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Importance Of Formative Assessment
3.1 Discussion
To understand better the achievements of this research we find it important to refresh our mind with
what we know about formative assessment and summative assessment. Gipps (1994) defines
formative assessment as the assessment that "boosts the use of assessing feedback to advance
teaching and learning while encouraging "curriculum planning." As for summative assessment, Earl,
L. (2004), defines it as the assessment which "is frequently used to give grades and marks to
learners for academic and administrative decisions".
3.1.1 From Assumption 1 to 3:
To come back to the achievements of this research, hypothesis 1 revealed that the trainers under
study do assess their learners in order to identify what they have learnt, ... Show more content on ...
It is also what the trainer does for the present learners to have the expected behavior! Formative
assessment gives room to corrections, training adaptation in order to meet the learners' needs. How
do we explain the trainers' failure to exploit what looks like a formative assessment? Is it not a proof
of trainers' ignorance of assessment rules?
Certainly, it was not wrong to use the information deriving from the current training for further
improvements, but improvements, if any, should start with the present participants. Indeed, we did
not find it too professional to ignore the present learners by failing to give them a feedback on their
learning, but rather using their feedback for the benefit of future learners. Black, P. & William
(1999) insists on the fact that summative assessment implies "the provision of effective feedback" to
learners, the active involvement of learners in their own learning, the adjustment of teaching to take
assessment results into account. What was hidden behind this non exploitation of formative
assessment? Was it not a mark of ignorance in the use of formative assessment?
To end completely with this point, for us formative assessment should be fully used throughout the
whole training session in order to remedy possible weaknesses and insufficiencies of the training.
Thus, the learners
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Importance Of Formative Assessment
Formative Assessments
The Advantages of homework, classwork, and formative assessments
Nowadays, homework is seen as a tedious and useless task. In reality, homework is a key strategy to
aid a student to success. In addition, classwork and formative assessments can help students improve
in school as well. These learning tools enhance a student's ability to comprehend a certain topic.
Homework is assigned to fully grasp the lesson by practicing it. Furthermore, classwork can also
help by boosting test scores. Formative assessments can be seen as practice tests, and prepares the
student for the actual test. Overall, Homework, classwork, and formative assessments are all
beneficial; because they help track a student's progress, prepare students for the future, ... Show
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Yet, homework does have an advantage, it can build good study habits and grades. Homework helps
boost test scores tremendously. Since it's a practice assignment, students get a view of what they'll
be learning. "Practice assignments do improve scores on class tests at all grade levels" (Cooper).
Students can fully understand their new lesson when provided with homework. Everyone knows that
by practicing something, they can get better at it. This is the same idea with homework, students
practice, and eventually get pleasing grades. Although all grade levels can benefit from homework,
it is really beneficial to high schoolers. "If a country like the U.S were to decrease the amount of
homework assigned to high school students, test scores would likely decrease unless additional
supports were added" (O, Furniture). Unlike other countries, homework is a major part to lead to
success. This proves that students, especially high school ones, need homework to achieve the
desirable scores they want. Homework is also a great way to study for a test. "Beyond achievement,
proponents of homework...claim it can help students develop good study habits so they are ready to
grow as their cognitive capacities mature" (Cooper). Studying is a huge part in getting a pleasing
grade in the subject. When a student studies homework, they can comprehend what is being taught
more clearly. This will
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Importance Of Formative Assessment
The Assessment Of Formative Assessment
Formative Assessment
Formative assessment is often embedded at intervals the academic method. However maybe useful
thanks to formative assessment is that it 's given throughout instruction. Formative assessment
confirms what, wants or topics have to be compelled to be addressed next with a student. A
formative assessment not solely includes tests associate degreed schoolwork however also can be an
interactive method within the classroom. As an example, open discussions within the learning
environment. Open class discussions can provide the educator with input on student's math learning
and development. Such as Examination, examination shows that descriptive feedback is a valuable
element of the formative assessment method. Stating to youngsters what specifically they did well,
together with links to different resources and specific suggestions for improvement, will facilitate
them reach consecutive level of learning. (The State of Queensland [Department of Education and
Training], 2016).
There are three approaches to formative assessments:
Planning: sorting out wherever the students square measure at, in order that the teacher will begin at
an acceptable place, sorting out however this explicit cluster of student's best learn.
Student feedback: thus student's acumen they 're progressing through the educational method.
Express feedback from the teacher will give info on what the student is doing that 's effective and
also the next step within the learning method.
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Importance Of Formative Assessment
What Is Formative And Summative Assessment
"Assessment can be the engine of curriculum reform, or the principal impediment to its
implementation" (Mary Barnes, 2000) is a thought which is of great debate in the Republic of
Ireland today. Education and curriculum are constantly evolving and often assessment gets left
behind. The relationship between student learning and an effective curriculum lies in the power of
the assessment. One cannot thrive without the other, and one cannot be entirely effective unless the
other is equally as effective.
In this assignment I will explore the types of assessment, particularly formative and summative
assessment which are used worldwide in the classroom. As well as the history of assessment in
Ireland, the newest junior cycle programme and finally ... Show more content on ...
Research has shown that formative assessment is effective in all educational settings (Paul Black,
1998).One major difference between formative assessment and summative assessment is the way in
which formative assessment uses student involvement as an integral pillar. Without student
involvement in the assessment process, formative assessment is not reaching its full potential. Many
research papers have shown that student motivation is dramatically increased when students are
involved in both their own learning and in the learning of others (Pintrich & de Groot,
1990).Teachers, however, do not have a sit back role in formative assessment. They are still crucial
to the proper use of this assessment by ways of designing appropriate assessment tasks, identifying
attainable learning goals and outlining clear criteria for student success. One key factor in formative
assessment is the return of feedback to students. Many studies have shown that substantial learning
gains are the outcome of an effective and frequent feedback process from teacher to student
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Importance Of Formative Assessment
Formative Assessment: Summative Assessment
Formative Assessment also known as process evaluation is used during the teaching process. It gives
feedback to students about their continuous progress of learning and is also referred as "Assessment
for learning" (Black & Wiliam, 2003). It is criterion–reference in nature rather than norm–
referenced and consists of lower–ordered and higher–ordered questions whereby some questions are
easily answered and the challenging tasks require verbal and visual scaffolding (Vygotsky, 1962),
especially to average and low performers. As such, formative assessment provides essential
information to the teacher so that he can decide to modify his/her lesson plan, teaching strategies
and teaching aids to meet each student's need and abilities (Barry and L. King, 2000). Hence,
catering for the three domains of learning: cognitive, psychomotor and affective (Bloom's
Taxonomy – Appendix 1).
During my teaching practice, I check whether learning is taking place with several formative
assessments. Based on the response, I usually adjust the teaching strategies used to help my
students. Summative assessment also known as assessment of learning or product evaluation
examines the outcomes of learning objectives at the end of a unit or ... Show more content on ...
Formative assessment is rather a practice where the teacher is able to give feedback for
improvements and simultaneously allows the students to develop the 'revision culture'. By getting
feedbacks form the teachers, students are able to identify their weaknesses and strengths. Moreover,
they develop the culture of how to learn for a specific objective. Also, the teachers identify the
topics where their students are struggling and plan their lesson according to the needs of their
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Importance Of Formative Assessment
Formative Evaluation Paper
As I read and learn about summative and formative evaluations, I tend to connect it to my career. I
am very familiar with completing formative evaluations internally and dealing with summative
evaluations externally. However, I feel as though I would get a better understanding if I was to learn
about these types of evaluations in a different context. Therefore, I found an article by Edith Kealey
(2010) that assessed and evaluated social work education through formative and summative
approaches. Kealey (2010) assessed the measurements for the students learning and evaluated the
instructors teaching. To assess the students learning, formative activities were used, which allowed
for developmental gaps to be discovered between what was expected and what the current
performance of the students were. Being able to discover these gaps through the formative
assessment it will allow the gaps to be filled with the appropriate actions to meet the expected goals
(Kealey, 2010). I can definitely relate to how formative assessment is being used in the educational
setting. For instance, within programs of non–profit agencies, I can use the formative evaluations as
a way to see where ... Show more content on ...
In order to evaluate the level of teaching, there were end of the year evaluations that took place. By
evaluating their level of teaching at the end of the year, it provided an overall accountability
measure for their performance (Kealey, 2010). This measurement was used to assess the overall
teaching skills of the instructor. In regards to programs within the non–profit agency, it is very
similar because summative evaluations are used to get an overall measurement of how effective the
program is doing. If the teachers or programs are not meeting the standards set for the students or
the participants, then the instructor or the program has to make a drastic decision to move forward
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Importance Of Formative Assessment
The Importance Of Formative Assessment
"A formative assessment is a planned process in which assessment–elicited evidence of students'
status is used by teachers to adjust their ongoing instructional procedures or by students to adjust
their current learning tactics." (Popham, 2017) A teacher focuses on their students by evaluating
their learning to be able to give the students a framework for a grade on a specific subject. This
evaluation, or assessment, helps a teacher come to a result on if the student has mastered a specific
skill or subject concept. There are two types of assessments, the summative assessments are
conducted after a unit or certain time period to determine how much learning has taken place and
what progress the students have achieved. Formative assessment is intended to modify teaching and
learning in order to find the best strategy or alternative strategies to help students become better
learners and to help teachers improve their instruction for sure student success. Though it is
important to use the assessments for grades and deciding where that student is at educationally,
teachers really need to remind themselves and focus on using the formative assessment for learning.
Teachers who use formative assessment is able to deliver a learning target instruction that addresses
the appropriate unit requirements, with this, teachers do not wait until a test or essay to decide on
whether their students have succeeded in mastering the subject or if a plan of review will be needed;
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Importance Of Formative Assessment
Difference Between Formative And Summative Assessment
Formative and summative assessments are the most common types of educational evaluations, each
with its own distinct purpose and difference in meaning. Formative assessment is to monitor
students learning and provide feedback for the teacher to improve their teaching and for students to
improve their learning. On the other hand, summative assessment is to evaluate students learning at
the end of a unit to compare it against the standards "Formative, Summative, Interim: Putting
Assessment in Context". In my opinion, both formative and assessment evaluation is important for
an effect learning and teaching situation. The goal of formative assessment is to help students
identify their strengths and weaknesses of the content so they know what areas they need to study
more, and help the teacher recognize ... Show more content on ...
Both evaluations require careful thought and planning about what knowledge or skills are being
measured. Each type of evaluation collects useful, important information which is used for a specific
purpose. A strong assessment program in the classroom will include both kinds of assessment.
Formative and summative assessment have more differences then similarities. Formative
Assessment refers to a variety of assessment procedures that provides the required information to
adjust teaching during the learning process. Summative Assessment is defined as a standard for
evaluating learning of students "The Best Value in Formative Assessment". Formative usually
happens monthly or quarterly and it aims at enhancing learning. On the other hand, summative
assessment happens at the middle or end of a term and it aims at measuring students' knowledge.
Formative is lowly graded while summative is highly graded "Formative, Summative, Interim:
Putting Assessment in Context". Overall, they are two different forms of evaluation that also go
hand and hand to help both the teacher and the
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Importance Of Formative Assessment
Formative Assessment Essay
In order for teachers to use formative assessment effectively there must be these components: it
must be incorporated into each lesson, must have student involvement, must collect information on
student performance to determine if outcomes are meet, must give the teacher feedback to help
shape and guide student learning, and must give the student feedback to help them reflect upon their
learning. Anecdotal Records, Quizzes, Portfolios, and Student–Led Conferences all meet the
components of an effective formative assessment and are applicable within a Social Studies
Anecdotal Records Anecdotal records from observation of students are a great form of assessment
because they record the student's social, emotional, physical, ... Show more content on ...
The students may need to work in pairs, receive extra practice, or the teacher may simply need to
teach at a different angle. Quizzes can also be very valuable for the students because it shows them
what they need to work on. When students see their mistakes it helps them to be able to fix it for the
next time. If the first time a student does an assessment at the end it is a summative assessment and
it is too late for improvement; instead they need to be getting feedback many times throughout a
unit. In P–5 Social Studies, a lot of material can be covered throughout a unit; therefore, if the
students are quizzed regularly it will be easier for the teacher to tailor each of the following Social
Studies lessons. An example of a quiz incorporated into the classroom is when a teacher has
questions on an overhead that the students answer at the end of the lesson.
