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Mr. Sagar Kishor Savale
[Department of Pharmaceutics]
Department of Pharmacy (Pharmaceutics) | Sagar savale
4/28/2016 Sagar Savale
» Herbal Products
» New process and reactions
» New molecules
» Active ingredients (Macro analysis)
» Residues (Microanalysis)
» Impurity Profiling
» Component of Interest in different matrices
24/28/2016 Sagar Savale
Analytical method gives-
» The required data for a given analytical problem
» The required sensitivity
» The required accuracy
» The required range of analysis
» The required precision
34/28/2016 Sagar Savale
Basic criteria
 The drug or drug combination may not be official in any pharmacopoeias.
 A proper analytical procedure for the drug may not be available in the
literature due to patent regulations.
 Analytical methods may not be available for the drug in the form of a
formulation due to the interference caused by the formulation excipients.
 Analytical methods for the quantitation of the drug in biological fluids may
not be available.
 Analytical methods for a drug in combination with other drugs may not be
 The existing analytical procedures may require expensive reagents and
solvents. It may also involve cumbersome extraction and separation
procedures and these may not be reliable.
44/28/2016 Sagar Savale
Analytical techniques
 Titrimetric & gravimetric
 Colorimetric & ultraviolet spectrophotometric
 Electrochemistry
 Fluor metric
 Flame photometric & atomic absorption spectrometric
 Chromatography
54/28/2016 Sagar Savale
Spectrophotometric Methods of Analysis For
Drugs In Combination
 The basis of all the spectrophotometric techniques for multicomponent
samples is the property that at all wavelengths:
- the absorbance of a solution is the sum of absorbance of the individual
components or
- the measured absorbance is the difference between the total absorbance of
the solution in the sample cell and that of the solution in the reference cell.
64/28/2016 Sagar Savale
Nature of analysis
 Single component analysis
- Use of standard absorptivity value
- Use of calibration curve
-Single or double point standardization
 Multicomponent analysis
-Simultaneous equation method
-Two wavelength method
-The absorption ratio method
-Geometric correction method
-Absorption factor method
-Orthogonal polynomial method
-Difference spectrophotometry
-Derivative spectrophotometry
-Area under curve method
74/28/2016 Sagar Savale
Simultaneous Equation Method
If a sample contains two absorbing drugs (X &
Y) each of which absorbs at the lambda max of
each other.
Equation -
Cx = (A2 ay1 - A1 ay2) / (ax2 ay1 - axay2)
Cy = (A1 ax2 - A2 ax1) / (ax2 ay1 - ax1ay2)
ax1 and ax2 - absorptivities of X at λ1 and λ2
ay1 and ay2 - absorptivities of Y at λ1 and λ2
A1 and A2 - absorbance of the diluted sample
at λ1 and λ2 respectively.
Cx and Cy be the concentration of X and Y
in the diluted samples respectively
Fig.1The overlain spectra of substance X and
Y, showing the wavelength for the assay of X
and Y in admixture by the method of
simultaneous equation.
4/28/2016 Sagar Savale
Examples of reported Drugs
- Estimation of Gliclazide and Metformin hydrochloride in
combined dosage forms.
- Estimation of Losartan potassium and Hydrochlorothiazide in
- Estimation of Salbutamol and Theophylline from tablets.
- Estimation of Amlodipine besylate and Enalepril maleate from
94/28/2016 Sagar Savale
Ultraviolet Spectrophotometric determination of Olmesartan medoxomil &
Hydrochlorothiazide in pharmaceutical formulation by simultaneous equation
Fig.2 Overlay of Olmesartan medoxomil & Hydrochlorothiazide
Fig.3 Overlay of mixed sample of Olmesartan medoxomil & Hydrochlorothiazide
4/28/2016 Sagar Savale
Q-Absorbance Method (Absorbance Ratio
• The ratio of absorbance's at any two
wavelengths is a constant value
independent of concentration or path
• For example, two different dilution
of the same substance give the same
absorbance ratio A1/A2.
