Visual composition refers to the arrangement of elements within the frame of an image or video. Some key principles of visual composition include avoiding unnecessary elements, observing the rule of thirds to emphasize subjects, maintaining balance and simplicity, and keeping elements orderly. Composition establishes depth, emphasis and flow through techniques like selective focus, asymmetrical balance, contrast, color, leading lines and more. Proper composition varies by aspect ratio and shot type or distance from the subject.
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Visual Composition
1. Visual CompositionVisual Composition
When Framing your Shots:When Framing your Shots:
Avoid Unnecessary ElementsAvoid Unnecessary Elements
Observe the Rule of ThirdsObserve the Rule of Thirds
BalanceBalance the Framethe Frame
MaintainMaintain SimpleSimple CompositionComposition
Keep ElementsKeep Elements OrderlyOrderly
Composition is the visual
organization of the
objects in a defined area
3. Visual CompositionVisual Composition
SizeSize of the elementof the element
ShapeShape of the elementof the element
BrightnessBrightness of theof the
ColorColor of the elementof the element
Visually emphasize
one element over
others by using
contrast in the:
4. Visual CompositionVisual Composition
Depth of Field Variables:Depth of Field Variables:
FFrame Raterame Rate
AAperture of Lensperture of Lens
LLens Focal Lengthens Focal Length
SSpeed of Filmpeed of Film
Use Select Focus to
emphasize one element
over other elements
15. Aspect RatiosAspect Ratios
Always protect for other aspect ratios.
The boom mic that doesn’t show
in 1.85 : 1 will be clearly
visible in 1.33 : 1
16. Aspect RatiosAspect Ratios
Always protect for other aspect ratios.
The boom mic that doesn’t show
in 1.85 : 1 will be clearly
visible in 1.33 : 1
17. Aspect RatiosAspect Ratios
Always protect for other aspect ratios.
The boom mic that doesn’t show
in 1.85 : 1 will be clearly
visible in 1.33 : 1
18. Aspect RatiosAspect Ratios
Always protect for other aspect ratios.
The boom mic that doesn’t show
in 1.85 : 1 will be clearly
visible in 1.33 : 1
21. Visual CompositionVisual Composition
Pan and Scan is the
technique of
adapting 16x9 video
to fit a 4x3 monitor.
Often, it is possible
to crop the 16x9
frame into two 4x3
medium closeups.
36. Visual CompositionVisual Composition
• AA FrameFrame is like a unit of sound – anis like a unit of sound – an
essential building block of languageessential building block of language
that is usually too small to deliver athat is usually too small to deliver a
message by itselfmessage by itself
• AnAn ImageImage is like a wordis like a word
• AA ShotShot (a continuously evolving stream(a continuously evolving stream
of images) is like a sentenceof images) is like a sentence
• AA SceneScene is like a paragraph – It isis like a paragraph – It is
composed of several shots andcomposed of several shots and
conveys meaning about a single topicconveys meaning about a single topic
37. Visual CompositionVisual Composition
The Extreme Long Shot is usually referred to asThe Extreme Long Shot is usually referred to as
an Establishing Shotan Establishing Shot
Shot Types
Long Shot Long ShotExtreme Long Shot
39. Visual CompositionVisual Composition
Shot Types
Medium ShotThree Quarter Shot
The Medium Shot is also known as a Waist-up ShotThe Medium Shot is also known as a Waist-up Shot
40. Visual CompositionVisual Composition
Shot Types
CloseupMedium Closeup
The Medium Closeup is also known as a Bust ShotThe Medium Closeup is also known as a Bust Shot
43. Visual CompositionVisual Composition
Shot Types
Bird’s-Eye ViewVertical Angle Shot Names
Relation of the Camera to the Subject on Y AxisRelation of the Camera to the Subject on Y Axis
44. Visual CompositionVisual Composition
Shot Types
Neutral AngleHigh Angle
Neutral Angle should always be used unless requested byNeutral Angle should always be used unless requested by
the DP or Director to convey a message about the talentthe DP or Director to convey a message about the talent