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Working without walls Mike Pearson, SSC
Mobile working
25% Reduce costs
“ Scare me with your ideas” –  Bill English
Scary Thought
Decade of Deficit
Challenges Improve service delivery Reduce cost
Work environment “ The work environment is a powerful and integral aspect of government business”
Improve service delivery “ Given the right attention and investment, it can significantly enhance the effectiveness of public service delivery”
Balance “ People, technology, and the workspace need to complement each other so that overall flexibility can be achieved”
Not just technology Technology
Technology Fairy
Technology is the enabler
People Technology People
Place Place Technology People
Flexibility Place Technology People FLEXIBILITY
Wider perspective
Work environment People Workspace Technology
Flexibility Designs that can adapt  when external changes occur
Agility Perpetual state of innovation,  moving quickly yet thoroughly  through product and process development  that creates competitive advantage  and increases stakeholder value.
Maturity Model
Scary Thought
Cut the link
New Idea
New Idea Let go of the physical asset and use a service enabled by technology
Scary Thought
Scary Thought Accept de facto standards Simplify service levels Live with standard vendor offerings Use integrated services
ICT is a Commodity
Benefits Leverage hosted and “on-demand” services Simplify procurement processes Make more use of low-cost/free applications & services
60–90% Cloud Computing
Software as a service
Software as a service
Communication as a service
User-owned Devices
Scary Thought
Scary Thought Combine agency front-offices into a shared facility with shared infrastructure Set up cross-agency agreements with the ability to move and share resources between agencies based on usage/demand
25–50% Flexible Managed Offices Government Managed Office Expand and contract Swing space
30% Shared Services
Shared Services Card
Car sharing
But …
Scary Thought
Barriers UK
Technology Implementation Security Cost
Fear Loss of control Loss of personal workspace
Strong Enablers
Enablers (UK) Senior Management buy-in change project champions walking the walk An aligned project which gives the change greater status or formality
Enablers (NZ) Ministerial buy-in change project champions walking the walk Sector or all-of-government committment
Cut the link
Networked Government
Scary Thought
Seat of Government (2009)
Seat of Government (1841)
30% Premium
Seat of Government (201?)
Summary Key Messages
Decade of Deficit
Challenges Improve service delivery Reduce cost
Balance “ People, technology, and the workspace”
New Idea Let go of the physical asset and use a service enabled by technology
Leap of faith
Contact [email_address] Images ©
References Working without walls   Flexible working in central government Getting the best from public sector office accommodation   The Lyons review   Government in the global village

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Mike Pearson Working Without Walls Govis 2009