod 2016;42:1779–1783
 Introduction: Recently, we reported that in mandibular molars
contracted endodontic cavities (CECs) improved fracture
strength compared with traditional endodontic cavities (TECs)
but compromised instrumentation efficacy in distal canals. This
study assessed the impacts of CECs on instrumentation
efficacy and axial strain responses in maxillary molars.
Methods: Eighteen extracted intact maxillary molars were imaged with
micro–computed tomographic imaging (12-mm voxel), assigned to CEC or
TEC groups (n = 9/group), and accessed accordingly. Canals were
instrumented (V-Taper2H; SSWhite Dental, Lakewood, NJ) with 2.5% sodium
hypochlorite irrigation, reimaged, and the proportion of the modified canal
wall determined.
Cavities were restored with bonded composite resin (TPH-Spectra-LV;
Dentsply International, York, PA).
Another 28 similar molars (n = 14/group) with linear strain gauges (Showa
Measuring Instruments, Tokyo, Japan) attached to mesiobuccal and palatal
roots were subjected to load cycles (50–150 N) in the Instron Uni- versal
Testing machine (Instron, Canton, MA), and the axial microstrain was
recorded before access and after restoration. These 28 molars and
additional 11 intact molars (control) were cyclically fatigued (1 million cy-
cles, 5–50 N, 15 Hz) and subsequently loaded to failure. Data were analyzed
by the Wilcoxon rank sum and Kruskal-Wallis tests (a = 0.05).
Access cavity preparation
Results: The overall mean proportion of the modified canal wall did not
differ significantly between CECs (49.7% ` 12.0%) and TECs (44.7% `
Relative changes in axial microstrain responses to load varied in both
groups. The mean load at failure for CECs (1703 ` 558 N) did not differ
significantly from TECs (1384 ` 377 N) and was significantly lower (P <
.005) for both groups compared with intact molars (2457 ` 941 N).
Conclusions: In maxillary molars tested in vitro, CECs did not impact
instrumentation efficacy and biomechanical responses compared with
In vitro evaluation of the strength of
endodontically treated teeth after preservation
of soffit and pericervical dentin
Gaikwad et al. In vitro evaluation of the strength of endodontically treated teeth after
preservation of soffit and pericervical dentin. Ind J Conserv Endod, 2016;1(3):93-96.
AIM: To evaluate the strength of an endodontically treated tooth after preservation of peri-
cervical dentin and soffit.
Methodology: 30 human molars having well developed cusps and morphology were
extracted for periodontal reasons were included in this study. They were divided in two
groups. In gp. A, Clark- Khademi access was made and endodontic treatment was carried
out with 2% NiTi K-files and in gp. B, Straight line access was made and endodontic
treatment was carried out with 2% NiTi K-files. Normal endodontic treatment was carried out
with 2% flexible NiTi K-files with 17% EDTA as chelating agent and 5.25% Sodium
Hypochlorite solution for irrigation. Obturation was carried out using the lateral condensation
technique with gutta- percha coated with sealer. After this, the pulp chamber was cleaned
thoroughly with cotton and all-in-one bonding agent was applied and scrubbed with an
applicator tip for 30 seconds. Next, Composite restoration was done as post-obturation
restoration. Specimens were then tested with a universal testing machine, set to deliver an
increasing load until failure. Failure was defined as a 25% drop in the applied load. The load
was applied parallel to the long axis of the tooth. The variable of interest was the load at
failure measured in Newtons. The data thus obtained was subjected to statistical analysis
and was analysed using one way ANOVA test for significance
Access cavity preparation
Access cavity preparation
 Result: The teeth with Clark-Khademi access preparation with
2% taper of the endodontic files were more efficient at resisting
the fracture than the teeth with straight line access preparation
with 2% taper of the endodontic files.
Influence of Access Cavity Design on Root Canal
Detection, Instrumentation Efficacy, and Fracture
Resistance Assessed in Maxillary Molars
Rover et al, Influence of Access Cavity Design on Root Canal Detection, Instrumentation Efficacy,
and Fracture Resistance Assessed in Maxillary Molars. J Endod. 2017;43:1657–1662
 Introduction: The aim of this study was to assess the influence
of contracted endodontic cavities (CECs) on root canal
detection, instrumentation efficacy, and frac-ture resistance
assessed in maxillary molars. Traditional endodontic cavities
(TECs) were used as a reference for comparison.
Methods: Thirty extracted intact maxillary first molars were scanned with
micro–computed tomographic imaging at a resolution of 21 mm, assigned
to the CEC or TEC group (n = 15/group), and accessed accordingly.
Root canal detection was performed in 3 stages: (1) no magnification, (2)
under an operating microscope (OM), and (3) under an OM and ultrasonic
After root canal preparation with Reciproc instruments (VDW GmbH,
Munich, Germany), the specimens were scanned again. The
noninstrumented canal area, hard tissue debris accumulation, canal
transportation, and centering ratio were analyzed.
After root canal filling and cavity restoration, the sample was submitted to
the fracture resistance test. Data were analyzed using the Fisher exact,
Shapiro-Wilk, and t tests (a = 0.05)
Endodontic cavities were
drilled with high-speed
diamond burs (1014; KG
Sorensen, S~ao Paulo,
Brazil) and an Endo Z drill
(Dentsply Maillefer,
Ballaigues, Switzerland)
following conventional
guidelines already
described in the literature.
The roof of the chamber
was removed, and an
unimpeded (straight-line)
access into the coronal third
of the root canal was
Endodontic cavities were
drilled with high-speed
diamond burs (1014-3080,
KG Sorensen). The teeth
were accessed at the
central fossa and extended
only as necessary to detect
canal orifices, preserving
peri- cervical dentin and part
of the chamber roof
Access cavity preparation
 Results: It was possible to locate more root canals in the TEC group in stages 1 and 2 (P < .05),
whereas no differences were observed after stage 3 (P > .05).
 The percentage of noninstrumented canal areas did not differ significantly between the CEC (25.8% `
9.7%) and TEC (27.4% ` 8.5%) groups.
 No signifi- cant differences were observed in the percentage of accumulated hard tissue debris after
preparation (CEC: 0.9% ` 0.6% and TEC: 1.3% ` 1.4%).
 Canal transportation was significantly higher for the CEC group in the palatal canal at 7 mm from the
apical end (P < .05).
 Canal preparation was more centralized in the palatal canal of the TEC group at 5 and 7 mm from the
apical end (P < .05) and in the distobuccal canal of the CEC group at 5 mm from the apical end (P <
 There was no difference regarding fracture resistance among the CEC (996.30 ` 490.78 N) and TEC
(937.55 ` 347.25 N) groups (P > .05).
 Conclusions: The current results did not show benefits associated with CECs. This access modality
in maxillary molars resulted in less root canal detection when no ultrasonic troughing associated to
an OM was used and did not increase fracture resistance.
Fracture Strength of Endodontically Treated
Teeth with Different Access Cavity Designs
Gianluca et al. Fracture Strength of Endodontically Treated Teeth with
Different Access Cavity Designs J Endod 2017;43:995–1000
 Introduction: The purpose of this study was to compare in vitro the fracture
strength of root-filled and restored teeth with traditional endodontic cavity (TEC),
conservative endodontic cavity (CEC), or ultracon- servative ‘‘ninja’’ endodontic
cavity (NEC) access.
 Methods: Extracted human intact maxillary and mandibular premolars and molars
were selected and as- signed to control (intact teeth), TEC, CEC, or NEC groups (n
= 10/group/type).
 Teeth in the TEC group were prepared following the principles of traditional
endodontic cavities. Minimal CECs and NECs were plotted on cone- beam
computed tomographic images. Then, teeth were endodontically treated and
 The 160 specimens were then loaded to fracture in a mechanical material testing
machine (LR30 K; Lloyd Instruments Ltd, Fare- ham, UK). The maximum load at
fracture and fracture pattern (restorable or unrestorable) were recorded. Fracture
loads were compared statistically, and the data were examined with analysis of
variance and the Student-Newman-Keuls test for multiple comparisons.
Access cavity preparation
Access cavity preparation
Access cavity preparation
 Results: The mean load at fracture for TEC was significantly lower
than the one for the CEC, NEC, and control groups for all types of
teeth (P < .05), whereas no difference was observed among CEC,
NEC, and intact teeth (P > .05). Unrestorable fractures were
significantly more frequent in the TEC, CEC, and NEC groups than in
the control group in each tooth type (P < .05).
 Conclusions: Teeth with TEC access showed lower fracture strength
than the ones prepared with CEC or NEC. Ultraconservative ‘‘ninja’’
endodontic cavity access did not increase the fracture strength of
teeth compared with the ones prepared with CEC. Intact teeth showed
more restorable fractures than all the prepared ones.
The Effects of Endodontic Access Cavity
Preparation Design on the
Fracture Strength of Endodontically
Treated Teeth: Traditional Versus
Conservative Preparation
Taha et al. Fracture Strength of Endodontically Treated Teeth: Traditional Versus
Conservative Preparation. J Endod 2018; article in press
 Introduction: The aim of this study was to compare the fracture
strengths of mandibular molar teeth prepared using traditional
endodontic cavity (TEC) and conserva- tive endodontic cavity
(CEC) methods and restored using SDR (Dentsply Caulk,
Milford, DE) and EverX Posterior (GC Dental, Tokyo, Japan)
base composite materials.
 Methods: A hundred mandibular first molar teeth were randomly divided into 5 groups.
• Group 1: The teeth in this group underwent no treatment, and the teeth served as a control group.
• Group 2: In this group, after TEC preparation, root canal treatment was performed. EverX Posterior was
applied as the base material but the proximal cavity was not completely filled. The final restoration was
completed using Filtek Z250 (3M ESPE, St Paul, MN) composite resin
• Group 3: After CEC preparation, root canal treatment was performed. EverX Posterior was applied as
the base material, but the proximal cavity was not completely filled. The final restoration was performed
using Filtek Z250 composite resin.
• Group 4: After TEC preparation, root canal treatment was performed. SDR was applied as the base
material, and the proximal cavity was completely filled. The final restoration was completed using Filtek
Z250 composite resin.
• Group 5: After CEC preparation, root canal treatment was performed. SDR was then applied as the
base material, and the proximal cavity was completely filled. The final restoration was completed using
Filtek Z250 composite resin
 The load was applied on the samples at 1-mm/min speed using a 6-mm round-head tip until fracture.
The forces resulting in fracture were re- corded in newton units. The data were analyzed using Kruskal-
Wallis and Pearson correlation tests at a 5% significance level.
Access cavity preparation
Access cavity preparation
Access cavity preparation
 Results: The fracture strengths of the samples in the control group
were significantly higher than the experimental groups (P < .05).
There was no statistically significant difference in the endodontic
access cavities prepared used the TEC and CEC methods and
restored using the same composite base material (P > .05).
 Conclusions: CEC preparation did not increase the fracture
strength of teeth with class II cavities compared with TEC
preparation. The fracture strength of teeth restored with the SDR
bulk-fill composite was higher than that of teeth restored with EverX
Endodontic treatment of teeth with pulp canal calcifications is very
challenging and associated with a high technical failure rate. Microguided
endodontics provides an accurate technique for the preparation of access
cavities and is therefore of high clinical relevance.
 Application of CBCT in guided implant surgery using templates for implant site
preparation and implant insertion according to the planning (Yatzkair et al. 2014).
Nowadays, these templates can be produced by 3D-printing devices, based on matched
3D surface scans with CBCT data (Ku€hl et al. 2015).
 Although the mechanical properties of dentine compared to the alveolar bone are different
(Oyen 2006) and may influence the accuracy, the transfer of this computer-aided
technique from oral implantology to endodontics could be beneficial in producing a
minimal invasive access cavity and locate calcified root canals.
