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Hans Eysenck 
Rebel with a cause 
Trait Theory
Hans Eysenck theory of Personality
 At the end of this lesson you should be able to: 
 Know and expound on Hans Eysenck life. 
• Understand & explain the meaning of personality ‘type’, ‘trait’ & 
• Describe & explain ‘extroversion’, ‘introversion’, ‘neuroticism’ & 
• Understand the relation of dimensions to personality temperaments 
• Describe & explain Eysenck’s biological explanation for personality
About Hans Eysenck 
 Hans Eysenck was born in Berlin, Germany on March 4, 1916. 
 He received his Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of 
London in 1940. 
 He has written 75 books and some 700 articles. Eysenck retired 
in 1983 and continued to write until his death on September 4, 
 Before his death in 1997, he was the most cited living 
psychologist, and he is the third most cited psychologist of all 
time, after Freud and Piaget.
What did Eysenck contribute to psychology? 
He developed the concept of neuroticism, arguing that it was a 
biological form of emotional instability. He frequently argued 
that much of personality is genetically determined and 
published several papers on this topic.
Personality Terms 
 Personality: a person’s internally based characteristic way of 
acting and thinking. 
 Character: Personal characteristics that have been judged or 
 Temperament: Hereditary aspects of personality, including 
sensitivity, moods, irritability, and distractibility 
 Personality Trait: Stable qualities that a person shows in most 
 Personality Type: People who have several traits in common
Hans J. Eysenck: Definition of Personality 
 Personality is “the sum-total of the actual or potential behavior-patterns of 
the organism, as determined by heredity and environment it originates and 
develops through the functional interaction of the four main sectors into 
which these behavior-patterns are organized. For Eysenck, personality 
consists of acts and dispositions organized in a hierarchical fashion in terms 
of their level of generality. The cognitive sector (intelligence), the conative 
sector (character), the affective sector (temperament), and the somatic 
sector (constitution).”
Three Dimensions of Personality 
1.Extraversion 2. Neuroticism 3. Psychoticism 
 Introversion versus Extroversion 
• Emotionally Stable versus Unstable (neurotic) 
• Impulse Control versus Psychotic
Extraversion - Introversion: 
 Extraversion: toughmindedness; impulsiveness; tendency to 
be outgoing; desire for novelty; performance enhanced by 
excitement; preference for vocations involving contact with 
other people; tolerance for pain. 
 Introversion: tendermindedness; introspectiveness; 
seriousness; performance interfered with by excitement; 
easily aroused but restrained, inhibited; preference for 
solitary vocations; sensitivity to pain.
Neuroticism- Psychoticism 
 Neuroticism: Below-average emotional control, will-power, 
and capacity to exert self; slowness in thought and action; 
suggestibility; lack of persistence; tendency to repress 
unpleasant facts; lack of sociability; below-average sensory 
acuity but high level of activation. 
 Psychoticism: Poor concentration, poor memory; 
insensitivity; lack of caring for others; cruelty; disregard for 
danger and convention; occasionally originality and/or 
creativity; liking for unusual things; considered peculiar by 
4 Basic Temperaments 
The first two factors create 4 combinations, related to the four 
basic temperaments recognized by ancient Greeks: 
• Melancholic (introverted + unstable): sad, gloomy 
• Choleric (extroverted + unstable): hot-tempered, irritable 
• Phlegmatic (introverted + stable): sluggish, calm 
• Sanguine (extroverted + stable): cheerful, hopeful
Eysenck Hierarchy 
Specific Behaviors
Hierarchy of Behaviour Organization 
es a 
Persistence Social Shyness 
Specific behaviours
Hans Eysenck theory of Personality
Men vs. Women: Who is Higher on P??? 
Psychoticism vs. Tender mindedness 
 High Psychoticism: 
 Egocentric, Impulsive, Non-conforming. 
 Suspicious, Sometimes antisocial. 
 Low Psychoticism (Tender Minded) 
Warm, (Fuzzy?), Caring, Cooperative. 
 Conforming to social norms. 
Right! Males tend to show higher psychoticism than females:
Biological Basis of Personality 
 “Biological causes act in such a way as to predispose an 
individual in certain ways to stimulation; this stimulation may or 
may not occur, depending on circumstances which are entirely 
under environmental control” – Eysenck 1997.
