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Fast food is the food that requires little preparation before being served. Kentucky Fried Chicken
also known as KFC is one of the most innovation and leading fast food restaurant among fast food
giants.This essay provides an analysis of the marketing news story which published in
February.25.2015, about edible coffee cup which is also called Scoff–ee cup by KFC. This new cup
greets plenty of the trends bedevilling the food business today such as product innovation, social
responsibility and environmental friendliness. "This type of edible packaging is definitely aligned
with the global consumer mind–set in terms of sustainability and simplifying their life," said Shilpa
Rosenberry, senior director of global consumer strategy at Daymon Worldwide. ... Show more
content on ...
During the Growth Stage, a company aims to develop brand recognition and increase their customer
base. The quality of the product is often improved and technical support is usually enhanced. Pricing
remains generally stable as demand continues with minimal competition. During the Maturity Stage,
the company has successfully established product and the aim for the manufacturer is now to
maintain the market share they have built up. This is probably the most competitive time as KFC,
now, has to take into consideration of Porter's five forces analysis. For instance, other fast food
oligopoly such as McDonald's, Subway, Burger King and so on might come out with similar product
of relatively cheaper price as substitute. Moreover, small businesses are able to enter to the market
because of reasonable production costs. "A successful strategy needs to be based on assets and
competencies because it is generally easier for competitors to duplicate what you do rather than who
you are," said David A.Aaker Strategic Market Management. The firm should invest to regain a
dominant position so that it is a point of advantage if other firms are catching up. "A satisfied
customer is one who will continue to buy from you, seldom shop around, refer other customers and
in general be a superstar advocate for your business," said Gregory Ciotti Help Scout.
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Statistical And Non Probabilistic Methods
3.7 Sampling Procedures and Techniques.
3.7.1 Sampling Method
The researcher will be using a combination of both probabilistic and non–probabilistic method as
the research is largely qualitative in nature but there are elements of a quantitative nature. By using a
combination of sampling methods it will allow the research to be more realistic and not skewed. The
researcher will apply a non–probability – purposive method and using the Heterogeneous sampling
technique while analyzing the phenomenon at InterChem Limited as well as a probability technique
of a cluster to ascertain the influence of strategic innovation in the SME sector.
3.7.2 Sample Size
The researcher will be using a census as a result of the population size to ascertain the influence of
strategic innovation on Interchem. According to the central limit theorem which states that if the
minimum number with the sample is 50 or less then a census should be conducted. This is the most
appropriate technique to use due to the size of the population. The population at InterChem limited
is below 30 and they will be developed as the sample frame. The nature of this research is a case
study of Interchem Limited and how strategic innovation can influences it as an SME.
3.8 Data Analysis Technique
3.8.1 Data analysis plan.
The researcher will use largely qualitative data analysis which according to Glaser (1992) is any
analysis that produces findings or concepts as in grounded theory that are not arrived at by
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The Link between Management and the System
DM 204
Reaction Paper 2 – 21 July 2012
Submitted by: Angelica Barlis
Are Managers Obsolete?
Thomas M. Hout, Harvard Business Review
Businesses, organizations and companies have their own objectives that need to be achieved,
through which the role of a manager is essential. These objectives will be accomplished through and
with people in the most advantageous way of utilizing the available resources. In the article of
Thomas M. Hout, he presented two interesting ideas that will make the readers contemplate whether
or not the success or failure of a corporation depends solely on the management or to the different
factors beyond the control of the management.
The Management
There are people who are trained to be high–quality ... Show more content on ...
A business ecosystem is defined as groups of firms which together provide complex products and
related services to meet end–to–end requirements of users across the value chain. This trend is the
response on the requirement of the system. This is a collaborative approach among different groups
in order to serve each actor within the chain. "Innovation in ecosystems requires collective action to
both invent and appraised, efficient, cross–organization knowledge flows, modular architectures,
and good stewardship of legacy systems. It rests on multiple, complementary platforms." as quoted
from Professor Baldwin of Working Knowledge.
DM 204
Reaction Paper 2 – 21 July 2012
Submitted by: Angelica Barlis
"Every organization in the ecosystem has to be aware of the bigger picture.". To be able to survive
the global market arena, organizations should explore the idea of working with each other to attain
their company's specific objectives. The interconnectedness of each player gives a fair chance to
achieve their respective goals.
Seeing through the Development Lens
This school of thoughts are not only applicable to businesses and corporations but as well as to the
development work. Development managers bring various interventions to rural countryside and the
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Case Study: Fletcher Jones and Continental Airlines...
Appendix 1 – Theory of the Business 15 Appendix 2 – Competing Values Framework 16 Appendix
3 – 4 + 2 Model 17 Appendix 4 – 4 + 2 Model 17 Appendix 5 – Five Practices of Exemplary
Leadership Model 18 INTRODUCTION This case study will examine the strengths and weaknesses
of the managerial leadership of Fletcher Jones and Continental Airlines. ... Show more content on ...
Within the environment of the organization, society was very important to both businesses but in
differing ways. Fletcher Jones' dream was to build not only a factory but a workers cooperative
where every employee would be a part owner of the company and as a result would benefit directly
from it's success. However, while Greg Brenneman (1998), the COO of Continental Airlines, refers
to we as his 40,000 coworkers at Continental, they are, co–workers not co–owners. Also within the
environment of the organization, value of the customer was similar to both businesses but with
different outcomes in mind. Fletcher Jones' focus was quality, service to the people and to make sure
they did not get ripped off. Fletcher Jones went as far as repairing a pair of trousers at no cost that
were over 40 years old. Similarly, Continental focused on the value customer in 9C, the regular
business traveler. Perhaps, where the difference lies is that Continental focused on what they wanted
and what they were willing to pay for to enable the business to be more profitable. It appears the
Theory of the Business was understood throughout both businesses. They understood their missions
and had the core competencies to accomplish the mission. However, Fletcher Jones did not test the
theory constantly as the changing times
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Peter Drucker
Peter Drucker
Annotated Bibliography
Straub.R 'Honouring the life and works of Peter Drucker' Emerald Article (Online). Available at:
(Accessed: 11 February).
Peter Drucker's management philosophy was, and is still considered to this present day as
revolutionary, described as a man 'Who could see around corners' Richard Straub briefly discusses
how history was a prominent and integral element to all Drucker wrote. The article emphases
Drucker's ambition to shape and influence management theory and practice, he once quoted 'The
best way to predict the future is to create it'. The article outlines not only how Drucker has created
management strategies ... Show more content on ...
This article is useful as it finds flaws in Drucker's work, but does not discard his contributions
completely still recognising his influences in modern day management.
DR. Simon.H 'Management– beyond the day. Insights from encounters with Peter Drucker' Drucker
society(Online). Available at:–beyond–the–day.pdf
(Accessed: 16 February)
As suggested in the title, Simon discusses what he gained through personal encounters with Drucker.
The main concept being 'management fads are deceptive nonsense' Simon examines how Drucker's
comments and ideas on management still remain prominent and relevant in modern day society
underpinning many organisations. Peter Drucker quoted 'Life can only be understood backwards.
But then one forgets the other principle: that it must be lived forwards' this quote and article will be
useful in my writing as they summarise Drucker's overall attitude and approach to management
Marcia Kurzynski 'Peter Drucker: modern day Aristotle for the business community' Journal of
Management History Volume: 15 Issue: 4 2009. (Online) Available at:
PHPSESSID=m4o6f14b29icfmjqb0fk4j06u4&st1=aristotle&ct=all (Accessed 28 February)
This paper draws up various links between Peter Drucker and Aristotle which is useful as I am
writing about both of them. While Drucker is viewed by many as the most influential thinker of the
21st century, many of his concepts
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Management By Objectives Of Management
6. Management by Objectives
Since the early 1950's, management by objectives has been a management principle or theory that
has been practice within both private and public sector corporations. It was first publicized by the
management expert Peter Drucker in 1954. Starbuck (2012) identified management by objectives as
Drucker's primary sources and contribution to his book "The Practice of Management" following the
developments of his ideas in his earlier books such as "The Future of Industrial Man" and "Concept
of the Corporation" which were published in 1942 and 1946 respectively. Subsequently,
management by objectives has gained an increasing publicity and largely influenced many industrial
organisations like Fords and General Motors amongst many others as shown in Peter Starbuck's case
studies (Starbuck, 2012:99) and is currently a taught topic within the academic curriculum for areas
such as management and administration. ... Show more content on ...
Moreover, Odiorne (1965:55–56) depicted the management by objective process as one in which the
managers of an organization jointly identify its common goals, define each individual's major areas
of responsibility in terms of results expected, and use these measures as guides for operating the unit
and assessing the contributions of each of its
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Influence of Internet and Information Technology
Informing Science
InSITE – "Where Parallels Intersect"
June 2003
Influence of Internet and Information Technology on Work and Human Resource Management
Peter Baloh and Peter Trkman Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
peter.baloh@uni– peter.trkman@uni–
Internet has transformed our lives and the way we communicate, how we learn, how we work and
spend free time, in essence – it has more or less changed every aspect of human society one can
think of. This paper deals with the influence of Internet and information technology on work and
human resource management. It observes main novelties and (inevitably coming) changes in areas
of staffing, motivating and leading and discusses possible ... Show more content on
Secondly, combining that with elements of human–resource management we try to predict basic
consequences that IT could have on the way employees are rewarded and the way new employees
are acquired. The paper is structured according to introduced methodology – section two contains
presentation of how Internet and IT have influenced some of the areas of organization 's personnel
function and a few consequences of that. In the third section mainly various opportunities that
organization can take to adjust to the new situation both in its environment and within the
Current Influence of the Internet and IT
The number of Internet users has grown over 300 million in year 2000 (predictions for year 2005 are
set for one billion), a third of USA 's economic growth in the period 1996–99 is directly attributed to
the Internet explosion. There are over 2 billion web pages and more than 17 million registered
domains (State of the Internet, 2000). These facts already indicate that the Internet has significant
effect on how, why, where and when people work. The Internet and IT have the most prominent
influence on more educated, skilled and ambitious people, especially those, that are regularly
working with information and communication technology (ICT). Since they are also the ones that
occupy important positions in organizations hierarchy and are therefore of great significance for the
overall success of the
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Galaxy Toys Chapter Summaries
Galaxy Toys, the largest privately owned toy company in the USA, has been under the same
management for over thirty years, and has undergone notable changes in management style in that
time. Bart Aldrin has brought with him techniques and a management style that have not only
improved the methodology of toy assembly, but also optimized shipping processes for the company
during his time as a manager. In the late 1980's and early 90's, there was a major shift in
management that inspired Aldrin and other managers to reconsider their management approach.
When American run companies began to suffer in the late 1980's, Aldrin implemented the principles
of Theory Z, and revitalized the company from within. Upon Aldrin's retirement, Joyce Barnhart
will replace him and lead the company towards the future utilizing 21st century management
Part One
Up until the late 1980's and early 90's, management at Galaxy Toys focused heavily on task
efficiency implemented training methods designed to ensure employees were highly specialized, and
highly efficient, at their tasks. Since then, advancements in technology, threats by workers to
unionize, a greater demand for employee management participation, work–life balance and a general
shift in employee workplace values, as well as globalization have created a need for management to
reevaluate their style yet again. In 1981, William Ouchi's book, "Theory Z: How American Business
Can Meet the Japanese Challenge" hit the
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Management by Objectives
Management by Objectives
Motivating employees seems to be a challenge for managers – Discuss the advantages and
disadvantages of the MBO program and provide at least one example to support your discussion.
Goal–Setting Theories have evolved since the 50s and have an impressive documented literature.
The Goal–Setting Theory addresses the issues that goal specificity, challenge, and feedback have on
performance (Robbins, 2009, p185). Setting goals and motivating employees are always an
important issue for a manager, however in certain cases it is difficult to make it operational. A more
systematic way to utilize goal setting is with the management by objectives program (MBO), which
introduced the system of SMART method of goals that ... Show more content on ...
As an example I could refer to the Texas state government, who initiated the management by
objectives program in 1978 and ten years later analyzed the results (Lee, 1989, An Analysis of the
Implementation and Effectiveness of Management by Objectives (MBO) in Texas State
Government). As it was already mentioned beforehand this method has also its advantages and
disadvantages, but let's see which they were in this specific case.