 A virtually planned and guided minimal invasive access cavity could help to preserve tooth
structure and avoid perforations, which could lead to an improved long-term prognosis,
especially for teeth with calcified root canals.
Zehnder MS, Connert T, Weiger R, Krastl G, Kühl S.
Guided endodontics: accuracy of a novel method for
guided access cavity preparation and root canal
location. International Endodontic Journal. 2015 Oct
AIM: The aim of the present study was to present a novel ‘Guided Endodontics’
method utilizing 3D printed templates to gain minimal invasive access to root
canals and to evaluate its accuracy.
METHODOLOGY: Sixty extracted human teeth were placed into six maxillary
jaw models. Preoperative CBCT scans were matched with intra-oral scans using
the coDiagnostixTM software. Access cavities, sleeves and templates for
guidance were virtually planned. Templates were produced by a 3D printer. After
access cavity preparation by two operators, a postoperative CBCT scan was
superimposed on the virtual planning. Accuracy was measured by calculating the
deviation of planned and prepared cavities in three dimensions and angles.
Access cavity preparation
Access cavity preparation
Access cavity preparation
RESULT: All root canals were accessible after cavity preparation with
‘Guided Endodontics’. Deviations of planned and prepared access
cavities were low with means ranging from 0.16 to 0.21 mm for
different aspects at the base of the bur and 0.17–0.47 mm at the tip of
the bur. Mean of angle deviation was 1.81°
CONCLUSION: ‘Guided Endodontics’ allowed an accurate access
cavity preparation up to the apical third of the root utilizing printed
templates for guidance. All root canals were accessible after
Connert, Thomas et al. Microguided Endodontics: Accuracy of a
Miniaturized Technique for Apically Extended Access Cavity
Preparation in Anterior Teeth
Journal of Endodontics , 2017.43 (5).787 - 790
 Introduction
The aim of this study was to assess the accuracy of guided endodontics in mandibular anterior teeth
by using miniaturized instruments. This technique is designed to treat teeth with pulp canal
calcifications and narrow roots by using a printed template that guides a bur to the calcified root
 Methods
Sixty sound mandibular anterior teeth were used in 10 mandibular models. Preoperative surface and
cone-beam computed tomography scans were matched by using the coDiagnostix software. Virtual
planning was performed for the access cavities, and templates were used for guidance. The
templates were produced by a three-dimensional printer. Two operators performed the access
cavities. A postoperative cone-beam computed tomography scan was superimposed on the virtual
plan, and the deviation was measured in 3 dimensions and angles. Descriptive statistical analyses
were performed, and 95% confidence intervals were calculated for both operators and each
measured aspect.
Access cavity preparation
 Results
The deviations between the planned- and prepared-access cavities were low,
with means ranging from 0.12 to 0.13 mm for different aspects at the base of
the bur and 0.12 to 0.34 mm at the tip of the bur. The mean of angle
deviation was 1.59°. A considerable overlap of the 95% confidence intervals
indicated no significant difference between the operators. The mean
treatment time, including planning and preparation, was approximately 10
minutes per tooth.
 Conclusions
Microguided endodontics provides an accurate, fast, and operator-
independent technique for the preparation of apically extended access
cavities in teeth with narrow roots such as mandibular incisors.
Medicine and dentistry have been moving toward minimally invasive
procedures that may benefit patients. Although technological advances such
as CBCT imaging, operating microscopes, and nickel-titanium instruments
enable this progress, clinicians have to adapt their skills to meet the
challenge of working effectively in confined spaces.
CECs are likely to benefit patients, but they challenge clinicians to address all
canals, debride all pulp tissue from pulp horns, and avoid procedural
complications while lacking ‘‘convenience form.’’
Individual skilled clinicians have met this challenge, suggesting the
practicality of CEC. It may be appropriate for the larger endodontic
community to revisit endodontic access cavities in premolars and molars to
better align them with CEC.
 Frank Vertucci, James Haddix, Chap 7, Tooth Morphology and Access preparation, Pathways of the pulp
Cohen 10th Edition.
 Clark D, Khademi J. Modern molar endodontic access and directed dentin conservation. Dent Clin North
Am 2010;54:249-73.
 Clark D, Khademi J, Herbranson E. Fracture resistant endodontic and restorative preparations. Dent
Today 2013;32:118,120-3.
 Clark D, Khademi J, Herbranson E. The new science of strong endo teeth. Dent Today
 Martin Trope. Bio-minimalism: Trends and transitions in endodontics. Dental Town, April 2016.
C. Bóveda & A. Kishen. Endodontic Topics 2015, 33, 169-186
 Zehnder MS, Connert T, Weiger R, Krastl G, Kühl S. Guided endodontics: accuracy of a novel
method for guided access cavity preparation and root canal location. International Endodontic
Journal. 2015 Oct 3;49(10):966–72.
 Gaikwad A, Pandit V. In vitro evaluation of the strength of endodontically treated teeth after
preservation of soffit and pericervical dentin. Ind J Conserv Endod, 2016;1(3):93-96.
 Gutmann JL. The dentin–root complex: anatomic and biologic considerations in restoring
endodontically treated teeth. J Prosthet Dent 1992:67:458–46
 Webber RT, del Rio CE, Brady JM, Segall RO: Sealing quality of a temporary filling material. Oral
Surg Oral Med Oral Patholgy 46(1):123, 1978.
 Mauger MJ, Waite RM, Alexander JB, Schindler WG: Ideal endodontic access in mandibular
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Access cavity preparation

  • 3. Introduction  Access is the first and arguably most important phase of non- surgical root canal treatment. A well-designed access preparation is essential for a good endodontic result. Without adequate access, instruments and materials become difficult to handle properly in the highly complex and variable root canal system Definition:  The access cavity preparation generally refers to the part of the cavity from the occlusion table to the canal orifice. (Ingle and Cohen)  A coronal opening to the center (pulp chamber) of a tooth, required for effective cleaning, shaping, and obturation of the pulp canals and chamber during endodontic or root canal therapy. (Medical Dictionary)
  • 4. Objectives Of Access Cavity Preparation The objective of the coronal access preparation is to provide a smooth free-flowing tapered channel from the orifice to the apex that allows instruments, irrigants, and medicaments to attempt cleaning and shaping of the entire length and circumference of the canal, with as minimal a loss of structural integrity to the tooth as possible (INGLE)
  • 5. Objectives Of Access Cavity Preparation (1) To remove all caries, (2) To conserve sound tooth structure, (3) To completely unroof the pulp chamber, (4) To remove all coronal pulp tissue (vital or necrotic), (5) To locate all root canal orifices, (6) To achieve straight- or direct-line access to the apical foramen or to the initial curvature of the canal, and (7) To establish restorative margins to minimize marginal leakage of the restored tooth. (Cohen)
  • 7. Endodontic Coronal Cavity Preparation:  I. Outline Form  II. Convenience Form  III. Removal of the remaining carious dentin (and defective restorations)  IV. Toilet of the cavity
  • 8. Endodontic Radicular Cavity Preparation  I and II. Outline Form and Convenience Form (continued)  IV. Toilet of the cavity (continued)  V. Retention Form  VI. Resistance Form
  • 9. Principle 1: Outline form  To achieve optimal preparation, three factors of internal anatomy must be considered: (1) the size of the pulp chamber, (2) the shape of the pulp chamber, and (3) the number of individual root canals, their curvature, and their position.
  • 10. Principle 2: Convenience Form (1) unobstructed access to the canal orifice, (2) direct access to the apical foramen, (3) cavity expansion to accommodate filling techniques, and (4) complete authority over the enlarging instrument. Convenience form makes more convenient (and accurate) preparation and filling of the root canal. Four important benefits are gained through convenience form modifications:
  • 11. Principle 3: Removal of the Remaining Carious Dentin and Defective Restorations (1) to eliminate mechanically as many bacteria as possible from the interior of the tooth, (2) to eliminate the discolored tooth structure, that may ultimately lead to staining of the crown, and (3) to eliminate the possibility of any bacteria-laden saliva leaking into the prepared cavity. The last point is especially true of proximal or buccal caries that extend into the prepared cavity.
  • 12. Principle IV: Toilet of the access opening All of the caries, debris, pulp tissues and necrotic materials must be removed from the chamber before the radicular preparation is begun, otherwise, these elements my be carried into the canal, it may act as an obstruction during canal enlargement. Soft debris carried from the chamber might increase the bacterial population in the canal. Coronal debris may also stain the crown, particularly of anterior teeth
  • 13. GUIDELINES FOR PREPARATION OF ACCESS CAVITIES (Cohen, Pathways of the Pulp,10th Edition)
  • 14. 1. Visualization of the Likely Internal Anatomy  Evaluation of angled periapical radiographs and examination of tooth anatomy at the coronal, cervical, and root levels.  Diagnostic radiographs help the clinician estimate the position of the pulp chamber, the degree of chamber calcification, the number of roots and canals, and the approximate canal length  Palpation along the attached gingiva aids the determination of root location and direction.
  • 15. 2. Evaluation of the Cementoenamel Junction and Occlusal Anatomies  In a study involving 500 pulp chambers, Krasner and Rankow found that the cementoenamel junction (CEJ) was the most important anatomic landmark for determining the location of pulp chambers and root canal orifices.  The study demonstrated the existence of a specific and consistent anatomy of the pulp chamber floor. These authors proposed nine guidelines, or laws, of pulp chamber anatomy to help clinicians determine the number and location of orifices on the chamber floor Krasner P, Rankow HJ: Anatomy of the pulp chamber floor. J Endod 30(1):5, 2004.
  • 16.  Law of centrality: The floor of the pulp chamber is always located in the center of the tooth at the level of the CEJ.  Law of concentricity: The walls of the pulp chamber are always concentric to the external surface of the tooth at the level of the CEJ, that is, the external root surface anatomy reflects the internal pulp chamber anatomy.  Law of the CEJ: The distance from the external surface of the clinical crown to the wall of the pulp chamber is the same throughout the circumference of the tooth at the level of the CEJ, making the CEJ is the most consistent repeatable landmark for locating the position of the pulp chamber.  Law of color change: The pulp chamber floor is always darker in color than the walls.
  • 17. First law of symmetry: Except for the maxillary molars, canal orifices are equidistant from a line drawn in a mesiodistal direction through the center of the pulp chamber floor. Second law of symmetry: Except for the maxillary molars, canal orifices lie on a line perpendicular to a line drawn in a mesiodistal direction across the center of the pulp chamber floor.
  • 18. First law of orifice location: The orifices of the root canals are always located at the junction of the walls and the floor. Second law of orifice location: The orifices of the root canals are always located at the angles in the floor–wall junction. Third law of orifice location: The orifices of the root canals are always located at the terminus of the roots’ developmental fusion lines.
  • 19. 3. Preparation of the Access Cavity Through the Lingual and Occlusal Surfaces  Access cavities on anterior teeth usually are prepared through the lingual tooth surface, and those on posterior teeth are prepared through the occlusal surface.  These approaches are the best means of achieving straight- line access and diminishing esthetic and restorative concerns.
  • 20. Article pop up Some authors have recommended that the traditional anterior access for mandibular incisors be moved from the lingual surface to the incisal surface in selected cases. This allows better access to the lingual canal and improves canal debridement Mauger MJ, Waite RM, Alexander JB, Schindler WG: Ideal endodontic access in mandibular incisors. J Endod 25(3):206, 1999.
