This document provides instructions for performing a shoulder ultrasound examination to evaluate the rotator cuff muscles and tendons. It describes the anatomy of the rotator cuff and positioning for the exam. It then outlines 5 steps to systematically image the biceps tendon, subscapularis, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, labrum, and to assess for subacromial impingement. Dynamic maneuvers are used where applicable to evaluate tendon tracking and impingement. Images are included with each step to demonstrate normal ultrasound findings.
3. Anatomy
Four muscles attach as tendons onto the proximal humerus and make up the rotator
cuff: supraspinatus, subscapularis, infraspinatus, and teres minor.
• The supraspinatus is located in the
suprascapular fossa of the scapula
and inserts onto the greater tuberosity
of the proximal humerus.
• The subscapularis is located anterior
to the scapula and inserts onto the
lesser tuberosity of the proximal humerus.
• The rotator interval -
In this space, the long head of the biceps
brachii tendon becomes intraarticular as it
courses toward the supraglenoid tubercle
of the scapula
4. • The infraspinatus is located posterior
to the scapula inferior to the scapular
spine and inserts onto the posterior
aspect of the greater tuberosity, and
• The teres minor is located just inferior
to the infraspinatus and also inserts
onto the greater tuberosity.
5. Positioning
It is strongly recommend to examine the patient while seated on a revolving stool.
This position allows the examiner to reach the anterior, lateral and posterior
aspects of the shoulder with the probe by simply asking the patient to rotate on
the chair.
The basic objectives for each step are to
(a) identify the tendon of interest,
(b) image the tendon in two planes (long and short axis),
(c) eliminate artifact by directing the ultrasound beam perpendicular to the
tendon, and
(d) diagnose disease.
6. Step 1: Biceps brachii tendon, long head.
The patient is asked to place his or her
hand palm up on the lap. The transducer is
placed in the axial plane on the body over
the anterior shoulder.
Within the bicipital groove lies the long
head of the biceps brachii tendon, seen in
short axis.
Because the biceps tendon is coursing
deep away from the skin surface, it is
common for the tendon to appear
artifactually hypoechoic from anisotropy.
7. This artifact is eliminated by making the transducer along the long axis of the
tendon so that the sound beam is angled superiorly. The normal tendon will then
appear hyperechoic and fibrillar.
8. The transducer is then turned 90° to visualize the biceps
tendon in long axis.
Transducer pressure distally is usually needed to aim the
ultrasound beam cephalad and perpendicular to the biceps
tendon, which will appear hyperechoic and fibrillar.
If the biceps brachii tendon is oblique to the sound beam, it
will appear hypoechoic from anisotropy.
11. Step 2: Subscapularis and biceps tendon subluxation
With the patient’s hand remaining palm up on his or her
lap, the transducer is again placed over the anterior
shoulder in the axial plane to visualize the bicipital
The transducer is then centered over the lesser
tuberosity at the medial aspect of the
bicipital groove.
The patient is then asked to externally
rotate the shoulder. As the lesser
tuberosity rotates laterally, the
subscapularis located inferior to the
coracoid is pulled laterally.
12. The US transducer is then rotated 90° along the
long axis of the subscapularis and moved laterally
over the bicipital groove to ensure that the long
head of the biceps brachii tendon is normally
located in the bicipital groove.
Partial displacement of the biceps tendon from the
bicipital groove is termed subluxation, while
complete medial displacement
is termed dislocation.
Such abnormal position of the
biceps tendon may only
occur transiently during
external shoulder rotation.
Subscapularis tendon in short axis.
15. Corresponding US image over humeral head shows hyperechoic and fibrillar
supraspinatus tendon (SS). Note biceps brachii tendon (B) in the rotator interval
with superficial coracohumeral ligament (arrowhead) and medial superior
glenohumeral ligament (arrow). SC = subscapularis tendon, curved arrow =
hyaline articular cartilage, wavy arrow = subacromial-subdeltoid bursa, H =
humeral head. Right side of image is anterior.
17. Step 4:
Acromioclavicular joint, subacromial-subdeltoid bursa,
and dynamic evaluation for
subacromial impingement.