Portfolios can be either physical or electronically and are "a collection of work that a learner has
collected, selected, organized, reflected upon, and presented to show understanding and growth over
time" (Barrett 2006). This type of assessment is becoming increasingly popular in the upper grades
but seems to be useful for P–5, as well. Portfolios can be kept and evaluated throughout the year or
for each unit. They are also great because the students can keep them for years to come, or the
school can keep them as artifacts to document student achievement. When used
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Importance Of Formative Assessment
Examples Of Formative Assessment For Vocabulary
Vocabulary or word knowledge is a very important area of a language, and plays a crucial role for
learners in acquiring a second language (Cameron, 2001). Without vocabulary, learning all other
language skill is impossible. Therefore, helping students to master English vocabulary is not only
concerned with providing necessary input but also requires appropriate assessment. There are a
number of ways to assess students' word knowledge both formal and informal test. Many classroom
friendly vocabulary assessments are available that inform instruction and measure vocabulary
growth (Stahl & Bravo, 2010). Also, teachers can use various summative assessments to assess
student vocabulary knowledge and growth.
This paper aims at discovering formative assessment, then examining five activities that can be used
as formative assessment for vocabulary. The final part focuses on introduce and evaluate of one of
these five activities. The materials, procedures for conducting this activity as well as its benefits and
drawbacks will be deeply analyzed.
2.1 What is formative assessment? ... Show more content on ...
Formative assessment takes place during learning and is aimed to help learning and teaching by
giving appropriate feedback (Lewy, 1990). Nitko (1993) named two purposes of formative
assessment: (a) selecting or modifying learning procedures, and (b) choose the best remedies for
improving weak points in learning and teaching. Gattullo (2000) characterized formative assessment
as "(a) it is an ongoing multi–phase process that is carried out on a daily basis through teacher–pupil
interaction, (b) it provides feedback for immediate action, and (c) it aims at modifying teaching
activities in order to improve learning processes and
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Importance Of Formative Assessment
Formative And Summative Assessment
The impact of formative assessment on student's learning and achievement in South Africa and The
United States
The purpose of this paper is to examine the tensions between formative and summative assessments
with a review of how they impact student learning and achievement for South African and American
Assessment is the systematic collection, review, and use of information about educational programs
undertaken for the purpose of improving student learning and development (Palomba & Banta,
1999). Assessment is frequently divided into summative assessment and formative assessment. The
distinction between formative and summative is made mainly in terms of purpose and timing, in
formative assessment the positive achievements of a pupil may be recognised and discussed and the
appropriate next steps may be planned, whereas summative assessment is the recording of the
overall achievement of a pupil in a systematic way (DES/WO, 1988, para. 23).
It has been argued that all assessments can be considered summative, but only some of them are
formative (Tyler, Gagne, & Scriven, 1967). Some however favor formative assessments over
summative assessments. There is a critical point to consider when thinking about summative
assessment; can test scores be used to inform us about our teaching and learning? Oftentimes it does
not inform us very well. Students' ability and achievement in learning are not measurable by one
single test. Even if they can reveal some problems
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Importance Of Formative Assessment
Formative Assessment: The Definition Of Formive And...
Formative assessment can be broadly defined as a form of assessment that focuses on the process of
learning for improvement of students' performance. However, until recently, the definition of
formative assessment is still vague and there is no consensus as to what the term 'formative
assessment' means. Very often, formative assessment may be understood to have similar idea to
diagnostics assessment. However, some authors consider these two assessments as two separate
practices (Nitko and Brookharts, 2011) with different purposes. While diagnostic assessment is
designed before instruction and merely for the sake of planning instruction, formative assessment
seeks understanding of the status of the learning with the purpose of identifying next ... Show more
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Black and Wiliam (1998) highlighted the power of assessment to provide feedback, the importance
of social context of learning, and some issues related to distinction between the formative and
summative purpose of assessment. They also found the beneficial effects of formative assessment
toward students learning have been well documented in the literature. However, Hattie and Jaeger
(1998) criticize Black and Wiliam's review because their position strongly supported the importance
of assessment and feedback for teaching while neglecting learning. Hattie (2005) suggests
assessment is about teaching as much as it is about learning. For formative assessment to deliver its
promise, feedback must relate to how students learn. According to Hattie, a comprehensive theory of
formative assessment must include a theory of learning because it is not necessarily the learner who
has a problem; it may the teacher or teaching that needs remediation. Whereas, Popham (2008)
defines formative assessment as a planned process during which the teacher or students use
assessment–based evidence to adjust ongoing learning and instruction. Further, Hattie and Jaeger
(1998) proposed five postulates of formative
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Importance Of Formative Assessment
Formative Feedback
Formative feedback is an instructional technique to inform the student of their progress and what the
next steps to learning look like. Formative assessments are used to collect the evidence, which will
measure student growth and provide valuable information to both the teacher and the student. As the
unit progresses formative assessments should be used to make instructional decisions to meet
student's needs. The collection of formative data provides a clear picture of the student's ability and
can be used to directly respond to the students needs (Rea–Dickins, Gardner, 2000). Though
formative feedback and formative assessment are essential to the learning process it is often left to
the side, as a forgotten piece of the puzzle. To carry ... Show more content on ...
It has become very popular in some classrooms for students to track and analyze their own data or
progress towards a learning goal. This practice is has a positive effect on student learning (Marzano,
2010). Tracking growth can also send a powerful message to the student that he or she is responsible
for their own learning. The idea of students taking ownership over there own learning is very
important. Often time's teachers require students to practice a concept and students feel like they are
learning for the teacher or to make the teacher happy. Students can feel the same way when parents
require them to do their homework or get good grades, they may feel as though they are learning for
their parents. If students take ownership over their own learning they will be more motivated to
achieve (Hattie, 2012). Students tracking their own progress may also take some of the pressure off
of the teacher to report grades to the parents. If the student takes home the data they have collected
on their progress then parents will know exactly what progress their child has made. Parents might
even feel they can help support their child or give them instruction–based feedback about their
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Importance Of Formative Assessment
Investing Formative Classroom Assessments
By my definition, a classroom assessment is a measuring tool used to guide instruction and learning
on subsequent lessons to follow. It's an opportunity to evaluate how well your students are
synthesizing information and applying it in the classroom. Keeley (2015) states that good
assessment practices are integral to informing teaching and learning, as well as documenting and
measuring student achievement. Examples of classroom assessments are broken into two categories;
formative and summative. Summative have been traditionally a go to for teachers with tests,
quizzes, and projects. Formative assessments are an informal evaluation or a checkpoint at which
the teacher can use observation or short surveys to understand where their students stand with the
Formative assessments have become a huge component of my instruction practice. Our district
encourages the use of formative assessments rather than the traditional summative. Keeley (2016)
states that much of the weight has been shifted on the side of formative. I have used short surveys or
questionnaires ... Show more content on ...
I created a investing formative assessment to check for understanding. In the process of creating this
assessment I wanted to discover how comfortable the students were with each security and savings
plan. In order to accomplish this I designed a short google form that has every security and savings
plan we discussed. The students are to rate their level of understanding on each. I chose this method
to allow further development into each respective investment. The plan is to pinpoint the students
who have a mastery level in each investment. Ultimately, I will use this data to pair up students so
that each group has a mastery level group member that can educate the other members of lower
levels within the group. The mixed group will work on a project together allowing for different roles
to be
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Importance Of Formative Assessment
Essay On Formative Assessment
Enhancing Student Learning through Formative Assessment
Recently, whenever I hear current teachers discussing about assessing students, 'Formative
Assessment' is sure to be highlighted. Nowadays this method (formative assessment) is becoming
popular among schools and is being applied widely in schools including my own school. Loughland
and Kilpatrick (2015) identified in the few past decades, formative assessment has turned out to be
the main goal for teachers and educational systems. On the foundation of Loughland and Kilpatrick
(2015) findings and from my experience in the field of teaching, I found out nowadays teachers and
school stakeholders strongly feel that formative assessment is the best method to assess in order to
enhance students' learning. For these evident reasons, I am interested in finding ... Show more
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Whether formative assessment is the best method to be used to assess students, can a particular
method of assessing students have an impact in students' learning, is teacher's role in assessing
students' important for students learning and does students' voice and formative assessment have any
relation in enhancing students learning, are some questions that I want to get crystal clear answers
for and look into with keen interest to find out whether students learning is enhanced through
formative assessment. Hence in this essay I will be digging into, a descriptive, a critical and a
reflective deep look through my own experiences, researches and theories in the related field on the
questions or issues mentioned above to find out whether formative assessment in real enhances
students' learning. The main focus of this essay is the urge of finding out whether formative
assessment in real enhance students learning. With the high hope of applying and practicing every
little bit of information that I compile from the readings into the current practices in any correlated
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Importance Of Formative Assessment
The Importance Of Formative Assessment In The Classroom
Incident two demonstrates a range of different assessment strategies which were used within the
maths carousel lesson. The intentions and learning outcomes of this lesson were to explore and
identify key concepts of division as well as being able to recall prior knowledge to help the children
with their comprehension of the topic which would continue throughout the week. The learning
objectives were outlined at the beginning of the lesson to the children to ensure that they understood
what was expected ofthem and so they would be able to reflect upon these throughout the lesson
(Williams and Cliffe, 2011).
Formative assessment, which was used to help improve teaching and learning, can be viewed as an
effective way to determine and improve the quality of learning within the classroom (Black and
Wiliam, 2009). However, it could be argued that formative assessment is infrequently used within
the classroom, suggesting that summative assessment is the focus within education, as it helps to
capture accurate results which can be compared against a specific standard (Graham et al., 2017)
(Marsh, 2007). This is also exemplified in the work undertaken by Yan and Cheng (2015) as they
state that some teachers may give up on the adoption of formative assessment due to short time–
frames and the pressures of summative examinations. William and Black (1996), Torrance and Pryor
(2001) and Taras (2008) observe that formative assessment eventually leads into summative
assessment, as learning
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Importance Of Formative Assessment
Effectiveness Of Daily Formative Assessments
Discussion This study investigated the effectiveness of daily formative assessments in the success of
low–achieving ninth–grade Algebra 1 students. Sending students into annual standardized tests, like
the Algebra 1 End of course exam, without quality daily assessments, often end with students being
placed in remedial courses the following year. The continual use of giving students failing unit test
grades, unsatisfactory semester exams that fail them for the semester, and no daily feedback, does
not prepare students for mastery of essential Algebra 1 material. Countless studies show that the way
teachers teach and students are assessed needs to change. In this study, it was statistically
determined that daily formative assessments fostered a significant positive impact on student
performance between a pre–test and a post–test. The study was proposed to determine if formative
assessments would make a statistical difference compared to traditional assessment methods.
