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Dr. Gamal Said 1
Anatomy of the
Female Genital System
Clinical Pelvic Anatomy
in Cadavers
Dr. Gamal Said
Dr. Gamal Said 2
Viscera of ♀
genital system
Dr. Gamal Said 3
The ovary
It is the primary sex organ. It is grayish pink in color with
smooth surface before puberty, but as age advances it
becomes whitish and rough surfaced.
! Site: lies on the side wall of the pelvis within the
“ovarian fossa” which is bounded by:
–  Anteriorly: obliterated umbilical artery.
–  Posteriorly: internal iliac vessels & ureter.
! Dimensions:
–  Length è 3 cm
–  Breadth è 2 cm
–  Thickness è 1 cm
! Shape: it is almond-shaped having
–  2 ends
–  2 borders
–  2 surfaces
The ovary is attached
to superior surface
of the broad ligament
in close relation to
the lateral end of the
Fallopian tube.
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! 2 ends:
–  Upper (tubal) end: is directed up & laterally & attached to:
! Ovarian fimbria of the Falopian tube.
! Suspensory (infundibulo-pelvic) ligament of the ovary, which is a
peritoneal fold that forms the upper lateral part of the broad ligament.
It transmits the ovarian vessels & nerves from the side wall of the
pelvis to the broad ligament.
–  Lower (uterine) end: is directed down & medially. It is
attached to the upper lateral angle of the uterus by the
ligament of the ovary.
! 2 surfaces:
–  Lateral surface: related to the parietal peritoneum of the
lateral pelvic wall & obturator nerve and vessels (in the floor
of the fossa).
–  Medial surface: related to fimbriated end of Fallopian tube.
! 2 borders:
–  Posterior border: free.
–  Anterior border: attached to the upper lateral part of broad
ligament by mesovarium (which transmits the ovarian nerves
& vessels to the hilum of the ovary).
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! Peritoneal covering:
–  It is completely covered by peritoneum which adheres to the
ovary forming its covering epithelium.
–  Therefore, the peritoneal covering is perforated by the ovum
during ovulation.
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Ligaments of the ovary: è 3 ligaments
! Suspensory ligament of the ovary:
–  It extends laterally from the tubal end of the ovary to the side
wall of the pelvis at the external iliac vessels.
–  It is a peritoneal fold which transmits the ovarian vessels,
nerves & lymphatics to the broad ligament.
! Mesovarium:
–  It is peritoneal fold that extends from the upper layer of
broad ligament to the anterior border of the ovary.
–  It transmits the ovarian vessels & nerves to the ovary.
! Ligament of the ovary:
–  It is a fibromuscular cord that extends from the uterine end of
the ovary to the lateral angle of the uterus.
Dr. Gamal Said 9
Ø  By the ovarian artery è descends on psoas
major, ureter, external iliac vessels to enter the
suspensory ligament of the ovary è then to the
mesovarium è then to the ovary.
! It also supplies the lateral part of the Fallopian
tube where it anastomoses with the uterine artery.
! Rt. ovarian vein: drains into IVC.
! Lt. ovarian vein: drains into left renal vein.
To para-aortic L.Ns.
Ø  Parasympathetic: From pelvic splanchnic nerves
(S 2, 3, 4).
Ø  Sympathetic: from T 10, 11.
Dr. Gamal Said 10
The uterine (Fallopian) tube
! Site: in the medial 4/5 of the upper free border of the broad
ligament, extending from the superior angle of the uterus to the
ovary on the side wall of the pelvis.
! Length: 10 cm.
Posterior view
Dr. Gamal Said 11
! Parts: (from medial to lateral)
–  Intramural (uterine) part:
! It is the shortest (1 cm) and narrowest part.
! It passes through the wall of the superoateral angle of the uterus
to open into the uterine cavity.
–  Isthmus:
! It is 2 cm in length, rounded, narrow and thick-walled.
–  Ampulla:
! It is the longest (5 cm), thin-walled, tortuous and widest part.
! It is the site of fertilization.
–  Infundibulum (fimbriated end):
! It is 2 cm in length and funnel-shaped.
! It pierces the broad ligament to open into the peritoneal cavity
near the ovary.
! Its margins carry fimbria which spread over the medial surface
of the ovary.
! The largest fimbria is called the ovarian fimbria which is
attached to the upper end of the ovary.
