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Story Writing Rubric 
Name: ___________________________________ 
Date: ____________________________________ 
Title of Writing: _______________________________________ 
Ideas My story makes 
complete sense. 
Writing is clear 
and easy to 
My writing is 
understandable . 
One idea may be 
out of place. 
My story is hard 
to follow and my 
story is 
The reader will not be 
able to understand this 
writing. My ideas do 
not make sense. 
Organization My beginning 
creates interest, 
my middle is 
and the end is 
My story has a 
clear and 
middle, and end. 
My story has a 
clear beginning, 
middle, and end 
but needs details 
to make it 
My story does not 
have a clear 
beginning, middle, or 
end. My story is hard 
to follow. 
Word Choice My writing has a 
lot of powerful 
and exciting 
words to 
enhance the 
My writing has 
some powerful 
and exciting 
My writing has a 
few powerful 
and exciting 
My writing has no 
powerful and exciting 
words. It is boring to 
Fluency I used complete 
sentences that 
are varied in 
style and length. 
My sentences 
flow together. 
I used complete 
sentences that are 
varied in length. 
Some of the 
sentences flow 
I used only short 
sentences. My 
story does not 
flow together in 
most places. 
I used incomplete 
sentences. My story 
does not flow together 
at all. 
Conventions I edited my 
writing and it is 
free of spelling, 
punctuation, and 
I edited my 
writing and it still 
contains some 
I edited my 
writing and it 
contains a lot of 
and punctuation 
I still have many 
capitalization, and 
punctuation errors in 
my writing. It is hard 
to read and understand 
my writing.

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Story Writing Rubric

  • 1. Story Writing Rubric Name: ___________________________________ Date: ____________________________________ Title of Writing: _______________________________________ CATEGORY 4/EXCELLENT 3/GOOD 2/SATISFACT ORY 1/NEEDS WORK Ideas My story makes complete sense. Writing is clear and easy to understand. My writing is pretty understandable . One idea may be out of place. My story is hard to follow and my story is somewhat confusing. The reader will not be able to understand this writing. My ideas do not make sense. Organization My beginning creates interest, my middle is well-developed, and the end is satisfying. My story has a clear and interesting beginning, middle, and end. My story has a clear beginning, middle, and end but needs details to make it interesting. My story does not have a clear beginning, middle, or end. My story is hard to follow. Word Choice My writing has a lot of powerful and exciting words to enhance the meaning. My writing has some powerful and exciting words. My writing has a few powerful and exciting words. My writing has no powerful and exciting words. It is boring to read. Fluency I used complete sentences that are varied in style and length. My sentences flow together. I used complete sentences that are varied in length. Some of the sentences flow together. I used only short complete sentences. My story does not flow together in most places. I used incomplete sentences. My story does not flow together at all. Conventions I edited my writing and it is free of spelling, punctuation, and capitalization errors. I edited my writing and it still contains some errors. I edited my writing and it contains a lot of spelling, capitalization, and punctuation errors. I still have many spelling, capitalization, and punctuation errors in my writing. It is hard to read and understand my writing.