On the whole the analysis highlighted that there was a common agreement that the main elements of
the MBO program are practiced at managerial levels. Managers pointed out that their units and
divisions became goal and result oriented, the work objectives were clearly defined and were put in
writing. There were sufficient checkpoints established and opportunities to meet with the superiors
to review
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Synopsis of on Profession of Management
On the Profession of Management is a compilation of Druckers work that has appeared in the
Harvard Business Review over the last 30 years. Review editor Nan Stone has organized 13 articles
into two sections. The first, The Managers Responsibilities, focuses on the burgeoning business
realities that have serious implications on the present business scenario. Dynamic shifts in the
current business theory, management practices and the ways to make effective decision are some of
the key challenges faced by today's managers. The second, The Executives World, focuses on – the
history of management, the transformation from the traditional command–and–control model to
knowledge–based organizations, emergence of information technology, and valuable ... Show more
content on ...
The focus of manager should be on the strengths not the weakness of the candidates, and decisions
the individual must understand the job. By and large Drucker emphasizes that making right
decisions is not only imperative but speaks volumes about the management, its values and long term
objectives; if we look at the staffing and promotion decisions mentioned above we can easily infer
that if a disparity occurs in employee capabilities and job requirements how it diminishes the
productivity of the company but also at the same time it promotes a culture highly charged with
politics & tardiness.
It is usually considered by organizations to capitalize on a magical idea virus that aims to achieve
future economic – such a stance is based on what future will hold? And long–term planning
responds to this very notion. Drucker strongly dismisses that and proposes that it is not absolutely
necessary for every business to search for the idea that promises future. He furthermore says that
future cannot be known and it is not determined and not formed but can be shaped through strong
willed action; A proactive approach regarding how future should be is what generates ideas, actions
that lead to success in future. Small organizations who believed in what future should hold have
earned success in long run such as IBM or Xerox. Long term planning is not only for large
companies but also for small businesses that the future. An idea is not just an idea but an
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Management by Objectives Report
(Project management: Case Studies
Harold Kerzner, (2006). John Wiley and Sons)
Management by objectives This technique allows all parties, the project manager, the functional
manager, and the employee, to share and to participate in the appraisal. It epitomizes the systems
approach since it allows for objectives modification without undue or undeserved penalty to the
employee. Finally, it uses objective data and downplays subjective data.
emphasis on results rather than on abstract personality characteristics
Little difficulty with –conflict (over schedules, priorities, technical issues, administration,
personalities, costs)
What IS MBO ... Show more content on ...
Although there is an understandable degree of variation among the scholars and practitioners about
the composition of an MBO program, they all appear to agree on the following guidelines:
* Superiors and subordinates meet and discuss goals for the subordinates that are in line with
organizational goals.
* The superior and subordinate jointly establish goals for the subordinate.
* The superior and the subordinate meet again after establishing the initial goals and evaluate the
subordinate 's performance in terms of these goals.
Conceptually, MBO is the ultimate in participative management, since a subordinate can help
establish personal objectives for their job, help determine the measurements used in evaluating
performance, and receive constant feedback on progress. On the surface MBO restates the obvious.
For example, Isaiah (46:11) writes: "I have spoken it, I will also bring it to pass; I have purposed it, I
will also do it." Unfortunately all human endeavor is full of disasters where fundamental principles
or obvious data were overlooked, ignored, or rejected.
Performance–Based Budgeting: A Case Study about the Effects of Performance Measures on the
Agency Budgeting Process in West Virginia State Government
Nisa Yazici Aydemir
August 2010
College of Arts and Sciences of Ohio University
The implementation of PPBS was suspended in the federal government with the introduction of a
new system called
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Manage Your Boss
Manage Your Boss
How do we make our time most productive? What could be a more effective use of time than
ensuring we have a mutually effective relationship with our own line managers? Here are our 8 tips
to help manage up: 1. First try to understand your boss. 2. Don't try to be a transformer. 3. Build on
strengths. 4. Focus strengths on things that matter. 5. Find out what works. 6. Build your
relationship. 7. How to avoid being overloaded or having your time wasted. 8. Build a bigger
1 – First Try to Understand Your Boss
On This article suggest several ways to achieve this.They state that we need to ensure you
understand your boss, and her working context, by understanding her/his:
Goal and Objectives ... Show more content on ...
Difficult and not necessarily time well spent. The important thing is coming to understand what
makes your boss tick, and developing an effective working relationship. Far better to work on the
basis of that relationship, and the way in which it's conducted, than to try to change your boss.
Ensure you meet regularly with your boss and try to develop a professional relationship based on
mutual trust and respect.
We all feel good when we get better at what we're already good at!
3 – Build on Strengths
One effective way to manage your boss is supporting them in doing what they themselves are good
at. Discuss their strengths and how they can be most effectively employed. Offer your own support
in doing this, perhaps by taking on other roles yourself, especially those which utilize your
strengths. Ensure your boss is familiar with the the concept of strengths–based management. Point
out the value of this approach, both up and down the management hierarchy.
4 – Focus Strengths on Things That Matter
Of course strengths matter, but their real value only comes when they are applied to the things that
matter. In his book: "The Effective Executive", Peter Drucker suggested consideration of the
To answer the question: "what does my boss do really well?", ask "what has she done really well?"
Where is the evidence of what she's very good at?
Then ask: "what does she need to get from me to perform?"
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Knowledge Management
Knowledge Management
"Knowledge management is the set of practices aimed at discovering and harnessing an organization
's intellectual resources. It 's about finding, unlocking, sharing, and altogether capitalizing on the
most precious resources of an organization: people 's expertise, skills, wisdom, and relationships.
Knowledge managers find these human assets, help people collaborate and learn, help people
generate new ideas, and harness those ideas into successful innovations" (Bateman, 2004, p.8–9).
One of the most important factors of change in management is the growing need for good, new
ideas. Knowledge management is an approach that allows people to produce change. It 's bringing
people together and collecting ideas from ... Show more content on ...
" Prevailing management concepts were conceived for an industrial past, so they are not useful for a
different economy based on knowledge. The founding fathers of management would be baffled to
hear modern managers talk of networks, telecommuting, and virtual organization" (Halal, 1996, p.
"Management is the process of working with people and resources to accomplish organizational
goals. Good managers do those things both effectively and efficiently" (Bateman, 2004, p.14).
"Management have four traditional functions, which are planning, organizing, leading, and
controlling" (Bateman, 2004, p.8). Good managers don 't neglect any of the four important functions
because if they do they will fail. They must be determined to be effective and perform to their best
abilities. These four functions are the basics to management and have been followed by many
managers for a long time. That 's why knowledge management has taken such a big role in
management because it began a new idea. That 's what knowledge management is all about, new
ideas. There are many things a company can do to adopt the concept of knowledge management into
their systems. Knowledge management really focuses on the people. It 's a new idea to utilize the
people of the company and get more ideas from them and not just the company owner. It tries to find
and unlock peoples ' wisdom. It tries to share
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Peter Drucker Managing Oneself
Running head:Managing Oneself:Theories and Concepts
Managing Oneself
Business 101 Assignment 5
Logan Wade
Doane College
Author Note This paper was written for Business 101 with Professor Le.
In his paper, Managing Oneself by, Peter Drucker demonstrates how to establish your own career
path by when to capture opportunities and when to change course. This helps us unlock our full
potential by discovering our strengths, understanding how best we work with others, identifying
work habits and other work environments that fulfills our needs. Peter Drucker also introduces us a
deep insight in different comparisons on what values and contributions we succeed on the way we
perform. And their are many different challenging tasks in understanding the business life.
The first important factor to business is Going Global (pg 110), or to expand overseas markets. The
benefit being that profits and marketing opportunities can be increased. Going Global also reduces
the percent of the firm in any given location, thus reducing risk. Choosing of the market in which to
enter requires very extensive research, focusing on local demand for what the firm produces and
availability of the required resources for production such as labor and natural resources. In the
article it is said that , "To be effective in an organization, a person values must be compatible with
the organizations". This statement shows the need for unity within a company. If a new part of the
company is in a
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The Downfall Of Roaring Dragon Hotel
The Roaring Dragon Hotel
Ravi Kolawar
Sullivan University
MGT 510
Executive Summary This case study describes the downfall of Roaring Dragon Hotel (RDH) when it
handed over to Hotel International (HI), is a well known for its brand name and that failed to make
the Roaring Dragon Hotel become a five star hotel due to lack of communication and some other
reasons(Grainger, 2008). Failed to maintain good relationship with employees, customers and ignore
to respect the culture led the RDH to fail in business (Grainger, 2008).
Introduction: Roaring Dragon Hotel Roaring Dragon Hotel (RDH) was a three star hotel in South–
West China since 1950 (Grainger,2008). Grainger(2008) observed that, RDH is a State owned
enterprise(SOE) in which employees are appointed on the strength of their guanxi connections.
According to Drucker (1997), the top priority for success in the current business environment is to
harness. "The intelligence and spirit of people at all levels of an organization to continually build
and share knowledge". The management of RDH was changed to Hotel International to make the
RDH a five star hotel after defame. Employees of RDH felt proud to work for SOE and was admired
by their friends and relatives.
Background: Improving the hotel's quality and reputation RDH had a good reputation in early 1690
's. It went through many changes for surviving in Competitive world. Changes
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Poor Communications
Does poor communication cause conflict?
Essay written by: jmurdoch
Is most conflict in an organisation is caused by poor communication? If we had perfect
communication would conflict cease?
Consider for example, an e–mail asking for some information "yesterday" to stress how important
this request is. The sender thinks e–mails are great as they travel at the speed of light and spell
things out in black & white. The recipient may consider that if its in a e–mail then it can 't be that
urgent because servers can loose, misdirect or delay an e–mails transmission. They may also
consider that as the information was wanted "yesterday" its already too late to be effectively utilised.
Both parties saw the same communiqué, neither read the ... Show more content on
Do the high level mangers share a single office floor so that they are accessible to each other or sit
where they can practice management by walking about on a daily basis & be accessible by the staff
they manage . Each choice will determine the kind and content of communication that occurs.
Grouping by function will create cliques based on profession. Between cliques there will be
ignorance of each others modus operandi and working pressures which creates interdepartmental
friction as each can only see their set of priories. Not grouping by function means that levels of
specialist knowledge will take longer to increase and cause dissatisfaction in professionals and
knowledge workers.
Team building works on the principle of "put them through hell and they will end up working
together". For many employees they are already doing this five days a week and its not working.
Then the teams, for these events, are always constructed wrongly either all managers – who will be
seen to be "out on a jolly" – or all members of the same department. Team building should be used
to create unofficial links between departments to contrast & compliment the designed
communication flow built in to the company structure.
People do not like being kept in the dark or working for a despot. Decrees without adequate
explanations will be resented even if they make perfect sense. The salesman 's formula of "feature
that produces this result which then gives you this benefit" needs
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Peter Ducker Father Of Management
Peter Drucker: The Father of Modern Management Non–profit organization, corporate society,
management by objectives, are all terms being used and taught today and all have something in
common. What is it you ask? Peter Drucker. He was the man behind all of these ideas and their
growth into what they have become today. He has been titled many things including, "The Man Who
Invented Corporate Society" and "the father of management principles". The article, Drucker (2005),
stated that Peter was "hailed by Business Week as "'the most enduring management thinker of our
time'" (p. 1). Peter Ferdinand Drucker was born on November 19, 1909 in Kaasgraben, a suburb of
Vienna, Austria. Peter's father, Adolf worked for the Austrian government ... Show more content on ...
Why is Drucker Important? Peter Drucker changed the way business people, scholars, and others
throughout the world looked at management. " was Drucker who virtually invented and advanced
the concpet of effective management as the central function in free scoiety" Collins (2010) said. He
was an innovator of many of the concepts that are still used today. But it wasn't solely his ideas that
created the enormous impact; it was his total approach to ideas which was composed of four
elements: he started first with results, he looked outside of the corporation for influence, he asked
daring questions, and he focused on the individual, not just the corporation Collins (2010) itterated.
Under his suggestions and influences, management changed from profit centered to person centered.
He took the reins of the post war chaos in the business world and taught us what the modern
corporation is and how to effectively manage people.
