This document discusses polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), including its objectives, epidemiology, etiology, pathophysiology, clinical presentation, diagnostic criteria, differential diagnosis, evaluation, and physical exam findings. PCOS is a common endocrine disorder in reproductive-aged women characterized by hyperandrogenism, ovarian dysfunction, and chronic anovulation. It has a heterogeneous presentation and no single diagnostic test, with diagnosis typically made based on meeting criteria from the NIH, Rotterdam, or AE-PCOS Society guidelines. Evaluation involves assessing hirsutism, menstrual irregularities, polycystic ovaries on ultrasound, and hormonal abnormalities.
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Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
1. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Sharon E. Moayeri, M.D., M.P.H., M.S.
FACOG, Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility
University of California, Irvine
Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
34rd Annual Review Course in Clinical Obstetrics/Gynecology
October 2011
22. PCOS: Menstrual Dysfunction
• 25‐30% of women with oligo‐anovulation have PCOS
– ≥35 day intervals or <10 bleeds per year
• 2/3 of patients with PCOS have oligo‐anovulation
• PCOS patients may describe “normal” menses, but further
investigation reveals chronic anovulation in ~25%
• Consequences:
– Menstrual Dysfunction
– Infertility
– Endometrial hyperplasia/cancer
23. Polycystic ovaries ≠ PCO syndrome
• Transvaginal sono is best
• Incidence decreases with age
• Sonogram Morphology:
– >12 follicles/ovary @ 2–9 mm diameter
– Volume: >10mL
– +/‐ “string of pearls”
• Rule of 20%:
– 20% of women with PCO have PCOS
– PCO absent in ~20% with PCOS
– Present ~20% without PCOS
• Hypothalamic amenorrhea
• Adolescents
• Hyperprolactinemia
24. Assessing Hirsutism
• Hirsutism vs virilization: rapidly developing virilization
or certain virilizing symptoms (i.e., clitoromegaly, voice
deepening) warrants further evaluation
• Modified Ferrimen‐Gallwey
– 9 body parts, scored 0‐4 each
– Score >6 hirsutism
41. Treating PCOS anovulatory infertility
Intervention Cost Risk of multiples
Low No increase
Clomid/ Femara Low Modest increase (<10%)
FSH injections High Marked increase (20‐30%)
Ovarian surgery High No increase, but limited efficacy
In vitro Marked increase, but modifiable by
fertilization limiting the number of embryos
Modified from Barbieri, Up‐To‐Date
42. PCOS: Weight Loss
• Frequency of obesity in women with anovulation and PCO:
30%‐75% ‐‐ most before puberty
• 5‐10% weight loss restores ovulation >55% < 6months (Kiddy, 1992)
• Weight‐loss program for anovulatory obese women:
– Lost 6.3 kg (13.9 lbs) on average
– Decreased fasting insulin and testosterone levels
– Increased SHBG concentrations
– 92% resumed ovulation (12/13)
– 85% became pregnant (11/13)
43. PCOS and Infertility: Metformin?
• Metformin (biguanide ): improves insulin resistance
– reduce hepatic glucose production & intestinal absorption
– Increase peripheral glucose uptake
– increase SHBG reduce androgen levels
• Major side effect of metformin is GI (n/v/d)
– Metformin 500mg qD for 1 week 2000mg daily
– Can use extend release dosing, qd @ dinner
• Risks/Contraindications
– Renally excreted (Cr<1.4)
– Hepatotoxic ‐‐ avoid with elevated transaminase
– Lactic acidosis (RARE!)
– Stop 1 day before IV contrast dye study or surgery
44. PCOS and Infertility: Metformin?
• MC‐RCT, 6 months
• No screening for IR
• Medications started concomitantly
• No difference in SAB rates
N=626 CC + Plac Met + Plac CC + Met
N=209 N=208 N=209
LBR, % 22.5 7.2 26.8
Preg/ovul, % 39.5 21.7 46
MGR, % 6 0 3
Legro et al., NEJM 2007
45. PCOS Fertility Options: Ovulation
Induction (OI)/Superovulation (SO)
• Clomiphene Citrate: non‐steroidal weak estrogen related
to diethystilbestrol, SERM
• Clomid:
– start cycle‐day 2, 3, 4, or 5
– take for 5 days (less common protocols exist)
– Dose 50mg/day to 200 mg/day (take pills once per day, not
• Ovulate ~80% 60% pregnant < 6m for OI patients
• Consider letrozole/femara: aromatase inhibitor, may have
less negative impact on endometrial thickness
46. PCOS Fertility Options: OI/SO (2)
• Gonadotropins: HMG, FSH
– 60% live‐birth 12‐18 mo
– Need careful monitoring (follicle scans,
estradiol levels)
• OHSS (~1‐2%)
• Multiple gestation risk (~20‐30%)
• Risk of multiples may be hard to modify
– Combine with clomid to reduce risks and
costs of treatment (i.e., start with clomid
cycle day 3‐7, then add gonadotropins)
47. PCOS Fertility Options: ART
• Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ie, IVF/ICSI)
– Highly successful in PCOS: >60% OPR/cycle in <35 yo
– Efficient: Usually have supernumery embryos that can be
cryopreserved for future use (~70%)
– Can modify risk of multiples (i.e., elective single embryo
– [Relatively] expensive (per cycle) though increasing
evidence that this is more cost‐effective per live born…
– Risk hyperstimulation
48. PCOS Fertility Options: Surgery
• Laparoscopic wedge resection or ovarian drilling
– May avoid fertility treatment risks (i.e., multiples, OHSS)
– May identify and treat other comorbidities (i.e.,
endometriosis, pain, adhesions)
– Intraoperative findings may alter treatment decisions
– Relatively invasive
– Doesn’t universally restore ovulation ~50:50
– Postoperative adhesions
– Iatrogenic compromise to ovarian function/reserve
– Limited data support its efficacy
– Gonadotropins likely to be successful (70% vs. 60%)