• In the USP, this ratio is referred to as
Q value
• Absorbance's are measured at two
wavelengths :-
-λmax of one of the component (λ2)
-wavelength of equal absorptivity's
of the two components i.e. an is
absorptive point. 11
Fig. 4 Wavelength for the assay of
substances X and Y in admixture by the
method of absorbance ratio method4/28/2016 Sagar Savale
Estimation of Valsartan and Hydrochlorothiazide in pharmaceutical dosage
form by absorption ratio method 7
Fig. 5Overlay spectra of Valsartan & Hydrochlorothiazide showing iso-absorptive point at 231.5nm
4/28/2016 Sagar Savale
Q-Absorbance Method (Absorbance Ratio
Examples -
• - Estimation of Rifampicin and Isoniazid in pharmaceutical dosage forms.
• - Estimation of Spironolactone and hydroflumethiazide.
• - Estimation of Nalidixic acid and Metronidazole from tablets.
• - Estimation of Noscapine, Chlorpheniramine Maleate and Ephedrine
hydrochloride from tablets.
134/28/2016 Sagar Savale
Derivative Spectroscopy
• Derivative spectrophotometry involves the conversions of a normal
spectrum to its first, second or higher derivative spectrum.
• Advantages -
1.Enhanced resolution
2.Bandwidth discrimination
• Methods of derivative spectroscopy -
1.Modification of the optical system
2.Electronic differentiation of the spectrophotometer analogue signal
3.Microcomputer differentiation
144/28/2016 Sagar Savale
Examples of reported drugs
-Estimation of Propranolol and Hydrochlorothiazide.
-Estimation of Phenylpropanolamine, Chlorpheniramine and
-Estimation of Naphazoline hydrochloride and Chlorpheniramine
154/28/2016 Sagar Savale
Derivative Spectroscopy (continue)
Development and validation of spectrophotometric method for simultaneous
estimation of Samaritan and Naproxen sodium in tablet dosage form 8
Fig .6 First derivative overlain spectra of SUM and NAP
Solvent : Methanol; Zero crossing point at 298nm & 335nm for SUM & NAP resp.
4/28/2016 Sagar Savale
Difference Spectroscopy
Fig.7 Difference spectrum of BSZ (10 μg/mL solution of BSZ in 0.1 M HCl was taken
as blank and the same concentration of drug in 0.1 M NaOH as sample).
4/28/2016 Sagar Savale
Multicomponent mode of analysis
Fig .8 UV spectrum of Ceftriaxone sodium and
Sulbactam sodium
Fig. 9Assay report of ceftriaxone sodium and
sulbactam sodium by multi-component mode
of analysis
Solvent : 0.1 Sodium Hydroxide ; Wavelenght :251nm(Sulbactum) & 259nm(Ceftriaxone)4/28/2016 Sagar Savale
Solvent Extraction Method
• Separation of individual drugs based on their selective solubility
followed by spectrophotometric measurement.
• Separate the absorbing interfering from the analyte by solvent
extraction procedure.
• Examples :-
-Estimation of Probenecid and Ampicillin from tablets.
-Estimation of Probenecid and Cephalexine from tablets.
-Estimation of Caffeine from Aspirin and Caffeine tablets.
-Estimation of Paracetamol and Diclofenac sodium from tablets.