Drucker the Consultant In 1943, Drucker took his first consulting job at General Motors. This was a
pivotal moment in his career that launched his revolutionary book Concept of Corporation. Drucker
was not your average consultant. Tarrant (1976) states that "he tries to get inside the tradition and
culture of a particular place, to understand how things really work; so that he can focus on what is
truly important" (p.7). Before World War II, management was not a concern of
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Knowledge Workers
Reprinted from Future of Work Agenda March 2007
What is a Knowledge Worker, Anyway? by Jim Ware and Charlie Grantham In our consulting and
research work we spend a lot of time exploring how the emergence of knowledge work as the
primary driver of economic activity is changing the nature of the workplace and even basic
organizational and management practice. Recently one of our clients asked us a very basic question:
Just what is a knowledge worker?" As he said, "Everyone uses that term but it certainly doesn't seem
very well defined. And if we're going to be doing market research and making investments aimed at
attracting knowledge workers to our community and local businesses, we sure ought to have some
kind of agreement about just ... Show more content on ...
(From an interview conducted by Ubiquity Magazine, available online at: ) Davenport then proceeds to define
knowledge workers as "people with high degrees of education or expertise whose primary job
function involves some activity related to knowledge." These very broad definitions, however,
encompass almost all forms of meaningful work. Even a barber, a hair stylist, a hamburger flipper,
or an assembly line worker has some degree of specialized knowledge about what he or she must do
to be successful, although there are certainly differing levels of productivity and effectiveness
depending on an individual's knowledge and experience. Thus, knowledge workers indisputably
include individuals in the traditional professions, such as doctors, lawyers, scientists, educators, and
engineers. Most of us would also include those who work in senior positions in marketing,
advertising, consulting, finance, insurance, and strategy development, to name just a few functional
specialties. And then there are also specialized knowledge–based jobs like airline pilots, musicians,
senior business executives, and even government officials. Because their work typically entails the
interpretation and manipulation of information as well as the creation of new knowledge (as
opposed to relatively routine
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What Is Fayol 's Principles Or Taylor 's Scientific...
Whether Fayol's Principles or Taylor's Scientific Management techniques, such concepts influence
all aspects of business and form the footing for multi–faceted activities that business and
management comprise of.
Ever since I was a child, I have had strong familial connections with commerce. My grandfather
worked at a senior level in the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) for over 20 years, and my father, a
graduate of SRCC AND IIM Bangalore is currently the chief financial officer for a Multinational
Corporation called Polyplex. My mother has her own trousseau and packaging brand, while my aunt
has a line of coaching centres in Toronto. All these fuelled my constant enthusiasm and drive for the
subject and it is no surprise now that I too have chosen this as my future vocation. After moving
back from Thailand, I have regularly invested in putting up stalls at the annual Diwali carnivals in
my city. It was there that I first put my foot into the world of business. Over time, I grasped
numerous fundamental and significant concepts of business that would not only benefit me
academically but also in the long run. I was able to identify my target audience as adolescents and
children ranging between the ages of 3 to 17 years. On the basis of this, I applied the product, place,
promotion and price concepts of marketing to my venture. I studied the customers' needs and wants,
developed a market offering, and created customer value. My pricing policy was kept to a minimum
of Rs. 30
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As We Advanced From The 20Th Century To The 21St Century
As we advanced from the 20th century to the 21st century many of our ideas, outlooks, and
information we knew about the world changed and progressed greatly. This is also true for how we
as a civilization viewed management, progressed and continued to progress in bettering our
management practices. This book analyzes old and new assumptions of management practices along
with the reality that comes with the new strategies. The author also describes that as we go through
these changes a leader that knows how to work with change is important to have to get passed the
many information challenges. Drucker then describes that as the organizations change it is important
that individuals within the organization also change to help reach maximum ... Show more content
on ...
Since the discipline behind management is always changing so are the assumptions that come with
it. Drucker First lists 7 old assumptions of management, which are:
1. Management Is Business Management
2. There is – or there must be– one right organization structure.
3. There is – or there must be– one right way to manage people.
4. Technologies, markets and end–users are given
5. Management's scope is legally defined.
6. Management is internally focused.
7. The economy as defined by national boundaries is the ecology of enterprise and management.
Ducker goes on to explain that the first three assumptions are related to the discipline of
management while the last 4 are related to the practice of management itself. He also points out that
these assumptions might have been helpful back then but are actually hurting us now. "They are now
so far removed from actual reality that they are becoming obstacles to the Theory and even more
serious obstacles to the Practice of Management. Indeed, reality is fast becoming the very opposite
of what these assumptions claim it to be" (Drucker). Drucker then goes on to explain his 8 new
management assumptions related to the discipline of management, which are:
1. Management is not only for profit–making businesses.
2. There is not only one right organization.
3. There is not one right way to manage people.
4. Technologies and End–Users
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On Knowledge: Peter Drucker And Russel Ackoff
On Knowledge Merriam–Webster defines knowledge as "the fact or condition of knowing
something with familiarity gained through experience or association." This definition of knowledge
isn't really helpful because it attempts precision but doesn't arrive anywhere useful. How is
knowledge different from knowing? The definition from the dictionary wanders through suggestions
related to awareness, understanding, information, and cognition. Each of these terms are quite
different from each other.That is why, when we say "Innovation", understanding these terms
becomes a necessity or we are going to have a vague understanding about innovation. I respect Peter
Drucker and Russel Ackoff when they tried to tell us the distinction between these terms
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Worst Of Family Business
In this week's readings, I have learned the significance of leadership when failing, as well as the
process that leads to failing. While reading both stories, one discusses the tensions in Market
Basket's family–owned business, and the other talks on Drucker's method to turn individual's
strengths in productivity. Within these texts, they both give insight on how teamwork and leadership
affects a business as a whole. It is shown that without strong management to make the correct
decisions, whether it be a board of executives, a sports team, or a group of college students, the
whole thing team, and brings forth failure. In the article, Market Basket Shows the Best and Worst
of Family Business by writer of the Harvard Business Review, John A. ... Show more content on ...
My ideology based off what I have read and know within personal experience, giving up is the last
option possible, and sometimes I don't even accept it to be an option. In the circumstances of Market
Basket, there were methods to prevent the downfall from occurring, and still are ways to recover
from their misstep in leadership, they shouldn't give up. When Drucker speaks on the hiring process,
when a team falls short or there is a weakness within a member, they shouldn't give up. Rather, they
should look at the situation at hand and put forth efforts to solve it. But the question is, how do you
know when to give up? The cliche answer is, when it's not fun anymore. Although, things aren't
always going to be fun. I say, the only right time to give up is when one must give up to progress
further. Giving up to progress forward, meaning, if something is holding one back from improving
on life, they must let it go, in order to do better for themselves and the others around
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Organisations Essay example
Objective: To understand the basic concepts of organisational structure as they appear on/affect ICT
What is an organisation?
An organisation is a collection of human and non human resources that are brought together in order
to fulfill a designated purpose.
1. Supermarket
2. School
3. Shop
4. Large commercial enterprise
5. Small informally structured non commercial group – green peace
In some cases the structures are clearly defined and inflexible, in others the structure is less formally
Factors which determine the structures:
Ø The size and the complexity of the organization the larger and more complex the organization the
more likely it is to have clear lines of ... Show more content on ...
would require training)
Relevant hardware software and information systems to carry out business effectively.
Levels within an Hierarchical organization
Senior managers (strategic):
Responsible for long time planning and setting the overall goals for the organization, more
interested in summated information which can be broken down into
Middle Managers (tactical):
Carry out the programs and plans by supervising employees. They need the Workers (operational):
Responsible for producing goods and delivering the services.
Successful Organisations:
Ø They have visionary and enthusiastic leaders.
Ø They unlock and develop the potential of employees.
Ø They create an empowered work force.
Ø They invest in people through communications and training.
Ø They know there customers.
Ø They learn from others.
Ø They respond positively to demands.
Ø They introduce new products and services
Ø They know who there competitors are, and encourage innovation
Ø They focus on poor business and explore strategic alliances
Ø Exceed customer's expectations.
Main elements of an organisation
Ø Production
Ø Sales and marketing
Ø Personnel or human resources
Ø Finance and accounting
Business Organisation has four
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Essay on Discipline of Management
In today's competitive landscape, organizations must utilize every resource to its fullest in order to
achieve profitability. Peter F. Drucker, who is known as "the founding father of the discipline of
management", informs us that employees are assets, which should be treated as a company's most
valuable resource. The key players involved in utilizing this valuable resource are the managers of a
company. Managers have a vital role in a company and the effort they put forth into their tasks and
responsibilities will directly affect the success of a company. In Drucker's book Management: Tasks,
Responsibilities, Practices (Revised Edition), he explains the role of a company's management team
and the secrets to becoming a great manager. ... Show more content on ...
This mission must take into account and balance the present with the uncertain future. It is an
important administrative task for a manager's mission to strive for the company's full potential. As
Drucker states, "What is the business's theoretical optimum? What prevents us from attaining it?
Where are the limiting and restraining factors that hold back the business and deprive it of the full
return on its resources and efforts"? (32). Determining and adapting a productive mission requires a
manager to be an entrepreneur, a risk taker, and an innovator. A good company mission is adaptable,
and will allow the modern business to survive and perform in a new and unpredictable future.
Once the mission has been determined the next responsibility of a manager is to make the work
place suitable for all employees. In addition to stressing that employees are a company's most
important resource, Drucker explains that they are the only one capable of the growth and
improvement. Encouraging and helping the employees to be happy will create a more productive
and hardworking environment. A manager that meets the needs of the employees will often
encourage more productivity, which will result in meeting the needs of the consumer.
Drucker's third responsibility for management is to realize how the institution is affecting society.
Management must recognize that free
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Analysis Of KFC
Fast food is the food that requires little preparation before being served. Kentucky Fried Chicken
also known as KFC is one of the most innovation and leading fast food restaurant among fast food
giants.This essay provides an analysis of the marketing news story which published in
February.25.2015, about edible coffee cup which is also called Scoff–ee cup by KFC. This new cup
greets plenty of the trends bedevilling the food business today such as product innovation, social
responsibility and environmental friendliness. "This type of edible packaging is definitely aligned
with the global consumer mind–set in terms of sustainability and simplifying their life," said Shilpa
Rosenberry, senior director of global consumer strategy at Daymon Worldwide. ... Show more
content on ...
Drucker. Nowadays, people are very concern about saving the environment and thus many
companies are exploring new ideas to save the environment at all cost. "Thinking differently can
generate a new offering that creates or changes a category" Strategic–Market–Management, Aaker.
As such, KFC recognised the problem of usage of plastic coffee cups and joint partnership with food
scientists The Robin Collective to come out with the brilliant idea of edible cup manufactured from
biscuit, clothed in sugar paper and wadded with a layer of glorious white chocolate.
KFC uses segmentation method to targets it consumers from Britain due to geographical and
behavioural determinants."In the UK, we drink approximately 70 million cups of coffee per day" –
Mintel Coffee UK 2008 Report. "In 2012 the estimated turnover for coffee shops was £5.8 billion" –
Allegra Strategies UK Retail Coffee Shop Market Report Dec 2012. "We have become a nation of
coffee lovers and even coffee geeks" said Jeffery Young of UK coffee week. In this way, KFC has
successfully target their first generation B2C consumers and as well as addresses on corporate social
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Management By Objectives Of MBO
*What is Management by Objectives (MBO)?
Management by Objectives (MBO) was first defined by Peter Drucker (a management guru) in 1954
in the book "The Practice of Management." In the 90s, Peter Drucker by himself identified the
importance of this organization management system, when he wrote: "It's just another tool. It is not
the great cure for management inefficiency... Management by Objectives works if you know the
objectives, 90% of the time you don't."
Management by Objectives (MBO) is a management system that allows managers to increase the
performance for organization by focusing on goals that need to be achieved and by attaining the best
imaginable outcomes from available resources.
Management by Objectives (MBO) aims to develop organizational performance and to line up goals
and secondary objectives through the organization. Employees do strong effort to recognize their
ideas and goals. MBO consist of unending following and feed backing in the method to rich
objectives. Management by ... Show more content on ...
It is appropriate in states where is your requested is to build employees' supervision and self–
leadership skills and bring their tactical and businesses creativity, understood knowledge and
*Advantages of management by objectives (MBO):
1) Better–quality of planning:
MBO includes participating in decision–making which makes objectives known and plans more
real. It emphases care on goals to be in the result areas. MBO powers managers to think in terms of
outcomes rather than doings. It inspires people to set exact satisfying objectives instead of be
contingent on ideas or conjecture. Create a combined hierarchy of goals in the organization and
accurate performance aims and measures by showing goal achievement and place it down with a
time bound program.