According to the results of this study, students' mastery of Algebra 1 concepts increased due to the
use of daily formative assessments. The daily formative assessments afforded the teacher and the
students with immediate feedback, allowing for a continual understanding of un–mastered Texas
Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) as needed to succeed on the summative assessment, the
Algebra 1 End of Course (EOC). From these findings, it can be concluded that the use of daily
formative assessments
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Importance Of Formative Assessment
Importance Of Formative And Summative Assessment
Assessment According to (Georgiou &Pavlou 2003) it includes all methods to collect information
about children's general performance, ability, attitude and knowledge. It's also used to diagnose
students' weak areas (Nikolic and Cabaj 1999) 4.1 Formative assessment tools and rational There
are 2 types of assessment: Formative and summative. For (Baxter 1997) Formative assessments are
not limited only to mini–tests during the course, but also to a 'continuous mutual feedback' between
students and their teacher. They can be done in a form of setting homework tasks and monitoring
effectively in class. This way, they address students' preferences/NA questionnaire (Apps 3.1, 3.2)
i.e. I want the teacher to tell me how I'm doing.. 1–Tool & procedure: For example, in lesson 3,
students will correct their own short stories by comparing them to some authentic samples and a
correction code sheet and not to their peers. Sts underline their key errors/slips with a highlighter
then they rate themselves using a self–assessment grid (App. 6.5) Course objectives: CO3, CO4,
CO5. Rational: Most students are concerned with marks and rarely check the quality of their writing
(Harris & McCann 1994). From my experience, this often happens in parent's meetings unless a
student gets very low marks so parents become concerned. Students will increase their autonomy
(KI 1.2.3) and become aware of their strengths and weaknesses in writing as Cram (1995:282 cited
in Nunan2004 , p.149). This is done
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Importance Of Formative Assessment
Pros And Cons Of Formative Assessment
In life, being assessed is inescapable in most spheres of human existence. "Assessment is the
process of gathering and discussing information from multiple and diverse sources in order to
develop a deep understanding of what students know, understand and can do with their knowledge
as a result of their educational experiences" (Huba &Freed, 2000). Examinations serve many
purposes. Teachers use them to determine if learning/curriculum objectives are being achieved and
the results also forms part of the process of accountability to parents. "Learner assessment is best
concerned as a form of two–way communication in which feedback on the educational process or
product is provided to its key stakeholders" (McAlphine,2002). There are two major ... Show more
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There are many pros and cons to summative assessment, however, it can create unnecessary
pressure and stress on students. Conversely, formative assessment is a method used to monitor
student's progress to provide ongoing feedback so that instructors or teachers can improve their
teaching strategies to meet the learners needs (Lucie Renard 2017, para. 2). Formative assessment
can take many forms such as formal quizzes, course and written assignments, questioning
techniques, case study reports, peer examinations, surveys, group and class presentations and
discussions with students.
Research suggests that formative assessment will allow every student to be entitled to a fair and
equal chance (Doherty 2011). Furthermore, assessment initiates student's learning.
"Assessments of and for learning are both important. If assessments of learning provide evidence of
achievement for public reporting, then assessments for learning serve to help students learn more.
The crucial distinction is between assessment to determine the status of learning and assessment to
promote greater learning" (Stiggins,
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Importance Of Formative Assessment
Formative AssessmentThe Goal Of Formative Assessment
Formative Assessment
The goal of formative assessment is to gather feedback that can be used by the instructor and the
students to guide improvements in the ongoing teaching and learning context. These are low stakes
assessments for students and instructors.
Summative Assessment
The goal of summative assessment is to measure the level of success or proficiency that has been
obtained at the end of an instructional unit, by comparing it against some standard or benchmark.
Asking students to submit one or two sentences identifying the main point of a lecture Have students
submit an outline for a paper.
Early course evaluations
Assigning a grade to a final exam
Critique of a Senior recital
University ... Show more content on ...
Types of Comprehension Questions2) Inferential Questions Examples: – explain clearly / explain
the contrast... – suggest how... – what do you think... – why does the author suggest... – what
Adapted from O level Comprehension and Summary Writing Guide
6. Types of Comprehension Questions3) Rephrasing QuestionsP Rewrite in your own words but
keep the meaningP read the phrase or sentence in its context in the passage so that your explanation
is appropriate to the situation Adapted from O level Comprehension and Summary Writing Guide
7. Types of Comprehension Questions3) Rephrasing Questions Examples: – Explain the term
/sentence... – Explain in your own words... Adapted from O level Comprehension and Summary
8. Types of Comprehension Questions4) Vocabulary QuestionsP Explain word or phrase meaningP a
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Importance Of Formative Assessment
Dealing With Formative And Summative
Dealing with formative and summative can be a difficult task that can have a confusing definition.
Over the past years both assessment are well balance assessment systems that gather very important
information. These assessments are for students achievements to strive to highest to success of
learning. In this paper I will provide information that will distinguish the different roles of each
education assessment in schools. It will provide studies of assessments related to subjects when
preparing the quality and access of education. Assessment systems are generated in a timely matter
that provides information in the educational system to the next level on a large scale. When dealing
with high quality scale assessments are for a purpose. Assessments can be sometimes not helpful
sometimes when teachers improve their instruction to modify their method to students. Students will
take assessments at the end of the school year when instructor activities are completed. Then it
comes to a point when teachers will not receive test scores and goals until later, as the students have
moved to the next grade level. And thirdly, the results that teachers receive usually lack the level of
detail needed to target specific improvements (Barton, 2002; Kifer, 2001).
Many assessments are for improvement for students learning in tests, writing, and other assessments
when teachers administer students in class on a daily basis. When teachers approve of the different
results they are directed
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Importance Of Formative Assessment
Example Of Formative Assessment
This assignment is about assessments and important of assessments. Assessment is important
component for students' progress. Without assessment students' as well as teachers will not know
what they have done in the process of teaching and learning. Without assessments students will not
know how much they know and where they are. Without assessments teachers will not know how
much they have to help their students to improve their knowledge and skills. So it is important to
know about assessments. So, in this assignment it is clearly brief about the major two types of
assessment that we are using here in Maldives. That is Formative assessment and summative
In this assignment there are two parts. In first part I have written literature review on assessment and
its importance and also definition, purpose, examples and advantage and disadvantages ... Show
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Students will improve their learning, as well as teachers will improve their teaching through
formative assessment. Because it is happening while students learning. Teachers can identify
students problem in formative assessment and that problem can diagnose students and have
adjustment in the lessons and instructions given.
"Summative assessments are used to measure what students have learnt at the end of a unit, to
promote students, to ensure they have met required standards on the way to earning certification for
school completion or to enter certain occupations, or as a method for selecting students for entry
into further education" (CERI, n.d). In other words, summative assessment is assessment of
In Summative assessment point or grade will be given at the end semester to assess what have been
learned throughout the semester. Grades and marks are the result of summative assessment. Students
will not get chance
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Importance Of Formative Assessment
Pros And Cons Of Formative Assessment
Formative Assessment Based on Student Achievement Levels
Andreka Pierce
Piedmont College
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the issues surrounding the use formative assessments to
evaluate student performance in the classroom. The article Inside the Black Box by Black and
William explores the gains students achieve collectively by implementing formative assessment
methods while revealing the lack of progress of high–achieving students. The paper will also
explore the pros and cons of applying formative assessment methods hands on in the actual
classroom. Methods of formative assessment have proven to improve overall performance for the
students as a whole, but are more beneficial for students who are low achievers. ... Show more
content on ...
In order for all students to benefit in the maximum capacity, teachers should use multiple ways of
measuring progress to match different types of students. Students should be placed in groups based
on their learning ability and level of progress. One group may consist of students who are
disadvantaged or behind, one group may consist of exceptional students, and a third group may
consist of students who are somewhere in between. A standard system of providing marks should
remain in place for the exceptional students and the "in–between" students. For students with
noticeable disadvantages, teachers should implement a more formative approach that does not focus
as much on making particular scores. For high–achieving students, using formative assessment
methods can perhaps be used to supplement their learning experience with additional opportunities
to stretch themselves. For the students that are in the "exceptional" group, the teacher may offer an
additional "challenge" assignment or project in which the students in this group can evaluate each
other or the teacher can provide feedback to the students without giving an actual grade on that
particular assignment. All students will then be able to learn on their own level. Formative
assessment methods can be extremely powerful when implemented
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Importance Of Formative Assessment
Summary : Formative And Summative Assessments
Summary: Formative and Summative Assessments in the Classroom by Catherine Garrison and
Michael Ehringhais
This article discusses the differences of formative and summative assessments; when to practice
them and in what way would formative and summative assessments benefit both teacher and
student. According to the article, "Formative assessment is a part of the instructional process. When
incorporated into the classroom practice it provides the information needed to adjust teaching and
learning while they are happening" (Garrison & Ehringhaus, 2009). Formative assessment informs
both teacher and student where adjustments can be arranged. Examples of formative assessment can
be asking students higher thinking questions, group discussions and assignments with no point
value. "Summative assessments are given periodically to determine at a particular point in time what
students know and do not know" (Garrison & Ehringhaus, 2009). Summative assessments usually
have a grade. Examples of summative assessments are; state assessments, benchmarks and
standardized tests. Summative assessments are a means of measuring a students' capacity. It is
crucial that both forms of assessments are used in the classroom, one assessment without the other is
Summary: Seven Practices for Effective Learning by Jay McTighe & Ken O'Connor
This article focuses on seven practices teachers can implement in their classrooms, to help enhance
learning and teaching. "Classroom assessment and
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Importance Of Formative Assessment
Assessment Strategies : Formative And Summative
This course addressed different assessment strategies, both formative and summative, to help me
evaluate what students have learned in my classroom. The standard paper/pencil test to assess
student learning is no longer the norm. There are various ways I can assess a student's learning that
will not take a lot of time or planning. Today's advances in technology provide me with a broad
range of different strategies. The word "test" is most often associated with the paper/pencil format. I
realize that not all assessments in the classroom have to be done through the use of a paper/pencil
test. In the real world, many people are assessed in ways that do not require a paper and pencil. For
example, I may assess a student's learning by having a conversation with them or how evaluating
how well they physically perform a skill. Last fall I offered my students the option to either take a
paper/pencil test or create a review board game to demonstrate what they had learned about ancient
Egypt. Majority of the students chose the board game because it was something they had not done
before. Each board game illustrated the student's individuality and character. I knew I was
incorporating a mix of formative and summative tests in my class, however I did not remember
those terms. Now I have a better understanding of what formative and summative assessments are.
Formative assessments provide me with valuable immediate feedback on what my students are
learning so that I can improve my
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Importance Of Formative Assessment
Formative Assessment Essay
According to Black (1999), formative assessment is the short term collection and use of evidence to
guide learning. Boud (1995) states that, formative assessment is crucial because it is all about
improving and feedback. Formative assessment has been described as the journey, not the outcome
(Wisdom, 2006). Formative assessment is also known as assessment for learning.
The major purpose of formative assessment is developmental, to help students monitor their own
understanding and progress. Its nature is diagnostic, identifying weaknesses allowing students to
spend time and effort on improvement (Petty, 2004). It must offer feedback that can help students
adjust their performance, whether it comes from lecturers, other students or self evaluation ... Show
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Knight & Mantz (2003), allow students to establish their own claims to achievement, using what
they see as the best evidence to hand. by using portfolios, teachers are able to provide timely
feedback but delay final evaluation of the students work until the students have had time to reflect
on their own work and make revisions. Portfolios can give students responsibility and choice. They
make students more responsible for preparing an excellent end product, and they often allow them
the freedom to choose which pieces of work should be included in their portfolio and evaluated.
Supporters of portfolios claim that they can lessen the impact of grading by encouraging discovery
and experimentation. They allow students to take risks and revise their work, which makes their
performance much more authentic (Banta, 2003).
Authentic assessment is based on meaningful performances that are executed in real–life situations
(Erickson, 2001). With authentic assessments, students demonstrate competency through teacher–
directed activities that simulate real–life contexts (Baron & Boschee, 1995). Supporters of authentic
assessments claim that through administering such assessments, teachers can observe how students
use knowledge to accomplish goals instead of simply regurgitating it (Prouty, 2006; Shepard,
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Importance Of Formative Assessment
Formative Reflective Assessment
1. What does formative assessment involve in practice and what are the implications for teachers?
Strategies to implement formative assessment
Role of teacher / Impact on planning
Actively involving students and parents
Possible challenges or barriers of assessment use
Focus questions: Teachers are responsible for creating a set of questions in a specific order which is
used as a tool for evaluating understanding checklist. The teacher initiates the questions with simple
concepts and steadily move towards a complex level, whereas students give answers when asked
individually by the teacher or as a class where visual cue indicates their answer. After this activity
students are assessed based on the answer given against the questions.
A teacher must plan the order of questions in which they'll be asked as well as nature of the content.
It is observed that most of the teachers use constructive approach i–e starting from simple questions
or concepts to more abstract questions. The primary role of a teacher is to analyse the understanding
level of a student. This is usually carried out by students response and later examine it with follow–
up questions.
Students can actively participate in it through the teacher's technique of manipulating the answering
methodology. For example, students are offered multiple choices of answers and then asked to give
a signal or move based on his selected answer. By doing this activity whole class can be assessed
and later can be grouped based
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Importance Of Formative Assessment
Formative Assessment Paper
Throughout the duration of the course, one recurring theme was the significance of formative
assessment and how it can be used as a platform to guide the students in the process of learning.