194/28/2016 Sagar Savale
Chemical Derivatisation
 Indirect spectrophotometric assays
 Conversion of the analyte by a chemical reagent to a derivative that has
different spectral properties
 Reasons for adopting chemical Derivatisation
1.Weak absorption of the analyte
2.Interference from irrelevant absorption
3.Improve selectivity of the assay
204/28/2016 Sagar Savale
Chemical Derivatisation
1.Diazotisation & coupling of primary aromatic amines
2.Condensation reactions
3.Reduction of tetrazolium salts
4.Acid – dye method
5.Oxidation methods
6.Metal legand complexation
214/28/2016 Sagar Savale
Development and validation of spectrophotometric method for estimating
Amisulpride in pharmaceutical preparations11
Diazotisation & coupling of primary aromatic amines
 Diazotization of Amisulpride with sodium nitrite and hydrochloric acid,
followed by coupling with -
-N-(1-naphthyl) ethylenediamine hydrochloride (Method A),
-diphenylamine (Method B),
- β-naphthol in an alkaline medium (Method C),
- resorcinol in an alkaline medium (Method D) &
- chromotropic acid in an alkaline medium (Method E) to form a colored
 The absorption maxima, λmax, are at
-523 nm for Method A,
-382 and 490 nm for Method B,
-527 nm for Method C,
-521 nm for Method D and
-486 nm for Method E.
224/28/2016 Sagar Savale
Area under curve method
Fig.10 Overlay spectrum of RAM and HCT
4/28/2016 Sagar Savale
Analytical method validation
 Accuracy
 Precision
 Linearity
 Range
 Limit of Quantitation
 Limit of Detection
 Ruggedness
 Robostnes
 Specificity
244/28/2016 Sagar Savale
1. Rashmin. An Introduction To Analytical Method Development For
Pharmaceutical Formulations .Pharma 2008 July 22;6(4):1-27
2. Sethi PD.Quantitative Analysis of Drugs In Pharmaceutical
Formulations.3rd ed. New Delhi, CBS Publishers & distributors;2005, p.7
3. Saraf S. Various UV spectrophotometric simultaneous estimation
methods.Pharma 2006 April 04;4(2)
4. Daharval SJ.Methods of estimation of multi -component formulations.
Pharma 2006 June 19;4(3)
254/28/2016 Sagar Savale

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Analytical method development

  • 1. ANALYTICAL METHOD DEVELOPMENT 1 Mr. Sagar Kishor Savale [Department of Pharmaceutics] [email protected] 2015-2016 Department of Pharmacy (Pharmaceutics) | Sagar savale 4/28/2016 Sagar Savale
  • 2. Need » Herbal Products » New process and reactions » New molecules » Active ingredients (Macro analysis) » Residues (Microanalysis) » Impurity Profiling » Component of Interest in different matrices 24/28/2016 Sagar Savale
  • 3. Outcomes Analytical method gives- » The required data for a given analytical problem » The required sensitivity » The required accuracy » The required range of analysis » The required precision 34/28/2016 Sagar Savale
  • 4. Basic criteria  The drug or drug combination may not be official in any pharmacopoeias.  A proper analytical procedure for the drug may not be available in the literature due to patent regulations.  Analytical methods may not be available for the drug in the form of a formulation due to the interference caused by the formulation excipients.  Analytical methods for the quantitation of the drug in biological fluids may not be available.  Analytical methods for a drug in combination with other drugs may not be available.  The existing analytical procedures may require expensive reagents and solvents. It may also involve cumbersome extraction and separation procedures and these may not be reliable. 44/28/2016 Sagar Savale
  • 5. Analytical techniques  Titrimetric & gravimetric  Colorimetric & ultraviolet spectrophotometric  Electrochemistry  Fluor metric  Flame photometric & atomic absorption spectrometric  Chromatography 54/28/2016 Sagar Savale