2) Drive and
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Peter Drucker 1
Peter F. Drucker developed the "Management by Objectives Theory". This theory presents an
objective that needs to be accomplished. A manager will receive an objective and break it down into
achievable goals. The Manager will then delegate employees on what tasks should be done. Once all
tasks are complete the project will fit together like pieces of a puzzle. This style of management is
good for the employee in the fact that they are told what to do, but get to be creative and accomplish
the task in their own manner.
Submitted June 26, 2009
Introduction There is a time when every entrepreneur starts at the bottom of the food chain. You
receive orders that came from your store manager who received them from their regional manager ...
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The Management by Objective's is very versatile and can be used for many different purposes. It can
be used when you want employees to develop self–leadership and management skills. This will also
help employees be creative; and be able to draw back into past experience and pick up on patterns
and apply them to present tasks (Kotelnikov, 2001, ¶ 5).
Setting Objectives In Management by Objectives theory the hardest part can be the first step of the
process, setting the objectives. When starting this management style there are two questions that you
can ask to get yourself started. These questions are; what are the objectives and what are the time
frames in which goals should be met (Kotelnikov, 2001, p. 2)? When setting up the objectives for
you first time the S.M.A.R.T. method is a good resource to use. This method acts as a guideline to
set up objectives and to keep you on the right track. The S.M.A.R.T. method stands for: Specific,
Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time–based (Bogue, 2009, ¶ 12).
When setting up objectives there are many variables that come into effect. First off objectives
should be specific; this is done by describing what you are trying to achieve. For example, stating
that "productivity needs to increase" is very broad; and should be stated more along the lines of
"increase productivity by ten percent". This way the objective
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Human Resources : Developing An Effective Global Business...
Human Resource Challenges in Developing an Effective Global Business Management
One thing is certain since the creation of the workforce, it is a constant developing and changing
department within businesses. 30 years ago, not many people would have guessed that technology
would have such a huge impact on business and the way it is conducted. Today, managers need to
ask themselves how will the workforce perform and change within the next 30 years. Management
theorist, Peter Drucker said, "The only thing we know about the future is that will be different."
Drucker is correct, no one will be able to construct an accurate vision of the future but managers can
distinguish trends and changes within the culture of society, educational system, and technology that
will most likely shape and control the future workforce. With the world constantly developing it is
only natural that the average worker within the workforce will evolve. Companies need to evolve
and develop along with the workforce. In order to develop an effective global business management
system, companies need to cultivate new thinking and techniques to accommodate the different
types and changing workforce. Most companies in the U.S. are going global. Whether its for cheaper
labor or convenient supply networks, companies are competing in a global market. Management
needs to start globally and culturally understanding their workforce based on their location to better
manage this ever–changing workforce. On a
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To Be Loved or Feared as a Leader? Essay
TO BE LOVED OR FEARED AS A LEADER? Leaders in fields ranging from military and politics
to business and even education have been posed with the choice of instilling love or fear among
their respective followers. Traits like warmth and trustworthiness of a leader instill love among
followers and fear of a leader originates mostly from his strength and competence. Although there
are numerous other traits in a leader, warmth and strength are the most influential. According to
psychology, a major part of other people's perception about a person is determined by these two
dimensions of personality (Cuddy, Kohut and Neffinger, 2013, p. 56). The dilemma of the choice
between these two is inherently present in the nature of the two extremes ... Show more content on ...
For instance, has the change from autocratic to democratic societies and the change from vertical to
horizontal style of management in organizations affected the mindset of people including the leaders
and followers? From what I have observed while assisting my father in politics and overseeing my
family business in Pakistan is that people are more responsive to a leader who demonstrates strength
as opposed to a leader who shows warmth. The first thing that came to my mind was that this
reaction is probably due to the fact that Pakistan is a developing country evolving into a enlightened
society. I justified the fear model with backwardness of the area and attributed it partly to cultural
norms. But it was rather surprising to learn that this model is still practiced quite frequently in the
developed world as well. Taking the example of Texas Tech's coach, Bobby Knight, who is widely
respected for his leadership, had adopted the same fear model. His harshness dragged him into many
controversies including the one where he allegedly choked a player in practice (Snook, 2008, p.18).
It can be argued that some fields like organized sports, military or manufacturing industry require
such strict leadership as maintaining the chain of command is of utmost importance. However,
knowledge industry has no such restrictions but the same model has been applied there in various
cases. I personally know a few successful business owners in the US who rely on a
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Review of the Effective Executive
The Effective Executive – Peter F Drucker
If you are ever stranded on that mythical deserted island, and can only have one management book,
make this the book.
Peter Drucker died on November 11, 2005 at the age of 95. His life and work spanned sixty years
and he left behind a body of knowledge and ideas that continue to influence all "knowledge
workers" (a term Drucker coined back in the 60s) today. Drucker starts the book by stating that this
book is about managing oneself and that executives who do not manage themselves cannot possibly
expect to manage other people. He develops his ideas from real experience, supporting them using
real–life stories of successes and failures taken from business and politics. The main premise is ...
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It provides a complete course in management in a thin book spanning less than 200 pages. This book
is a concise source of concrete ideas that can be immediately put into practice. For those joining
management from the technical world, this book is especially helpful.
One of the best points about this book is that it teaches is to give oneself large blocks of
uninterrupted time to do more significant tasks. He warns us against cutting down on time spent
with other people. It 's not only teaches one about the importance of setting priorities, but also how
to do it. It 's a book that teaches not only the basics of decision making, but also that the most
important thing about decision making is to have a method for it. Next, Drucker argues that we
should focus on what will make a difference rather than unimportant questions. Beyond that, he
points out that we have to build on our own strengths and those of the people in our organization.
That is how we can outperform the competition and accomplish much more.
We also need to be systems thinkers, getting to the base of the issue first. If we are weak on new
products, we need to work on the new product development process before fine–tuning our
marketing. The best part is that Drucker provides questions in each section and also gives step–by–
step instructions to focus one's
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The Five Most Important Questions Essay
Peter F. Drucker the author of "The Five Most Important Questions You Will Ever Ask About Your
Organization" is viewed as essential being by many CEO's, executives, authors, and professors in
may universities and colleges around the world. As of today, Peter Drucker 's five essential
questions remain relevant. The top five issues in running a business, including mission, customers,
what the customer values, results, and plan. Drucker collaborated with five of today 's thought
leaders given his success in leading companies from the brink and helping them to build effective
strategies. Drucker answer the five questions, what is our Mission? With Jim Collins description on
how an organization's mission reflects the essential strain between continuity and change, and how
organizations particularly good at adapting to change know should not change. Who is our
customer? With Philip Kotler, implores us to do a better job of understanding who our intended
customers are, and then to genuinely please them instead of trying casually please everyone. What
does the customer value? With Jim Kouzes, suggestion that everything exemplary leader do is about
creating value for their customers. What are our results? With Judith Rodin, who asserts that no
plane can be considered complete or satisfactory until it produces predictable outcomes and
incorporates mechanisms that allow midcourse corrections based on results. What is our plan? With
V. Kasturi Rangan, who describes what makes a good
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Business Economics
Peter F. Drucker is the management scholar. He is thought to be the establishing father of current
management. Peter Drucker, whose life crossed the previous century (1909 – 2005), was an
exceedingly instructed native of the world: an innovative soul who composed thirty–nine books
including numerous fantastic chips away at business management. He was a man of numerous parts:
a sharp eyewitness, a long lasting understudy, an educator, mentor of eminent corporate pioneers,
and the organizer of an official school in Claremont, California, that bears his name. Peter Ferdinand
Drucker was an author, management advisor and college teacher. His written work concentrated on
management related writing. Peter Drucker made well known the term ... Show more content on ...
3. The point when Peter Drucker, then a trainee bank assistant in Hamburg, initially contemplated
the works of Sören Kierkegaard (1813 – 1855): the existentialist savant, theologist, religious writer
and advocate of the Idea of Christianity, Kierkegaard was still moderately obscure. Drucker was
captivated by the philosophy embraced by this philosophical independent, in particular, to utilize
logic as an instrument for reflecting upon Christianity. Kierkegaard suspected that people existed in
an element relationship as both profound creatures and individuals from society. As per
Kierkegaard, it is conviction that instills our otherworldly existence with the conviction that we are
not the only one, with importance, and with a flat out perspective, in particular God. The
distinguishment on one hand that wickedness is a piece of human instinct and on the other that a
sufferable coexistence is still conceivable got to be natural to Peter Drucker's own rationality.
This gathering of Peter F. Drucker's papers investigates the crossing point between society,
governmental issues, and financial aspects. Notwithstanding this grand objective, be that as it may,
the papers themselves stay sensible, very meaningful, and brimming with stories and thoughts that
make us ponder the business world around us.
The dominant part of these papers were composed in the 1960s, and in
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Analysis Of The Book ' By Peter F. Drucker Essay
In this book written by Peter F. Drucker, he provides an insightful and timely information for
individual and organization alike as they work toward common goal of dealing with the tomorrow
hot issues, though this he specifies that this is not a book of prediction and certainly not a book of
the future then this book in essence a call for action. The challenges he is discussed in this book
already appear in all of the develop countries and most of the emerging one, affected all
organization of today society and that he argues that it can only be solve by management. Drucker
also challenges the seven major assumptions that have been held by experts such as the scholars, the
writers, the teacher and also held by the practitioners in the field of management for the most of the
20th century and he also pointed out why such assumptions are no longer valid and are now
obsolete. In the chapter one Drucker started with the assumption and why does it matter, it matters
according to Drucker, because "basic assumption about reality are the paradigms of a social science"
in which management field belong to. This assumption is usually held subconsciously by expert and
yet those assumption is responsible for determine what the discipline assumes to be reality and on
that basic assumptions about reality determine what the discipline focuses on, and what a discipline
considers fact also what the discipline disregarded. Despite the important, this "assumptions are
rarely analyzed, rarely
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Management Skills
Time is one of the most valuable resources for everyone. It should be managed properly by the
managers of any organizations in order to run the organizations smoothly. And, Delegation is a
process of assigning task by one person to the other. The purpose of this essay is to discuss how
managers cannot function effectively without good Time Management and Delegation skills. It then
discusses the benefits of time management and delegation, drawbacks of delegations and measures
to improve time management and delegation skills.
Time Management
Managing time is very vital as time is very essential to everyone. Therefore, it should be used
properly as it cannot be restored. It is a skill that anyone can develop if remain ... Show more
content on ...
It helps managers to become more productive which eventually helps the organization to gain more
good reputation in outside world. Consequently, being productive means there is a chance of being
promoted to next level as well. In addition, due to effective time management, there will be
reduction in stress levels. The confidence level grows with the increase in the accomplishments as a
result of proper time management. And by completing allocated tasks on time, you have plenty of
time to relax and have fun that ultimately leads to having peace of mind. Having a peace of mind
means more focused at what we do and therefore, as a result it will be helpful in being more creative
and innovative at work than others. Another advantage of time management is that it helps to
identify and eliminate time wasting actions.
Furthermore, Delegation saves time and helps in increasing productivity. It benefits managers, as it
will free up time for them. Delegations helps to priorities work as managers complete their more
urgent tasks and delegate less important tasks to other subordinates. Weightman J described
"Members of staff are valued when responsibility is delegated to them, but this involves delegating
real responsibility, not just giving people jobs to do"(Pg. no. 100). Delegating task encourages and
motivates subordinates, as they are given the responsibility to complete the task that will
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Leadership Reflection
This paper reflects on the following questions:
What do you think is your passion? Why do you say this is your passion, as it may be manifested in
your personality, personal history and lineage?
As I was reflecting on this intently, I came across this online article from Harvard Business Review
where Peter Drucker, one of the most influential people in the area of modern management, talked
about the topic on managing oneself. And an excerpt from this article below quite interests me the
"Most people think they know what they are good at. They are usually wrong. More often, people
know what they are not good at–and even then more people are wrong than right. And yet, a person
can perform only from strength. One cannot ... Show more content on ...