  • 21. 4. Removal of All Defective Restorations and Caries Before Entry Into the Pulp Chamber  With an open preparation, canals are much easier to locate, and shaping, cleaning, and obturation are much easier to perform.  All carious dentin must be removed during access preparation. This removal prevents irrigating solutions from leaking past the rubber dam into the mouth and prevents carious dentin and its bacteria from entering the root canal system
  • 22. Article pop up Amalgam fillings and dentin debris block canal orifices, preventing proper shaping and cleaning. In one study, it was determined that clinicians were about 40% more likely to miss fractures, caries, and marginal breakdown if restorations were not completely removed. Abbott PV: Assessing restored teeth with pulp and periapical diseases for the presence of cracks, caries, and marginal breakdown. August Dent J 49:33, 2004.
  • 23. Removal of Unsupported Tooth Structure  All unsupported tooth structure should be removed to assess restorability and to prevent tooth fracture.  Unnecessary removal of sound tooth structure should be avoided.
  • 24. 5. Straight- or Direct-line Passage of Instruments o the Apical Foramen or Initial Canal Curvature  Sufficient tooth structure must be removed to allow instruments to be placed easily into each canal orifice without interference from canal walls, particularly when a canal curves severely or leaves the chamber floor at an obtuse angle.  access design is dependent not only on the orifice location, but also on the position and curvature of the entire canal.  The walls of the root canal, rather than the walls of the access preparation, must guide the passage of instruments down the canal
  • 25. 6. Delay of Dental Dam Placement Until Difficult Canals Have Been Located and Confirmed  Difficulty can arise in gaining access into teeth that are crowded and rotated, fractured to the free gingival margin, heavily restored and calcified, or part of a fixed prosthesis.  In these situations the clinician’s best course of action may be to prepare the initial part of the access cavity before placing the dental dam so that the inclination of root eminences can be visualized
  • 26. 7. Location, Flaring, and Exploration of All Root Canal Orifices  A sharp endodontic explorer is used to locate canal orifices and to determine their angle of departure from the pulp chamber.  Next, all canal orifices and the coronal portion of the canals are flared to make instrument placement easier. The canals are then explored with small, precurved K- files (#6, #8, or #10).
  • 27. 8. Inspection of the Pulp Chamber, Using Magnification and Adequate Illumination  Magnification and illumination are particularly important in root canal therapy, especially for determining the location of canals; negotiating constricted, curved, and calcified canals; and débriding and removing tissue and calcifications from the pulp chamber.  Surgical loupes, endodontic endoscopes, and the DOM are some of the commercially available instruments that can help the clinician accomplish these goals.
  • 28. 9. Tapering of Cavity Walls and Evaluation of Space Adequacy for a Coronal Seal  A proper access cavity generally has tapering walls with its widest dimension at the occlusal surface.  In such a preparation, occlusal forces do not push the temporary restoration into the cavity and disrupt the seal.
  • 29. Article Pop up  At least 3.5 mm of temporary filling material (e.g., Cavit [3M, St. Paul, MN]) is needed to provide an adequate coronal seal for a short time Webber RT, del Rio CE, Brady JM, Segall RO: Sealing quality of a temporary filling material. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Patholgy 46(1):123, 1978.
  • 31. Removal of Caries and Permanent Restorations  Caries typically is removed early, before the pulp chamber is entered. This minimizes the risk of contamination of the pulp chamber or root canal(s) with bacteria.  Defective permanent restorations, whether amalgams, composite resins, or crowns, must be removed entirely to prevent coronal leakage from contaminating the pulp chamber, the root canal(s), or both after the endodontic appointment.  Removal of defective permanent restorations also permits straight-line access
  • 32. • An initial external outline opening is prepared on the lingual surface of the anterior tooth at center of the anatomic crown • A #2 or #4 round bur or a tapered fissure bur is used to penetrate through the enamel and slightly into the dentin (approximately 1 mm). An outline form is created, similar in geometry to an ideal access shape for the particular anterior tooth; it is one half to three quarters the projected final size of the access cavity • The bur is directed perpendicular to the lingual surface as the external outline opening is created Initial External Outline Form
  • 33. Penetration Of The Pulp Chamber Roof • The angle of the bur is changed from perpendicular to the lingual surface to parallel to the long axis of the root • Penetration into the tooth is accomplished along this root’s long axis until the roof of the pulp chamber is penetrated; frequently a drop-in effect is felt when this occurs.
  • 34. Complete Roof Removal Once the pulp chamber has been penetrated, the remaining roof is removed by catching the end of a round bur under the lip of the dentin roof and cutting on the bur’s withdrawal stroke All of the pulp chamber roof, including the pulp horns, must be removed and all internal walls must be flared to the lingual surface of the tooth. Complete roof removal is confirmed with a #17 operative explorer if no “catches” are discovered as the explorer tip is withdrawn from the pulp chamber along the mesial, distal, and facial walls.
  • 35. Identification Of All Canal Orifices • After the pulp chamber has been unroofed, the canal orifices are located with an endodontic explorer • While probing the chamber floor, the explorer often penetrates or dislodges calcific deposits blocking an orifice. It also can be used to evaluate straight-line access
  • 36. Positioning the explorer in an orifice allows the clinician to check the shaft for clearance from the axial walls and to determine the angle at which a canal departs the main chamber
  • 37. Once the orifice(s) has been identified and confirmed, the lingual shoulder is removed. This structure is the lingual shelf of dentin that extends from the cingulum to a point approximately 2 mm apical to the orifice The lingual shoulder can be removed with a tapered safety- tip diamond or carbide bur or with Gates-Glidden burs. Removal Of The Lingual Shoulder And Orifice And Coronal Flaring
  • 38. The tip of a fine safety-tip diamond bur is placed approximately 2 mm apical to the canal orifice and inclined to the lingual during rotation to slope the lingual shoulder. The clinician must be careful when using this bur to avoid placing a bevel on the incisal edge of the access preparation
  • 39.  When Gates-Glidden burs are used, the largest that can passively be placed 2 mm apical to the orifice is used first. During rotation, the bur is leaned against the lingual shoulder and withdrawn. The clinician can increase the size of these burs sequentially, depending on the size of the canal, and repeat the shaping of the lingual wall until the lingual shoulder of dentin has been eliminated.  During this process the orifice should also be flared so that it is contiguous with all walls of the access preparation. This can be done with small to large Gates-Glidden burs. These burs are used in a circumferential filing motion, flaring each wall of the canal in sequence. To prevent iatrogenic mishaps on thin walls facing a root concavity, these burs should be placed passively into the canal and rotated as they are gently leaned against a canal wall and withdrawn.
  • 40. Straight-line Access Determination Ideally, an endodontic file can approach the apical foramen or the first point of canal curvature undeflected.
  • 41. Deflected instruments also lack access to critical areas of the canal and therefore do not shape and clean effectively. Attempts to shape and clean without straight- line access often lead to procedural errors such as ledging, transportation, and zipping
  • 42. Inadequate removal of the lingual shoulder causes the file to deflect in a facial direction and if the lingual shoulder has been adequately removed and the file still binds on the incisal edge, the access cavity should be extended farther incisally until the file is not deflected. The final position of the incisal wall of the access cavity is determined by two factors: (1) complete removal of the pulp horns and (2) straight-line access.
  • 43. Visual Inspection Of The Access Cavity The clinician should inspect and evaluate the access cavity, using appropriate magnification and illumination The axial walls at their junction with the orifice must be inspected for grooves that might indicate an additional canal. The orifice and coronal canal must be evaluated for a bifurcation
  • 44. Refinement And Smoothing Of Restorative Margins  The final step in the preparation of an access cavity is to refine and smooth the cavosurface margins. Rough or irregular margins can contribute to coronal leakage through a permanent or temporary restoration.  Butt joint margins are indicated rather than beveled margins, which produce thin composite edges that can fracture under excursive functional loads and ultimately result in coronal leakage.
  • 46. Removal Of Caries And Permanent Restorations Posterior teeth requiring root canal therapy typically have been heavily restored or the carious process is extensive. Such conditions, along with the complex pulp anatomy of posterior teeth, can make the access process challenging.
  • 47. Initial External Outline Form  As with anterior teeth, the pulp chamber of posterior teeth is positioned in the center of the tooth at the level of the CEJ. An access starting location must be determined for an intact tooth.
  • 48. Premolars In maxillary premolars this point is on the central groove between the cusp tips
  • 49. Crowns of mandibular pre- molars are tilted lingually relative to their roots, and the starting location must be adjusted to compensate for this tilt
  • 51. Molars  To determine the starting location for molar access cavity preparations, the clinician must establish the mesial and distal boundary limitations.  Evaluation of bite-wing radiographs is an accurate method of assessing the mesiodistal extensions of the pulp chamber.
  • 52. Maxillary Molars Mandibular Molars  The mesial boundary : a line connecting the mesial cusp tips.  Distal boundary: the oblique ridge  The mesial boundary : a line connecting the mesial cusp tips  Distal boundary: line connecting the buccal and lingual grooves. For molars the correct starting location is on the central groove halfway between the mesial and distal boundaries.
  • 53.  Penetration through the enamel into the dentin (approximately 1 mm) is performed with a #2 round bur for premolars and a #4 round bur for molars  The bur is directed perpendicular to the occlusal table, and an initial outline shape is created at about one half to three fourths its projected canal size.  The premolar shape is oval and widest in the buccolingual dimension.  The molar shape is also oval initially; it is widest in a buccolingual dimension for maxillary molars and in a mesiodistal direction for mandibular molars.  The final outline shape for molars is triangular (for three canals) or rhomboid (for four canals); however, the canal orifices dictate the position of the corners of these geometric shapes. Therefore, until the orifices have been located, the initial outline form should be left as an oval.
  • 54. Penetration Of The Pulp Chamber Roof  The angle of penetration is changed from perpendicular to the occlusal table to an angle appropriate for penetration through the roof of the pulp chamber.  In premolars the angle is parallel to the long axis of the root(s) both in the mesiodistal and buccolingual directions.
  • 55. In molars the penetration angle should be toward the largest canal, because the pulp chamber space usually is largest just occlusal to the orifice of this canal. Therefore, in maxillary molars the penetration angle is toward the palatal orifice, and in mandibular molars it is toward the distal orifice A round bur, a tapered fissure bur, or a safety- tip diamond or carbide bur is used to remove the roof of the pulp chamber completely, including all pulp horns
  • 57. The safety-tip diamond or carbide bur is passed between the orifices along the axial walls to remove the roof, taper the internal walls, and create the desired external outline shape simultaneously.
  • 58. Identification Of All Canal Orifices  In posterior teeth with multiple canals, the canal orifices play an important role in determining the final extensions of the external outline form of the access cavity.  Ideally, the orifices are located at the corners of the final preparation to facilitate the shaping and cleaning process.  Internally, the access cavity should have all orifices positioned entirely on the pulp floor and should not extend into an axial wall.
  • 59. Extension of an orifice into the axial wall creates a mouse hole effect, which indicates internal underextension and impedes straight-line access. In such cases the orifice must be repositioned onto the pulp floor without interference from axial walls.
  • 60. The cervical bulges are shelves of dentin that frequently overhang orifices in posterior teeth, restricting access into root canals and accentuating existing canal curvatures. These bulges can be removed with safety-tip diamond or carbide burs or Gates-Glidden burs. The instruments should be placed at the orifice level and leaned toward the dentin bulge to remove the overhanging shelf After the shelf has been removed, the orifice and constricted coronal portion of the canal can be flared with Gates- Glidden burs, which are used in a sweeping upward motion with lateral pressure away from the furcation.
  • 61. Straight-line Access Determination Visual Inspection Of The Pulp Chamber Floor Refinement And Smoothing Of The Restorative Margins  In both temporary and interim permanent restorations, the restorative margins should be refined and smoothed to minimize the potential for coronal leakage. The final permanent restoration of choice for posterior teeth that have undergone root canal therapy is a crown or onlay.