Yorke (2003) explains that formative assessment is the key towards improving a student's
intellectual development and is constructive towards learning. He continues on by stating that this is
acknowledged but "it is not well understood across higher education". I do agree with this, that
Formative assessment is continuous method which is effective in defining if a lesson is outstanding
or not and how constructive feedback is useful for both the students and the teachers, one thing
which is very significant about formative assessment is that it can be both
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Importance Of Formative Assessment
Formative Assessment Paper
Good Afternoon EDL 605:
It was nice seeing you all this past Saturday. I was deeply impressed with the quality of your
NEASC presentations. I will post feedback in Blackboard before the end of the week.
After the NEASC presentations, we transitioned into a discussion about assessment. There are two
types of assessments, formative and summative. For the unit you are fully developing, please
include two formative assessments and one summative assessment.
Formative assessments are non–graded, during instruction, checks for understanding. Effective
formative assessments are part of a planned process of instruction that regularly monitors student
comprehension and understanding. For the unit you are fully developing, please include a minimum
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In order to effectively deploy quantitative methodology, it will require you to identify key data
sources, create and maintain a data warehouse, and use the data warehouse to quantitatively analyze
and report on student performance data. Please consider me a resource now and in the future. I love
data, and am always willing to help you analyze data sets. For those of you going on to pursue your
Sixth Year Degree, or potentially a Doctorate Degree, you will spend a considerable amount of time
studying qualitative and quantitative research methodology, and designing a research project using
quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods methodology. If anyone is interested in studying student
motivation or the efficacy of efforts to reduce racial, ethnic, and economic isolation in Connecticut,
please let me know; these are my areas of research interest. I would love to work with you to design
a project and co–author a paper for publication. I promise it will be a lot of work, but I guarantee it
will be rewarding, and will help inform practices in schools throughout
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Importance Of Formative Assessment
Formative Assessment : The Glossary Of Education
Formative assessments.
Yael Mirabal
According to "The Glossary of Education", "Formative assessment refers to a wide variety of
methods that teachers use to conduct in–process evaluations of student comprehension, learning
needs, and academic progress during a lesson, unit, or course. Formative assessments help teachers
identify concepts that students are struggling to understand, skills they are having difficulty
acquiring, or learning standards they have not yet achieved so that adjustments can be made to
lessons, instructional techniques, and academic support." As a teacher, many times we need to know
what the students know before start a new topic or theme. Formative assessments, also, allows the
teacher to improve instruction in general and make changes in teaching techniques in order to help
students in the learning process. "Many educators believe that formative assessments are an
important part of effective teaching and recommend that should be implemented in every lesson."
(The glossary of Education, para. 4) That is why is considerate part of the instruction processes and
should not be part of the student's grade book because if the students are not ready to pass to the
next topic, will acquire a grade that will not show their real growth at the end of the Unit. Instead,
give grades, teachers should provide extensive feedback that allows students to learn in base of what
they are doing well and what they should be done to get a better feedback. The following
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Importance Of Formative Assessment
Formative And Summative Teacher Evaluation
The topic of teacher evaluation encompasses the interactions of two separate pairs of variables. Two
of those variables, formative and summative evaluation, pertain to the actual evaluation itself,
whereas the other two, teachers and administrators, involve the professionals who take part in the
evaluation process. The reader may recall from the preceding section that the prevailing literature
contains certain perspectives and recommendations with regard to evaluative practices. First,
formative teacher evaluation ought to provide teachers with the necessary feedback to improve their
instruction, whereas summative teacher evaluation, by contrast, represents an appraisal of a teacher's
overall professional competence (Seyfarth, 2008; Glickman, Gordon & Ross–Gordon, 2014).
Because the purposes of these two types of evaluation are so different, the recommendation in the
literature is that they ought to be kept distinct and separate from one another (Seyfarth, 2008;
Marzano, 2012; Glickman, Gordon & Ross–Gordon, 2014). Nevertheless, prevailing practice
appears to be trending in precisely the opposite direction, where school districts and states employ a
single evaluation instrument, typically based on the Danielson Framework, to serve the purposes of
both formative and summative teacher evaluations concurrently ("PR Newswire," 2011).
Consequently, this study is structured to determine the degree to which one particular blended
system is able to serve both formative and
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Importance Of Formative Assessment
Formative Evaluation Paper
Natasha, Thank you for your sharing your assessment of formative and summative evaluation
methodologies. I agree with you assessment that both forms of evaluation add tremendous value to a
program (Staten, 2015), as well as the organization for which the program evaluation is being
conducted. You made a wonderful observation regarding the nature of formative evaluation and the
methods of communication which may be used. As you pointed out, formative evaluation may be
communicated simply be sending periodic emails (Staten, 2015). Often evaluators may feel that
elaborate mechanisms of formative presentations must be made in order to add value, and yet quick
methods of communication like email, allow for immediate access to the information
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Importance Of Formative Assessment
Formative Assessment Reflection
The assessment practices that I feel are most important in my school is the usage of Common Core.
It requires students to analyze, synthesize, apply and evaluate information that is gained from
reading (Afflerbach, 2015). I have seen firsthand the positive effects of using Common Core
especially in the ELA discipline. It allows for higher order thinking skills versus the lower level
questioning that the students have been exposed to for so long.
Some assessment practices that I feel are in need of more emphasis in my school is the
understanding that reading is an active and complex process that understands written text
(Afflerbach, 2015). Also, seeing that there is a great need for using formative assessments set off a
red flag for me. At my school, we tend to focus on "beginning with the end in mind" and focus more
on summative assessments instead of formative assessments. After reading Afflerbach's article, I
noticed that formative assessment focus more on determining where the student is and what they
need next in their instruction (Afflerbach, 2015). Upon reading the article, I've come to realize that
formative assessment drives the next steps of instruction and provides the teacher the means to
understand where they are coming from in order to get them to where they need to be.
Reflecting on my observations of my students, I feel that standardized testing has not been proven to
be in their best interest. Berliner states that no single indicator can assess a child's
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Importance Of Formative Assessment
Formive And Formative Teacher Evaluation
The topic of teacher evaluation hinges on the interactions of two separate pairs of variables. The first
pair of those variables, formative and summative evaluation, pertains to the actual evaluation itself,
whereas the second pair, teachers and administrators, involves the professionals who take part in the
evaluation process. The reader may recall from the preceding section that the prevailing literature
contains certain perspectives and recommendations with regard to evaluative practices that
encompass all of these factors. First, formative teacher evaluation ought to provide teachers with the
necessary feedback to improve their instruction, whereas summative teacher evaluation, by contrast,
represents an appraisal of a teacher's overall professional competence (Seyfarth, 2008; Glickman,
Gordon & Ross–Gordon, 2014). Because the purposes of these two types of evaluation are so
different, the recommendation in the literature is that they ought to remain distinct and separate from
one another (Seyfarth, 2008; Marzano, 2012; Glickman, Gordon & Ross–Gordon, 2014).
Nevertheless, prevailing practice appears to be trending in precisely the opposite direction, where
school districts and states instead employ a single evaluation instrument, typically based on the
Danielson Framework, to serve the purposes of both formative and summative teacher evaluation
concurrently ("PR Newswire," 2011). Consequently, this study is designed to determine the degree
to which one specific
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Importance Of Formative Assessment
Formative Assessment Essay
The term of formative evaluation has been first used by (Michael and Scviran, 1967) in the
connection with the importance of curriculum, but (Bloom et al. 1971) were the first to extend the
usage to its generally accepted current meaning such as formative assessment. There are various
ways for defining the term of formative assessment which is generally referred to tasks and
activities take place during the course with expressed purpose to improve learner's proficiency. A
typical definition of formative assessment which is provided by (Black and William, 1998) have
stated that formative assessment is a crucial component of classroom work. They argued that
improved formative assessment can raise the standards learners' achievement and serve ... Show
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The question is used as a tool to assess and evaluate formative the student's achievement . Formative
assessment, unlike summative assessment, is a systematic process of gathering evidence about
students learning while it's happening (William and black, 1996). The information and task used
during the process of practicing learners and help them to continue toward a goal of learning. When
student's goal in education is to improve oral production to communicate and interact with peers,
society, thus the tasks systematically organized to support and scaffold learners' capacity to take risk
and interact by using speaking skill. Meanwhile, teachers use formative assessment to evaluate
learners' performance and speaking skill.
As we all know that language is the most famous tool for communicating mankind and English
language has become popularized all around the world, and its used to international communication.
Indeed, speaking is commonly used in forms of communication either in social discourse or
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Importance Of Formative Assessment
Formative Vs. Summative Assessment
Formative vs. Summative Assessment In today's schools, teachers are trying to decide which form
of assessment, formative or summative, is a better measure of student's abilities. Teachers are
constantly pressured to make sure their students are doing well on state wide assessments, therefore,
making sure their students have the skills they need to succeed on these tests is extremely important.
Formative assessment gives the student and teacher feedback as the information is gathered (Cotton,
2017). Where summative assessments are better for capturing the amount of material learned and the
quality of learning at the end of a large unit or amount of information (Dixson and Worrell 2016).
Teachers are on the warpath researching which method is the most effective way of assessing
students. In the article "Formative and Summative Assessment in the Classroom", the authors
Dixson and Worrell discuss the differences between formative and summative assessment (2016).
They explain that the goal of formative assessment is to guide instruction and summative assessment
is more intended to show ... Show more content on ...
Knowing when to use each is imperative to the success of students. It is the teacher's job to decide
when to use each of the types and subtypes of assessments. Through the research presented in this
literature it has been found that formative assessment is a more helpful form of guiding instruction.
Summative assessment is used to see what students know about a particular topic at a particular
time, such as a cumulative exam. Students and teachers alike feel the pressure that high stakes
testing can bring. Teachers make all the difference when it comes to testing. So, in order for teachers
to have classrooms where testing is used efficiently they must work diligently to make sure their
assessments are balanced and carefully
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Importance Of Formative Assessment
Assessment And Formative Assessment
"the process used by teachers and students to recognize and respond to student learning to enhance
that learning, during the learning" (Cowie & Bell, 1999, p. 32) is one way to define formative
assessments. This definition stresses the idea of formative assessment being a continuous process
which should improve teaching, learning, and achievement. Therefore, when reflecting upon the
assessment strategies observed within my classroom to be most the effective in progressing learning
the one thing that comes to my mind is a formative assessment. The best way to understand
formative assessment is by comparing it and contrasting it with summative assessments. In this
essay, I will critically analyze how formative assessment may be used ... Show more content on ...
It is the evidence that has been gathered by a practitioner over a period to make a judgment about
where the child is now. It is conducted at the end of the course. It treats abilities as they were finite
and absolute. Whereas formative assessment is defined by Cohen, L (2010) as feedback for teacher
and student for their current learning achievements, strength and weakness so they know what to do
next to improve, enhance or extend learning. Formative assessments are an ongoing process of
observations they are administered throughout the unit and recorded daily. For that formative
assessment accepts that abilities can develop and change. Also, summative assessment doesn't help
individual students since it does not provide feedback on a particular aspect of knowledge or skill
within a subject area. Whereas the primary purpose of formative assessments is to improve
instruction and provide student feedback the students use the results in a formative assessment to
self–monitor understanding. A study conducted by Black and William (1998) concludes that
formative assessment does improve students learning. Its cyclist approach observes
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Importance Of Formative Assessment
Formative Reflection
1. Since completing my TWS integrated unit, I have discovered many things about my students in
relation to teaching and learning. First, I discovered their love and need of hands–on experiences.