But there is only one occupation that I felt comfortable with – teaching, a profession which my
mother had been her entire life. On my end, 5 years in the academe from 1997 to 2002 somehow
made me feel that I was contributing to society. And I believe I am good at it. I still do teach and
facilitate trainings now on the subject of project management, and I still find it a fulfilling
endeavour. Indeed, teaching is a noble profession, such that when circumstances dictated that
bringing up a family is a priority in 2002, I allowed myself to explore the possibility of corporate
To me, it seemed that everything that I have a passion for – creating music or teaching , is either
financially unstable or unattainable, and I "settled" on a career choice rather than choosing one.
However, I believe that a person's passion shifts over time and is neither destined, nor fixed. I know
I will have to shift with it in order to achieve my personal fulfilment and success. I have seen this
shift, and from the pattern of events that are transpiring – working from manufacturing to
information technology, then to banking – my inclination is to achieve a profession where the nature
of the role will be to help people, and overall contribute to society. I will have to "manage myself
where I can make the greatest
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To be loved or feared as a leader?
TO BE LOVED OR FEARED AS A LEADER? Leaders in fields ranging from military and politics
to business and even education have been posed with the choice of instilling love or fear among
their respective followers. Traits like warmth and trustworthiness of a leader instill love among
followers and fear of a leader originates mostly from his strength and competence. Although there
are numerous other traits in a leader, warmth and strength are the most influential. According to
psychology, a major part of other people 's perception about a person is determined by these two
dimensions of personality (Cuddy, Kohut and Neffinger, 2013, p. 56). The dilemma of the choice
between these two is inherently present in the nature of the two extremes ... Show more content on ...
Furthermore, there 's the story of the General who went way beyond the call of duty to personally
know all of the officers training under him (Cohen, 2008, p.149). The General 's gesture was one of
pure warmth. This could be seen as an argument in favor of applicability of the love model in any
organization regardless of its function and dynamics. Lastly, I would refer to the discussion in class
where it was established that interpersonal skills that come from emotional intelligence and
emotional quotient are much important for managers than technical skills that use academic
intelligence and intelligence quotient. Based on the arguments so far, it would be safe to say that
leadership can have much more to do with warmth and empathy than it is accredited for. And that
the love model, like the fear model cuts across culture, fields and time. There is ample evidence to
support both of the models of leadership under various circumstances. What determines the
effectiveness of leaders is their ability to get an emotional response from followers. The response
can be of fear or of love. According to Gittell, Ledeen and Maccomby (2004, p.15), what matters is
the decision making. If the decisions taken by the leader are fair, people will respond to both warmth
and strength. But If the decision making is arbitrary, people will cease to respond to either emotion.
However, experts differ in their opinions about whether fear is more
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How Google Sold Its Engineers on Management
Garvin's article How Google Sold Its Engineers on Management describes Google's unique
approach to management. Google prides itself with having the best, most highly satisfied employees
in the industry. A majority of its employees are engineers that prefer spending time creating and
building, which makes it difficult for management to exist. Many of Google's employees are also
highly independent and do not like being micromanaged. Garvin (2013) described a 2002
experiment where Google made their organization flat, eliminating engineering managers, the
company realized that managers do more than just manage projects. Managers contributed to the
company, "by communicating strategy, helping employees prioritize projects, facilitating ... Show
more content on ...
Even though I believe Google's management system to be effective and the article's explanation of
the system to be credible and valid, I do not believe it will fit the culture of my company. Working in
the restaurant industry, our employees are not as technically minded as the employees of Google.
From experience, direct management and more guidance are needed in a customer–service directed
atmosphere. While my boss may find the surveys and employee improvement strategies to be
helpful, Google's exact system is not comparable to the restaurant industry. One HR issue this article
can be applied to is ineffective performance reviews and training for management. Many companies
base their performance reviews around what a manager is doing wrong, but creating a more
evidence–based survey focused around specific strengths a manger should excel in helps the
corporation to be future–based. Like Google, the company can identify eight characteristics of good
mangers and create the survey based around those eight pillars. If a manger is deficient in a certain
category they can take classes to strengthen that specific characteristics rather than have to sit
through a general training highlighting things they are already good at. Anther HR issue the article
may be helpful for is defining why a manager is important. Some industries are struggling with
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Characteristics Of A Good Manager
Questions Respond:
1) The "Must–Have" managerial skills are six concepts of abilities a good manager should have in
order to perform well in the workplace. The first managerial skill is teamwork because the
individual should be able to contribute, negotiate and resolve conflict effectively in a team with
others members and leaders. The second skills are self–management which is the ability to have a
strong ethical reasoning, tolerance of others and most important to meet the obligations of the
workplace. Thirdly, leadership forms part of the management skills because managers need to have
the ability to influence and support people in order to make them perform multiple tasks. Similarity,
the critical thinking plays an ... Show more content on ...
As well as having a safer workplace environment where obligations and duties are responsibly and
professionally performed.
2) The McGregor 's theory explains how managers interact with others in the social environment of
the workplace. McGregor classifies how managers interact with their worker behavior and
productivity in the workplace into two beliefs, theories; theory X is when managers expect people to
dislike the work and when people are irresponsible that does not meet their obligations. On the other
hand, in theory Y managers assume people are responsible for their obligations, capable of work
with other and creative. Therefore, theory Y creates more self–fulfilling prophecies because
managers allow the employee to have more autonomy of their work. workers have the freedom to
work with less pressure; working efficiently to satisfy the complex and ambiguous tasks.
Of course, theory X is most experienced in the workplace because many managers do not have an
education preparation that allow them to understand their workers. Nowadays managers want to
prove themselves treating other unequal. This creates so many inequalities in the workplace because
managers have a command control over the worker instead of giving them more autonomy of their
work to be more innovative.
3) An ethical dilemma is a situation with an undesirable or unpleasant choice that
... Get more on ...
Peter Drucker 's An Influential Figures Within...
Thesis Statement
Respected researcher Peter Drucker saw advances in technology accelerate in the late 1980's and
anticipated the implementation of these into business to begin the phasing out of middle
management, since then ruthless cost cutting throughout industry has seen the middle manager
having to justify their position in a company or face the axe.
Author Info
Peter Drucker is one of the most influential figures within organisational management as we know it
with a collection of books and informative pieces to his name that have foreseen major changes in
world economies and business before they hit the newsstands. Drucker's unique ability to identify
trends in business and management saw him succeed as not only an author but also as a university
researcher/lecturer with his passion to educate being the driving factor behind all of his works
(, 2014).
1–In relation to middle management it was Drucker's view that most of the time "their main, if not
their only, function is to serve as relays" (Drucker 1988, p. 4), meaning that they are the conveyor of
information from the bottom of the business up to the top and in turn from the top back down to the
bottom. The evolution of the personal computer coupled with the global revolution we know as the
internet changed this "relaying" of information drastically from setting up a face to face meeting into
sending an email that can be instantly seen by every employee within the company, further to
... Get more on ...

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  • 21. Synopsis of on Profession of Management On the Profession of Management is a compilation of Druckers work that has appeared in the Harvard Business Review over the last 30 years. Review editor Nan Stone has organized 13 articles into two sections. The first, The Managers Responsibilities, focuses on the burgeoning business realities that have serious implications on the present business scenario. Dynamic shifts in the current business theory, management practices and the ways to make effective decision are some of the key challenges faced by today's managers. The second, The Executives World, focuses on – the history of management, the transformation from the traditional command–and–control model to knowledge–based organizations, emergence of information technology, and valuable ... Show more content on ... The focus of manager should be on the strengths not the weakness of the candidates, and decisions the individual must understand the job. By and large Drucker emphasizes that making right decisions is not only imperative but speaks volumes about the management, its values and long term objectives; if we look at the staffing and promotion decisions mentioned above we can easily infer that if a disparity occurs in employee capabilities and job requirements how it diminishes the productivity of the company but also at the same time it promotes a culture highly charged with politics & tardiness. It is usually considered by organizations to capitalize on a magical idea virus that aims to achieve future economic – such a stance is based on what future will hold? And long–term planning responds to this very notion. Drucker strongly dismisses that and proposes that it is not absolutely necessary for every business to search for the idea that promises future. He furthermore says that future cannot be known and it is not determined and not formed but can be shaped through strong willed action; A proactive approach regarding how future should be is what generates ideas, actions that lead to success in future. Small organizations who believed in what future should hold have earned success in long run such as IBM or Xerox. Long term planning is not only for large companies but also for small businesses that the future. An idea is not just an idea but an ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Management by Objectives Report (Project management: Case Studies Harold Kerzner, (2006). John Wiley and Sons) Management by objectives This technique allows all parties, the project manager, the functional manager, and the employee, to share and to participate in the appraisal. It epitomizes the systems approach since it allows for objectives modification without undue or undeserved penalty to the employee. Finally, it uses objective data and downplays subjective data. Advantages emphasis on results rather than on abstract personality characteristics Little difficulty with –conflict (over schedules, priorities, technical issues, administration, personalities, costs) http://www.performance––bin/links/jump.cgi?ID=10501 What IS MBO ... Show more content on ... Although there is an understandable degree of variation among the scholars and practitioners about the composition of an MBO program, they all appear to agree on the following guidelines: * Superiors and subordinates meet and discuss goals for the subordinates that are in line with organizational goals. * The superior and subordinate jointly establish goals for the subordinate. * The superior and the subordinate meet again after establishing the initial goals and evaluate the subordinate 's performance in terms of these goals. Conceptually, MBO is the ultimate in participative management, since a subordinate can help establish personal objectives for their job, help determine the measurements used in evaluating performance, and receive constant feedback on progress. On the surface MBO restates the obvious. For example, Isaiah (46:11) writes: "I have spoken it, I will also bring it to pass; I have purposed it, I will also do it." Unfortunately all human endeavor is full of disasters where fundamental principles or obvious data were overlooked, ignored, or rejected. Performance–Based Budgeting: A Case Study about the Effects of Performance Measures on the Agency Budgeting Process in West Virginia State Government Nisa Yazici Aydemir August 2010 College of Arts and Sciences of Ohio University
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  • 26. Manage Your Boss Manage Your Boss How do we make our time most productive? What could be a more effective use of time than ensuring we have a mutually effective relationship with our own line managers? Here are our 8 tips to help manage up: 1. First try to understand your boss. 2. Don't try to be a transformer. 3. Build on strengths. 4. Focus strengths on things that matter. 5. Find out what works. 6. Build your relationship. 7. How to avoid being overloaded or having your time wasted. 8. Build a bigger network. 1 – First Try to Understand Your Boss On This article suggest several ways to achieve this.They state that we need to ensure you understand your boss, and her working context, by understanding her/his: Goal and Objectives ... Show more content on ... Difficult and not necessarily time well spent. The important thing is coming to understand what makes your boss tick, and developing an effective working relationship. Far better to work on the basis of that relationship, and the way in which it's conducted, than to try to change your boss. Ensure you meet regularly with your boss and try to develop a professional relationship based on mutual trust and respect. We all feel good when we get better at what we're already good at! 3 – Build on Strengths One effective way to manage your boss is supporting them in doing what they themselves are good at. Discuss their strengths and how they can be most effectively employed. Offer your own support in doing this, perhaps by taking on other roles yourself, especially those which utilize your strengths. Ensure your boss is familiar with the the concept of strengths–based management. Point out the value of this approach, both up and down the management hierarchy. 4 – Focus Strengths on Things That Matter Of course strengths matter, but their real value only comes when they are applied to the things that matter. In his book: "The Effective Executive", Peter Drucker suggested consideration of the following: To answer the question: "what does my boss do really well?", ask "what has she done really well?" Where is the evidence of what she's very good at? Then ask: "what does she need to get from me to perform?" ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Knowledge Management Knowledge Management "Knowledge management is the set of practices aimed at discovering and harnessing an organization 's intellectual resources. It 's about finding, unlocking, sharing, and altogether capitalizing on the most precious resources of an organization: people 's expertise, skills, wisdom, and relationships. Knowledge managers find these human assets, help people collaborate and learn, help people generate new ideas, and harness those ideas into successful innovations" (Bateman, 2004, p.8–9). One of the most important factors of change in management is the growing need for good, new ideas. Knowledge management is an approach that allows people to produce change. It 's bringing people together and collecting ideas from ... Show more content on ... " Prevailing management concepts were conceived for an industrial past, so they are not useful for a different economy based on knowledge. The founding fathers of management would be baffled to hear modern managers talk of networks, telecommuting, and virtual organization" (Halal, 1996, p. 2). "Management is the process of working with people and resources to accomplish organizational goals. Good managers do those things both effectively and efficiently" (Bateman, 2004, p.14). "Management have four traditional functions, which are planning, organizing, leading, and controlling" (Bateman, 2004, p.8). Good managers don 't neglect any of the four important functions because if they do they will fail. They must be determined to be effective and perform to their best abilities. These four functions are the basics to management and have been followed by many managers for a long time. That 's why knowledge management has taken such a big role in management because it began a new idea. That 's what knowledge management is all about, new ideas. There are many things a company can do to adopt the concept of knowledge management into their systems. Knowledge management really focuses on the people. It 's a new idea to utilize the people of the company and get more ideas from them and not just the company owner. It tries to find and unlock peoples ' wisdom. It tries to share ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Peter Drucker Managing Oneself Running head:Managing Oneself:Theories and Concepts Managing Oneself Business 101 Assignment 5 Logan Wade Doane College Author Note This paper was written for Business 101 with Professor Le. In his paper, Managing Oneself by, Peter Drucker demonstrates how to establish your own career path by when to capture opportunities and when to change course. This helps us unlock our full potential by discovering our strengths, understanding how best we work with others, identifying work habits and other work environments that fulfills our needs. Peter Drucker also introduces us a deep insight in different comparisons on what values and contributions we succeed on the way we perform. And their are many different challenging tasks in understanding the business life. The first important factor to business is Going Global (pg 110), or to expand overseas markets. The benefit being that profits and marketing opportunities can be increased. Going Global also reduces the percent of the firm in any given location, thus reducing risk. Choosing of the market in which to enter requires very extensive research, focusing on local demand for what the firm produces and availability of the required resources for production such as labor and natural resources. In the article it is said that , "To be effective in an organization, a person values must be compatible with the organizations". This statement shows the need for unity within a company. If a new part of the company is in a ... Get more on ...