Dr. Gamal Said 12
! Course and relations
–  Each tube runs upwards laterally & backwards from the uterus to
the side wall of the pelvis.
–  Then, it curves backwards piercing the upper layer of the broad
ligament to end on the medial surface of the ovary by the
–  Along its whole course, it is related to coils of ileum & sigmoid
! Blood supply:
–  Medial 2/3: by the uterine artery.
–  Lateral 1/3 : by the ovarian artery.
! Venous drainage:
–  By veins accompanying the arteries into the uterine and ovarian
! Lymph drainage:
–  Most of the tubal lymphatics pass to the paraaortic L.Ns.
–  Lymphatics of the isthmus pass to the superficial inguinal L.Ns.
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The uterus
! Shape: pear-shaped hollow thick-walled muscular organ.
! Site: between the rectum & U.B.
! Dimensions:
–  Length: 3 inches (cervix = 1 inch & body and fundus = 2
–  Width: 2 inches
–  Thickness: 1 inch
! Parts:
–  Fundus
! It is dome-shaped part that lies above the level of the opening of
the Fallopian tubes.
! It is completely covered by peritoneum.
! It is related to coils of small intestine & sigmoid colon.
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! Body: is the part extending from level of opening of the
Fallopian tubes to the constriction called “ isthmus”. It has:
–  Anterior (vesical) surface:
! It is related to the upper surface of U.B.
! It is covered by peritoneum, which is reflected at the isthmus on
the upper surface of U.B. forming the utero-vesical pouch.
–  Posterior (intestinal) surface:
! It is related to coils of small intestine & sigmoid colon.
! It is covered by peritoneum, which extends to the back of the
cervix & upper part of the vagina; then reflected backwards
forming the rectovaginal pouch.
–  Lateral margin:
! It gives attachment to the broad ligament.
! The uterine artery ascends along it.
! It is penetrated above by the Fallopian tube.
! Its upper part gives attachment to:
–  Round ligament of uterus in front of the fallopian tube.
–  Ligament of ovary behind the Fallopian tube.
Dr. Gamal Said 16
! Isthmus:
! Slight constriction between the body and the cervix.
! Opposite its anterior aspect, the peritoneum is reflected to
the U.B. to form the utero-vesical pouch.
! It is covered by peritoneum from the back.
! Cervix: it has supra-vaginal & vaginal parts
–  Supra-vaginal part:
! Anteriorly: it is not covered by peritoneum and related to
the U.B.
! Posteriorly: it is covered by peritoneum of Douglas pouch
which separates it from the rectum.
! Laterally: it gives attachment to the broad ligament and is
related to the ureter and uterine vessels just below the
root of the broad ligament.
–  Vaginal part: is surrounded by the vaginal fornices.
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Peritoneal covering of the uterus
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Supporting factors of uterus
! Position:
–  Normally, the uterus is anteverted anteflexed
! anteverted: the whole uterus makes a right angle with the
longitudinal axis of the vagina.
! anteflexed: the longitudinal axis of the body makes an angle = 170
with the longitudinal axis of cervix.
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Abnormal position of uterus = retroverted , retroflexed uterus
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! Muscles:
–  Pelvic diaphragm è supports the pelvic organs by resisting
their downward push during increased intra-abdominal
–  Urogenital diaphragm è the muscles of the deep perineal
–  Perineal body è is a fibromuscular body between the
vagina & anal canal; receiving the insertions of all perineal
muscles. Thus, maintains the integrity of the pelvic floor.
Dr. Gamal Said 22
! Ligaments of uterus:
Round ligament
of uterus
Ligament of ovary
Broad ligament
cervical ligament
3 ligaments of body
3 ligaments of cervix
Dr. Gamal Said 23
Ligaments of the body of uterus:
1.  Round ligament of uterus:
–  It is attached to the upper part of lateral margin of body of
uterus (in front of uterine tube).
–  It passes down and laterally between the 2 layers of the
broad ligament to reach the side wall of the pelvis where it
crosses over:
! Obturator nerve & vessels.
! Obliterated umbilical artery. Same as vas deferens in male
! External iliac artery & vein.
–  It enters through the inguinal canal where it emerges from
the superficial inguinal ring to attach to labia majora.
2.  Ligament of ovary:
–  It is attached between the upper part of lateral margin of
body of uterus (behind uterine tube) and uterine end of the
“Both these 2 ligaments represents the remnant of the gubernaculum”
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3.  Broad ligament:
–  It is a double-layered fold of peritoneum which extends
from the side of the uterus to the side wall of pelvis.
