This document summarizes a study on the causes and effects of land pollution in the community of Catherine Hall, Jamaica. The study involved surveying 15 residents through questionnaires and interviews. It found that the main causes of land pollution were infrequent garbage collection, improper waste disposal by residents, and stray animals. Effects included increased medical issues for residents, decreased property values, and financial burdens. To address the problem, residents and authorities need to work together through more frequent cleanups and better waste management practices.
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What are the causes and effects of land pollution in the community
of Catherine Hall?
Name: Renae Scarlett
Number: __________________________
School: Herbert Morrison Technical High
Date: March 8, 2012
Name of
Teacher: Ms. King Class: Grade 10 Science
2. 2
Topic Page
Aim of Study…………………………………………………3
Location of Area of Study……………………………..4-6
Method of Data Collection……………………………7
Data Presentation and Analysis …………………………………………8-12
3. 3
Aim of Study
What are the causes and effects of land pollution in the community of Catherine Hall?
7. 7
Method of Data Collection
Different methods were used in the collection of this research, they include
questionnaires and interviews. Fifteen (15) residents wererandomly selected on December
20, 2011 and wereeither given questionnaires to answer (which werecollected ten (10) days
later) or wereinterviewed directly.
Questionnairedistributed and
Questionnaires recollected
and date
Residents interviewed
10- December 20, 2011 9- December 30,2011 5
Some residents were unwilling to participate in this research however, thedata was then
recollected and evaluate and used to aid in the preparation of this research.
8. 8
Data Presentation and Analysis
This research was conducted with the assistanceof 15 randompersonnel’s whomanswered a
questionnairecontaining 10 questions. 60% of the 15 persons were males and the other 30%
females. Fig1 shows theages of the responders. Thecommunity of Catherine Hall is a small
middle class urban community justa ¾ of a mile fromthe hustle and bustle of the town of
Montego Bay.
Fig 1
Majority of people living in the area of study are between the ages of 26-34years40%, the
others were under 18years 7%, 18-25years20%, 26-35years 40% 35-49years13%,50 years
and over 20%. When asked how they had been residing in the community 27% said less than
five (5) years, 33% said 5-10 years, 7% said over 11years. Residents said orally they moved to
the community because it was close to work, schoolor had better resources.
under 18
9. 9
Residents say that the community is a fairly new but is already well on the map and is the
location of one of the country’s leading shopping centre. Despite this it is being shoddier by a
terrible plague called pollution. An alarming 73% of participants said they were affected by
land pollution. Fig2 tells how they areaffected by land pollution and the percentage of those
who are affected by each cause
Figure 2
60% of respondents said the lack of or infrequent garbagecollection was a major cause
to the community’s land pollution, 27% said that residents’ improper disposalof wastewas
the main cause; while the other 13% said it was due to animals who roamed the
The residents said their problem is not a recent one as 53% said it has been a problem
for over 5years, 27% said 2-3year while20% 18 said over the pastyear. Itwas observed during
exploring the community the garbagewas only collected when residents complained to some
authority or it was over flowed the community. Residents also need to keep pets more
securely tied or locked up as the contributed to the pollution.
improper garbage
no frequent garbage
10. 10
Land pollution affected every one of the respondents fig3 shows theresults of this
finding. Eight (8) of the fifteen(15) respondents said the land being polluted affected them
medically either through infections or diseases etc, 3 said lowered the value of their house
while the other four(4) said it burdened their pockets having to pay for medical bills
Figure 3
The researcher observed that garbagedisposers taketoo long a time to collect the
wasteand clean the area so there is a huge pile up of unnecessary waste. As a result, residents
constantly have to go the doctor because of rashes, asthma attacks, sinuses, and other chronic
illnesses. There is also a financial pain on residents having so many medical bills. Italso is an
unsightly seen to see garbage piled up in frontof houses.
0 2 4 6 8
devalues property
11. 11
When asked how often garbagewas collected 4 out of the 11 persons said oncea week
the other 7 stated that it was collected only once a month. However, during a three month
period of observation it can be stated by the researcher that the garbagewas only collect
when in abundance. They werealso asked how they disposeof their garbage figure4 shows
the results of this question
Figure 4
Six (6) of the participants said they get rid of their garbagevia an incinerator 4 said they burnt
theirs and only one said they buried their garbage. Itis good to know that at least 3 out of
every 15 person recycle their garbage or bury it but more person need to do this as it help in
the community’s pollution problem.
incinerator burning burying
Ways garbage is disposed
12. 12
When asked if they thought enough was being done to correctthe problem 33% said no, 67%
said yes (Figure5) thosewho said yes were asked whatwas being they all said “informative
seminars wereheld about garbagedisposal”. Mostresident agreed that seminars wereheld
but nothing more. Authorities only talk and don’t have any actions in place some say the
need to stop putting their ‘footin their mouth’ and showing that they are willing to help them
Figure 5
. Itwas also stated whatelse could be done to help the situation. 73% said more cleaning up
exercises 27% said residents can disposeof garbagebetter. Itwas observed by the researcher
that the same residents who complained about garbagepill ups contributed to them. Itis
thought that this is obviously preposterous and thatthey should behavebetter.
Yes, 67%
No, 33%
Resident whothink the problemis being fixed
13. 13
After doing this research it was found that Land pollution was one of the biggest challenges
faced by residents of Catherine hall and if they wanted to quell this problem they need to find
better ways of disposing garbage, speak up about the problemthey are facing and help to
solvethe problem by working together
They mustspeak to their neighbors about their unleashed pets that are making the problem
worstfor all of them and ensurethat all garbagepile ups are gotten rid of as soon as possible.
Catherine is a very small community and residents must realize that if they don’t speak up,
speak out they will be left behind, let their voices be heard and don’t sit down and do nothing.
Residents shouldn’t complain aboutthe pollution if they are knowingly, purposely and without
remorsecontributing to it for that is being very irresponsibleand imprudent
At the end of this research it was found that residents have a huge problemwith land
pollution and need to cooperate with each other and speak out about their challenge in order
to conquer it by speaking to NSWA (National Solid WasteAgency) about the ongoing pollution.
14. 14
Rahil A.M. Vohn New Caribbean Geography Fourth Edition
Ottley Jeanette Longman Geography for CXC
Gentles Marolyn May 2000
Wilson Mark The Caribbean Environment for CXC Geography Newly
Revised Edition- First published 1989
15. 15
Title: What are the causesand effects of land pollution in the Community of
Aim:To investigate the causes and effects of land pollution
1. Gender
Male Female
2. Age group
Under 18years 18-25years 26-34years 35-49years 50 and over
3. How long have you been a resident in Catherine Hall?
Less than 5years 5-10years 11-18years over 18years
4. Do you have a problem with land pollution?
Yes No
5. What do you think has resulted in the problem of land pollution in Catherine
6. How long has it been a problem?
7. How does land pollution affect you?
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How often is garbage collected in Catherine Hall?
Everyday every two days once a week once a month hardly ever
8. How do you dispose of your Garbage?
Incinerator burning burying other____________________________
9. Do you think enough is being done to correct the problem?
Yes No
If yes, state what
10. What other measures can be put in to correct this problem?