The document discusses different types of digital radiography technologies including computed radiography which uses photostimulable phosphor plates, indirect digital radiography using a scintillator and photodiode array, and direct digital radiography using photoconductive materials. It covers the processes of image acquisition, processing, display, and archiving for digital radiography systems. Key differences between direct and indirect digital radiography technologies are also outlined.
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digital radiography
2. Lecturer : Seyedeh Shokoofeh Mousavi Gazafroudi
3/6/2016 Isfahan University of Medical Sciences 2
3. Introduction to digital radiography(DR)
Computed Radiography (CR)
photostimulable phosphor (PSP)
Exposure & readout
Imaging plates
Charged Couple Device (CCD)
Indirect Digital Radiography (IDR)
Structure & function
Direct Digital Radiography (DDR)
Structure & function
5. Introduction
Historically, digital radiography referred to specialized modalities that
produced digital images
Digital images can be numerically processed This is not possible in
conventional radiology.
Digital images can be easily transmitted through networks and
Since the early 1990s, Digital Radiography has grown to include
Computed Radiography(CR) and ‘true’ Digital Radiography(DR) or
Direct Radiography.
6. What is digital radiology?
In conventional radiographic images, spatial position and blackening are
analogue values
Digital radiology uses a matrix to represent an image
A matrix is a square or rectangular area divided into rows and columns. The
smallest element of a matrix is called ”pixel”
Each pixel of the matrix is used to store the individual grey levels of an image,
which are represented by positive integer numbers
The location of each pixel in a matrix is encoded by its row and column number
11. Computed Radiography (CR)
Uses same radiographic equipment
No change in X-ray machine
Uses an imaging plate
Contains a photo stimulator phosphor
Need a cassette reader
Images can be sent to a PACS
12. Computed Radiography
Is a marketing term for photostimulable phosphor (PSP) detector systems.
Re-usable metal imaging plates replace film & cassette
Uses conventional bucky & x-ray equipment
When x-rays are absorbed some light is promptly emitted, but much of the
absorbed x-ray energy is trapped in the PSP screen and can be readout later.
CR imaging plates are made of barium fluorohalid.
13. The principle of PSP 13
Excitation Storage Emission
14. CR readout processing steps
After the cassette is exposed by the x-ray beam, the cassette is loaded into a
The reader removes the phosphor plate and exposes it to a laser, stimulating
the phosphors.
The light emitted from the plate is collected, quantified, and digitized.
after read-out, plate erased using a bright light
16. Reading Imaging Plate
Reader scans plate with laser
light using rotating mirror
Film pulled through scanner by
Light given off by plate
measured by PM tube &
recorded by computer
18. Laser & Emitted Light are Different Colors
Phosphor stimulated by laser light
Intensity of emitted light indicates amount of
radiation incident on phosphor at each location
Only color of light emitted by phosphor measured
by PMT
19. Reading Imaging Plate
plate is photostimulable
radiation traps electrons in
high energy states
higher states
form latent image
Higher Energy
Lower Energy
Photon pumps
electron to
higher energy state
20. Reading Imaging Plate
reader scans plate with laser
laser releases electrons trapped in high
energy states
electrons fall to low energy states
electrons give up energy as visible light
light intensity is measure of incident
Laser Beam
Higher Energy
Elect ron
St at e
Lower Energy
Elect ron
St at e
Lower Energy
Electron State
22. CR Throughput
Generally slower than film processing
CR reader must finish reading one plate
before starting to read the next
Film processors can run films back to back
23. Charged Couple Device (CCD)
Is an integrated circuit made of crystalline silicon
Forms images from visible light
For linear CCD detectors charge pocket at the very bottom of linear array spills onto a
transistor, and produce an electronic signal that is digitized. The entire line of pixels and
readout in a shift-and-read process.
For 2D CCD detectors , the charges on each column are shifted onto the bottom row of
pixels, that entire row is read out horizontally, and then next charges from all columns are
shifted down one pixel.
27. Digital Radiography (DR)
Receptor provides direct digital output
Potentially lower patient dose than CR
High latitude as for CR
No processor / reader required
Images available in < 15 seconds
Much less work for technologist
29. Indirect digital radiography
X-ray strike scintillator producing light
Photodiode array converts light to electrons
The intensifying screen is made up of cesium-iodide crystals and the
photodetector is made up of amorphous silicon.
30. Indirect digital radiography
Electronic sensor are replaces the light sensitive film emulsion
X-rays are absorbed in the screen and the absorbed energy is then relayed to
the photodetector by visible light photons
The ratio of the light sensitive area to the entire area of each detector element
is called fill factor
32. Direct Digital Radiography
Is made from a layer of photoconductor materials on top of a TFT array
The electrons released in the detector layer from x-ray interaction are used
to form the image directly
33. Direct DR
the photoconductor is made up of amorphous selenium. selenium has
higher atomic number than silicon, but it is still quit low compared with
conventional x-ray intensifying screen phosphorus.
Due to electric field ,selenium direct detectors can be made much thicker.
37. Digital mammography
it uses a mosaic of CCD and CsI
As scanning x-ray beam detector
move to the right , the charge
packet in the CCD array are moving
to the left
38. Patient dose considerations
The exposure necessary to produce good images are directly related to
the detective quantum efficiency of the detector (DQE)
CR systems require about twice the exposure of a corresponding 400-
speed screen-film detector for comparable image quality
39. Copy display
Hard copy display refers to displaying image on film, and soft copy
display refers using video monitors.
41. Processing
Is performed by altering the relation between digital number in the image
and displayed brightness
Windowing, leveling & reversing the contrast are simple procedures
performed routinely.
42. Image Processing based on Convolution
The science of manipulating digital images
often involves the mathematical operation
called “Convolution”.
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