–  It has:
! 2 layers:
–  upper (posterior) layer:
! is related to the coils of small intestine
! is connected to the ovary by mesovarium
! is pierced by the lateral end of Fallopian tube
–  lower (anterior layer)
–  4 borders:
–  upper free border:
! its medial 4/5 surrounds Fallopian tube
! its lateral 1/5 forms the suspensory ligament of the ovary
–  lower border: rests on the pelvic floor
–  medial border: attached to the side of the uterus
–  lateral border: attached to the side wall of the pelvis
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! Parts of the broad ligament:
–  Mesosalpinx: the part between Fallopian tube &
mesovarium & and round ligament of ovary.
–  Suspensory ligament of ovary: the part lateral to the ovary.
–  Mesometrium: the remaining medial lower part on the side
of the uterus.
! Contents of the broad ligament:
–  2 tubes:
! Fallopian tube: in the medial 4/5 of the upper free border.
! Ureter: in the root of broad ligament, 2 cm lateral to the cervix.
–  2 ligaments: round ligament of ovary & round lig. of uterus.
–  2 arteries:
! Uterine A. (in the root then along the medial border then along the
upper border).
! Ovarian A. (in the suspensory ligament of ovary).
–  2 sympathetic nerve plexus: uterovaginal & ovarian nerve plexus.
–  2 embryological remnants: epioophoron & paraoophoron.
–  Connective tissue (parametrium) & lymphatics & L.Ns.
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Parts of broad ligament
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Contents of broad ligament
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Ligaments of the cervix:
1.  Transverse cervical (Mackenrodt’s ) ligament:
! It is the main supporting factor of the uterus.
! It a fan-shaped ligament, which is formed of condensed
extraperitoneal tissue between the side wall of the
pelvis and side of cervix & vagina.
2.  Pubo-cervical ligament:
l  It is a condensation of extraperitoneal tissue, which
extends from the front of cervix & upper part of vagina
to the back of the pubis, around the sides of the urethra.
3.  Utero-sacral ligament:
l  It is a condensation of extraperitoneal tissue, which
extends from the back of the cervix to the front of 2nd &
3rd pieces of sacrum, around the sides of the rectum.
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Ligaments of
the cervix
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! Uterine cavity:
– The cavity of the body appears triangular
(the upper angles are the openings of the
uterine tubes & the lower angle is the
opening of the internal os.
– The cervix contains fusiform cervical canal:
! Its upper end is called internal os.
! Its lower end is called external os.
The external os is
rounded in nulliparous,
slit-like in multiparous.
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Dr. Gamal Said 34
by the uterine artery:
! It is a branch of the anterior division of internal iliac artery.
! It passes medially on the floor of the pelvis in the root of the broad
ligament crossing the ureter, about 2 cm lateral to the cervix.
! It ascends along the side of the uterus in a tortuous course
between the 2 layers of the broad ligament.
! It turns laterally below the Fallopian tube to end by anastomosis
with ovarian artery.
! It supplies: uterus + medial ¾ of Fallopian tube + vagina.
! The veins draining uterus form 2 venous plexuses along its lateral
! Each venous plexus is drained by a pair of uterine veins which
ends into internal iliac vein.
q  Fundus + upper part of the body + uterine tube è para-aortic L.Ns
q  Lower part of the body è external iliac L.Ns.
q  Cornu of the uterus è its lymphatics pass along the round
ligament of uterus into the superficial inguinal L.Ns.
q  Cervix è internal iliac & external iliac & sacral L.Ns.
q Sympathetic è from T12 & L1 (produce uterine contraction &
q  Parasympathetic è from S2, 3, 4. (produce uterine relaxation &
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Arterial supply of the uterus
Dr. Gamal Said 36Lymphatic drainage of the uterus
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The vagina
! It is fibro-muscular tube between the cervix and vestibule (the
cleft between the 2 labia minora).
! It is directed up & backwards forming a right angle with the
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! Relations:
–  Anterior wall: (7 cm)
! Not covered by peritoneum
! Its upper 1/3 è is pierced by the cervix.
! Its middle 1/3 è is related to the base of U.B.
! Its lower 1/3 è is intimately related to the urethra.
–  Posterior wall: (9 cm)
! Its upper1/4 is covered by peritoneum which is reflected
to the rectum to form the recto-vaginal (Douglas pouch)
which contains coils of ileum
! Its middle 2/4 related to rectum.