Every day that my students participated in a learning experiment, every student was involved and
excited to see the results of the experiment. They constantly wanted to be the, "lucky volunteer", and
in their culminating project, I had students name their favorite part of the entire unit, and all 22
students mentioned one of the six experiments they participated in. Second, I discovered the power
of student directed learning. Half way through the unit I began placing students who showed great
understanding of the topics with students who had more difficulty understanding the topics of the
unit. On these days, based on the conversations I observed between students, the students really
enjoyed this opportunity of, "being the teacher" and their classmates enjoyed the experience of
learning from a classmate. According to Adam Fletcher, an author with a focus in K–12 literature,
states, "When students prepare to teach other students, learning suddenly involves active thinking
about material, analysis and selection of main ideas, and processing the concepts into one's own
thoughts and words" (2016). Third, I discovered who they are as learners and what best suites them
as individuals. Based on the formal and informal formative assessments the students took
throughout the unit,
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Importance Of Formative Assessment
Assessment Of The And Formative Assessment
Assessment for Learning is defined as "the process of seeking and interpreting evidence for use by
learners and their teachers to decide where learners are in their learning, where they need to go and
how best to get there." (Assessment Reform Group, 1999). A key starting point for this piece of
work was 'Science Inside the Black Box' (Black and Harrison, 2004, p1) which was written to "offer
advice to teachers on how to interact more effectively with students, on a day–to–day basis,
promoting their learning". They explain that "formative assessment has both generic features, i.e.
features which will apply to learning across all stages and all school subjects, and features which are
specific, for example to primary teachers and to individual subjects" (p2).
They further explain how science and formative assessment dovetail so well:
"Science provides the means by which learners can interact with the world around them and develop
ideas about the phenomena they experience. So, when they attempt science activities they are
equipped with ways to observe and question what is happening. Students need help in developing
process skills to investigate and communication skills to question and discuss findings. Formative
assessment fits well into the science learning scenario, since its purpose is for teachers to sift the
rich data that arise in classroom discussion and activity, so that professional judgements can be
made about the next steps in learning." (p3).
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  • 3. Formative Assessments The Advantages of homework, classwork, and formative assessments Nowadays, homework is seen as a tedious and useless task. In reality, homework is a key strategy to aid a student to success. In addition, classwork and formative assessments can help students improve in school as well. These learning tools enhance a student's ability to comprehend a certain topic. Homework is assigned to fully grasp the lesson by practicing it. Furthermore, classwork can also help by boosting test scores. Formative assessments can be seen as practice tests, and prepares the student for the actual test. Overall, Homework, classwork, and formative assessments are all beneficial; because they help track a student's progress, prepare students for the future, ... Show more content on ... Yet, homework does have an advantage, it can build good study habits and grades. Homework helps boost test scores tremendously. Since it's a practice assignment, students get a view of what they'll be learning. "Practice assignments do improve scores on class tests at all grade levels" (Cooper). Students can fully understand their new lesson when provided with homework. Everyone knows that by practicing something, they can get better at it. This is the same idea with homework, students practice, and eventually get pleasing grades. Although all grade levels can benefit from homework, it is really beneficial to high schoolers. "If a country like the U.S were to decrease the amount of homework assigned to high school students, test scores would likely decrease unless additional supports were added" (O, Furniture). Unlike other countries, homework is a major part to lead to success. This proves that students, especially high school ones, need homework to achieve the desirable scores they want. Homework is also a great way to study for a test. "Beyond achievement, proponents of homework...claim it can help students develop good study habits so they are ready to grow as their cognitive capacities mature" (Cooper). Studying is a huge part in getting a pleasing grade in the subject. When a student studies homework, they can comprehend what is being taught more clearly. This will ... Get more on ...
  • 5. The Assessment Of Formative Assessment Formative Assessment Formative assessment is often embedded at intervals the academic method. However maybe useful thanks to formative assessment is that it 's given throughout instruction. Formative assessment confirms what, wants or topics have to be compelled to be addressed next with a student. A formative assessment not solely includes tests associate degreed schoolwork however also can be an interactive method within the classroom. As an example, open discussions within the learning environment. Open class discussions can provide the educator with input on student's math learning and development. Such as Examination, examination shows that descriptive feedback is a valuable element of the formative assessment method. Stating to youngsters what specifically they did well, together with links to different resources and specific suggestions for improvement, will facilitate them reach consecutive level of learning. (The State of Queensland [Department of Education and Training], 2016). There are three approaches to formative assessments: Planning: sorting out wherever the students square measure at, in order that the teacher will begin at an acceptable place, sorting out however this explicit cluster of student's best learn. Student feedback: thus student's acumen they 're progressing through the educational method. Express feedback from the teacher will give info on what the student is doing that 's effective and also the next step within the learning method. ... Get more on ...
  • 7. What Is Formative And Summative Assessment Introduction "Assessment can be the engine of curriculum reform, or the principal impediment to its implementation" (Mary Barnes, 2000) is a thought which is of great debate in the Republic of Ireland today. Education and curriculum are constantly evolving and often assessment gets left behind. The relationship between student learning and an effective curriculum lies in the power of the assessment. One cannot thrive without the other, and one cannot be entirely effective unless the other is equally as effective. In this assignment I will explore the types of assessment, particularly formative and summative assessment which are used worldwide in the classroom. As well as the history of assessment in Ireland, the newest junior cycle programme and finally ... Show more content on ... Research has shown that formative assessment is effective in all educational settings (Paul Black, 1998).One major difference between formative assessment and summative assessment is the way in which formative assessment uses student involvement as an integral pillar. Without student involvement in the assessment process, formative assessment is not reaching its full potential. Many research papers have shown that student motivation is dramatically increased when students are involved in both their own learning and in the learning of others (Pintrich & de Groot, 1990).Teachers, however, do not have a sit back role in formative assessment. They are still crucial to the proper use of this assessment by ways of designing appropriate assessment tasks, identifying attainable learning goals and outlining clear criteria for student success. One key factor in formative assessment is the return of feedback to students. Many studies have shown that substantial learning gains are the outcome of an effective and frequent feedback process from teacher to student (Wiliam, ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Formative Assessment: Summative Assessment Formative Assessment also known as process evaluation is used during the teaching process. It gives feedback to students about their continuous progress of learning and is also referred as "Assessment for learning" (Black & Wiliam, 2003). It is criterion–reference in nature rather than norm– referenced and consists of lower–ordered and higher–ordered questions whereby some questions are easily answered and the challenging tasks require verbal and visual scaffolding (Vygotsky, 1962), especially to average and low performers. As such, formative assessment provides essential information to the teacher so that he can decide to modify his/her lesson plan, teaching strategies and teaching aids to meet each student's need and abilities (Barry and L. King, 2000). Hence, catering for the three domains of learning: cognitive, psychomotor and affective (Bloom's Taxonomy – Appendix 1). During my teaching practice, I check whether learning is taking place with several formative assessments. Based on the response, I usually adjust the teaching strategies used to help my students. Summative assessment also known as assessment of learning or product evaluation examines the outcomes of learning objectives at the end of a unit or ... Show more content on ... Formative assessment is rather a practice where the teacher is able to give feedback for improvements and simultaneously allows the students to develop the 'revision culture'. By getting feedbacks form the teachers, students are able to identify their weaknesses and strengths. Moreover, they develop the culture of how to learn for a specific objective. Also, the teachers identify the topics where their students are struggling and plan their lesson according to the needs of their ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Formative Evaluation Paper As I read and learn about summative and formative evaluations, I tend to connect it to my career. I am very familiar with completing formative evaluations internally and dealing with summative evaluations externally. However, I feel as though I would get a better understanding if I was to learn about these types of evaluations in a different context. Therefore, I found an article by Edith Kealey (2010) that assessed and evaluated social work education through formative and summative approaches. Kealey (2010) assessed the measurements for the students learning and evaluated the instructors teaching. To assess the students learning, formative activities were used, which allowed for developmental gaps to be discovered between what was expected and what the current performance of the students were. Being able to discover these gaps through the formative assessment it will allow the gaps to be filled with the appropriate actions to meet the expected goals (Kealey, 2010). I can definitely relate to how formative assessment is being used in the educational setting. For instance, within programs of non–profit agencies, I can use the formative evaluations as a way to see where ... Show more content on ... In order to evaluate the level of teaching, there were end of the year evaluations that took place. By evaluating their level of teaching at the end of the year, it provided an overall accountability measure for their performance (Kealey, 2010). This measurement was used to assess the overall teaching skills of the instructor. In regards to programs within the non–profit agency, it is very similar because summative evaluations are used to get an overall measurement of how effective the program is doing. If the teachers or programs are not meeting the standards set for the students or the participants, then the instructor or the program has to make a drastic decision to move forward ... Get more on ...
  • 13. The Importance Of Formative Assessment "A formative assessment is a planned process in which assessment–elicited evidence of students' status is used by teachers to adjust their ongoing instructional procedures or by students to adjust their current learning tactics." (Popham, 2017) A teacher focuses on their students by evaluating their learning to be able to give the students a framework for a grade on a specific subject. This evaluation, or assessment, helps a teacher come to a result on if the student has mastered a specific skill or subject concept. There are two types of assessments, the summative assessments are conducted after a unit or certain time period to determine how much learning has taken place and what progress the students have achieved. Formative assessment is intended to modify teaching and learning in order to find the best strategy or alternative strategies to help students become better learners and to help teachers improve their instruction for sure student success. Though it is important to use the assessments for grades and deciding where that student is at educationally, teachers really need to remind themselves and focus on using the formative assessment for learning. Teachers who use formative assessment is able to deliver a learning target instruction that addresses the appropriate unit requirements, with this, teachers do not wait until a test or essay to decide on whether their students have succeeded in mastering the subject or if a plan of review will be needed; teachers ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Difference Between Formative And Summative Assessment Formative and summative assessments are the most common types of educational evaluations, each with its own distinct purpose and difference in meaning. Formative assessment is to monitor students learning and provide feedback for the teacher to improve their teaching and for students to improve their learning. On the other hand, summative assessment is to evaluate students learning at the end of a unit to compare it against the standards "Formative, Summative, Interim: Putting Assessment in Context". In my opinion, both formative and assessment evaluation is important for an effect learning and teaching situation. The goal of formative assessment is to help students identify their strengths and weaknesses of the content so they know what areas they need to study more, and help the teacher recognize ... Show more content on ... Both evaluations require careful thought and planning about what knowledge or skills are being measured. Each type of evaluation collects useful, important information which is used for a specific purpose. A strong assessment program in the classroom will include both kinds of assessment. Formative and summative assessment have more differences then similarities. Formative Assessment refers to a variety of assessment procedures that provides the required information to adjust teaching during the learning process. Summative Assessment is defined as a standard for evaluating learning of students "The Best Value in Formative Assessment". Formative usually happens monthly or quarterly and it aims at enhancing learning. On the other hand, summative assessment happens at the middle or end of a term and it aims at measuring students' knowledge. Formative is lowly graded while summative is highly graded "Formative, Summative, Interim: Putting Assessment in Context". Overall, they are two different forms of evaluation that also go hand and hand to help both the teacher and the ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Formative Assessment Essay In order for teachers to use formative assessment effectively there must be these components: it must be incorporated into each lesson, must have student involvement, must collect information on student performance to determine if outcomes are meet, must give the teacher feedback to help shape and guide student learning, and must give the student feedback to help them reflect upon their learning. Anecdotal Records, Quizzes, Portfolios, and Student–Led Conferences all meet the components of an effective formative assessment and are applicable within a Social Studies classroom. Anecdotal Records Anecdotal records from observation of students are a great form of assessment because they record the student's social, emotional, physical, ... Show more content on ... The students may need to work in pairs, receive extra practice, or the teacher may simply need to teach at a different angle. Quizzes can also be very valuable for the students because it shows them what they need to work on. When students see their mistakes it helps them to be able to fix it for the next time. If the first time a student does an assessment at the end it is a summative assessment and it is too late for improvement; instead they need to be getting feedback many times throughout a unit. In P–5 Social Studies, a lot of material can be covered throughout a unit; therefore, if the students are quizzed regularly it will be easier for the teacher to tailor each of the following Social Studies lessons. An example of a quiz incorporated into the classroom is when a teacher has questions on an overhead that the students answer at the end of the lesson. Portfolios Portfolios can be either physical or electronically and are "a collection of work that a learner has collected, selected, organized, reflected upon, and presented to show understanding and growth over time" (Barrett 2006). This type of assessment is becoming increasingly popular in the upper grades but seems to be useful for P–5, as well. Portfolios can be kept and evaluated throughout the year or for each unit. They are also great because the students can keep them for years to come, or the school can keep them as artifacts to document student achievement. When used ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Examples Of Formative Assessment For Vocabulary I. INTRODUCTION Vocabulary or word knowledge is a very important area of a language, and plays a crucial role for learners in acquiring a second language (Cameron, 2001). Without vocabulary, learning all other language skill is impossible. Therefore, helping students to master English vocabulary is not only concerned with providing necessary input but also requires appropriate assessment. There are a number of ways to assess students' word knowledge both formal and informal test. Many classroom friendly vocabulary assessments are available that inform instruction and measure vocabulary growth (Stahl & Bravo, 2010). Also, teachers can use various summative assessments to assess student vocabulary knowledge and growth. This paper aims at discovering formative assessment, then examining five activities that can be used as formative assessment for vocabulary. The final part focuses on introduce and evaluate of one of these five activities. The materials, procedures for conducting this activity as well as its benefits and drawbacks will be deeply analyzed. II. FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT AND ACTIVITIES FOR VOCABULARY ASSESSMENT. 