  • 62. C Penetration of the pulp roof. D, removal of the pulp roof/pulp horns with a round carbide bur. E, Location of the orifice with a Mueller or LN bur. F, Exploration of the canal with a small K- le. G-I, Flaring of the orifice/coronal third of the mesial canal with Gates- Glidden burs. J, Flaring of the orifice/coronal third of the distal canal with a #.12 taper nickel–titanium rotary le. K, Flaring of the orifice/coronal third of the distal canal with a Gates-Glidden bur. L, Funneling of the mesial axial wall from the cavosurface margin to the mesial orifice. M, Funneling of the distal axial wall from the cavosurface margin to the distal orifice . N, Completed access preparation. O, Verification of straight-line access.
  • 65. MAXILLARY CENTRAL INCISOR Average time of eruption: 7 to 8 years; Average age of calci cation: 10 years; Average length: 22.5 mm. Root curvature (most common to least common): straight > labial > distal.
  • 66.  A newly erupted central incisor has three pulp horns, and the pulp chamber is wider mesiodistally than buccolingually.  In cross-section, the root canal at the CEJ is triangular in young teeth and oval in older teeth. It gradually becomes round as it approaches the apical foramen.
  • 67. Multiple canals are rare, but lateral canals are common.
  • 68. The external access outline form for the maxillary central incisor is a rounded triangle with its base toward the incisal aspect The width of the triangular base is determined by the distance between the mesial and distal pulp horns.
  • 69. MAXILLARY LATERAL INCISOR Average time of eruption, 8 to 9 years; Average age of calcification, 11 years; Average length, 22 mm. Root curvature (most common to least common): distal > straight.
  • 70.  The pulp chamber outline of the maxillary lateral incisor is similar to that of the maxillary central incisor; however, it is smaller, and two or no pulp horns may be present.  This tooth is wider mesiodistally than buccolingually.
  • 71.  Normally only one root canal is present, but two and three canals have been reported
  • 72. • The external access outline form for the maxillary lateral incisor may be a rounded triangle or an oval, depending on the prominence of the mesial and distal pulp horns • When the horns are prominent, the rounded triangular shape is compressed mesiodistally relative to a central incisor, producing a more slender triangle. • The outline form usually is oval if the mesial and distal pulp horns are not prominent.
  • 73. MAXILLARY CANINE Average time of eruption: 10 to 12 years Average age of calcification: 13 to 15 years Average length: 26.5 mm. Root curvature (most common to least common): distal > straight > labial.
  • 74.  It is wider labiolingually than mesiodistally.  It has no pulp horns.  Its smallest pointed incisal edge corresponds to the single cusp.  The pulp chamber outline at the CEJ is oval. A lingual shoulder is present. From this point, the root canal remains oval until it approaches the apical third of the root, where it becomes constricted
  • 75. Usually one root canal is present, although two canals have been reported
  • 76. • The external access outline form is oval or slot shaped because no mesial or distal pulp horns are present. • The mesiodistal width of the slot is determined by the mesiodistal width of the pulp chamber. The incisogingival dimension is determined by straight-line access factors and removal of the lingual shoulder. • The incisal extension often approaches to within 2 to 3 mm of the incisal edge to allow for straight-line access.
  • 77. MAXILLARY FIRST PREMOLAR Average time of eruption:10 to 11 years Average age of calcification:12 to 13 years Average length: 20.6 mm Root curvature (most common to least common): • buccal root—lingual > straight > buccal; • palatal root—straight > buccal > distal; • single root—straight > distal > buccal.
  • 78.  The pulp chamber of the maxillary first premolar is wider buccolingually than mesiodistally.  In the buccolingual dimension the chamber outline shows a buccal and a palatal pulp horn. The buccal pulp horn usually is larger. The palatal orifice is slightly larger than the buccal orifice  From the floor, two root canals take on a round shape at midroot and rapidly taper to their apices, usually ending in extremely narrow, curved root canals.  The palatal canal usually is slightly larger than the buccal canal
  • 79. The maxillary first premolar may have one, two, or three roots and canals; it most often has two. When three canals are present, the external outline form becomes triangular with the base on the buccal aspect. The mesiobuccal and distobuccal corners of the triangle should be positioned directly over the corresponding canal orifices Schematic representation of a three-canal access preparation. Three canals
  • 80.  The access preparation for the maxillary first premolar is oval or slot shaped  It also is wide buccolingually, narrow mesiodistally, and centered mesiodis- tally between the cusp tips. The mesiodistal width should correspond to the mesiodistal width of the pulp chamber.  The buccal extension typically is two thirds to three fourths up the buccal cusp incline.  The palatal extension is approximately halfway up the palatal cusp incline.  The buccal and palatal walls funnel directly into the orifice . Because of the mesial concavity of the root, the clinician must take care not to overextend the preparation in that direction, as this could result in perforation.
  • 81. MAXILLARY SECOND PREMOLAR Average time of eruption: 10 to 12 years Average age of calcification:12 to 14 years Average length: 21.5 mm Root curvature (most common to least common): distal > bayonet > buccal > straight.
  • 82.  The root canal system of the maxillary second premolar is wider buccolingually than mesiodistally. This tooth may have one, two, or three roots and canals.  Two or three canals can occur in a single root A buccal and a palatal pulp horn are present; the buccal pulp horn is larger. A single root is oval and wider buccolingually than mesiodistally. The canal(s) remain oval from the pulp chamber floor and taper rapidly to the apex.
  • 83.  When two canals are present, the maxillary second pre- molar access preparation is nearly identical to that of the first premolar. Because this tooth usually has one root, if two canals are present, they are nearly parallel to each other and the external outline form must have a greater buccolingual extension to permit straight-line access to these canals than with the first premolar with two roots and diverging canals. If only one canal is present, the buccolingual extension is less and corresponds to the width between the buccal and palatal pulp horns  If three canals are present, the external access outline form is the same triangular shape illustrated for the maxillary first premolar
  • 84. MAXILLARY FIRST MOLAR Average time of eruption: 6 to 7 years Average age of calcification: 9 to 10 years Average length: 20.8 mm Root curvature (most common to least common): • mesiobuccal root—distal > straight; • distobuccal root—straight > mesial > distal • palatal root— buccal > straight.
  • 85.  The maxillary first molar is the largest tooth in volume and one of the most complex in root and canal anatomy. The pulp chamber is widest in the buccolingual dimension, and four pulp horns are present (mesiobuccal, mesiopalatal, distobuc- cal, and distopalatal).  The pulp chamber’s cervical outline form has a rhomboid shape, sometimes with rounded corners. The mesiobuccal angle is an acute angle; the distobuccal angle is an obtuse angle; and the palatal angles are basically right angles.  The palatal canal orifice is centered palatally; the distobuccal orifice is near the obtuse angle of the pulp chamber floor; and the main mesiobuccal canal orifice (MB-1) is buccal and mesial to the distobuccal orifice and is posi- ioned within the acute angle of the pulp chamber. The second mesiobuccal canal orifice (MB-2) is located palatal and mesial to the MB-1. A line drawn to connect the three main canal orifice —the mesiobuccal (MB) orifice , distobuc- cal (DB) orifice , and palatal (P) orifice —forms a triangle, known as the molar triangle.
  • 86.  The three individual roots of the maxillary first molar (i.e., mesiobuccal root, distobuccal root, and palatal root) form a tripod. The palatal root is the longest, has the largest diameter, and generally offers the easiest access. It can contain one, two, or three root canals  The distobuccal root is conical and may have one or two canals  The mesiobuccal root has generated more research and clinical investigation than any other root in the mouth. It may have one, two, or three root canals
  • 88. MB 2 canal is located mesial to or directly on a line between the MB-1 and palatal orifice , within 3.5 mm palatally and 2 mm mesi- ally of the MB-1 orifice
  • 89. Negotiation of the MB-2 canal often is difficult; a ledge of dentin covers its orifice, the orifice has a mesiobuccal inclination on the pulp floor, and the canal’s pathway often takes one or two abrupt curves in the coronal part of the root. Most of these obstructions can be eliminated by troughing or countersinking with ultrasonic tips mesially and apically along the mesiobuccal pulpal groove. This procedure causes the canal, when present, to shift mesially, meaning that the access wall must be moved farther mesially. Troughing may need to be 0.5 to 3 mm deep. Care must be taken to avoid furcal wall perforation of this root. Apical to the troughing level the canal may be straight or may curve sharply to the distobuccal, buccal, or palatal.
  • 90.  Because the maxillary first molar almost always has four canals, the access cavity has a rhomboid shape, with the corners corresponding to the four orifices (MB-1, MB-2, DB, and P)  The access cavity should not extend into the mesial marginal ridge. Distally, the preparation can invade the mesial portion of the oblique ridge, but it should not penetrate through the ridge. The buccal wall should be parallel to a line connecting the MB-1 and DB orifices and not to the buccal surface of the tooth.
  • 91. MAXILLARY SECOND MOLAR Average time of eruption: 11 to 13 years Average age of calcification: 14 to 16 years Average length: 20 mm. Root curvature (most common to least common): • mesiobuccal root—distal > straight; • distobuccal root—straight > mesial > distal; • palatal root—straight > buccal.
  • 92.  The distinguishing morphologic feature of the maxillary second molar is that its three roots are grouped closer together and are sometimes fused. Also, they generally are shorter than the roots of the first molar and not as curved.  The second molar usually has one canal in each root; however, it may have two or three mesiobuccal canals, one or two distobuccal canals, or two palatal canals
  • 93.  When four canals are present, the access cavity prepara- tion of the maxillary second molar has a rhomboid shape and is a smaller version of the access cavity for the maxillary first molar
  • 94.  If only three canals are present, the access cavity is a rounded triangle with the base to the buccal.  If only two canals are present, the access outline form is oval and widest in the buccolingual dimension.
  • 96. MAXILLARY THIRD MOLAR Average time of eruption:17 to 22 years; Average age of calcification:18 to 25 years Average length: 17 mm.
  • 97.  The root anatomy of the maxillary third molar varies greatly. This tooth can have one to four roots and one to six canals, and C-shaped canals also can occur. The third molar usually has three roots and three root canals  he tooth may be tipped significantly to the distal, the buccal, or both
  • 98.  The access cavity form for the third molar can vary greatly. Because the tooth typically has one to three canals, the access preparation can be anything from an oval that is widest in the buccolingual dimension to a rounded triangle similar to that used for the maxillary second molar. The MB, DB, and P orifice often lie nearly in a straight line as the DB orifice moves even closer to the line connecting the MB and P orifice- . The resultant access cavity is an oval or highly obtuse triangle.
  • 99. MANDIBULAR CENTRAL AND LATERAL INCISORS Average time of eruption: 6 to 8 years Average age of calcification: 9 to 10 years Average length: 20.7 mm Root curvature (most common to least common): straight > distal > labial.
  • 100.  The pulp outline of the mandibular incisors is wider labiolingually.  Often a dentinal bridge is present in the pulp chamber that divides the root into two canals. The two canals usually join and exit through a single apical foramen, but they may persist as two separate canals.
  • 101.  The external outline form may be triangular or oval, depending on the prominence of the mesial and distal pulp horns  One study determined that by age 40 years the mandibular incisor pulp chamber has decreased in size sufficiently to routinely justify an oval access cavity
  • 102.  Complete removal of the lingual shoulder is critical, because this tooth often has two canals that are buccolingually oriented, and the lingual canal most often is missed
  • 103. MANDIBULAR CANINE Average time of eruption: 9 to 10 years Average age of calcification: 13 years Average length: 25.6 mm Root curvature (most common to least common): straight > distal > labial.
