The document lists and provides brief details about some of the worst diseases in world history, including AIDS, the Black Death, Spanish Flu, cholera, smallpox, bubonic plague, and malaria. It notes that AIDS is caused by HIV and results in immune deficiency, the Black Death was a devastating pandemic caused by the Yersinia pestis bacterium in Europe, and the Spanish Flu was a highly lethal influenza pandemic most affecting the United States in the early 20th century. It also provides short descriptions of cholera caused by Vibrio cholerae bacteria, smallpox caused by Variola virus, and malaria.
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Worst diseases in the world
1. Worst Diseases in the world
• Aids
• The Black Death
• Spanish Flu
• Cholera
• Smallpox
• Bubonic Plague
• Malaria
2. Aids
• Acquired immune deficiency syndrome or
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.
• Mainly Caused by infection with human
immunodeficiency virus .
• Typically followed by a prolonged period
without symptoms.
• HIV/AIDS has had a great impact on society,
both as an illness and as a source of
3. The Black Death
• The Black Death was one of the most
devastating pandemics.
• The Black Death is thought to have started in
China or central Asia.
• Analysis of DNA from victims in northern and
southern Europe indicates that the pathogen
responsible was the Yersinia pestis bacterium.
4. Spanish Flu
• The Spanish Flu was an extraordinarily severe
and deadly influenza pandemic that increase
across the world.
• Most affected country by disease is United
• Influenza viruses have a comparatively high
mutation rate that is characteristic of RNA
5. Cholera
• Cholera is an disease of the small intestine
caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae.
• The main symptoms are plentiful watery
diarrhea and vomiting.
• Transmission occurs primarily by drinking
water or eating food that has been contaminated
by the feces.
6. Smallpox
• Smallpox is an transmittable disease unique to
• Cause by either of two virus variant, Variola
major and Variola minor.
• Smallpox localized in minute blood vessels of
the skin and in the mouth and throat.