Coulometry is an electroanalytical technique that measures the quantity of electricity required for a chemical reaction. There are two main types - controlled potential coulometry (potentiostatic coulometry) and controlled current coulometry (galvanostatic coulometry). Controlled potential coulometry involves holding the working electrode at a constant potential to allow exhaustive electrolysis of the analyte without interfering reactions. The quantity of electricity passed is proportional to the analyte concentration and is measured with an electronic integrator. Applications include determination of metal ions, microanalysis, and analysis of radioactive materials like uranium.
2. Coulometric Methods of Analysis
Coulometric methods of analysis are based on the
measurement of quantity of electrical charge that passes
through a solution during an electrochemical reaction.
There is exhaustive elctrolysis of the analyte: that is
quantitative reduction or oxidation of the analyte at the
working electrode or the analyte reacts quantitatively
with a reagent generated at the working electrode.
The principle is governed by Faraday’s laws of
4. Controlled Potential Coulometry
(Potentiostatic Coulometry)
The working electrode will be kept at constant
potential that allows for the analyte’s reduction
or oxidation without simultaneously reducing or
oxidizing other species in the solution.
The current flowing through the cell is
proportional to the analyte’s concentration.
With time the analyte’s concentration as well as
the current will decrease.
The quantity of electricity is measured with an
electronic integrator.
5. Selecting a Constant Potential
The potential is selected so that the
desired oxidation or reduction reaction
goes to completion without interference
from redox reactions involving other
components of the sample matrix.
•This reaction is favored when the
working electrode's potential is more
negative than +0.342 V.
•To maintain a 100% current efficiency, the
potential must be selected so that the
reduction of H+ to H2 does not contribute
significantly to the total charge passed at
the electrode.
Cu2+(aq) + 2e Cu(s)
6. Instrumentation
The instrumentation for potentiostatic coulometry consists
of a potentiostat, an electrolysis cell, a chemical
coulometer for determining the number of coulombs and
placed in series with the working electrode.
The cell assembly consists of a
platinum gauze working electrode,
a platinum wire as counter electrode
and a saturated calomel electrode
as the reference electrode.
Maintains the potential of the working electrode at a
constant level relative to a reference electrode.
The practical circuit shows other components of potentiostatic
coulometry. The circuit includes a variable voltage source at
the noninverting input of the operational amplifier so that the
potentiostat control potential can be varied, a booster
amplifier to supply the high currents that are necessary, a
recorder and an integrator.
Employed to determine the number of coulombs required
to complete an electrolysis.
Efficient stirring is important for controlled potential
electrolysis, since all analyte species must be swept up
to the electrode surface, so that the electrochemical
reaction is completed.
1. Inorganic Analysis :
Controlled potential coulometric methods have
widespread use in the determination of several metal
ions. As many as 55 elements of the periodic table can
be determined by the cathodic reduction of metal ions to
metallic state. Most of the can form amalgams with
mercury, and hence controlled potential coulometry with
mercury cathode is usually preferred.
9. 2. Micro analysis :
Controlled potential coulometry is more popular than the
electrogravimetric methods since it avoids the final step of
weighing the product. This technique is especially useful for the
determination of small amounts of analyte (0.01 – 1 mg) with an
accuracy of (± 0.5 %).
3. Analysis of radioactive materials :
The technique is widely adopted for the determination of uranium
and plutonium and thus finds extensive use in the nuclear energy
field. Reduction of UO2
2+ to U4+ can be carried out in H2SO4
medium with a mercury pool cathode (− 0.6 V vs. SCE). Samples
containing 7 – 75 mg of uranium have been analyzed with an
accuracy of ± 0.l %.
4. Electrolytic determination of organic compounds:
Controlled potential coulometry offers a new step for the
electrolytic determination of organic compounds. Trichloroacetic
acid and picric acid are quantitatively reduced at a mercury
cathode. Coulometric methods permit the analysis of these
compounds with an accuracy of 0.1%.
10. References
1. Basic Concepts Of Analytical Chemistry, 2nd ed.,
S.M.Khopkar, New Age International Publishers.
2. Electrochemical methods: Fundamentals and
Applications, 2nd ed., Allen J.Bard & Larry R.Faulkner,
Wiley Publications.
3. Vogels Textbook Of Quantitative Chemical
Analysis, 6th ed., Mendham, Denney, Barnes, Thomas,
Pearson Education Ltd.
4. Principles of Instrumental Analysis, 5th ed.,
D.Skoog, J.Holler, T.Nieman, Saunders College