Biological Basis of Personality 
Personality types result from differences in central nervous 
system (CNS) functioning 
• Genetic basis of personality 
• Relatively stable & unchanging 
• However the environment interacts with biological 
Biological Basis of Extroversion/Introversion 
ARAS system: 
• Ascending Reticular Activation System 
• Cortical excitation & inhibition 
High ARAS arousal: 
• Predisposes to introversion 
Low ARAS arousal: 
• Predisposes to extroversion 
Evidence: Introverts have higher sedation threshold than extroverts 
(cf. ADHD)
Some empirical findings 
• Introverts less tolerant of painful electric shocks (Bartol & Costello, 
• Corr et al (1995): After high dose of caffeine: Introverts poorer 
performance (over-stimulated?); Extroverts better performance 
• Frontal lobes of introverts more active than extroverts (PET scan) 
(Johnson et al, 1999)
Biological Basis of Neuroticism/Normality 
Visceral Brain (VB) system 
• Hypothalamus & limbic system 
• Mediates emotional activation 
High VB activation: 
• Predisposed to neuroticism (emotionally reactive) 
Low VB activation: 
• Predisposed to normality (non-emotionally reactive)
Extroverts:Normal & Neurotic 
Normal Extrovert 
• Low ARAS arousal 
• Low visceral brain activity 
Neurotic Extrovert 
• Low ARAS arousal 
• High visceral brain activity
Introverts: Normal & Neurotic 
Normal Introvert 
• High ARAS arousal 
• Low visceral brain activity 
Neurotic Introvert 
• High ARAS arousal 
• High visceral brain activity
• Twin studies: E & N: 50% genetic 
• Adoption studies: Correlations b/w adoptive parents & adopted 
children for E & N are around 0% 
• E, N & P: highest validity of all traits (Kline, 1993)
 Boeree, C. (2006, January 1). Hans Eysenck. Retrieved November 
11, 2014, from 
 Feist, J., & Fiest, G. (2008). Dispositional Theories. In Theories of 
Personality (Seventh ed., p. 627). McGraw-Hill Primis. 
 Hergenhahn, B.R.&Olson, M.H. (2010). An Introduction to Theories 
of Personality (8th ed.). UpperSaddleRiver, N.J: Pearson Education, 
 Schultz, D., & Schultz, S. (2009). The Social-Learning Approach. 
In Theories of Personality(Ninth ed., p. 539). Belmont: Wadsworth 
Cengage Learning. 
 Zuckerman, M., Eysenck, S. B. J., & Eysenck, H. J. (1978). 
Sensation seeking in England and America: Cross-cultural, age, 
and sex comparisons. Journal of Consulting and Clinical 
Psychology, 46(1), 139-149.

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Hans Eysenck theory of Personality

  • 1. Hans Eysenck Rebel with a cause Trait Theory
  • 3. Objectives  At the end of this lesson you should be able to:  Know and expound on Hans Eysenck life. • Understand & explain the meaning of personality ‘type’, ‘trait’ & ‘dimension’ • Describe & explain ‘extroversion’, ‘introversion’, ‘neuroticism’ & ‘normality’ • Understand the relation of dimensions to personality temperaments • Describe & explain Eysenck’s biological explanation for personality
  • 4. About Hans Eysenck  Hans Eysenck was born in Berlin, Germany on March 4, 1916.  He received his Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of London in 1940.  He has written 75 books and some 700 articles. Eysenck retired in 1983 and continued to write until his death on September 4, 1997.  Before his death in 1997, he was the most cited living psychologist, and he is the third most cited psychologist of all time, after Freud and Piaget.
  • 5. What did Eysenck contribute to psychology? He developed the concept of neuroticism, arguing that it was a biological form of emotional instability. He frequently argued that much of personality is genetically determined and published several papers on this topic.
  • 6. Personality Terms  Personality: a person’s internally based characteristic way of acting and thinking.  Character: Personal characteristics that have been judged or evaluated  Temperament: Hereditary aspects of personality, including sensitivity, moods, irritability, and distractibility  Personality Trait: Stable qualities that a person shows in most situations  Personality Type: People who have several traits in common
  • 7. Hans J. Eysenck: Definition of Personality  Personality is “the sum-total of the actual or potential behavior-patterns of the organism, as determined by heredity and environment it originates and develops through the functional interaction of the four main sectors into which these behavior-patterns are organized. For Eysenck, personality consists of acts and dispositions organized in a hierarchical fashion in terms of their level of generality. The cognitive sector (intelligence), the conative sector (character), the affective sector (temperament), and the somatic sector (constitution).”
  • 8. Three Dimensions of Personality 1.Extraversion 2. Neuroticism 3. Psychoticism  Introversion versus Extroversion • Emotionally Stable versus Unstable (neurotic) • Impulse Control versus Psychotic
  • 9. Extraversion - Introversion:  Extraversion: toughmindedness; impulsiveness; tendency to be outgoing; desire for novelty; performance enhanced by excitement; preference for vocations involving contact with other people; tolerance for pain.  Introversion: tendermindedness; introspectiveness; seriousness; performance interfered with by excitement; easily aroused but restrained, inhibited; preference for solitary vocations; sensitivity to pain.
