Computers have evolved over five generations from vacuum tubes to integrated circuits. The first generation used vacuum tubes and were large, power-hungry machines programmed in machine language. The second generation introduced transistors, core memory, and operating systems. The third generation saw the development of integrated circuits, lowering power consumption. The fourth generation used LSI and VLSI technologies for portable computers, RAID storage, and data communication. The fifth generation utilizes parallel processing, superconductors, speech recognition, robots, and artificial intelligence. Future computers promise even faster, smarter, and more affordable technologies.
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1. COMPUTER AND BUSINESS PRESENTATION Presentation on Evolution of Computers Prepared by: Shahrukh Soheil Rahman Safa Mansabdar CMS, Sec-F, IIIrd Semester
2. WHAT IS A COMPUTER? A computer is a programmable machine that receives input, stores and manipulates data, and provides output in a useful format.
5. FIRST GENERATION COMPUTERS 1. Use of vacuum tubes 2. Big & Clumsy 3. High Electricity Consumption 4 . Programming in Mechanical Language 5 . Larger AC were needed 6. Lot of electricity failure occurred
6. SECOND GENERATION COMPUTERS 1. Transistors were used 2. Core Memory was developed 3. Faster than First Generation computers 4. First Operating System was developed 5. Programming was in Machine Language & Assembly Language 6. Magnetic tapes & discs were used 7. Computers became smaller in size than the First Generation computers 8. Computers consumed less heat & consumed less electricity
7. THIRD GENERATION COMPUTERS 1. Integrated circuits developed 2. Power consumption was low 3. SSI & MSI Technology was used 4. High level languages were used
8. FOURTH GENERATION COMPUTERS 1. LSI & VLSI Technology used 2. Development of Portable Computers 3. RAID Technology of data storage 4. Used in virtual reality, multimedia, simulation 5. Computers started in use for Data Communication 6. Different types of memories with very high accessing speed & storage capacity
9. FIFTH GENERATION COMPUTERS 1. Used in parallel processing 2. Uses superconductors 3. Used in speech recognition 4. Used in intelligent robots 5. Used in artificial intelligence
10. The future promises advanced technology in computing. Faster, smarter and more affordable. THE FUTURE