  • 104.  The root canal system of the mandibular canine is very similar to that of the maxillary canine, except that the dimensions are smaller, the root and root canal outlines are narrower in the mesiodistal dimension, and the man- dibular canine occasionally has two roots and two root canals located labially and lingually
  • 105.  The access cavity for the mandibular canine is oval or slot shaped  The incisal extension can approach the incisal edge of the tooth for straight-line access, and the gingival extension must penetrate the cingulum to allow a search for a possible lingual canal.
  • 107. MANDIBULAR FIRST PREMOLAR Average time of eruption: 10 to 12 years Average age of calcification: 12 to 13 years Average length: 21.6 mm. Root curvature (most common to least common): straight > distal > buccal.
  • 108.  The root canal system of the mandibular first premolar is wider buccolingually than mesiodistally. Two pulp horns are present: a large, pointed buccal horn and a small, rounded lingual horn.  Direct access to the buccal canal usually is possible, whereas the lingual canal may be quite difficult to find. The lingual canal tends to diverge from the main canal at a sharp angle. In addition, the lingual inclination of the crown tends to direct les buccally, making location of a lingual canal orifice more difficult
  • 109.  The mandibular first pre- molar sometimes may have three roots and three canals  One study reported a C-shaped canal anatomy in this tooth.
  • 110. The oval external outline form of the mandibular first premolar typically is wider mesiodistally than its maxillary counterpart, making it more oval and less slot shaped Because of the lingual inclination of the crown, buccal extension can nearly approach the tip of the buccal cusp to achieve straight-line access. Lingual extension barely invades the poorly developed lingual cusp incline. Mesiodistally the access preparation is centered between the cusp tips. Often the preparation must be modified to allow access to the complex root canal anatomy frequently seen in the apical half of the tooth root.
  • 112. MANDIBULAR SECOND PREMOLAR Average time of eruption:11 to 12 years Average age of calcification:13 to 14 years Average length: 22.3 mm. Root curvature (most common to least common): straight > distal > buccal.
  • 113.  The mandibular second premolar is similar to the first pre- molar, with the following differences: the lingual pulp horn usually is larger; the root and root canal are more often oval than round; the pulp chamber is wider buccolingually; and the separation of the pulp chamber and root canal normally is distinguishable compared with the more regular taper in the first premolar.
  • 114. the crown typically has a smaller lingual inclination, less extension up the buccal cusp incline is required to achieve straight- line access. the lingual half of the tooth is more fully developed, and therefore the lingual access extension typically is halfway up the lingual cusp incline. The mandibular second premolar can have two lingual cusps, sometimes of equal size. When this occurs, the access prepa- ration is centered mesiodistally on a line connecting the buccal cusp and the lingual groove between the lingual cusp tips. When the mesiolingual cusp is larger than the distolin- gual cusp, the lingual extension of the oval outline form is just distal to the tip of the mesiolingual cusp
  • 115.  The canal morphology of the mandibular second premolar is similar to that of the first premolar with its many variations: two, three, and four canals and a lin- gually tipped crown. Fortunately, these variations are found less often in the second premolar
  • 117. MANDIBULAR FIRST MOLAR Average time of eruption: 6 years Average age of calcification: 9 to 10 years Average length: 21 mm Root curvature (most common to least common): • mesial root—distal > straight • distal root—straight > distal
  • 118.  It often is extensively restored, and it is subjected to heavy occlusal stress. Therefore the pulp chamber frequently has receded or is calcified. The tooth usually has two roots, but occasionally it has three, with two or three canals in the mesial root and one, two, or three canals in the distal root  Orifice to all canals usually are located in the mesial two thirds of the crown, and the pulp chamber floor is roughly trapezoid or rhomboid. Usually four pulp horns (MB, ML, DB, and DL) are present.
  • 119.  The mesial canal orifice usually are well separated within the main pulp chamber and connected by a developmental groove. The MB orifice commonly is under the mesiobuccal cusp, whereas the ML orifice generally is found just lingual to the central groove. On occasion an MM canal orifice is present in the groove between the MB and ML orifice  When only one distal canal is present, the orifice is oval buccolingually and the opening generally is located distal to the buccal groove. If the le tip takes a sharp turn in a distobuccal or distolingual direction, the clinician should search for yet another orifice
  • 120. The access cavity for the mandibular first molar typically is trapezoid or rhomboid regardless of the number of canals present. When four or more canals are present, the corners of the trapezoid or rhombus should correspond to the posi- tions of the main orifice
  • 122.  The radix entomolaris (rE) is a super- numerary root located distolingually in mandibular molars, whereas the radix paramolaris (rP) is an extra root located mesiobuccally.
  • 123. MANDIBULAR SECOND MOLAR Average time of eruption:11 to 13 years Average age of calcification:14 to 15 years Average length:19.8 mm. Root curvature (most common to least common): • mesial root—distal > straight; • distal root—straight > distal > mesial > buccal; • single root—straight > distal > bayonet > lingual.
  • 124.  The pulp chamber and canal orifice of the mandibular second molar generally are not as large as those of the first molar. This tooth may have one, two, three, or four root canals  In some man- dibular second molars with single or fused roots, a le placed in the mesiobuccal canal may appear to be in the distal canal. This happens because the two canals sometimes are connected by a semicircular slit, a variation of the C- shaped canal
  • 127. MANDIBULAR THIRD MOLARS  The anatomy of the mandibular third molar is unpredict- able; therefore the access cavity can take any of several shapes. When three or more canals are present, a traditional rounded triangle or rhomboid shape is typical. When two canals are present, a rectangular shape is used. For single-canal molars, an oval shape is customary.
  • 130. Teeth With Minimal Or No Clinical Crown Caries left untreated can cause loss of coronal tooth structure. Badly decayed teeth typically can fracture- under occlusal function because of the undermined and unsupported remaining tooth structure. Teeth that have been heavily restored with amalgam, composite resin, or glass ionomer restorative materials can have minimal coronal tooth structure. External trauma can cause the clinical crown to fracture, sometimes shearing off to the free gingival margin.
  • 131.  In young teeth, traumatic fractures often expose the pulp chamber, making preparation easy. However, in older teeth that have had caries or large restorations, the pulp chambers typically have receded or calcified. Loss of significant coronal anatomy to guide penetration angles can make access quite difficult.
  • 132. the clinician should study their root angulation on pretreatment radio- graphs and examine the cervical crown anatomy with an explorer Pulp chambers are located at the center of the crown at the level of the CEJ.
  • 133.  Access often is started without a dental dam in place so that root eminences can be visualized and palpated as access is attempted  Because the external root anatomy is formed by odontoblasts in the pulp, by visualizing the root anatomy both radiographically and clinically, the clinician should have a good idea of access penetration angles.  Every effort is made to stay centered within the root for the best chance of locating the pulp canal.  The depth of penetration needed to reach the pulp canal is measured on a pretreatment radiograph. If the clinician reaches this depth without locating the canal, two radiographs should be taken before the process proceeds.
  • 134. ACCESS CAVITY PREPARATION WHEN THE ANATOMIC CROWN IS MISSING. A, A mandibular first premolar with the crown missing. B, An endodontic explorer fails to penetrate the calcified pulp chamber. C, A long- shank round bur is directed in the assumed long axis of the root. D, Perforation of the root wall (arrow), resulting from the clinician’s failure to consider root angulation. E, Palpation of the buccal root anatomy without a dental dam in place to determine root angulation. F, Correct bur angulation after repair of the perforation with mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA; DENTSPLY Tulsa Dental Specialties, Tulsa, OK). The dental dam is placed as soon as the canal is identified.
  • 135. Heavily Restored Teeth (Including Those With Full Veneer Crowns)  Restorative materials alter the external anatomic landmarks on the crown of a tooth  Most restorative materials block the passage of light into the internal aspects of the tooth, resulting in poor visibility during preparation of the access cavity  Coronal leakage often occurs when parts of large restorations are left in the tooth because the restorations are loosened by the vibration of the access drilling  Instruments can rub against restoration fragments during shaping and cleaning, creating lings that can be carried into the canal system  intact full or partial veneer crown often change the crown-to-root angulation to correct preexisting occlusal discrepancies. Full veneer crowns also can alter tooth rotation.
  • 137.  Complete removal of an extensive restoration from the cervical region of the tooth permits more direct access to the root canal(s). For example, class V restorations often cause calcification of the coronal canal, making location of the canal through the occlusal approach quite difficult.  removal of the class V restoration allows more direct access to the calcified canal, which makes location and treatment much easier. Any remaining canals can be treated through the conventional occlusal access cavity
  • 140. Metal veneer crowns are best penetrated with new, sharp carbide burs. round burs work well, but tungsten carbide transmetal burs are more efficient. Porcelain or ceramo-metal restorations must be handled delicately to minimize the potential for fracture. The clinician should use a round diamond bur and copious water spray to penetrate the porcelain. After porcelain penetration, a transmetal bur and copious water spray should be used to penetrate the metal coping; the water spray minimizes heat buildup, which could fracture the porcelain
  • 142. Teeth With Calcified Canals Teeth with severe pulp calcification may present problems with locating and negotiating root canals Canals become less calcified as they approach the root apex
  • 143. Various ways to locate and deal with calcified canals 1. use of magnification and transillumination, as well as careful examination of color changes and pulp chamber shapes 2. A fiberoptic light directed through the CEJ can reveal subtle landmarks and color changes that may not otherwise be visible. The chamber floor is darker in color than its walls, and developmental grooves connecting orifices are lighter in color than the chamber floor. 3. staining the pulp chamber floor with 1% methylene blue dye 4. performing the sodium hypochlorite “champagne bubble” test 5. searching for canal bleeding points.
  • 147. Crowded Teeth Conventional access preparations may not be possible in patients with crowded teeth. The decision regarding an alternative approach must be based on straight- line access principles and conservation of tooth structure. In certain circumstances a buccal access preparation may be the treatment of choice
  • 148. Rotated Teeth  Rotated teeth can present problems for the clinician during access cavity preparation because of the altered crown-to-root relationships.  Perforations in rotated teeth during access preparation usually occur because of faulty angulation of the bur with respect to the long axis of the root.
  • 149. Problems associated with rotated teeth:  Mistaken identification of an already located canal, resulting in a search in the wrong direction for additional canals. Whenever a difficult canal is located, a file should be placed in the canal and an angled radiograph taken. This determines which canal has been located. A search for another canal orifice can then begin in the correct direction  Failure to locate a canal or extra canals  Excessive gouging of coronal or radicular tooth structure  Instrument separation during attempts to locate an orifice  Failure to debride all pulp tissue from the chamber
  • 151. Poor access placement and inadequate mesial extension leave both mesial orifices uncovered. Information about the position and location of pulp chambers can be obtained through evaluation of pretreatment radiographs, especially bite-wing radiographs, and assessment of the tooth anatomy at the cementoenamel junction (CEJ).
  • 152. Inadequate extension of the distal access cavity leaves the distobuccal canal orifice unexposed. All developmental grooves must be traced to their termination and must not be allowed to disappear into an axial wall.
  • 153. Gross overextension of the access cavity weakens the coronal tooth structure and compromises the final restoration. This mistake results from failure to determine correctly the position of the pulp chamber and the angulation of the bur
  • 154. Allowing debris to fall into canal orifices results in an iatrogenic mishap. Amalgam fllings and dentin debris block canal orifices, preventing proper shaping and cleaning. Complete removal of the restoration and copious irrigation help prevent this problem.
  • 155. Failure to remove the roof of the pulp chamber is a serious underextension error; the pulp horns have been exposed. Bite-wing radiographs are excellent aids in determining vertical depth.