  • 6. Spectrophotometric Methods of Analysis For Drugs In Combination  The basis of all the spectrophotometric techniques for multicomponent samples is the property that at all wavelengths: - the absorbance of a solution is the sum of absorbance of the individual components or - the measured absorbance is the difference between the total absorbance of the solution in the sample cell and that of the solution in the reference cell. 64/28/2016 Sagar Savale
  • 7. Nature of analysis  Single component analysis - Use of standard absorptivity value - Use of calibration curve -Single or double point standardization  Multicomponent analysis -Simultaneous equation method -Two wavelength method -The absorption ratio method -Geometric correction method -Absorption factor method -Orthogonal polynomial method -Difference spectrophotometry -Derivative spectrophotometry -Area under curve method 74/28/2016 Sagar Savale
  • 8. Simultaneous Equation Method Condition- If a sample contains two absorbing drugs (X & Y) each of which absorbs at the lambda max of each other. Equation - Cx = (A2 ay1 - A1 ay2) / (ax2 ay1 - axay2) Cy = (A1 ax2 - A2 ax1) / (ax2 ay1 - ax1ay2) Where, ax1 and ax2 - absorptivities of X at λ1 and λ2 respectively ay1 and ay2 - absorptivities of Y at λ1 and λ2 respectively A1 and A2 - absorbance of the diluted sample at λ1 and λ2 respectively. Cx and Cy be the concentration of X and Y in the diluted samples respectively 8 Fig.1The overlain spectra of substance X and Y, showing the wavelength for the assay of X and Y in admixture by the method of simultaneous equation. 4/28/2016 Sagar Savale
  • 9. Examples of reported Drugs - Estimation of Gliclazide and Metformin hydrochloride in combined dosage forms. - Estimation of Losartan potassium and Hydrochlorothiazide in tablets. - Estimation of Salbutamol and Theophylline from tablets. - Estimation of Amlodipine besylate and Enalepril maleate from tablets. 94/28/2016 Sagar Savale
  • 10. Example Ultraviolet Spectrophotometric determination of Olmesartan medoxomil & Hydrochlorothiazide in pharmaceutical formulation by simultaneous equation method 10 Fig.2 Overlay of Olmesartan medoxomil & Hydrochlorothiazide Fig.3 Overlay of mixed sample of Olmesartan medoxomil & Hydrochlorothiazide 4/28/2016 Sagar Savale
  • 11. Q-Absorbance Method (Absorbance Ratio Method) • The ratio of absorbance's at any two wavelengths is a constant value independent of concentration or path length • For example, two different dilution of the same substance give the same absorbance ratio A1/A2. • In the USP, this ratio is referred to as Q value • Absorbance's are measured at two wavelengths :- -λmax of one of the component (λ2) -wavelength of equal absorptivity's of the two components i.e. an is absorptive point. 11 Fig. 4 Wavelength for the assay of substances X and Y in admixture by the method of absorbance ratio method4/28/2016 Sagar Savale
  • 12. Example Estimation of Valsartan and Hydrochlorothiazide in pharmaceutical dosage form by absorption ratio method 7 12 Fig. 5Overlay spectra of Valsartan & Hydrochlorothiazide showing iso-absorptive point at 231.5nm 4/28/2016 Sagar Savale
  • 13. Q-Absorbance Method (Absorbance Ratio Method) Examples - • - Estimation of Rifampicin and Isoniazid in pharmaceutical dosage forms. • - Estimation of Spironolactone and hydroflumethiazide. • - Estimation of Nalidixic acid and Metronidazole from tablets. • - Estimation of Noscapine, Chlorpheniramine Maleate and Ephedrine hydrochloride from tablets. 134/28/2016 Sagar Savale
  • 14. Derivative Spectroscopy • Derivative spectrophotometry involves the conversions of a normal spectrum to its first, second or higher derivative spectrum. • Advantages - 1.Enhanced resolution 2.Bandwidth discrimination • Methods of derivative spectroscopy - 1.Modification of the optical system 2.Electronic differentiation of the spectrophotometer analogue signal 3.Microcomputer differentiation 144/28/2016 Sagar Savale
