The document provides instructions for students taking the CBSE Board Examination for 2012-2013. It notes that students should write the code number on the answer booklet and serial numbers before attempting questions. It also allocates 15 minutes for students to read the paper before the exam starts at 10:15 AM. The paper contains questions in Economics with instructions for answering questions of different mark values and word limits for responses. It provides sample questions and answers regarding concepts in Economics like costs, demand, supply, utility, and perfect competition.
This document provides information about a CBSE board examination for Studymate Solutions. It includes instructions for students taking the exam, such as writing their code number and serial numbers for questions. The biology section of the exam is outlined, with details about the four sections (A, B, C, D), number of questions in each section, and allocation of marks. General instructions are provided about questions being compulsory and choices for internal questions. Diagrams should be labeled where necessary. Section A contains 8 one-mark questions, Section B has 10 two-mark questions, Section C comprises 9 three-mark questions, and Section D consists of 3 five-mark questions.
The document contains instructions for a mathematics exam for CBSE Board Examination 2011-2012. It notes that the exam contains 29 questions over 3 hours, with questions 1-10 worth 1 mark each, questions 11-22 worth 4 marks each, and questions 23-29 worth 6 marks each. It provides general instructions about writing codes, serial numbers, and time allotted. The document introduces the exam sections on mathematics.
07 image filtering of colored noise based on kalman filterstudymate
This document summarizes a research paper on using a Kalman filter to improve the accuracy of vehicle tracking based on GPS data. It describes how the Kalman filter works as a linear recursive technique to estimate the true state of a dynamic system by reducing noise. The document outlines the mathematical model of the Kalman filter and how it is applied to predict and correct vehicle position over time. It also discusses tuning the Kalman filter parameters like process noise covariance Q and measurement noise covariance R. Evaluation of GPS data collected from vehicle tests shows the Kalman filter reduces errors in latitude, longitude and altitude compared to not using the filter.
The document provides instructions for students taking the CBSE Board Examination for 2012-2013. It notes that students should write the code number on the answer booklet and serial numbers before attempting questions. It also allocates 15 minutes for students to read the paper before the exam starts at 10:15 AM. The paper contains questions in Economics with instructions for answering questions of different mark values and word limits for responses. It provides sample questions and answers regarding concepts in Economics like costs, demand, supply, utility, and perfect competition.
The document contains instructions for a mathematics exam for CBSE Board Examination 2011-2012. It notes that the exam contains 29 questions over 3 hours, with questions 1-10 worth 1 mark each, questions 11-22 worth 4 marks each, and questions 23-29 worth 6 marks each. It provides general instructions about writing codes, serial numbers, and time allotted. The document introduces the exam sections on mathematics.
Let D be the given determinant. Then,
D = |1 x x^2|
|x 1 x|
|x^2 x 1|
Using C1 → C1,
D = |1-(x^3) x x^2|
|x 1 x|
|x^2 x 1|
Using C2 → C2 - xC1,
D = |1-(x^3) x x^2|
|0 1-x|
|x^2 x 1|
Using C3 → C3 - x^2C1,
D = |1-(x^3) x x^2|
|0 1
This document provides instructions for the CBSE Board Examination for the year 2012-2013. It includes the code number that should be written on the answer book, instructions to check that the question paper contains the correct number of questions, and instructions to write the serial number before attempting each question. It then provides the specific instructions for the Biology examination, which will be 3 hours long and consist of 4 sections (A, B, C, D) containing questions of different point values. The first section contains 8 one-mark questions, the second contains 10 two-mark questions, the third contains 9 three-mark questions, and the fourth contains 3 five-mark questions. Diagrams should be neatly labeled where necessary.