  • 156. Access preparation in which the roof of the pulp chamber remains and the pulp horns have been mistaken for canal orifices. The whitish color of the roof, the depth of the access cavity, and the lack of developmental grooves are clues to this underextension. Root canal orifices generally are positioned at or slightly apical to the CEJ.
  • 157. Overzealous tooth removal caused by improper bur angulation and failure to recognize the lingual inclination of the tooth. This results in weakening and mutilation of the coronal tooth structure, which often leads to coronal fractures.
  • 158. Inadequate opening; the access cavity is positioned too far to the gingival with no incisal extension. This can lead to bur and file breakage, coronal discoloration because the pulp horns remain, inadequate instrumentation and obturation, root perforation, canal ledging, and apical transportation
  • 159. Labial perforation caused by failure to extend the preparation to the incisal before the bur shaft entered the access cavity
  • 160. Furcation perforation caused by failure to measure the distance between the occlusal surface and the furcation. The bur bypasses the pulp chamber and creates an opening into the periodontal tissues. Perforations weaken the tooth and cause periodontal destruction. They must be repaired as soon as they are made for a satisfactory result.
  • 161. Perforation of the mesial tooth surface caused by failure to recognize that the tooth is tipped and failure to align the bur with the long axis of the tooth. This is a common error in teeth with full crowns. Even when these perforations are repaired correctly, they usually cause a permanent periodontal problem because they occur in a difficult maintenance area.
  • 162. The most embarrassing error, with the greatest potential for medical and legal damage, is entering the wrong tooth because of incorrect dental dam placement. When the crowns of teeth appear identical, the clinician should mark the tooth with a felt-tip marker before the dental dam is placed.
  • 163. Burs and files can be broken if used with an improper motion, excessive pressure, or before the access cavity has been properly prepared. A broken instrument may lock into the canal walls, requiring excessive removal of tooth structure to retrieve it. On occasion, fragments may not be retrievable.
  • 165. In endodontics, pioneering clinicians have developed alternative approaches with the aim to achieve treatment goals while preserving healthy tooth structure. Even though selective studies suggest better outcomes result on average for teeth with greater remaining tooth structure, the minimally invasive trend is not yet supported by high levels of scientific evidence
  • 166. TRADITIONAL ENDODONTIC CAVITIES  Traditional endodontic cavities are geometrically predesigned shapes  The outline form in a traditional endodontic cavity determines the occlusal extent of the prepared cavity.  The convenience form is dictated by the degree of dentin to be removed at specific locations so as to achieve a straight-line access to the root canal orifices.  The extension for prevention in the endodontic cavity involves the removal of dentin obstructions to extend the straight-line access to the apical foramen or to the primary curvature of the root canal. Employing the concept of extension for prevention facilitates the treatment procedures and avoids procedural errors. Nonetheless this occurs at the expense of crucial structural dentin, which may compromise the biomechanical integrity of tooth.
  • 167. Drawbacks of TEC  The traditional endodontic cavity preparation usually results in the removal of dentin in order to explore the expected pulp chamber floor anatomy and canal openings. Additional alterations to the tooth anatomy, such as preflaring the coronal aspect of the root canal, are usually recommended to facilitate cleaning, shaping, and filling of the root canals  Moreover, the taper of endodontic instruments has moved from its traditional size of 0.02 to larger and even variable designs, which increases the amount of radicular dentin removed during instrumentation.  It is crucial to realize that both the remaining (residual) dentin and modification of original root canal geometry play a crucial role in the biomechanical responses of tooth structures to functional forces  The remaining dentin also serves as a foundation for the restorative procedures that follow endodontic therapy. Thus, it is desirable to preserve the coronal/radicular dentin structure and maintain the geometry of the root canal anatomy so as to conserve the mechanical integrity of endodontically treated teeth
  • 168. CONTRACTED ENDODONTIC CAVITIES The emerging concept of conservative endodontic access is a shift to transform the outline of the endodontic cavity from a traditional operator- centric design to a scheme that focuses more on dentin preservation and the endodontic–restorative interface
  • 169. Contracted endodontic access prioritizes the removal of (i) restorative material ahead of tooth structure, (ii) enamel ahead of dentin, and (iii) occlusal tooth structure ahead of cervical dentin. It overlooks the traditional requirements of straight-line access and complete unroofing of the pulp chamber while emphasizing the importance of preserving the crucial pericervical dentin
  • 170. What is PCD?  Pericervical dentin is the dentin located 4 mm above and 4 mm below the crestal bone. This regional dentin is significant for the distribution of functional stresses in teeth. It is thus necessary to conserve pericervical dentin as much as possible to maintain the biomechanical response of the radicular dentin  In the case of incisors, the conservation of cingulum dentin (pericingulum dentin) is suggested to improve the functional stress distribution in teeth. These viewpoints are in direct disagreement with the principles of traditional endodontic access
  • 172. What is soffit?  A contracted endodontic cavity preserves a portion of the roof around the entire coronal aspect of the pulp chamber. This dentin is known as dentin roof strut or soffit  The long-term strength attributes of dentin preservation in the contracted endodontic cavity are not clearly established at this time, but it is presumed to provide some degree of structural bracing, which in turn would minimize cuspal flexure during chewing.
  • 175. - Why are Gates Glidden burs so problematic? GG burs have been used more aggressively and with more reliance on larger sizes (4, 5, and 6) to reduce binding and fracture of rotary files. GG burs have always been considered “safe” because they do not end cut and are self-centering. There is a significant problem here, which is “cervical self- centering.” Because the shank of the GG is so thin, it is difficult to “steer” the GG bur away from high-risk anatomy. As the GG bur straightens the coronal, or “high-curve,” it can shortcut across a fluting or furcation, and weaken and/or create strip perforations
  • 176. - Why are round burs so destructive? Presuming one could drop into the pulp chamber in the way drawn and described in texts, the chamber roof would now be removed by scooping it up and away with a round carbide. A 2- dimensional (2-D) drawing, with the relatively small size of the bur and chamber roof overhanging a large pulp chamber, makes this seem like a reasonable proposition. The chamber walls are somehow always drawn flat even though they are cut by a round bur.
  • 177.  In reality, it is truly impossible to do: to cut flat walls in 3-D with a round instrument. What happens is that the chamber is unroofed in some areas leaving pulpal and necrotic debris, and the walls are overextended and gouged in other areas. Furthermore, the internal radius of curvature at many of the pulpal line angles is simply too small for all but the smallest of round burs.
  • 178. -Why is deroofing so dangerous? Advantage of soffit: cleanup is easier and it’s an important advance in minimally invasive access. It is a perfect example of banked tooth structure. However, it is the attempts at removing the soffit that are far more damaging to the surrounding PCD. The idea that a round bur can be drop- ped below this soffit and drawn coronally to unroof the chamber is predicated on large pulp chambers and exceptional hand skills. Clinically, it is impossible. Attempting to remove the pulp chamber roof does not accomplish any real endodontic objective, and invariably gouges the walls that are responsible for long-term survival of the tooth. The primary reason to maintain the soffit is to avoid the collateral damage that usually occurs, namely the gouging of the lateral walls. Research will certainly need to be done to validate the strength attributes of the roof strut or soffit.
  • 180. Aids to preserve dentin in contracted endodontic cavities
  • 181. Operating microscopes and other visual enhancers  It is well recognized that operating microscopes and other aids for magnification improve clinical performances in endodontics.  The minuscule dimensions of root canal orifices/lumen make it an extremely difficult anatomy to perform precise clinical procedures on without magnification.  In recent years, there has been wide-ranging development and application of technologies in endodontics. Most important are the operating microscopes, loupes, and increased light levels, all of which result in improvements in the precision with which endodontic procedures are routinely practiced.
  • 182. CBCT  CBCT images appear to be a reliable, noninvasive measuring tool that can be used in all spatial planes to explore root canal anatomy.  With high-resolution CBCT, we are able to obtain a detailed identification of the root canal system, its variations, and anomalies; the position and size of the pulp chamber; calcifications; the number, position, size, extent, and curvatures of the roots and their canals; the tri-dimensional shape of each canal: whether it is round, oval, or has any other form at any specific level of the root; as well as the status of the surrounding bone.  Preoperative cone beam volumetric tomography (CBVT) imaging provides additional diagnostic information when compared with preoperative periapical radiographs, which may lead to diagnostic and/or treatment plan modifications in approximately 62% of cases
  • 184. Guidelines for contracted endodontic cavities
  • 185. Step 1: Three-dimensional Imaging • Three-dimensional imaging is used to provide a detailed assessment of the root canal and root anatomy via a high- definition localized CBCT scan. • It is used to determine the number of roots, canals, sizes, curvatures, and characteristics in order to establish a customized strategy with which to approach the canal anatomy in the most conservative way.
  • 186. Step 2A: Preparation Of The Contracted Access Cavity  The contracted endodontic access cavity is suggested in order to minimize changes in cuspal deformation and decrease cuspal bending by maintaining the bulk dentin structure without significant restorative requirements.  In anterior teeth, it is recommended to shift the approach as incisal as possible.  In posterior teeth, an attempt should be made to create a small cavity centered in between the roots and existing root canals.
  • 189.  The endodontic cavity should be as small as possible while still achieving the biological objectives of the root canal treatment and as wide as the anatomy permits in a particular case.  Generally, a contracted cavity is suggested to be slightly wider than the coronal extension of the root canal. This permits the maintenance of some of the roof (dentin soffit) around the entire coronal portion of the pulp chamber
  • 191. Step 2B: preparation of contracted access cavity using a lesion- guided approach  The aim of this phase is to approach the pulp chamber through discontinuities in the crown (caries, restorations, etc.) It is important to recognize the limiting factors in this approach, which may be beyond the operator’s control. For instance tooth position, inclination, mouth-opening capabilities of the patient, anatomical complexity, degree of calcification, and other patient-related factors, all of which would result in increased time required for the endodontic treatment  • This phase warrants considerable training and technical competency.
  • 197. • Cases where coronal hard structures have been affected or those cases where the individual limitations of the patient do not allow a reduced access cavity can be treated through a conventionally deroofed one. • However, by limiting the removal of hard structures at the pericervical, radicular, and apical zones of those teeth, long-term success should improve. • An example is this c-shaped second mandibular molar with a deep and wide restoration that results in symptomatic apical periodontitis. Even though the access and the restoration may be considered conventional, the conservative shape retains most of the structural behavior of the original tooth at this level. 6-year follow-up. Restorative dentistry by Dr. Tom as Seif, Caracas, Venezuela.
  • 198. Step 3: cervical procedures  The goal is to respect and conserve the pericervical dentin.  This step is suggested in order to allow better transfer of occlusal forces to the radicular portion of the tooth. In young patients, this goal can be achieved by maintaining the natural funnel shape of the canals. In calcified teeth, attempts to mechanically recreate this cone shape in a meticulous manner by staying away from the furcal area are required.  To establish the original horizontal dimensions of the root canal at the pericervical area such that the final preparation size can be established by removing no more than approximately 10% of the dentin at this level. Thus a proposed taper for shaping procedures can be achieved
  • 199. Step 4: instrumentation through a contracted access cavity  Radicular body procedures • The goal of this step is to avoid any weakening of the root and/or iatrogenic perforations • In this phase, it is necessary to adjust the instruments and their taper to the limits and dimensions of the horizontal configuration of each root/root canal  Apical procedures • The goal of this step is to produce the minimum tooth structural changes possible while still achieving the biological objectives of root canal treatment • This final step focuses on keeping the apical foramen as small as possible
  • 202. Impacts of Contracted Endodontic Cavities on Instrumentation Efficacy and Biomechanical Responses in Maxillary Molars Brent et al. Impacts of Contracted Endodontic Cavities on Instrumentation Efficacy and Biomechanical Responses in Maxillary Molars J Endod 2016;42:1779–1783
  • 203.  Introduction: Recently, we reported that in mandibular molars contracted endodontic cavities (CECs) improved fracture strength compared with traditional endodontic cavities (TECs) but compromised instrumentation efficacy in distal canals. This study assessed the impacts of CECs on instrumentation efficacy and axial strain responses in maxillary molars.
