Standardized testing has a long history dating back to ancient China and has evolved significantly over time. Some key events include standardized tests being introduced in the United States in the 1800s to select immigrants and the military, and the SAT being introduced in 1926 to help universities select students. Standardized testing became widespread in the US in the 1950s-60s and was used for high-stakes decisions like university admissions.
2. This Day in History
September 3, 1971
Qatar becomes an
independent state.
3. This Day in History
September 3, 1954
The People`s Liberation
Army begins shelling
the Republic of China-
controlled islands of
Quemoy starting the
First Taiwan Strait Crisis.
5. September 3, 863
Major Byzantine
victory at the Battle of
Lalakaon against an Arab
This Day in History
6. This Day in History
September 3, 1969
Noah Baumbach,
the American
actor, director,
producer, and
screenwriter, is
7. American Revolutionary War:
During the Battle of Cooch`s
Bridge, the Flag of the United
States is flown in battle for the
first time.
This Day in History
September 3, 1977
8. This Day in History
September 3, 1963
Malcolm Gladwell, the
Canadian journalist,
essayist, and critic, is born.
9. This Day in History
September 3, 1981
The Convention on the
Elimination of All Forms of
Discrimination Against Women,
an International bill of rights for
women, is instituted by the
United Nations.
10. This Day in History
September 3, 1994
Sino-Soviet split:
Russia and the
People`s Republic of
china agree to de-
target their nuclear
weapons against
each other.
11. This Day in History
September 3, 1945
A three-day
celebration begins
in China, following
the Victory over
Japan Day on
September 2.