! Its lower 1/4 is related to perineal body and anal canal.
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–  Lateral relations (from above downwards):
! Upper part è uterine artery & ureter.
! Middle part è levator ani (sphincter vaginae).
! Lower part è greater vestibular gland (in the perineum).
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! Fornices of vagina:
–  These are 4 pouches formed by the upper part of vagina
around the vaginal part of cervix
–  (2 lateral, 1 anterior & 1 posterior)
–  The posterior fornix is the deepest one & the only one
covered by peritoneum
Dr. Gamal Said 43
It is supplied by:
– Uterine artery.
– Vaginal artery.
– Middle rectal artery.
– Internal pudendal artery.
These arteries Anastomose in front & behind the
vagina to form anterior & posterior “azygos arteries”.
The vaginal veins form plexuses that drains into
internal iliac vein.
! Upper 1/3 è external iliac L.Ns.
! Middle 1/3 è internal iliac L.Ns.
! Lower 1/3 è superficial inguinal L.Ns.
! Upper 2/3 (pain insensitive) è by autonomic fibers
– Sympathetic: L1, 2
– Parasympathetic: S 2, 3
Dr. Gamal Said 44
Arterial supply
Venous drainage
Lymphatic drainage

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Dr.gamal presentation

  • 1. Dr. Gamal Said 1 Anatomy of the Female Genital System Clinical Pelvic Anatomy in Cadavers Dr. Gamal Said Workshop
  • 2. Dr. Gamal Said 2 Viscera of ♀ genital system Ovary Fallopian tubes Uterus Vagina
  • 3. Dr. Gamal Said 3 The ovary It is the primary sex organ. It is grayish pink in color with smooth surface before puberty, but as age advances it becomes whitish and rough surfaced. ! Site: lies on the side wall of the pelvis within the “ovarian fossa” which is bounded by: –  Anteriorly: obliterated umbilical artery. –  Posteriorly: internal iliac vessels & ureter. ! Dimensions: –  Length è 3 cm –  Breadth è 2 cm –  Thickness è 1 cm ! Shape: it is almond-shaped having –  2 ends –  2 borders –  2 surfaces N.B. The ovary is attached to superior surface of the broad ligament in close relation to the lateral end of the Fallopian tube.
  • 6. Dr. Gamal Said 6 ! 2 ends: –  Upper (tubal) end: is directed up & laterally & attached to: ! Ovarian fimbria of the Falopian tube. ! Suspensory (infundibulo-pelvic) ligament of the ovary, which is a peritoneal fold that forms the upper lateral part of the broad ligament. It transmits the ovarian vessels & nerves from the side wall of the pelvis to the broad ligament. –  Lower (uterine) end: is directed down & medially. It is attached to the upper lateral angle of the uterus by the ligament of the ovary. ! 2 surfaces: –  Lateral surface: related to the parietal peritoneum of the lateral pelvic wall & obturator nerve and vessels (in the floor of the fossa). –  Medial surface: related to fimbriated end of Fallopian tube. ! 2 borders: –  Posterior border: free. –  Anterior border: attached to the upper lateral part of broad ligament by mesovarium (which transmits the ovarian nerves & vessels to the hilum of the ovary).
  • 7. Dr. Gamal Said 7 ! Peritoneal covering: –  It is completely covered by peritoneum which adheres to the ovary forming its covering epithelium. –  Therefore, the peritoneal covering is perforated by the ovum during ovulation.
  • 8. Dr. Gamal Said 8 Ligaments of the ovary: è 3 ligaments ! Suspensory ligament of the ovary: –  It extends laterally from the tubal end of the ovary to the side wall of the pelvis at the external iliac vessels. –  It is a peritoneal fold which transmits the ovarian vessels, nerves & lymphatics to the broad ligament. ! Mesovarium: –  It is peritoneal fold that extends from the upper layer of broad ligament to the anterior border of the ovary. –  It transmits the ovarian vessels & nerves to the ovary. ! Ligament of the ovary: –  It is a fibromuscular cord that extends from the uterine end of the ovary to the lateral angle of the uterus.