2.1 What is formative assessment? ... Show more content on ... Formative assessment takes place during learning and is aimed to help learning and teaching by giving appropriate feedback (Lewy, 1990). Nitko (1993) named two purposes of formative assessment: (a) selecting or modifying learning procedures, and (b) choose the best remedies for improving weak points in learning and teaching. Gattullo (2000) characterized formative assessment as "(a) it is an ongoing multi–phase process that is carried out on a daily basis through teacher–pupil interaction, (b) it provides feedback for immediate action, and (c) it aims at modifying teaching activities in order to improve learning processes and ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Formative And Summative Assessment The impact of formative assessment on student's learning and achievement in South Africa and The United States The purpose of this paper is to examine the tensions between formative and summative assessments with a review of how they impact student learning and achievement for South African and American students. Introduction Assessment is the systematic collection, review, and use of information about educational programs undertaken for the purpose of improving student learning and development (Palomba & Banta, 1999). Assessment is frequently divided into summative assessment and formative assessment. The distinction between formative and summative is made mainly in terms of purpose and timing, in formative assessment the positive achievements of a pupil may be recognised and discussed and the appropriate next steps may be planned, whereas summative assessment is the recording of the overall achievement of a pupil in a systematic way (DES/WO, 1988, para. 23). It has been argued that all assessments can be considered summative, but only some of them are formative (Tyler, Gagne, & Scriven, 1967). Some however favor formative assessments over summative assessments. There is a critical point to consider when thinking about summative assessment; can test scores be used to inform us about our teaching and learning? Oftentimes it does not inform us very well. Students' ability and achievement in learning are not measurable by one single test. Even if they can reveal some problems ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Formative Assessment: The Definition Of Formive And... Formative assessment can be broadly defined as a form of assessment that focuses on the process of learning for improvement of students' performance. However, until recently, the definition of formative assessment is still vague and there is no consensus as to what the term 'formative assessment' means. Very often, formative assessment may be understood to have similar idea to diagnostics assessment. However, some authors consider these two assessments as two separate practices (Nitko and Brookharts, 2011) with different purposes. While diagnostic assessment is designed before instruction and merely for the sake of planning instruction, formative assessment seeks understanding of the status of the learning with the purpose of identifying next ... Show more content on ... Black and Wiliam (1998) highlighted the power of assessment to provide feedback, the importance of social context of learning, and some issues related to distinction between the formative and summative purpose of assessment. They also found the beneficial effects of formative assessment toward students learning have been well documented in the literature. However, Hattie and Jaeger (1998) criticize Black and Wiliam's review because their position strongly supported the importance of assessment and feedback for teaching while neglecting learning. Hattie (2005) suggests assessment is about teaching as much as it is about learning. For formative assessment to deliver its promise, feedback must relate to how students learn. According to Hattie, a comprehensive theory of formative assessment must include a theory of learning because it is not necessarily the learner who has a problem; it may the teacher or teaching that needs remediation. Whereas, Popham (2008) defines formative assessment as a planned process during which the teacher or students use assessment–based evidence to adjust ongoing learning and instruction. Further, Hattie and Jaeger (1998) proposed five postulates of formative ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Formative Feedback Formative feedback is an instructional technique to inform the student of their progress and what the next steps to learning look like. Formative assessments are used to collect the evidence, which will measure student growth and provide valuable information to both the teacher and the student. As the unit progresses formative assessments should be used to make instructional decisions to meet student's needs. The collection of formative data provides a clear picture of the student's ability and can be used to directly respond to the students needs (Rea–Dickins, Gardner, 2000). Though formative feedback and formative assessment are essential to the learning process it is often left to the side, as a forgotten piece of the puzzle. To carry ... Show more content on ... It has become very popular in some classrooms for students to track and analyze their own data or progress towards a learning goal. This practice is has a positive effect on student learning (Marzano, 2010). Tracking growth can also send a powerful message to the student that he or she is responsible for their own learning. The idea of students taking ownership over there own learning is very important. Often time's teachers require students to practice a concept and students feel like they are learning for the teacher or to make the teacher happy. Students can feel the same way when parents require them to do their homework or get good grades, they may feel as though they are learning for their parents. If students take ownership over their own learning they will be more motivated to achieve (Hattie, 2012). Students tracking their own progress may also take some of the pressure off of the teacher to report grades to the parents. If the student takes home the data they have collected on their progress then parents will know exactly what progress their child has made. Parents might even feel they can help support their child or give them instruction–based feedback about their ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Investing Formative Classroom Assessments By my definition, a classroom assessment is a measuring tool used to guide instruction and learning on subsequent lessons to follow. It's an opportunity to evaluate how well your students are synthesizing information and applying it in the classroom. Keeley (2015) states that good assessment practices are integral to informing teaching and learning, as well as documenting and measuring student achievement. Examples of classroom assessments are broken into two categories; formative and summative. Summative have been traditionally a go to for teachers with tests, quizzes, and projects. Formative assessments are an informal evaluation or a checkpoint at which the teacher can use observation or short surveys to understand where their students stand with the curriculum. Formative assessments have become a huge component of my instruction practice. Our district encourages the use of formative assessments rather than the traditional summative. Keeley (2016) states that much of the weight has been shifted on the side of formative. I have used short surveys or questionnaires ... Show more content on ... I created a investing formative assessment to check for understanding. In the process of creating this assessment I wanted to discover how comfortable the students were with each security and savings plan. In order to accomplish this I designed a short google form that has every security and savings plan we discussed. The students are to rate their level of understanding on each. I chose this method to allow further development into each respective investment. The plan is to pinpoint the students who have a mastery level in each investment. Ultimately, I will use this data to pair up students so that each group has a mastery level group member that can educate the other members of lower levels within the group. The mixed group will work on a project together allowing for different roles to be ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Essay On Formative Assessment Enhancing Student Learning through Formative Assessment Rationale Recently, whenever I hear current teachers discussing about assessing students, 'Formative Assessment' is sure to be highlighted. Nowadays this method (formative assessment) is becoming popular among schools and is being applied widely in schools including my own school. Loughland and Kilpatrick (2015) identified in the few past decades, formative assessment has turned out to be the main goal for teachers and educational systems. On the foundation of Loughland and Kilpatrick (2015) findings and from my experience in the field of teaching, I found out nowadays teachers and school stakeholders strongly feel that formative assessment is the best method to assess in order to enhance students' learning. For these evident reasons, I am interested in finding ... Show more content on ... Whether formative assessment is the best method to be used to assess students, can a particular method of assessing students have an impact in students' learning, is teacher's role in assessing students' important for students learning and does students' voice and formative assessment have any relation in enhancing students learning, are some questions that I want to get crystal clear answers for and look into with keen interest to find out whether students learning is enhanced through formative assessment. Hence in this essay I will be digging into, a descriptive, a critical and a reflective deep look through my own experiences, researches and theories in the related field on the questions or issues mentioned above to find out whether formative assessment in real enhances students' learning. The main focus of this essay is the urge of finding out whether formative assessment in real enhance students learning. With the high hope of applying and practicing every little bit of information that I compile from the readings into the current practices in any correlated ... Get more on ...
  • 31. The Importance Of Formative Assessment In The Classroom Incident two demonstrates a range of different assessment strategies which were used within the maths carousel lesson. The intentions and learning outcomes of this lesson were to explore and identify key concepts of division as well as being able to recall prior knowledge to help the children with their comprehension of the topic which would continue throughout the week. The learning objectives were outlined at the beginning of the lesson to the children to ensure that they understood what was expected ofthem and so they would be able to reflect upon these throughout the lesson (Williams and Cliffe, 2011). Formative assessment, which was used to help improve teaching and learning, can be viewed as an effective way to determine and improve the quality of learning within the classroom (Black and Wiliam, 2009). However, it could be argued that formative assessment is infrequently used within the classroom, suggesting that summative assessment is the focus within education, as it helps to capture accurate results which can be compared against a specific standard (Graham et al., 2017) (Marsh, 2007). This is also exemplified in the work undertaken by Yan and Cheng (2015) as they state that some teachers may give up on the adoption of formative assessment due to short time– frames and the pressures of summative examinations. William and Black (1996), Torrance and Pryor (2001) and Taras (2008) observe that formative assessment eventually leads into summative assessment, as learning ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Effectiveness Of Daily Formative Assessments Discussion This study investigated the effectiveness of daily formative assessments in the success of low–achieving ninth–grade Algebra 1 students. Sending students into annual standardized tests, like the Algebra 1 End of course exam, without quality daily assessments, often end with students being placed in remedial courses the following year. The continual use of giving students failing unit test grades, unsatisfactory semester exams that fail them for the semester, and no daily feedback, does not prepare students for mastery of essential Algebra 1 material. Countless studies show that the way teachers teach and students are assessed needs to change. In this study, it was statistically determined that daily formative assessments fostered a significant positive impact on student performance between a pre–test and a post–test. The study was proposed to determine if formative assessments would make a statistical difference compared to traditional assessment methods. According to the results of this study, students' mastery of Algebra 1 concepts increased due to the use of daily formative assessments. The daily formative assessments afforded the teacher and the students with immediate feedback, allowing for a continual understanding of un–mastered Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) as needed to succeed on the summative assessment, the Algebra 1 End of Course (EOC). From these findings, it can be concluded that the use of daily formative assessments ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Importance Of Formative And Summative Assessment Assessment According to (Georgiou &Pavlou 2003) it includes all methods to collect information about children's general performance, ability, attitude and knowledge. It's also used to diagnose students' weak areas (Nikolic and Cabaj 1999) 4.1 Formative assessment tools and rational There are 2 types of assessment: Formative and summative. For (Baxter 1997) Formative assessments are not limited only to mini–tests during the course, but also to a 'continuous mutual feedback' between students and their teacher. They can be done in a form of setting homework tasks and monitoring effectively in class. This way, they address students' preferences/NA questionnaire (Apps 3.1, 3.2) i.e. I want the teacher to tell me how I'm doing.. 