  • 32. The Downfall Of Roaring Dragon Hotel The Roaring Dragon Hotel Ravi Kolawar Sullivan University MGT 510 Executive Summary This case study describes the downfall of Roaring Dragon Hotel (RDH) when it handed over to Hotel International (HI), is a well known for its brand name and that failed to make the Roaring Dragon Hotel become a five star hotel due to lack of communication and some other reasons(Grainger, 2008). Failed to maintain good relationship with employees, customers and ignore to respect the culture led the RDH to fail in business (Grainger, 2008). Introduction: Roaring Dragon Hotel Roaring Dragon Hotel (RDH) was a three star hotel in South– West China since 1950 (Grainger,2008). Grainger(2008) observed that, RDH is a State owned enterprise(SOE) in which employees are appointed on the strength of their guanxi connections. According to Drucker (1997), the top priority for success in the current business environment is to harness. "The intelligence and spirit of people at all levels of an organization to continually build and share knowledge". The management of RDH was changed to Hotel International to make the RDH a five star hotel after defame. Employees of RDH felt proud to work for SOE and was admired by their friends and relatives. Background: Improving the hotel's quality and reputation RDH had a good reputation in early 1690 's. It went through many changes for surviving in Competitive world. Changes ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Poor Communications Does poor communication cause conflict? Essay written by: jmurdoch Is most conflict in an organisation is caused by poor communication? If we had perfect communication would conflict cease? Consider for example, an e–mail asking for some information "yesterday" to stress how important this request is. The sender thinks e–mails are great as they travel at the speed of light and spell things out in black & white. The recipient may consider that if its in a e–mail then it can 't be that urgent because servers can loose, misdirect or delay an e–mails transmission. They may also consider that as the information was wanted "yesterday" its already too late to be effectively utilised. Both parties saw the same communiqué, neither read the ... Show more content on ... Do the high level mangers share a single office floor so that they are accessible to each other or sit where they can practice management by walking about on a daily basis & be accessible by the staff they manage . Each choice will determine the kind and content of communication that occurs. Grouping by function will create cliques based on profession. Between cliques there will be ignorance of each others modus operandi and working pressures which creates interdepartmental friction as each can only see their set of priories. Not grouping by function means that levels of specialist knowledge will take longer to increase and cause dissatisfaction in professionals and knowledge workers. Team building works on the principle of "put them through hell and they will end up working together". For many employees they are already doing this five days a week and its not working. Then the teams, for these events, are always constructed wrongly either all managers – who will be seen to be "out on a jolly" – or all members of the same department. Team building should be used to create unofficial links between departments to contrast & compliment the designed communication flow built in to the company structure. People do not like being kept in the dark or working for a despot. Decrees without adequate explanations will be resented even if they make perfect sense. The salesman 's formula of "feature that produces this result which then gives you this benefit" needs ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Peter Ducker Father Of Management Peter Drucker: The Father of Modern Management Non–profit organization, corporate society, management by objectives, are all terms being used and taught today and all have something in common. What is it you ask? Peter Drucker. He was the man behind all of these ideas and their growth into what they have become today. He has been titled many things including, "The Man Who Invented Corporate Society" and "the father of management principles". The article, Drucker (2005), stated that Peter was "hailed by Business Week as "'the most enduring management thinker of our time'" (p. 1). Peter Ferdinand Drucker was born on November 19, 1909 in Kaasgraben, a suburb of Vienna, Austria. Peter's father, Adolf worked for the Austrian government ... Show more content on ... Why is Drucker Important? Peter Drucker changed the way business people, scholars, and others throughout the world looked at management. " was Drucker who virtually invented and advanced the concpet of effective management as the central function in free scoiety" Collins (2010) said. He was an innovator of many of the concepts that are still used today. But it wasn't solely his ideas that created the enormous impact; it was his total approach to ideas which was composed of four elements: he started first with results, he looked outside of the corporation for influence, he asked daring questions, and he focused on the individual, not just the corporation Collins (2010) itterated. Under his suggestions and influences, management changed from profit centered to person centered. He took the reins of the post war chaos in the business world and taught us what the modern corporation is and how to effectively manage people. Drucker the Consultant In 1943, Drucker took his first consulting job at General Motors. This was a pivotal moment in his career that launched his revolutionary book Concept of Corporation. Drucker was not your average consultant. Tarrant (1976) states that "he tries to get inside the tradition and culture of a particular place, to understand how things really work; so that he can focus on what is truly important" (p.7). Before World War II, management was not a concern of ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Knowledge Workers Reprinted from Future of Work Agenda March 2007 What is a Knowledge Worker, Anyway? by Jim Ware and Charlie Grantham In our consulting and research work we spend a lot of time exploring how the emergence of knowledge work as the primary driver of economic activity is changing the nature of the workplace and even basic organizational and management practice. Recently one of our clients asked us a very basic question: Just what is a knowledge worker?" As he said, "Everyone uses that term but it certainly doesn't seem very well defined. And if we're going to be doing market research and making investments aimed at attracting knowledge workers to our community and local businesses, we sure ought to have some kind of agreement about just ... Show more content on ... (From an interview conducted by Ubiquity Magazine, available online at: ) Davenport then proceeds to define knowledge workers as "people with high degrees of education or expertise whose primary job function involves some activity related to knowledge." These very broad definitions, however, encompass almost all forms of meaningful work. Even a barber, a hair stylist, a hamburger flipper, or an assembly line worker has some degree of specialized knowledge about what he or she must do to be successful, although there are certainly differing levels of productivity and effectiveness depending on an individual's knowledge and experience. Thus, knowledge workers indisputably include individuals in the traditional professions, such as doctors, lawyers, scientists, educators, and engineers. Most of us would also include those who work in senior positions in marketing, advertising, consulting, finance, insurance, and strategy development, to name just a few functional specialties. And then there are also specialized knowledge–based jobs like airline pilots, musicians, senior business executives, and even government officials. Because their work typically entails the interpretation and manipulation of information as well as the creation of new knowledge (as opposed to relatively routine ... Get more on ...
  • 40. What Is Fayol 's Principles Or Taylor 's Scientific... Whether Fayol's Principles or Taylor's Scientific Management techniques, such concepts influence all aspects of business and form the footing for multi–faceted activities that business and management comprise of. Ever since I was a child, I have had strong familial connections with commerce. My grandfather worked at a senior level in the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) for over 20 years, and my father, a graduate of SRCC AND IIM Bangalore is currently the chief financial officer for a Multinational Corporation called Polyplex. My mother has her own trousseau and packaging brand, while my aunt has a line of coaching centres in Toronto. All these fuelled my constant enthusiasm and drive for the subject and it is no surprise now that I too have chosen this as my future vocation. After moving back from Thailand, I have regularly invested in putting up stalls at the annual Diwali carnivals in my city. It was there that I first put my foot into the world of business. Over time, I grasped numerous fundamental and significant concepts of business that would not only benefit me academically but also in the long run. I was able to identify my target audience as adolescents and children ranging between the ages of 3 to 17 years. On the basis of this, I applied the product, place, promotion and price concepts of marketing to my venture. I studied the customers' needs and wants, developed a market offering, and created customer value. My pricing policy was kept to a minimum of Rs. 30 ... Get more on ...
  • 42. As We Advanced From The 20Th Century To The 21St Century As we advanced from the 20th century to the 21st century many of our ideas, outlooks, and information we knew about the world changed and progressed greatly. This is also true for how we as a civilization viewed management, progressed and continued to progress in bettering our management practices. This book analyzes old and new assumptions of management practices along with the reality that comes with the new strategies. The author also describes that as we go through these changes a leader that knows how to work with change is important to have to get passed the many information challenges. Drucker then describes that as the organizations change it is important that individuals within the organization also change to help reach maximum ... Show more content on ... Since the discipline behind management is always changing so are the assumptions that come with it. Drucker First lists 7 old assumptions of management, which are: 1. Management Is Business Management 2. There is – or there must be– one right organization structure. 3. There is – or there must be– one right way to manage people. 4. Technologies, markets and end–users are given 5. Management's scope is legally defined. 6. Management is internally focused. 7. The economy as defined by national boundaries is the ecology of enterprise and management. Ducker goes on to explain that the first three assumptions are related to the discipline of management while the last 4 are related to the practice of management itself. He also points out that these assumptions might have been helpful back then but are actually hurting us now. "They are now so far removed from actual reality that they are becoming obstacles to the Theory and even more serious obstacles to the Practice of Management. Indeed, reality is fast becoming the very opposite of what these assumptions claim it to be" (Drucker). Drucker then goes on to explain his 8 new management assumptions related to the discipline of management, which are: 1. Management is not only for profit–making businesses. 2. There is not only one right organization. 3. There is not one right way to manage people. 4. Technologies and End–Users ... Get more on ...
  • 44. On Knowledge: Peter Drucker And Russel Ackoff On Knowledge Merriam–Webster defines knowledge as "the fact or condition of knowing something with familiarity gained through experience or association." This definition of knowledge isn't really helpful because it attempts precision but doesn't arrive anywhere useful. How is knowledge different from knowing? The definition from the dictionary wanders through suggestions related to awareness, understanding, information, and cognition. Each of these terms are quite different from each other.That is why, when we say "Innovation", understanding these terms becomes a necessity or we are going to have a vague understanding about innovation. I respect Peter Drucker and Russel Ackoff when they tried to tell us the distinction between these terms ... Get more on ...
  • 46. Worst Of Family Business In this week's readings, I have learned the significance of leadership when failing, as well as the process that leads to failing. While reading both stories, one discusses the tensions in Market Basket's family–owned business, and the other talks on Drucker's method to turn individual's strengths in productivity. Within these texts, they both give insight on how teamwork and leadership affects a business as a whole. It is shown that without strong management to make the correct decisions, whether it be a board of executives, a sports team, or a group of college students, the whole thing team, and brings forth failure. In the article, Market Basket Shows the Best and Worst of Family Business by writer of the Harvard Business Review, John A. ... Show more content on ... My ideology based off what I have read and know within personal experience, giving up is the last option possible, and sometimes I don't even accept it to be an option. In the circumstances of Market Basket, there were methods to prevent the downfall from occurring, and still are ways to recover from their misstep in leadership, they shouldn't give up. When Drucker speaks on the hiring process, when a team falls short or there is a weakness within a member, they shouldn't give up. Rather, they should look at the situation at hand and put forth efforts to solve it. But the question is, how do you know when to give up? The cliche answer is, when it's not fun anymore. Although, things aren't always going to be fun. I say, the only right time to give up is when one must give up to progress further. Giving up to progress forward, meaning, if something is holding one back from improving on life, they must let it go, in order to do better for themselves and the others around ... Get more on ...