  • 204. Methods: Eighteen extracted intact maxillary molars were imaged with micro–computed tomographic imaging (12-mm voxel), assigned to CEC or TEC groups (n = 9/group), and accessed accordingly. Canals were instrumented (V-Taper2H; SSWhite Dental, Lakewood, NJ) with 2.5% sodium hypochlorite irrigation, reimaged, and the proportion of the modified canal wall determined. Cavities were restored with bonded composite resin (TPH-Spectra-LV; Dentsply International, York, PA). Another 28 similar molars (n = 14/group) with linear strain gauges (Showa Measuring Instruments, Tokyo, Japan) attached to mesiobuccal and palatal roots were subjected to load cycles (50–150 N) in the Instron Uni- versal Testing machine (Instron, Canton, MA), and the axial microstrain was recorded before access and after restoration. These 28 molars and additional 11 intact molars (control) were cyclically fatigued (1 million cy- cles, 5–50 N, 15 Hz) and subsequently loaded to failure. Data were analyzed by the Wilcoxon rank sum and Kruskal-Wallis tests (a = 0.05).
  • 206. Results: The overall mean proportion of the modified canal wall did not differ significantly between CECs (49.7% ` 12.0%) and TECs (44.7% ` 9.0%). Relative changes in axial microstrain responses to load varied in both groups. The mean load at failure for CECs (1703 ` 558 N) did not differ significantly from TECs (1384 ` 377 N) and was significantly lower (P < .005) for both groups compared with intact molars (2457 ` 941 N). Conclusions: In maxillary molars tested in vitro, CECs did not impact instrumentation efficacy and biomechanical responses compared with TECs.
  • 207. In vitro evaluation of the strength of endodontically treated teeth after preservation of soffit and pericervical dentin Gaikwad et al. In vitro evaluation of the strength of endodontically treated teeth after preservation of soffit and pericervical dentin. Ind J Conserv Endod, 2016;1(3):93-96.
  • 208. AIM: To evaluate the strength of an endodontically treated tooth after preservation of peri- cervical dentin and soffit. Methodology: 30 human molars having well developed cusps and morphology were extracted for periodontal reasons were included in this study. They were divided in two groups. In gp. A, Clark- Khademi access was made and endodontic treatment was carried out with 2% NiTi K-files and in gp. B, Straight line access was made and endodontic treatment was carried out with 2% NiTi K-files. Normal endodontic treatment was carried out with 2% flexible NiTi K-files with 17% EDTA as chelating agent and 5.25% Sodium Hypochlorite solution for irrigation. Obturation was carried out using the lateral condensation technique with gutta- percha coated with sealer. After this, the pulp chamber was cleaned thoroughly with cotton and all-in-one bonding agent was applied and scrubbed with an applicator tip for 30 seconds. Next, Composite restoration was done as post-obturation restoration. Specimens were then tested with a universal testing machine, set to deliver an increasing load until failure. Failure was defined as a 25% drop in the applied load. The load was applied parallel to the long axis of the tooth. The variable of interest was the load at failure measured in Newtons. The data thus obtained was subjected to statistical analysis and was analysed using one way ANOVA test for significance
  • 211.  Result: The teeth with Clark-Khademi access preparation with 2% taper of the endodontic files were more efficient at resisting the fracture than the teeth with straight line access preparation with 2% taper of the endodontic files.
  • 212. Influence of Access Cavity Design on Root Canal Detection, Instrumentation Efficacy, and Fracture Resistance Assessed in Maxillary Molars Rover et al, Influence of Access Cavity Design on Root Canal Detection, Instrumentation Efficacy, and Fracture Resistance Assessed in Maxillary Molars. J Endod. 2017;43:1657–1662
  • 213.  Introduction: The aim of this study was to assess the influence of contracted endodontic cavities (CECs) on root canal detection, instrumentation efficacy, and frac-ture resistance assessed in maxillary molars. Traditional endodontic cavities (TECs) were used as a reference for comparison.
  • 214. Methods: Thirty extracted intact maxillary first molars were scanned with micro–computed tomographic imaging at a resolution of 21 mm, assigned to the CEC or TEC group (n = 15/group), and accessed accordingly. Root canal detection was performed in 3 stages: (1) no magnification, (2) under an operating microscope (OM), and (3) under an OM and ultrasonic troughing. After root canal preparation with Reciproc instruments (VDW GmbH, Munich, Germany), the specimens were scanned again. The noninstrumented canal area, hard tissue debris accumulation, canal transportation, and centering ratio were analyzed. After root canal filling and cavity restoration, the sample was submitted to the fracture resistance test. Data were analyzed using the Fisher exact, Shapiro-Wilk, and t tests (a = 0.05)
  • 215. TEC Endodontic cavities were drilled with high-speed diamond burs (1014; KG Sorensen, S~ao Paulo, Brazil) and an Endo Z drill (Dentsply Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland) following conventional guidelines already described in the literature. The roof of the chamber was removed, and an unimpeded (straight-line) access into the coronal third of the root canal was established CEC Endodontic cavities were drilled with high-speed diamond burs (1014-3080, KG Sorensen). The teeth were accessed at the central fossa and extended only as necessary to detect canal orifices, preserving peri- cervical dentin and part of the chamber roof
  • 217.  Results: It was possible to locate more root canals in the TEC group in stages 1 and 2 (P < .05), whereas no differences were observed after stage 3 (P > .05).  The percentage of noninstrumented canal areas did not differ significantly between the CEC (25.8% ` 9.7%) and TEC (27.4% ` 8.5%) groups.  No signifi- cant differences were observed in the percentage of accumulated hard tissue debris after preparation (CEC: 0.9% ` 0.6% and TEC: 1.3% ` 1.4%).  Canal transportation was significantly higher for the CEC group in the palatal canal at 7 mm from the apical end (P < .05).  Canal preparation was more centralized in the palatal canal of the TEC group at 5 and 7 mm from the apical end (P < .05) and in the distobuccal canal of the CEC group at 5 mm from the apical end (P < .05).  There was no difference regarding fracture resistance among the CEC (996.30 ` 490.78 N) and TEC (937.55 ` 347.25 N) groups (P > .05).  Conclusions: The current results did not show benefits associated with CECs. This access modality in maxillary molars resulted in less root canal detection when no ultrasonic troughing associated to an OM was used and did not increase fracture resistance.
  • 218. Fracture Strength of Endodontically Treated Teeth with Different Access Cavity Designs Gianluca et al. Fracture Strength of Endodontically Treated Teeth with Different Access Cavity Designs J Endod 2017;43:995–1000
  • 219.  Introduction: The purpose of this study was to compare in vitro the fracture strength of root-filled and restored teeth with traditional endodontic cavity (TEC), conservative endodontic cavity (CEC), or ultracon- servative ‘‘ninja’’ endodontic cavity (NEC) access.  Methods: Extracted human intact maxillary and mandibular premolars and molars were selected and as- signed to control (intact teeth), TEC, CEC, or NEC groups (n = 10/group/type).  Teeth in the TEC group were prepared following the principles of traditional endodontic cavities. Minimal CECs and NECs were plotted on cone- beam computed tomographic images. Then, teeth were endodontically treated and restored.  The 160 specimens were then loaded to fracture in a mechanical material testing machine (LR30 K; Lloyd Instruments Ltd, Fare- ham, UK). The maximum load at fracture and fracture pattern (restorable or unrestorable) were recorded. Fracture loads were compared statistically, and the data were examined with analysis of variance and the Student-Newman-Keuls test for multiple comparisons.
  • 223.  Results: The mean load at fracture for TEC was significantly lower than the one for the CEC, NEC, and control groups for all types of teeth (P < .05), whereas no difference was observed among CEC, NEC, and intact teeth (P > .05). Unrestorable fractures were significantly more frequent in the TEC, CEC, and NEC groups than in the control group in each tooth type (P < .05).  Conclusions: Teeth with TEC access showed lower fracture strength than the ones prepared with CEC or NEC. Ultraconservative ‘‘ninja’’ endodontic cavity access did not increase the fracture strength of teeth compared with the ones prepared with CEC. Intact teeth showed more restorable fractures than all the prepared ones.
  • 224. The Effects of Endodontic Access Cavity Preparation Design on the Fracture Strength of Endodontically Treated Teeth: Traditional Versus Conservative Preparation Taha et al. Fracture Strength of Endodontically Treated Teeth: Traditional Versus Conservative Preparation. J Endod 2018; article in press
  • 225.  Introduction: The aim of this study was to compare the fracture strengths of mandibular molar teeth prepared using traditional endodontic cavity (TEC) and conserva- tive endodontic cavity (CEC) methods and restored using SDR (Dentsply Caulk, Milford, DE) and EverX Posterior (GC Dental, Tokyo, Japan) base composite materials.
  • 226.  Methods: A hundred mandibular first molar teeth were randomly divided into 5 groups. • Group 1: The teeth in this group underwent no treatment, and the teeth served as a control group. • Group 2: In this group, after TEC preparation, root canal treatment was performed. EverX Posterior was applied as the base material but the proximal cavity was not completely filled. The final restoration was completed using Filtek Z250 (3M ESPE, St Paul, MN) composite resin • Group 3: After CEC preparation, root canal treatment was performed. EverX Posterior was applied as the base material, but the proximal cavity was not completely filled. The final restoration was performed using Filtek Z250 composite resin. • Group 4: After TEC preparation, root canal treatment was performed. SDR was applied as the base material, and the proximal cavity was completely filled. The final restoration was completed using Filtek Z250 composite resin. • Group 5: After CEC preparation, root canal treatment was performed. SDR was then applied as the base material, and the proximal cavity was completely filled. The final restoration was completed using Filtek Z250 composite resin  The load was applied on the samples at 1-mm/min speed using a 6-mm round-head tip until fracture. The forces resulting in fracture were re- corded in newton units. The data were analyzed using Kruskal- Wallis and Pearson correlation tests at a 5% significance level.
  • 230.  Results: The fracture strengths of the samples in the control group were significantly higher than the experimental groups (P < .05). There was no statistically significant difference in the endodontic access cavities prepared used the TEC and CEC methods and restored using the same composite base material (P > .05).  Conclusions: CEC preparation did not increase the fracture strength of teeth with class II cavities compared with TEC preparation. The fracture strength of teeth restored with the SDR bulk-fill composite was higher than that of teeth restored with EverX Posterior.
  • 231. MICRO-GUIDED ENDODONTICS Endodontic treatment of teeth with pulp canal calcifications is very challenging and associated with a high technical failure rate. Microguided endodontics provides an accurate technique for the preparation of access cavities and is therefore of high clinical relevance.
  • 232.  Application of CBCT in guided implant surgery using templates for implant site preparation and implant insertion according to the planning (Yatzkair et al. 2014). Nowadays, these templates can be produced by 3D-printing devices, based on matched 3D surface scans with CBCT data (Ku€hl et al. 2015).  Although the mechanical properties of dentine compared to the alveolar bone are different (Oyen 2006) and may influence the accuracy, the transfer of this computer-aided technique from oral implantology to endodontics could be beneficial in producing a minimal invasive access cavity and locate calcified root canals.  A virtually planned and guided minimal invasive access cavity could help to preserve tooth structure and avoid perforations, which could lead to an improved long-term prognosis, especially for teeth with calcified root canals.