1–Tool & procedure: For example, in lesson 3, students will correct their own short stories by comparing them to some authentic samples and a correction code sheet and not to their peers. Sts underline their key errors/slips with a highlighter then they rate themselves using a self–assessment grid (App. 6.5) Course objectives: CO3, CO4, CO5. Rational: Most students are concerned with marks and rarely check the quality of their writing (Harris & McCann 1994). From my experience, this often happens in parent's meetings unless a student gets very low marks so parents become concerned. Students will increase their autonomy (KI 1.2.3) and become aware of their strengths and weaknesses in writing as Cram (1995:282 cited in Nunan2004 , p.149). This is done ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Pros And Cons Of Formative Assessment In life, being assessed is inescapable in most spheres of human existence. "Assessment is the process of gathering and discussing information from multiple and diverse sources in order to develop a deep understanding of what students know, understand and can do with their knowledge as a result of their educational experiences" (Huba &Freed, 2000). Examinations serve many purposes. Teachers use them to determine if learning/curriculum objectives are being achieved and the results also forms part of the process of accountability to parents. "Learner assessment is best concerned as a form of two–way communication in which feedback on the educational process or product is provided to its key stakeholders" (McAlphine,2002). There are two major ... Show more content on ... There are many pros and cons to summative assessment, however, it can create unnecessary pressure and stress on students. Conversely, formative assessment is a method used to monitor student's progress to provide ongoing feedback so that instructors or teachers can improve their teaching strategies to meet the learners needs (Lucie Renard 2017, para. 2). Formative assessment can take many forms such as formal quizzes, course and written assignments, questioning techniques, case study reports, peer examinations, surveys, group and class presentations and discussions with students. Research suggests that formative assessment will allow every student to be entitled to a fair and equal chance (Doherty 2011). Furthermore, assessment initiates student's learning. "Assessments of and for learning are both important. If assessments of learning provide evidence of achievement for public reporting, then assessments for learning serve to help students learn more. The crucial distinction is between assessment to determine the status of learning and assessment to promote greater learning" (Stiggins, ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Formative AssessmentThe Goal Of Formative Assessment Formative Assessment The goal of formative assessment is to gather feedback that can be used by the instructor and the students to guide improvements in the ongoing teaching and learning context. These are low stakes assessments for students and instructors. Summative Assessment The goal of summative assessment is to measure the level of success or proficiency that has been obtained at the end of an instructional unit, by comparing it against some standard or benchmark. Examples: Examples: Asking students to submit one or two sentences identifying the main point of a lecture Have students submit an outline for a paper. Early course evaluations Assigning a grade to a final exam Critique of a Senior recital University ... Show more content on ... Types of Comprehension Questions2) Inferential Questions Examples: – explain clearly / explain the contrast... – suggest how... – what do you think... – why does the author suggest... – what impression... Adapted from O level Comprehension and Summary Writing Guide 6. Types of Comprehension Questions3) Rephrasing QuestionsP Rewrite in your own words but keep the meaningP read the phrase or sentence in its context in the passage so that your explanation is appropriate to the situation Adapted from O level Comprehension and Summary Writing Guide
  • 40. 7. Types of Comprehension Questions3) Rephrasing Questions Examples: – Explain the term /phrase /sentence... – Explain in your own words... Adapted from O level Comprehension and Summary Writing Guide 8. Types of Comprehension Questions4) Vocabulary QuestionsP Explain word or phrase meaningP a certain word or phrase is chosen from the passageP You are required to give another word or phrase bearing the same meaning as the word Adapted from O level Comprehension and Summary Writing Guide 9. Types of Comprehension Questions4) Vocabulary Questions Examples: – What does the word suggest about... – What picture do these words suggest? – What does the word 'even' suggest about... – What does 'preserve the market' mean? Adapted from O level Comprehension and ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Dealing With Formative And Summative Dealing with formative and summative can be a difficult task that can have a confusing definition. Over the past years both assessment are well balance assessment systems that gather very important information. These assessments are for students achievements to strive to highest to success of learning. In this paper I will provide information that will distinguish the different roles of each education assessment in schools. It will provide studies of assessments related to subjects when preparing the quality and access of education. Assessment systems are generated in a timely matter that provides information in the educational system to the next level on a large scale. When dealing with high quality scale assessments are for a purpose. Assessments can be sometimes not helpful sometimes when teachers improve their instruction to modify their method to students. Students will take assessments at the end of the school year when instructor activities are completed. Then it comes to a point when teachers will not receive test scores and goals until later, as the students have moved to the next grade level. And thirdly, the results that teachers receive usually lack the level of detail needed to target specific improvements (Barton, 2002; Kifer, 2001). Many assessments are for improvement for students learning in tests, writing, and other assessments when teachers administer students in class on a daily basis. When teachers approve of the different results they are directed ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Example Of Formative Assessment INTRODUCTION This assignment is about assessments and important of assessments. Assessment is important component for students' progress. Without assessment students' as well as teachers will not know what they have done in the process of teaching and learning. Without assessments students will not know how much they know and where they are. Without assessments teachers will not know how much they have to help their students to improve their knowledge and skills. So it is important to know about assessments. So, in this assignment it is clearly brief about the major two types of assessment that we are using here in Maldives. That is Formative assessment and summative assessment. In this assignment there are two parts. In first part I have written literature review on assessment and its importance and also definition, purpose, examples and advantage and disadvantages ... Show more content on ... Students will improve their learning, as well as teachers will improve their teaching through formative assessment. Because it is happening while students learning. Teachers can identify students problem in formative assessment and that problem can diagnose students and have adjustment in the lessons and instructions given.  SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT "Summative assessments are used to measure what students have learnt at the end of a unit, to promote students, to ensure they have met required standards on the way to earning certification for school completion or to enter certain occupations, or as a method for selecting students for entry into further education" (CERI, n.d). In other words, summative assessment is assessment of learning. In Summative assessment point or grade will be given at the end semester to assess what have been learned throughout the semester. Grades and marks are the result of summative assessment. Students will not get chance PURPOSE OF FORMATIVE AND SUMMATIVE ... Get more on ...
  • 46. Pros And Cons Of Formative Assessment Formative Assessment Based on Student Achievement Levels Andreka Pierce Piedmont College Abstract The purpose of this paper is to discuss the issues surrounding the use formative assessments to evaluate student performance in the classroom. The article Inside the Black Box by Black and William explores the gains students achieve collectively by implementing formative assessment methods while revealing the lack of progress of high–achieving students. The paper will also explore the pros and cons of applying formative assessment methods hands on in the actual classroom. Methods of formative assessment have proven to improve overall performance for the students as a whole, but are more beneficial for students who are low achievers. ... Show more content on ... In order for all students to benefit in the maximum capacity, teachers should use multiple ways of measuring progress to match different types of students. Students should be placed in groups based on their learning ability and level of progress. One group may consist of students who are disadvantaged or behind, one group may consist of exceptional students, and a third group may consist of students who are somewhere in between. A standard system of providing marks should remain in place for the exceptional students and the "in–between" students. For students with noticeable disadvantages, teachers should implement a more formative approach that does not focus as much on making particular scores. For high–achieving students, using formative assessment methods can perhaps be used to supplement their learning experience with additional opportunities to stretch themselves. For the students that are in the "exceptional" group, the teacher may offer an additional "challenge" assignment or project in which the students in this group can evaluate each other or the teacher can provide feedback to the students without giving an actual grade on that particular assignment. All students will then be able to learn on their own level. Formative assessment methods can be extremely powerful when implemented ... Get more on ...
  • 48. Summary : Formative And Summative Assessments Summary: Formative and Summative Assessments in the Classroom by Catherine Garrison and Michael Ehringhais This article discusses the differences of formative and summative assessments; when to practice them and in what way would formative and summative assessments benefit both teacher and student. According to the article, "Formative assessment is a part of the instructional process. When incorporated into the classroom practice it provides the information needed to adjust teaching and learning while they are happening" (Garrison & Ehringhaus, 2009). Formative assessment informs both teacher and student where adjustments can be arranged. Examples of formative assessment can be asking students higher thinking questions, group discussions and assignments with no point value. "Summative assessments are given periodically to determine at a particular point in time what students know and do not know" (Garrison & Ehringhaus, 2009). Summative assessments usually have a grade. Examples of summative assessments are; state assessments, benchmarks and standardized tests. Summative assessments are a means of measuring a students' capacity. It is crucial that both forms of assessments are used in the classroom, one assessment without the other is ineffective. Summary: Seven Practices for Effective Learning by Jay McTighe & Ken O'Connor This article focuses on seven practices teachers can implement in their classrooms, to help enhance learning and teaching. "Classroom assessment and ... Get more on ...
  • 50. Assessment Strategies : Formative And Summative This course addressed different assessment strategies, both formative and summative, to help me evaluate what students have learned in my classroom. The standard paper/pencil test to assess student learning is no longer the norm. There are various ways I can assess a student's learning that will not take a lot of time or planning. Today's advances in technology provide me with a broad range of different strategies. The word "test" is most often associated with the paper/pencil format. I realize that not all assessments in the classroom have to be done through the use of a paper/pencil test. In the real world, many people are assessed in ways that do not require a paper and pencil. For example, I may assess a student's learning by having a conversation with them or how evaluating how well they physically perform a skill. Last fall I offered my students the option to either take a paper/pencil test or create a review board game to demonstrate what they had learned about ancient Egypt. Majority of the students chose the board game because it was something they had not done before. Each board game illustrated the student's individuality and character. I knew I was incorporating a mix of formative and summative tests in my class, however I did not remember those terms. Now I have a better understanding of what formative and summative assessments are. Formative assessments provide me with valuable immediate feedback on what my students are learning so that I can improve my ... Get more on ...
  • 52. Formative Assessment Essay According to Black (1999), formative assessment is the short term collection and use of evidence to guide learning. Boud (1995) states that, formative assessment is crucial because it is all about improving and feedback. Formative assessment has been described as the journey, not the outcome (Wisdom, 2006). Formative assessment is also known as assessment for learning. The major purpose of formative assessment is developmental, to help students monitor their own understanding and progress. Its nature is diagnostic, identifying weaknesses allowing students to spend time and effort on improvement (Petty, 2004). It must offer feedback that can help students adjust their performance, whether it comes from lecturers, other students or self evaluation ... Show more content on ... Knight & Mantz (2003), allow students to establish their own claims to achievement, using what they see as the best evidence to hand. by using portfolios, teachers are able to provide timely feedback but delay final evaluation of the students work until the students have had time to reflect on their own work and make revisions. Portfolios can give students responsibility and choice. They make students more responsible for preparing an excellent end product, and they often allow them the freedom to choose which pieces of work should be included in their portfolio and evaluated. Supporters of portfolios claim that they can lessen the impact of grading by encouraging discovery and experimentation. They allow students to take risks and revise their work, which makes their performance much more authentic (Banta, 2003). Authentic assessment is based on meaningful performances that are executed in real–life situations (Erickson, 2001). With authentic assessments, students demonstrate competency through teacher– directed activities that simulate real–life contexts (Baron & Boschee, 1995). Supporters of authentic assessments claim that through administering such assessments, teachers can observe how students use knowledge to accomplish goals instead of simply regurgitating it (Prouty, 2006; Shepard, ... Get more on ...
  • 54. Formative Reflective Assessment 1. What does formative assessment involve in practice and what are the implications for teachers? Strategies to implement formative assessment Role of teacher / Impact on planning Actively involving students and parents Possible challenges or barriers of assessment use Focus questions: Teachers are responsible for creating a set of questions in a specific order which is used as a tool for evaluating understanding checklist. The teacher initiates the questions with simple concepts and steadily move towards a complex level, whereas students give answers when asked individually by the teacher or as a class where visual cue indicates their answer. After this activity students are assessed based on the answer given against the questions. A teacher must plan the order of questions in which they'll be asked as well as nature of the content. It is observed that most of the teachers use constructive approach i–e starting from simple questions or concepts to more abstract questions. The primary role of a teacher is to analyse the understanding level of a student. This is usually carried out by students response and later examine it with follow– up questions. Students can actively participate in it through the teacher's technique of manipulating the answering methodology. For example, students are offered multiple choices of answers and then asked to give a signal or move based on his selected answer. By doing this activity whole class can be assessed and later can be grouped based ... Get more on ...
  • 56. Formative Assessment Paper Throughout the duration of the course, one recurring theme was the significance of formative assessment and how it can be used as a platform to guide the students in the process of learning. Yorke (2003) explains that formative assessment is the key towards improving a student's intellectual development and is constructive towards learning. He continues on by stating that this is acknowledged but "it is not well understood across higher education". I do agree with this, that Formative assessment is continuous method which is effective in defining if a lesson is outstanding or not and how constructive feedback is useful for both the students and the teachers, one thing which is very significant about formative assessment is that it can be both ... Get more on ...