To locate the acromioclavicular joint, one may simply
palpate the clavicle and move laterally toward the
acromion, with the transducer in the coronal plane on
the body.
Corresponding US image shows
acromioclavicular joint (arrow) with
characteristic hyperechoic bone
contours of the distal clavicle (C) and
acromion (A).
Note echogenic fibrocartilage disc
(arrowhead). Left side of image is
18. The acromioclavicular joint is evaluated for bone irregularity, narrowing, widening,
or offset.
If the acromioclavicular joint is widened or if there is clinical suspicion for
acromioclavicular joint disruption, dynamic evaluation should be used to assess
for changes in alignment.
While assessing the acromioclavicular joint in long axis relative to the clavicle, the
patient is asked to move his or her ipsilateral hand to the opposite shoulder.
With this maneuver, the acromioclavicular joint may abnormally widen or offset or
may cause a bone-on-bone contact between the acromion and clavicle, which
can be associated with symptoms.
19. With the bone landmarks of the greater tuberosity and the lateral acromion in view,
the patient is asked to actively elevate the arm to his or her side.
20. Dynamic evaluation is then used to assess for subacromial
The transducer is moved laterally from the acromioclavicular joint and is
positioned over the lateral edge of the acromion.
Corresponding US image shows acromion (A) and greater tuberosity (GT) with
supraspinatus tendon (S) and collapsed subacromial-subdeltoid bursa (arrow).
21. US image shows acromion (A), greater tuberosity (GT), and normal collapsed
subacromial-subdeltoid bursa (arrow). Left side of images is lateral.
During active arm elevation, the supraspinatus tendon and overlying subacromial-
subdeltoid bursa should slide smoothly under the acromion and out of view.
22. Pooling of bursal fluid at the lateral acromion edge or snapping of bursal tissue
indicates subacromial impingement.
Other findings of impingement include interposition of the supraspinatus tendon
between the greater tuberosity and the acromion, as well as direct contact
between the greater tuberosity and the acromion.
Dynamic evaluation for subacromial impingement can also be completed with the
patients raising their arm anterolateral in front of their body, with their hand in
24. Step 5: Infraspinatus, teres minor, and posterior
To evaluate the infraspinatus tendon, the hand
is returned to the patient’s lap, palm up.
In this neutral position, the transducer is placed
just below the scapular spine over the posterior
shoulder in a slightly oblique axial plane that
parallels the orientation of the scapular spine.
25. This position will produce a long-axis view of the infraspinatus tendon, which
is assessed at its insertion on the posterior aspect of the greater tuberosity.
26. Moving the transducer medial toward the scapula, other structures to be evaluated
include the posterior labrum (for labral tear), the spinoglenoid notch (for paralabral
cyst), and the posterior glenohumeral joint recess (for joint fluid or synovitis)
US image medial to b shows spinoglenoid notch (arrowheads) of scapula with adjacent
suprascapular vessels. Note infraspinatus musculotendinous junction (straight arrows)
and central tendon (curved arrows). H = humeral head, L = labrum. Left side of image
is medial.
27. The transducer is then rotated 90° to
assess the infraspinatus tendon in short
Corresponding US image shows infraspinatus (straight arrows) and central tendon
(curved arrow). S = scapular spine. Left side of image is superior.
28. In addition to evaluating the infraspinatus tendon for tear, it is important to
evaluate for fatty degeneration and atrophy of the infraspinatus muscle in the
setting of a rotator cuff tear as this finding indicates higher likelihood of failure
after rotator cuff repair.
The transducer is moved medially over the
musculotendinous junction of the
infraspinatus in short axis.
29. The diagnosis of fatty degeneration or atrophy is made by comparing the size
and echogenicity of the infraspinatus muscle at the muscle-tendon junction with
the adjacent teres minor muscle.
Normally, the infraspinatus muscle size should be approximately twice that of the
teres minor at the musculotendinous junction and the hypoechoic muscle
echogenicity should be similar.
Corresponding US image shows infraspinatus (straight arrows) with central tendon (curved arrow)
and teres minor (arrowheads) with more superficial tendon (squiggly arrow).
Left side of image
is cephalad.