  • 233. Zehnder MS, Connert T, Weiger R, Krastl G, Kühl S. Guided endodontics: accuracy of a novel method for guided access cavity preparation and root canal location. International Endodontic Journal. 2015 Oct 3;49(10):966–72. AIM: The aim of the present study was to present a novel ‘Guided Endodontics’ method utilizing 3D printed templates to gain minimal invasive access to root canals and to evaluate its accuracy. METHODOLOGY: Sixty extracted human teeth were placed into six maxillary jaw models. Preoperative CBCT scans were matched with intra-oral scans using the coDiagnostixTM software. Access cavities, sleeves and templates for guidance were virtually planned. Templates were produced by a 3D printer. After access cavity preparation by two operators, a postoperative CBCT scan was superimposed on the virtual planning. Accuracy was measured by calculating the deviation of planned and prepared cavities in three dimensions and angles.
  • 237. RESULT: All root canals were accessible after cavity preparation with ‘Guided Endodontics’. Deviations of planned and prepared access cavities were low with means ranging from 0.16 to 0.21 mm for different aspects at the base of the bur and 0.17–0.47 mm at the tip of the bur. Mean of angle deviation was 1.81° CONCLUSION: ‘Guided Endodontics’ allowed an accurate access cavity preparation up to the apical third of the root utilizing printed templates for guidance. All root canals were accessible after preparation.
  • 238. Connert, Thomas et al. Microguided Endodontics: Accuracy of a Miniaturized Technique for Apically Extended Access Cavity Preparation in Anterior Teeth Journal of Endodontics , 2017.43 (5).787 - 790  Introduction The aim of this study was to assess the accuracy of guided endodontics in mandibular anterior teeth by using miniaturized instruments. This technique is designed to treat teeth with pulp canal calcifications and narrow roots by using a printed template that guides a bur to the calcified root canal.  Methods Sixty sound mandibular anterior teeth were used in 10 mandibular models. Preoperative surface and cone-beam computed tomography scans were matched by using the coDiagnostix software. Virtual planning was performed for the access cavities, and templates were used for guidance. The templates were produced by a three-dimensional printer. Two operators performed the access cavities. A postoperative cone-beam computed tomography scan was superimposed on the virtual plan, and the deviation was measured in 3 dimensions and angles. Descriptive statistical analyses were performed, and 95% confidence intervals were calculated for both operators and each measured aspect.
  • 240.  Results The deviations between the planned- and prepared-access cavities were low, with means ranging from 0.12 to 0.13 mm for different aspects at the base of the bur and 0.12 to 0.34 mm at the tip of the bur. The mean of angle deviation was 1.59°. A considerable overlap of the 95% confidence intervals indicated no significant difference between the operators. The mean treatment time, including planning and preparation, was approximately 10 minutes per tooth.  Conclusions Microguided endodontics provides an accurate, fast, and operator- independent technique for the preparation of apically extended access cavities in teeth with narrow roots such as mandibular incisors.
  • 241. Conclusion Medicine and dentistry have been moving toward minimally invasive procedures that may benefit patients. Although technological advances such as CBCT imaging, operating microscopes, and nickel-titanium instruments enable this progress, clinicians have to adapt their skills to meet the challenge of working effectively in confined spaces. CECs are likely to benefit patients, but they challenge clinicians to address all canals, debride all pulp tissue from pulp horns, and avoid procedural complications while lacking ‘‘convenience form.’’ Individual skilled clinicians have met this challenge, suggesting the practicality of CEC. It may be appropriate for the larger endodontic community to revisit endodontic access cavities in premolars and molars to better align them with CEC.
  • 242. REFERENCES  Frank Vertucci, James Haddix, Chap 7, Tooth Morphology and Access preparation, Pathways of the pulp Cohen 10th Edition.  Clark D, Khademi J. Modern molar endodontic access and directed dentin conservation. Dent Clin North Am 2010;54:249-73.  Clark D, Khademi J, Herbranson E. Fracture resistant endodontic and restorative preparations. Dent Today 2013;32:118,120-3.  Clark D, Khademi J, Herbranson E. The new science of strong endo teeth. Dent Today 2013;32:112,114,116-7.  Martin Trope. Bio-minimalism: Trends and transitions in endodontics. Dental Town, April 2016.  C. Bóveda & A. Kishen. Endodontic Topics 2015, 33, 169-186
  • 243.  Zehnder MS, Connert T, Weiger R, Krastl G, Kühl S. Guided endodontics: accuracy of a novel method for guided access cavity preparation and root canal location. International Endodontic Journal. 2015 Oct 3;49(10):966–72.  Gaikwad A, Pandit V. In vitro evaluation of the strength of endodontically treated teeth after preservation of soffit and pericervical dentin. Ind J Conserv Endod, 2016;1(3):93-96.  Gutmann JL. The dentin–root complex: anatomic and biologic considerations in restoring endodontically treated teeth. J Prosthet Dent 1992:67:458–46  Webber RT, del Rio CE, Brady JM, Segall RO: Sealing quality of a temporary filling material. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Patholgy 46(1):123, 1978.  Mauger MJ, Waite RM, Alexander JB, Schindler WG: Ideal endodontic access in mandibular incisors. J Endod 25(3):206, 1999.

Editor's Notes

  • #6: It is well-recognized and universally accepted that a successful outcome in endodontic treatment essential- ly depends on three factors: 1)  cleaning and shaping 2)  disinfection 3)  three-dimensional obturation of the root canal system.
  • #12: Caries and defective restorations remaining in an endodontic cavity preparation must be removed for three reasons:
  • #15: The clinician uses the information from these assessments to choose the direction of initial bur penetration.
  • #16: complete reliance on the occlusal anatomy is dangerous because this morphology can change as the crown is destroyed by caries and reconstructed with various restorative materials.
  • #24: Preparation of an access cavity results in the removal of part of the central portion of the tooth thereby reducing the tooth’s resistance to occlusal stresses
  • #25: Failure to follow this guideline results in treatment errors, including root perforation, misdirection of an instrument from the main canal (ledge formation), instru- ment separation, or creation of an incorrect canal shape (apical transportation).
  • #26: ; this information can be used as an indicator of the direc- tion of the long axis of the treated tooth.
  • #27: The clinician must take care to keep these instruments within the con nes of the canal system until the working length has been accurately determined. A lubricating agent (e.g., rC-Prep [Premier Dental Products, Plymouth Meeting, PA], a water-based preparation that will not congeal vital pulp tissue), may be used on instruments and introduced into the canal. Congealed pulp tissue may form a collagen plug that blocks the apex, preventing complete shaping and cleaning.
  • #28: Enhanced vision allows the clinician to see internal dentin color changes and subtle landmarks that may not be visible to the unaided eye.
  • #32: he clinician may want to retain the proximal portion of a class II restoration that extends subgingivally to aid in rubber dam isolation.
  • #34: The clinician should measure the distance from the incisal edge to the roof of the pulp chamber on a dimensionally accurate pretreatment radio- graph and limit penetration to this distance
  • #35: In vital cases, pulp tissue hemorrhage can impair the clinician’s ability to see the internal anatomy. In such cases, as soon as enough roof has been removed to allow instrument access, the coronal pulp should be amputated at the orifice level with an endodontic spoon or round bur and the chamber irrigated copiously with sodium hypochlorite. If the hemor- rhage continues, a tentative canal length can be established by measuring the pretreatment radiograph. A small broach coated with a chelating agent then can be introduced into the canal and rotated, thereby amputating the radicular pulp at a more apical level. This procedure is followed by irrigation with sodium hypochlorite.
  • #41: Deflected instruments function under more stress than undetected instruments and are more susceptible to separation during the shaping and cleaning process
  • #42: A ledge is an iatrogenically created root canal wall irregularity that may impede placement of an intracanal instru- ment to the apex. Transportation occurs in the portion of the canal apical to a curvature when canal wall structure opposite the curve is removed, tending to straighten the canal curvature. Zipping, or elliptication of the apical foramen, occurs when an overextended le transports the outer wall of the apical foramen
  • #45: Proper restorative margins are important because anterior teeth may not require a crown as the nal restoration. De nite, smooth cavosurface margins allow the clinician to place and nish a composite resin nal restoration with the precision necessary to minimize coronal leakage
  • #51: In mandibular first premolars the starting location is halfway up the lingual incline of the buccal cusp on a line connecting the cusp tips. Mandibular second premolars require less of an adjustment because they have less lingual inclination. The starting location for this tooth is one third the way up the lingual incline of the buccal cusp on a line connecting the buccal cusp tip and the lingual groove between the lingual cusps.
  • #53: rarely are pulp chambers found mesial to this imaginary line.
  • #64: The true three-dimensional position that teeth hold in each jaw cannot be assessed accurately by clinical or radiographic perspectives. Therefore, using the occlu- sal table of the tooth as a guide to the location of the chamber can be quite misleading. Figure 2 shows the lingual and mesial inclination of the mandibular molars, the mesial inclination of the maxillary molars, and the labial inclination of all the incisors
  • #69: The outline form of the access cavity changes to a more oval shape as the tooth matures and the pulp horns recede because the mesial and distal pulp horns are less prominent.
  • #75: Because of this oval shape, the clinician must take care to circumferentially le labially and palatally to shape and clean the canal properly.
  • #109: As a group, the mandibular premolars are dif cult to treat. They have a high flare-up and failure rate. A possible explana- tion may be the extreme variations in root canal morphology in these teeth. counter this situation, the clinician may need to extend the lingual wall of the access cavity farther lingually; this makes the lingual canal easier to locate
  • #136: Problems associated
  • #141: In most cases, complete removal of large restorations is the wisest course , but the metal in the full veneer crown often masks the underlying pulp chamber
  • #143: these spaces have adequate room to allow passage of millions of microorganisms. Chronic in ammatory processes (e.g., caries, medications, occlusal trauma, and aging) often cause narrowing of the root canal system
  • #150: The best way to handle these problems is to prevent them from occurring. A thorough radiographic examination is crucial. The initial outline form occasionally can be created without the dental dam; this facilitates positioning of the bur with the long axis of the tooth. Bur penetration for both depth and angulation should be con rmed frequently with radiographs.
  • #168: The designs of traditional endodontic cavities have remained almost unchanged for the past several decades. This is due to existing limitations in diagnostic and imaging techniques, which have created the need to delve into the variations and complexities of root canal anatomy more clinically.
  • #171: While the apex of the root can be amputated, and the coronal third of the clinical crown removed and replaced prosthetically, the dentin near the alveolar crest is irreplaceable.
  • #174: Clark-Khademi access preparation Drs. Clark and Khademi have described a concept of conservative endodontic access cavity preparation.
  • #179: When the authors first began to maintain a soffit, it seemed sloppy and contradicted the compulsive nature of traditional dentistry that has made complete deroofing a mark of a thorough clinician. The pulp seemed difficult to remove under the tiny eve and the removal of sealer and gutta percha was equally difficult.
  • #186: The goal of the three-dimensional image assessment is to preclude clinically exploring the anatomy by removing dentin structure while focusing on the actual anatomy and practicing a precise approach for dentin conservation.
  • #188: Even anterior teeth with no complex anatomy, variations, or unusual pathologies can benefit from preoperative CBCT, by certainty of its configuration, with no need for further exploratory structure removal, and by exact determination of the convenience point of approach—generally more incisal and round than traditionally described. This central maxillary incisor with a metal-free crown is a clear example. Conventional x-ray does not show the apical periodontitis present, nor can it be used to guide the approach through the reduced ceramic. 5-year follow-up.