  • 48. Organisations Essay example Organisations Objective: To understand the basic concepts of organisational structure as they appear on/affect ICT systems. What is an organisation? An organisation is a collection of human and non human resources that are brought together in order to fulfill a designated purpose. 1. Supermarket 2. School 3. Shop 4. Large commercial enterprise 5. Small informally structured non commercial group – green peace In some cases the structures are clearly defined and inflexible, in others the structure is less formally defined. Factors which determine the structures: Ø The size and the complexity of the organization the larger and more complex the organization the more likely it is to have clear lines of ... Show more content on ... would require training) Technology: Relevant hardware software and information systems to carry out business effectively. Levels within an Hierarchical organization
  • 49. Senior managers (strategic): Responsible for long time planning and setting the overall goals for the organization, more interested in summated information which can be broken down into Middle Managers (tactical): Carry out the programs and plans by supervising employees. They need the Workers (operational): Responsible for producing goods and delivering the services. Successful Organisations: Ø They have visionary and enthusiastic leaders. Ø They unlock and develop the potential of employees. Ø They create an empowered work force. Ø They invest in people through communications and training. Ø They know there customers. Ø They learn from others. Ø They respond positively to demands. Ø They introduce new products and services Ø They know who there competitors are, and encourage innovation Ø They focus on poor business and explore strategic alliances Ø Exceed customer's expectations. Main elements of an organisation Ø Production Ø Sales and marketing Ø Personnel or human resources Ø Finance and accounting Business Organisation has four
  • 50. ... Get more on ...
  • 52. Essay on Discipline of Management In today's competitive landscape, organizations must utilize every resource to its fullest in order to achieve profitability. Peter F. Drucker, who is known as "the founding father of the discipline of management", informs us that employees are assets, which should be treated as a company's most valuable resource. The key players involved in utilizing this valuable resource are the managers of a company. Managers have a vital role in a company and the effort they put forth into their tasks and responsibilities will directly affect the success of a company. In Drucker's book Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices (Revised Edition), he explains the role of a company's management team and the secrets to becoming a great manager. ... Show more content on ... This mission must take into account and balance the present with the uncertain future. It is an important administrative task for a manager's mission to strive for the company's full potential. As Drucker states, "What is the business's theoretical optimum? What prevents us from attaining it? Where are the limiting and restraining factors that hold back the business and deprive it of the full return on its resources and efforts"? (32). Determining and adapting a productive mission requires a manager to be an entrepreneur, a risk taker, and an innovator. A good company mission is adaptable, and will allow the modern business to survive and perform in a new and unpredictable future. Once the mission has been determined the next responsibility of a manager is to make the work place suitable for all employees. In addition to stressing that employees are a company's most important resource, Drucker explains that they are the only one capable of the growth and improvement. Encouraging and helping the employees to be happy will create a more productive and hardworking environment. A manager that meets the needs of the employees will often encourage more productivity, which will result in meeting the needs of the consumer. Drucker's third responsibility for management is to realize how the institution is affecting society. Management must recognize that free ... Get more on ...
  • 54. Analysis Of KFC Fast food is the food that requires little preparation before being served. Kentucky Fried Chicken also known as KFC is one of the most innovation and leading fast food restaurant among fast food giants.This essay provides an analysis of the marketing news story which published in February.25.2015, about edible coffee cup which is also called Scoff–ee cup by KFC. This new cup greets plenty of the trends bedevilling the food business today such as product innovation, social responsibility and environmental friendliness. "This type of edible packaging is definitely aligned with the global consumer mind–set in terms of sustainability and simplifying their life," said Shilpa Rosenberry, senior director of global consumer strategy at Daymon Worldwide. ... Show more content on ... Drucker. Nowadays, people are very concern about saving the environment and thus many companies are exploring new ideas to save the environment at all cost. "Thinking differently can generate a new offering that creates or changes a category" Strategic–Market–Management, Aaker. As such, KFC recognised the problem of usage of plastic coffee cups and joint partnership with food scientists The Robin Collective to come out with the brilliant idea of edible cup manufactured from biscuit, clothed in sugar paper and wadded with a layer of glorious white chocolate. KFC uses segmentation method to targets it consumers from Britain due to geographical and behavioural determinants."In the UK, we drink approximately 70 million cups of coffee per day" – Mintel Coffee UK 2008 Report. "In 2012 the estimated turnover for coffee shops was £5.8 billion" – Allegra Strategies UK Retail Coffee Shop Market Report Dec 2012. "We have become a nation of coffee lovers and even coffee geeks" said Jeffery Young of UK coffee week. In this way, KFC has successfully target their first generation B2C consumers and as well as addresses on corporate social ... Get more on ...
  • 56. Management By Objectives Of MBO *What is Management by Objectives (MBO)? Management by Objectives (MBO) was first defined by Peter Drucker (a management guru) in 1954 in the book "The Practice of Management." In the 90s, Peter Drucker by himself identified the importance of this organization management system, when he wrote: "It's just another tool. It is not the great cure for management inefficiency... Management by Objectives works if you know the objectives, 90% of the time you don't." Management by Objectives (MBO) is a management system that allows managers to increase the performance for organization by focusing on goals that need to be achieved and by attaining the best imaginable outcomes from available resources. Management by Objectives (MBO) aims to develop organizational performance and to line up goals and secondary objectives through the organization. Employees do strong effort to recognize their ideas and goals. MBO consist of unending following and feed backing in the method to rich objectives. Management by ... Show more content on ... It is appropriate in states where is your requested is to build employees' supervision and self– leadership skills and bring their tactical and businesses creativity, understood knowledge and enterprise. *Advantages of management by objectives (MBO): 1) Better–quality of planning: MBO includes participating in decision–making which makes objectives known and plans more real. It emphases care on goals to be in the result areas. MBO powers managers to think in terms of outcomes rather than doings. It inspires people to set exact satisfying objectives instead of be contingent on ideas or conjecture. Create a combined hierarchy of goals in the organization and accurate performance aims and measures by showing goal achievement and place it down with a time bound program. 2) Drive and ... Get more on ...
  • 58. Peter Drucker 1 Peter F. Drucker developed the "Management by Objectives Theory". This theory presents an objective that needs to be accomplished. A manager will receive an objective and break it down into achievable goals. The Manager will then delegate employees on what tasks should be done. Once all tasks are complete the project will fit together like pieces of a puzzle. This style of management is good for the employee in the fact that they are told what to do, but get to be creative and accomplish the task in their own manner. Submitted June 26, 2009 Introduction There is a time when every entrepreneur starts at the bottom of the food chain. You receive orders that came from your store manager who received them from their regional manager ... Show more content on ... The Management by Objective's is very versatile and can be used for many different purposes. It can be used when you want employees to develop self–leadership and management skills. This will also help employees be creative; and be able to draw back into past experience and pick up on patterns and apply them to present tasks (Kotelnikov, 2001, ¶ 5). Setting Objectives In Management by Objectives theory the hardest part can be the first step of the process, setting the objectives. When starting this management style there are two questions that you can ask to get yourself started. These questions are; what are the objectives and what are the time frames in which goals should be met (Kotelnikov, 2001, p. 2)? When setting up the objectives for you first time the S.M.A.R.T. method is a good resource to use. This method acts as a guideline to set up objectives and to keep you on the right track. The S.M.A.R.T. method stands for: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time–based (Bogue, 2009, ¶ 12). When setting up objectives there are many variables that come into effect. First off objectives should be specific; this is done by describing what you are trying to achieve. For example, stating that "productivity needs to increase" is very broad; and should be stated more along the lines of "increase productivity by ten percent". This way the objective ... Get more on ...
  • 60. Human Resources : Developing An Effective Global Business... Human Resource Challenges in Developing an Effective Global Business Management One thing is certain since the creation of the workforce, it is a constant developing and changing department within businesses. 30 years ago, not many people would have guessed that technology would have such a huge impact on business and the way it is conducted. Today, managers need to ask themselves how will the workforce perform and change within the next 30 years. Management theorist, Peter Drucker said, "The only thing we know about the future is that will be different." Drucker is correct, no one will be able to construct an accurate vision of the future but managers can distinguish trends and changes within the culture of society, educational system, and technology that will most likely shape and control the future workforce. With the world constantly developing it is only natural that the average worker within the workforce will evolve. Companies need to evolve and develop along with the workforce. In order to develop an effective global business management system, companies need to cultivate new thinking and techniques to accommodate the different types and changing workforce. Most companies in the U.S. are going global. Whether its for cheaper labor or convenient supply networks, companies are competing in a global market. Management needs to start globally and culturally understanding their workforce based on their location to better manage this ever–changing workforce. On a ... Get more on ...
  • 62. To Be Loved or Feared as a Leader? Essay TO BE LOVED OR FEARED AS A LEADER? Leaders in fields ranging from military and politics to business and even education have been posed with the choice of instilling love or fear among their respective followers. Traits like warmth and trustworthiness of a leader instill love among followers and fear of a leader originates mostly from his strength and competence. Although there are numerous other traits in a leader, warmth and strength are the most influential. According to psychology, a major part of other people's perception about a person is determined by these two dimensions of personality (Cuddy, Kohut and Neffinger, 2013, p. 56). The dilemma of the choice between these two is inherently present in the nature of the two extremes ... Show more content on ... For instance, has the change from autocratic to democratic societies and the change from vertical to horizontal style of management in organizations affected the mindset of people including the leaders and followers? From what I have observed while assisting my father in politics and overseeing my family business in Pakistan is that people are more responsive to a leader who demonstrates strength as opposed to a leader who shows warmth. The first thing that came to my mind was that this reaction is probably due to the fact that Pakistan is a developing country evolving into a enlightened society. I justified the fear model with backwardness of the area and attributed it partly to cultural norms. But it was rather surprising to learn that this model is still practiced quite frequently in the developed world as well. Taking the example of Texas Tech's coach, Bobby Knight, who is widely respected for his leadership, had adopted the same fear model. His harshness dragged him into many controversies including the one where he allegedly choked a player in practice (Snook, 2008, p.18). It can be argued that some fields like organized sports, military or manufacturing industry require such strict leadership as maintaining the chain of command is of utmost importance. However, knowledge industry has no such restrictions but the same model has been applied there in various cases. I personally know a few successful business owners in the US who rely on a ... Get more on ...
  • 64. Review of the Effective Executive The Effective Executive – Peter F Drucker If you are ever stranded on that mythical deserted island, and can only have one management book, make this the book. Peter Drucker died on November 11, 2005 at the age of 95. His life and work spanned sixty years and he left behind a body of knowledge and ideas that continue to influence all "knowledge workers" (a term Drucker coined back in the 60s) today. Drucker starts the book by stating that this book is about managing oneself and that executives who do not manage themselves cannot possibly expect to manage other people. He develops his ideas from real experience, supporting them using real–life stories of successes and failures taken from business and politics. The main premise is ... Show more content on ... It provides a complete course in management in a thin book spanning less than 200 pages. This book is a concise source of concrete ideas that can be immediately put into practice. For those joining management from the technical world, this book is especially helpful. One of the best points about this book is that it teaches is to give oneself large blocks of uninterrupted time to do more significant tasks. He warns us against cutting down on time spent with other people. It 's not only teaches one about the importance of setting priorities, but also how to do it. It 's a book that teaches not only the basics of decision making, but also that the most important thing about decision making is to have a method for it. Next, Drucker argues that we should focus on what will make a difference rather than unimportant questions. Beyond that, he points out that we have to build on our own strengths and those of the people in our organization. That is how we can outperform the competition and accomplish much more. We also need to be systems thinkers, getting to the base of the issue first. If we are weak on new products, we need to work on the new product development process before fine–tuning our marketing. The best part is that Drucker provides questions in each section and also gives step–by– step instructions to focus one's ... Get more on ...