  • 58. Formative Assessment Paper Good Afternoon EDL 605: It was nice seeing you all this past Saturday. I was deeply impressed with the quality of your NEASC presentations. I will post feedback in Blackboard before the end of the week. After the NEASC presentations, we transitioned into a discussion about assessment. There are two types of assessments, formative and summative. For the unit you are fully developing, please include two formative assessments and one summative assessment. Formative assessments are non–graded, during instruction, checks for understanding. Effective formative assessments are part of a planned process of instruction that regularly monitors student comprehension and understanding. For the unit you are fully developing, please include a minimum ... Show more content on ... In order to effectively deploy quantitative methodology, it will require you to identify key data sources, create and maintain a data warehouse, and use the data warehouse to quantitatively analyze and report on student performance data. Please consider me a resource now and in the future. I love data, and am always willing to help you analyze data sets. For those of you going on to pursue your Sixth Year Degree, or potentially a Doctorate Degree, you will spend a considerable amount of time studying qualitative and quantitative research methodology, and designing a research project using quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods methodology. If anyone is interested in studying student motivation or the efficacy of efforts to reduce racial, ethnic, and economic isolation in Connecticut, please let me know; these are my areas of research interest. I would love to work with you to design a project and co–author a paper for publication. I promise it will be a lot of work, but I guarantee it will be rewarding, and will help inform practices in schools throughout ... Get more on ...
  • 60. Formative Assessment : The Glossary Of Education Formative assessments. Yael Mirabal According to "The Glossary of Education", "Formative assessment refers to a wide variety of methods that teachers use to conduct in–process evaluations of student comprehension, learning needs, and academic progress during a lesson, unit, or course. Formative assessments help teachers identify concepts that students are struggling to understand, skills they are having difficulty acquiring, or learning standards they have not yet achieved so that adjustments can be made to lessons, instructional techniques, and academic support." As a teacher, many times we need to know what the students know before start a new topic or theme. Formative assessments, also, allows the teacher to improve instruction in general and make changes in teaching techniques in order to help students in the learning process. "Many educators believe that formative assessments are an important part of effective teaching and recommend that should be implemented in every lesson." (The glossary of Education, para. 4) That is why is considerate part of the instruction processes and should not be part of the student's grade book because if the students are not ready to pass to the next topic, will acquire a grade that will not show their real growth at the end of the Unit. Instead, give grades, teachers should provide extensive feedback that allows students to learn in base of what they are doing well and what they should be done to get a better feedback. The following ... Get more on ...
  • 62. Formative And Summative Teacher Evaluation The topic of teacher evaluation encompasses the interactions of two separate pairs of variables. Two of those variables, formative and summative evaluation, pertain to the actual evaluation itself, whereas the other two, teachers and administrators, involve the professionals who take part in the evaluation process. The reader may recall from the preceding section that the prevailing literature contains certain perspectives and recommendations with regard to evaluative practices. First, formative teacher evaluation ought to provide teachers with the necessary feedback to improve their instruction, whereas summative teacher evaluation, by contrast, represents an appraisal of a teacher's overall professional competence (Seyfarth, 2008; Glickman, Gordon & Ross–Gordon, 2014). Because the purposes of these two types of evaluation are so different, the recommendation in the literature is that they ought to be kept distinct and separate from one another (Seyfarth, 2008; Marzano, 2012; Glickman, Gordon & Ross–Gordon, 2014). Nevertheless, prevailing practice appears to be trending in precisely the opposite direction, where school districts and states employ a single evaluation instrument, typically based on the Danielson Framework, to serve the purposes of both formative and summative teacher evaluations concurrently ("PR Newswire," 2011). Consequently, this study is structured to determine the degree to which one particular blended system is able to serve both formative and ... Get more on ...
  • 64. Formative Evaluation Paper Natasha, Thank you for your sharing your assessment of formative and summative evaluation methodologies. I agree with you assessment that both forms of evaluation add tremendous value to a program (Staten, 2015), as well as the organization for which the program evaluation is being conducted. You made a wonderful observation regarding the nature of formative evaluation and the methods of communication which may be used. As you pointed out, formative evaluation may be communicated simply be sending periodic emails (Staten, 2015). Often evaluators may feel that elaborate mechanisms of formative presentations must be made in order to add value, and yet quick methods of communication like email, allow for immediate access to the information ... Get more on ...
  • 66. Formative Assessment Reflection The assessment practices that I feel are most important in my school is the usage of Common Core. It requires students to analyze, synthesize, apply and evaluate information that is gained from reading (Afflerbach, 2015). I have seen firsthand the positive effects of using Common Core especially in the ELA discipline. It allows for higher order thinking skills versus the lower level questioning that the students have been exposed to for so long. Some assessment practices that I feel are in need of more emphasis in my school is the understanding that reading is an active and complex process that understands written text (Afflerbach, 2015). Also, seeing that there is a great need for using formative assessments set off a red flag for me. At my school, we tend to focus on "beginning with the end in mind" and focus more on summative assessments instead of formative assessments. After reading Afflerbach's article, I noticed that formative assessment focus more on determining where the student is and what they need next in their instruction (Afflerbach, 2015). Upon reading the article, I've come to realize that formative assessment drives the next steps of instruction and provides the teacher the means to understand where they are coming from in order to get them to where they need to be. Reflecting on my observations of my students, I feel that standardized testing has not been proven to be in their best interest. Berliner states that no single indicator can assess a child's ... Get more on ...
  • 68. Formive And Formative Teacher Evaluation The topic of teacher evaluation hinges on the interactions of two separate pairs of variables. The first pair of those variables, formative and summative evaluation, pertains to the actual evaluation itself, whereas the second pair, teachers and administrators, involves the professionals who take part in the evaluation process. The reader may recall from the preceding section that the prevailing literature contains certain perspectives and recommendations with regard to evaluative practices that encompass all of these factors. First, formative teacher evaluation ought to provide teachers with the necessary feedback to improve their instruction, whereas summative teacher evaluation, by contrast, represents an appraisal of a teacher's overall professional competence (Seyfarth, 2008; Glickman, Gordon & Ross–Gordon, 2014). Because the purposes of these two types of evaluation are so different, the recommendation in the literature is that they ought to remain distinct and separate from one another (Seyfarth, 2008; Marzano, 2012; Glickman, Gordon & Ross–Gordon, 2014). Nevertheless, prevailing practice appears to be trending in precisely the opposite direction, where school districts and states instead employ a single evaluation instrument, typically based on the Danielson Framework, to serve the purposes of both formative and summative teacher evaluation concurrently ("PR Newswire," 2011). Consequently, this study is designed to determine the degree to which one specific ... Get more on ...
  • 70. Formative Assessment Essay The term of formative evaluation has been first used by (Michael and Scviran, 1967) in the connection with the importance of curriculum, but (Bloom et al. 1971) were the first to extend the usage to its generally accepted current meaning such as formative assessment. There are various ways for defining the term of formative assessment which is generally referred to tasks and activities take place during the course with expressed purpose to improve learner's proficiency. A typical definition of formative assessment which is provided by (Black and William, 1998) have stated that formative assessment is a crucial component of classroom work. They argued that improved formative assessment can raise the standards learners' achievement and serve ... Show more content on ... The question is used as a tool to assess and evaluate formative the student's achievement . Formative assessment, unlike summative assessment, is a systematic process of gathering evidence about students learning while it's happening (William and black, 1996). The information and task used during the process of practicing learners and help them to continue toward a goal of learning. When student's goal in education is to improve oral production to communicate and interact with peers, society, thus the tasks systematically organized to support and scaffold learners' capacity to take risk and interact by using speaking skill. Meanwhile, teachers use formative assessment to evaluate learners' performance and speaking skill. As we all know that language is the most famous tool for communicating mankind and English language has become popularized all around the world, and its used to international communication. Indeed, speaking is commonly used in forms of communication either in social discourse or ... Get more on ...
  • 72. Formative Vs. Summative Assessment Formative vs. Summative Assessment In today's schools, teachers are trying to decide which form of assessment, formative or summative, is a better measure of student's abilities. Teachers are constantly pressured to make sure their students are doing well on state wide assessments, therefore, making sure their students have the skills they need to succeed on these tests is extremely important. Formative assessment gives the student and teacher feedback as the information is gathered (Cotton, 2017). Where summative assessments are better for capturing the amount of material learned and the quality of learning at the end of a large unit or amount of information (Dixson and Worrell 2016). Teachers are on the warpath researching which method is the most effective way of assessing students. In the article "Formative and Summative Assessment in the Classroom", the authors Dixson and Worrell discuss the differences between formative and summative assessment (2016). They explain that the goal of formative assessment is to guide instruction and summative assessment is more intended to show ... Show more content on ... Knowing when to use each is imperative to the success of students. It is the teacher's job to decide when to use each of the types and subtypes of assessments. Through the research presented in this literature it has been found that formative assessment is a more helpful form of guiding instruction. Summative assessment is used to see what students know about a particular topic at a particular time, such as a cumulative exam. Students and teachers alike feel the pressure that high stakes testing can bring. Teachers make all the difference when it comes to testing. So, in order for teachers to have classrooms where testing is used efficiently they must work diligently to make sure their assessments are balanced and carefully ... Get more on ...
  • 74. Assessment And Formative Assessment Overview "the process used by teachers and students to recognize and respond to student learning to enhance that learning, during the learning" (Cowie & Bell, 1999, p. 32) is one way to define formative assessments. This definition stresses the idea of formative assessment being a continuous process which should improve teaching, learning, and achievement. Therefore, when reflecting upon the assessment strategies observed within my classroom to be most the effective in progressing learning the one thing that comes to my mind is a formative assessment. The best way to understand formative assessment is by comparing it and contrasting it with summative assessments. In this essay, I will critically analyze how formative assessment may be used ... Show more content on ... It is the evidence that has been gathered by a practitioner over a period to make a judgment about where the child is now. It is conducted at the end of the course. It treats abilities as they were finite and absolute. Whereas formative assessment is defined by Cohen, L (2010) as feedback for teacher and student for their current learning achievements, strength and weakness so they know what to do next to improve, enhance or extend learning. Formative assessments are an ongoing process of observations they are administered throughout the unit and recorded daily. For that formative assessment accepts that abilities can develop and change. Also, summative assessment doesn't help individual students since it does not provide feedback on a particular aspect of knowledge or skill within a subject area. Whereas the primary purpose of formative assessments is to improve instruction and provide student feedback the students use the results in a formative assessment to self–monitor understanding. A study conducted by Black and William (1998) concludes that formative assessment does improve students learning. Its cyclist approach observes ... Get more on ...
  • 76. Formative Reflection 1. Since completing my TWS integrated unit, I have discovered many things about my students in relation to teaching and learning. First, I discovered their love and need of hands–on experiences. Every day that my students participated in a learning experiment, every student was involved and excited to see the results of the experiment. They constantly wanted to be the, "lucky volunteer", and in their culminating project, I had students name their favorite part of the entire unit, and all 22 students mentioned one of the six experiments they participated in. Second, I discovered the power of student directed learning. Half way through the unit I began placing students who showed great understanding of the topics with students who had more difficulty understanding the topics of the unit. On these days, based on the conversations I observed between students, the students really enjoyed this opportunity of, "being the teacher" and their classmates enjoyed the experience of learning from a classmate. According to Adam Fletcher, an author with a focus in K–12 literature, states, "When students prepare to teach other students, learning suddenly involves active thinking about material, analysis and selection of main ideas, and processing the concepts into one's own thoughts and words" (2016). Third, I discovered who they are as learners and what best suites them as individuals. Based on the formal and informal formative assessments the students took throughout the unit, ... Get more on ...
  • 78. Assessment Of The And Formative Assessment Introduction Assessment for Learning is defined as "the process of seeking and interpreting evidence for use by learners and their teachers to decide where learners are in their learning, where they need to go and how best to get there." (Assessment Reform Group, 1999). A key starting point for this piece of work was 'Science Inside the Black Box' (Black and Harrison, 2004, p1) which was written to "offer advice to teachers on how to interact more effectively with students, on a day–to–day basis, promoting their learning". They explain that "formative assessment has both generic features, i.e. features which will apply to learning across all stages and all school subjects, and features which are specific, for example to primary teachers and to individual subjects" (p2). They further explain how science and formative assessment dovetail so well: "Science provides the means by which learners can interact with the world around them and develop ideas about the phenomena they experience. So, when they attempt science activities they are equipped with ways to observe and question what is happening. Students need help in developing process skills to investigate and communication skills to question and discuss findings. Formative assessment fits well into the science learning scenario, since its purpose is for teachers to sift the rich data that arise in classroom discussion and activity, so that professional judgements can be made about the next steps in learning." (p3). These ... Get more on ...