  • 15. Examples of reported drugs -Estimation of Propranolol and Hydrochlorothiazide. -Estimation of Phenylpropanolamine, Chlorpheniramine and Bromhexine. -Estimation of Naphazoline hydrochloride and Chlorpheniramine maleate. 154/28/2016 Sagar Savale
  • 16. Derivative Spectroscopy (continue) Development and validation of spectrophotometric method for simultaneous estimation of Samaritan and Naproxen sodium in tablet dosage form 8 16 Fig .6 First derivative overlain spectra of SUM and NAP Solvent : Methanol; Zero crossing point at 298nm & 335nm for SUM & NAP resp. 4/28/2016 Sagar Savale
  • 17. Difference Spectroscopy 17 Fig.7 Difference spectrum of BSZ (10 μg/mL solution of BSZ in 0.1 M HCl was taken as blank and the same concentration of drug in 0.1 M NaOH as sample). Abs. wavelength 4/28/2016 Sagar Savale
  • 18. Multicomponent mode of analysis 18 Fig .8 UV spectrum of Ceftriaxone sodium and Sulbactam sodium Fig. 9Assay report of ceftriaxone sodium and sulbactam sodium by multi-component mode of analysis Solvent : 0.1 Sodium Hydroxide ; Wavelenght :251nm(Sulbactum) & 259nm(Ceftriaxone)4/28/2016 Sagar Savale
  • 19. Solvent Extraction Method • Separation of individual drugs based on their selective solubility followed by spectrophotometric measurement. • Separate the absorbing interfering from the analyte by solvent extraction procedure. • Examples :- -Estimation of Probenecid and Ampicillin from tablets. -Estimation of Probenecid and Cephalexine from tablets. -Estimation of Caffeine from Aspirin and Caffeine tablets. -Estimation of Paracetamol and Diclofenac sodium from tablets. 194/28/2016 Sagar Savale
  • 20. Chemical Derivatisation  Indirect spectrophotometric assays  Conversion of the analyte by a chemical reagent to a derivative that has different spectral properties  Reasons for adopting chemical Derivatisation 1.Weak absorption of the analyte 2.Interference from irrelevant absorption 3.Improve selectivity of the assay 4.Cost 204/28/2016 Sagar Savale
  • 21. Chemical Derivatisation Methods 1.Diazotisation & coupling of primary aromatic amines 2.Condensation reactions 3.Reduction of tetrazolium salts 4.Acid – dye method 5.Oxidation methods 6.Metal legand complexation 214/28/2016 Sagar Savale
  • 22. Example Development and validation of spectrophotometric method for estimating Amisulpride in pharmaceutical preparations11 Diazotisation & coupling of primary aromatic amines  Diazotization of Amisulpride with sodium nitrite and hydrochloric acid, followed by coupling with - -N-(1-naphthyl) ethylenediamine hydrochloride (Method A), -diphenylamine (Method B), - β-naphthol in an alkaline medium (Method C), - resorcinol in an alkaline medium (Method D) & - chromotropic acid in an alkaline medium (Method E) to form a colored chromogen.  The absorption maxima, λmax, are at -523 nm for Method A, -382 and 490 nm for Method B, -527 nm for Method C, -521 nm for Method D and -486 nm for Method E. 224/28/2016 Sagar Savale
  • 23. Area under curve method 23 Fig.10 Overlay spectrum of RAM and HCT 4/28/2016 Sagar Savale
  • 24. Analytical method validation  Accuracy  Precision  Linearity  Range  Limit of Quantitation  Limit of Detection  Ruggedness  Robostnes  Specificity 244/28/2016 Sagar Savale
  • 25. References 1. Rashmin. An Introduction To Analytical Method Development For Pharmaceutical Formulations .Pharma 2008 July 22;6(4):1-27 2. Sethi PD.Quantitative Analysis of Drugs In Pharmaceutical Formulations.3rd ed. New Delhi, CBS Publishers & distributors;2005, p.7 3. Saraf S. Various UV spectrophotometric simultaneous estimation methods.Pharma 2006 April 04;4(2) 4. Daharval SJ.Methods of estimation of multi -component formulations. Pharma 2006 June 19;4(3) 254/28/2016 Sagar Savale