  • 66. The Five Most Important Questions Essay Peter F. Drucker the author of "The Five Most Important Questions You Will Ever Ask About Your Organization" is viewed as essential being by many CEO's, executives, authors, and professors in may universities and colleges around the world. As of today, Peter Drucker 's five essential questions remain relevant. The top five issues in running a business, including mission, customers, what the customer values, results, and plan. Drucker collaborated with five of today 's thought leaders given his success in leading companies from the brink and helping them to build effective strategies. Drucker answer the five questions, what is our Mission? With Jim Collins description on how an organization's mission reflects the essential strain between continuity and change, and how organizations particularly good at adapting to change know should not change. Who is our customer? With Philip Kotler, implores us to do a better job of understanding who our intended customers are, and then to genuinely please them instead of trying casually please everyone. What does the customer value? With Jim Kouzes, suggestion that everything exemplary leader do is about creating value for their customers. What are our results? With Judith Rodin, who asserts that no plane can be considered complete or satisfactory until it produces predictable outcomes and incorporates mechanisms that allow midcourse corrections based on results. What is our plan? With V. Kasturi Rangan, who describes what makes a good ... Get more on ...
  • 68. Business Economics | Peter F. Drucker is the management scholar. He is thought to be the establishing father of current management. Peter Drucker, whose life crossed the previous century (1909 – 2005), was an exceedingly instructed native of the world: an innovative soul who composed thirty–nine books including numerous fantastic chips away at business management. He was a man of numerous parts: a sharp eyewitness, a long lasting understudy, an educator, mentor of eminent corporate pioneers, and the organizer of an official school in Claremont, California, that bears his name. Peter Ferdinand Drucker was an author, management advisor and college teacher. His written work concentrated on management related writing. Peter Drucker made well known the term ... Show more content on ... 3. The point when Peter Drucker, then a trainee bank assistant in Hamburg, initially contemplated the works of Sören Kierkegaard (1813 – 1855): the existentialist savant, theologist, religious writer and advocate of the Idea of Christianity, Kierkegaard was still moderately obscure. Drucker was captivated by the philosophy embraced by this philosophical independent, in particular, to utilize logic as an instrument for reflecting upon Christianity. Kierkegaard suspected that people existed in an element relationship as both profound creatures and individuals from society. As per Kierkegaard, it is conviction that instills our otherworldly existence with the conviction that we are not the only one, with importance, and with a flat out perspective, in particular God. The distinguishment on one hand that wickedness is a piece of human instinct and on the other that a sufferable coexistence is still conceivable got to be natural to Peter Drucker's own rationality. This gathering of Peter F. Drucker's papers investigates the crossing point between society, governmental issues, and financial aspects. Notwithstanding this grand objective, be that as it may, the papers themselves stay sensible, very meaningful, and brimming with stories and thoughts that make us ponder the business world around us. The dominant part of these papers were composed in the 1960s, and in ... Get more on ...
  • 70. Analysis Of The Book ' By Peter F. Drucker Essay In this book written by Peter F. Drucker, he provides an insightful and timely information for individual and organization alike as they work toward common goal of dealing with the tomorrow hot issues, though this he specifies that this is not a book of prediction and certainly not a book of the future then this book in essence a call for action. The challenges he is discussed in this book already appear in all of the develop countries and most of the emerging one, affected all organization of today society and that he argues that it can only be solve by management. Drucker also challenges the seven major assumptions that have been held by experts such as the scholars, the writers, the teacher and also held by the practitioners in the field of management for the most of the 20th century and he also pointed out why such assumptions are no longer valid and are now obsolete. In the chapter one Drucker started with the assumption and why does it matter, it matters according to Drucker, because "basic assumption about reality are the paradigms of a social science" in which management field belong to. This assumption is usually held subconsciously by expert and yet those assumption is responsible for determine what the discipline assumes to be reality and on that basic assumptions about reality determine what the discipline focuses on, and what a discipline considers fact also what the discipline disregarded. Despite the important, this "assumptions are rarely analyzed, rarely ... Get more on ...
  • 72. Management Skills Introduction Time is one of the most valuable resources for everyone. It should be managed properly by the managers of any organizations in order to run the organizations smoothly. And, Delegation is a process of assigning task by one person to the other. The purpose of this essay is to discuss how managers cannot function effectively without good Time Management and Delegation skills. It then discusses the benefits of time management and delegation, drawbacks of delegations and measures to improve time management and delegation skills. Time Management Managing time is very vital as time is very essential to everyone. Therefore, it should be used properly as it cannot be restored. It is a skill that anyone can develop if remain ... Show more content on ... It helps managers to become more productive which eventually helps the organization to gain more good reputation in outside world. Consequently, being productive means there is a chance of being promoted to next level as well. In addition, due to effective time management, there will be reduction in stress levels. The confidence level grows with the increase in the accomplishments as a result of proper time management. And by completing allocated tasks on time, you have plenty of time to relax and have fun that ultimately leads to having peace of mind. Having a peace of mind means more focused at what we do and therefore, as a result it will be helpful in being more creative and innovative at work than others. Another advantage of time management is that it helps to identify and eliminate time wasting actions. Furthermore, Delegation saves time and helps in increasing productivity. It benefits managers, as it will free up time for them. Delegations helps to priorities work as managers complete their more urgent tasks and delegate less important tasks to other subordinates. Weightman J described "Members of staff are valued when responsibility is delegated to them, but this involves delegating real responsibility, not just giving people jobs to do"(Pg. no. 100). Delegating task encourages and motivates subordinates, as they are given the responsibility to complete the task that will ... Get more on ...
  • 74. Leadership Reflection This paper reflects on the following questions: What do you think is your passion? Why do you say this is your passion, as it may be manifested in your personality, personal history and lineage? ––– As I was reflecting on this intently, I came across this online article from Harvard Business Review where Peter Drucker, one of the most influential people in the area of modern management, talked about the topic on managing oneself. And an excerpt from this article below quite interests me the most. "Most people think they know what they are good at. They are usually wrong. More often, people know what they are not good at–and even then more people are wrong than right. And yet, a person can perform only from strength. One cannot ... Show more content on ... But there is only one occupation that I felt comfortable with – teaching, a profession which my mother had been her entire life. On my end, 5 years in the academe from 1997 to 2002 somehow made me feel that I was contributing to society. And I believe I am good at it. I still do teach and facilitate trainings now on the subject of project management, and I still find it a fulfilling endeavour. Indeed, teaching is a noble profession, such that when circumstances dictated that bringing up a family is a priority in 2002, I allowed myself to explore the possibility of corporate employment. To me, it seemed that everything that I have a passion for – creating music or teaching , is either financially unstable or unattainable, and I "settled" on a career choice rather than choosing one. However, I believe that a person's passion shifts over time and is neither destined, nor fixed. I know I will have to shift with it in order to achieve my personal fulfilment and success. I have seen this shift, and from the pattern of events that are transpiring – working from manufacturing to information technology, then to banking – my inclination is to achieve a profession where the nature of the role will be to help people, and overall contribute to society. I will have to "manage myself where I can make the greatest ... Get more on ...
  • 76. To be loved or feared as a leader? TO BE LOVED OR FEARED AS A LEADER? Leaders in fields ranging from military and politics to business and even education have been posed with the choice of instilling love or fear among their respective followers. Traits like warmth and trustworthiness of a leader instill love among followers and fear of a leader originates mostly from his strength and competence. Although there are numerous other traits in a leader, warmth and strength are the most influential. According to psychology, a major part of other people 's perception about a person is determined by these two dimensions of personality (Cuddy, Kohut and Neffinger, 2013, p. 56). The dilemma of the choice between these two is inherently present in the nature of the two extremes ... Show more content on ... Furthermore, there 's the story of the General who went way beyond the call of duty to personally know all of the officers training under him (Cohen, 2008, p.149). The General 's gesture was one of pure warmth. This could be seen as an argument in favor of applicability of the love model in any organization regardless of its function and dynamics. Lastly, I would refer to the discussion in class where it was established that interpersonal skills that come from emotional intelligence and emotional quotient are much important for managers than technical skills that use academic intelligence and intelligence quotient. Based on the arguments so far, it would be safe to say that leadership can have much more to do with warmth and empathy than it is accredited for. And that the love model, like the fear model cuts across culture, fields and time. There is ample evidence to support both of the models of leadership under various circumstances. What determines the effectiveness of leaders is their ability to get an emotional response from followers. The response can be of fear or of love. According to Gittell, Ledeen and Maccomby (2004, p.15), what matters is the decision making. If the decisions taken by the leader are fair, people will respond to both warmth and strength. But If the decision making is arbitrary, people will cease to respond to either emotion. However, experts differ in their opinions about whether fear is more ... Get more on ...
  • 78. How Google Sold Its Engineers on Management Garvin's article How Google Sold Its Engineers on Management describes Google's unique approach to management. Google prides itself with having the best, most highly satisfied employees in the industry. A majority of its employees are engineers that prefer spending time creating and building, which makes it difficult for management to exist. Many of Google's employees are also highly independent and do not like being micromanaged. Garvin (2013) described a 2002 experiment where Google made their organization flat, eliminating engineering managers, the company realized that managers do more than just manage projects. Managers contributed to the company, "by communicating strategy, helping employees prioritize projects, facilitating ... Show more content on ... Even though I believe Google's management system to be effective and the article's explanation of the system to be credible and valid, I do not believe it will fit the culture of my company. Working in the restaurant industry, our employees are not as technically minded as the employees of Google. From experience, direct management and more guidance are needed in a customer–service directed atmosphere. While my boss may find the surveys and employee improvement strategies to be helpful, Google's exact system is not comparable to the restaurant industry. One HR issue this article can be applied to is ineffective performance reviews and training for management. Many companies base their performance reviews around what a manager is doing wrong, but creating a more evidence–based survey focused around specific strengths a manger should excel in helps the corporation to be future–based. Like Google, the company can identify eight characteristics of good mangers and create the survey based around those eight pillars. If a manger is deficient in a certain category they can take classes to strengthen that specific characteristics rather than have to sit through a general training highlighting things they are already good at. Anther HR issue the article may be helpful for is defining why a manager is important. Some industries are struggling with ... Get more on ...
  • 80. Characteristics Of A Good Manager Questions Respond: 1) The "Must–Have" managerial skills are six concepts of abilities a good manager should have in order to perform well in the workplace. The first managerial skill is teamwork because the individual should be able to contribute, negotiate and resolve conflict effectively in a team with others members and leaders. The second skills are self–management which is the ability to have a strong ethical reasoning, tolerance of others and most important to meet the obligations of the workplace. Thirdly, leadership forms part of the management skills because managers need to have the ability to influence and support people in order to make them perform multiple tasks. Similarity, the critical thinking plays an ... Show more content on ... As well as having a safer workplace environment where obligations and duties are responsibly and professionally performed. 2) The McGregor 's theory explains how managers interact with others in the social environment of the workplace. McGregor classifies how managers interact with their worker behavior and productivity in the workplace into two beliefs, theories; theory X is when managers expect people to dislike the work and when people are irresponsible that does not meet their obligations. On the other hand, in theory Y managers assume people are responsible for their obligations, capable of work with other and creative. Therefore, theory Y creates more self–fulfilling prophecies because managers allow the employee to have more autonomy of their work. workers have the freedom to work with less pressure; working efficiently to satisfy the complex and ambiguous tasks. Of course, theory X is most experienced in the workplace because many managers do not have an education preparation that allow them to understand their workers. Nowadays managers want to prove themselves treating other unequal. This creates so many inequalities in the workplace because managers have a command control over the worker instead of giving them more autonomy of their work to be more innovative. 3) An ethical dilemma is a situation with an undesirable or unpleasant choice that ... Get more on ...
  • 82. Peter Drucker 's An Influential Figures Within... Introduction Thesis Statement Respected researcher Peter Drucker saw advances in technology accelerate in the late 1980's and anticipated the implementation of these into business to begin the phasing out of middle management, since then ruthless cost cutting throughout industry has seen the middle manager having to justify their position in a company or face the axe. Author Info Peter Drucker is one of the most influential figures within organisational management as we know it with a collection of books and informative pieces to his name that have foreseen major changes in world economies and business before they hit the newsstands. Drucker's unique ability to identify trends in business and management saw him succeed as not only an author but also as a university researcher/lecturer with his passion to educate being the driving factor behind all of his works (, 2014). 1–In relation to middle management it was Drucker's view that most of the time "their main, if not their only, function is to serve as relays" (Drucker 1988, p. 4), meaning that they are the conveyor of information from the bottom of the business up to the top and in turn from the top back down to the bottom. The evolution of the personal computer coupled with the global revolution we know as the internet changed this "relaying" of information drastically from setting up a face to face meeting into sending an email that can be instantly seen by every employee within the company, further to ... Get more on ...