  • 10. Neuroticism- Psychoticism  Neuroticism: Below-average emotional control, will-power, and capacity to exert self; slowness in thought and action; suggestibility; lack of persistence; tendency to repress unpleasant facts; lack of sociability; below-average sensory acuity but high level of activation.  Psychoticism: Poor concentration, poor memory; insensitivity; lack of caring for others; cruelty; disregard for danger and convention; occasionally originality and/or creativity; liking for unusual things; considered peculiar by others.
  • 11. 4 Basic Temperaments The first two factors create 4 combinations, related to the four basic temperaments recognized by ancient Greeks: • Melancholic (introverted + unstable): sad, gloomy • Choleric (extroverted + unstable): hot-tempered, irritable • Phlegmatic (introverted + stable): sluggish, calm • Sanguine (extroverted + stable): cheerful, hopeful
  • 13. Eysenck Hierarchy Super- Factors Traits Habits Specific Behaviors
  • 14. Hierarchy of Behaviour Organization Type Persist with hobbies Finish es a job Keeps school work Studi es alone Works on hobbies alone Turns down invitatio ns Introversio n Persistence Social Shyness Trait Habits Specific behaviours
  • 16. Activity  
  • 17. Men vs. Women: Who is Higher on P??? Psychoticism vs. Tender mindedness  High Psychoticism:  Egocentric, Impulsive, Non-conforming.  Suspicious, Sometimes antisocial.  Low Psychoticism (Tender Minded) Warm, (Fuzzy?), Caring, Cooperative.  Conforming to social norms. Right! Males tend to show higher psychoticism than females:
  • 18. Biological Basis of Personality  “Biological causes act in such a way as to predispose an individual in certain ways to stimulation; this stimulation may or may not occur, depending on circumstances which are entirely under environmental control” – Eysenck 1997.
  • 19. Biological Basis of Personality Personality types result from differences in central nervous system (CNS) functioning Implications: • Genetic basis of personality • Relatively stable & unchanging • However the environment interacts with biological predispositions
  • 21. Biological Basis of Extroversion/Introversion ARAS system: • Ascending Reticular Activation System • Cortical excitation & inhibition High ARAS arousal: • Predisposes to introversion Low ARAS arousal: • Predisposes to extroversion Evidence: Introverts have higher sedation threshold than extroverts (cf. ADHD)
  • 22. Some empirical findings • Introverts less tolerant of painful electric shocks (Bartol & Costello, 1976) • Corr et al (1995): After high dose of caffeine: Introverts poorer performance (over-stimulated?); Extroverts better performance (stimulated?) • Frontal lobes of introverts more active than extroverts (PET scan) (Johnson et al, 1999)
  • 23. Biological Basis of Neuroticism/Normality Visceral Brain (VB) system • Hypothalamus & limbic system • Mediates emotional activation High VB activation: • Predisposed to neuroticism (emotionally reactive) Low VB activation: • Predisposed to normality (non-emotionally reactive)
  • 24. Extroverts:Normal & Neurotic Sanguine Normal Extrovert • Low ARAS arousal • Low visceral brain activity Choleric Neurotic Extrovert • Low ARAS arousal • High visceral brain activity
  • 25. Introverts: Normal & Neurotic Phlegmatic Normal Introvert • High ARAS arousal • Low visceral brain activity Melancholic Neurotic Introvert • High ARAS arousal • High visceral brain activity
  • 26. Evaluation • Twin studies: E & N: 50% genetic • Adoption studies: Correlations b/w adoptive parents & adopted children for E & N are around 0% • E, N & P: highest validity of all traits (Kline, 1993)
  • 28. References  Boeree, C. (2006, January 1). Hans Eysenck. Retrieved November 11, 2014, from  Feist, J., & Fiest, G. (2008). Dispositional Theories. In Theories of Personality (Seventh ed., p. 627). McGraw-Hill Primis.  Hergenhahn, B.R.&Olson, M.H. (2010). An Introduction to Theories of Personality (8th ed.). UpperSaddleRiver, N.J: Pearson Education, Inc.  Schultz, D., & Schultz, S. (2009). The Social-Learning Approach. In Theories of Personality(Ninth ed., p. 539). Belmont: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.  Zuckerman, M., Eysenck, S. B. J., & Eysenck, H. J. (1978). Sensation seeking in England and America: Cross-cultural, age, and sex comparisons. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 46(1), 139-149.