  • 9. Dr. Gamal Said 9 Arterial supply Ø  By the ovarian artery è descends on psoas major, ureter, external iliac vessels to enter the suspensory ligament of the ovary è then to the mesovarium è then to the ovary. ! It also supplies the lateral part of the Fallopian tube where it anastomoses with the uterine artery. Venous drainage ! Rt. ovarian vein: drains into IVC. ! Lt. ovarian vein: drains into left renal vein. lymph drainage To para-aortic L.Ns. Nerve supply Ø  Parasympathetic: From pelvic splanchnic nerves (S 2, 3, 4). Ø  Sympathetic: from T 10, 11.
  • 10. Dr. Gamal Said 10 The uterine (Fallopian) tube ! Site: in the medial 4/5 of the upper free border of the broad ligament, extending from the superior angle of the uterus to the ovary on the side wall of the pelvis. ! Length: 10 cm. Posterior view
  • 11. Dr. Gamal Said 11 ! Parts: (from medial to lateral) –  Intramural (uterine) part: ! It is the shortest (1 cm) and narrowest part. ! It passes through the wall of the superoateral angle of the uterus to open into the uterine cavity. –  Isthmus: ! It is 2 cm in length, rounded, narrow and thick-walled. –  Ampulla: ! It is the longest (5 cm), thin-walled, tortuous and widest part. ! It is the site of fertilization. –  Infundibulum (fimbriated end): ! It is 2 cm in length and funnel-shaped. ! It pierces the broad ligament to open into the peritoneal cavity near the ovary. ! Its margins carry fimbria which spread over the medial surface of the ovary. ! The largest fimbria is called the ovarian fimbria which is attached to the upper end of the ovary.
  • 12. Dr. Gamal Said 12 ! Course and relations –  Each tube runs upwards laterally & backwards from the uterus to the side wall of the pelvis. –  Then, it curves backwards piercing the upper layer of the broad ligament to end on the medial surface of the ovary by the infundibulum. –  Along its whole course, it is related to coils of ileum & sigmoid colon. ! Blood supply: –  Medial 2/3: by the uterine artery. –  Lateral 1/3 : by the ovarian artery. ! Venous drainage: –  By veins accompanying the arteries into the uterine and ovarian veins. ! Lymph drainage: –  Most of the tubal lymphatics pass to the paraaortic L.Ns. –  Lymphatics of the isthmus pass to the superficial inguinal L.Ns.
  • 13. Dr. Gamal Said 13 The uterus ! Shape: pear-shaped hollow thick-walled muscular organ. ! Site: between the rectum & U.B. ! Dimensions: –  Length: 3 inches (cervix = 1 inch & body and fundus = 2 inches) –  Width: 2 inches –  Thickness: 1 inch ! Parts: –  Fundus ! It is dome-shaped part that lies above the level of the opening of the Fallopian tubes. ! It is completely covered by peritoneum. ! It is related to coils of small intestine & sigmoid colon.
  • 15. Dr. Gamal Said 15 ! Body: is the part extending from level of opening of the Fallopian tubes to the constriction called “ isthmus”. It has: –  Anterior (vesical) surface: ! It is related to the upper surface of U.B. ! It is covered by peritoneum, which is reflected at the isthmus on the upper surface of U.B. forming the utero-vesical pouch. –  Posterior (intestinal) surface: ! It is related to coils of small intestine & sigmoid colon. ! It is covered by peritoneum, which extends to the back of the cervix & upper part of the vagina; then reflected backwards forming the rectovaginal pouch. –  Lateral margin: ! It gives attachment to the broad ligament. ! The uterine artery ascends along it. ! It is penetrated above by the Fallopian tube. ! Its upper part gives attachment to: –  Round ligament of uterus in front of the fallopian tube. –  Ligament of ovary behind the Fallopian tube.
  • 16. Dr. Gamal Said 16 ! Isthmus: ! Slight constriction between the body and the cervix. ! Opposite its anterior aspect, the peritoneum is reflected to the U.B. to form the utero-vesical pouch. ! It is covered by peritoneum from the back. ! Cervix: it has supra-vaginal & vaginal parts –  Supra-vaginal part: ! Anteriorly: it is not covered by peritoneum and related to the U.B. ! Posteriorly: it is covered by peritoneum of Douglas pouch which separates it from the rectum. ! Laterally: it gives attachment to the broad ligament and is related to the ureter and uterine vessels just below the root of the broad ligament. –  Vaginal part: is surrounded by the vaginal fornices.
  • 18. Dr. Gamal Said 18 Peritoneal covering of the uterus
  • 19. Dr. Gamal Said 19 Supporting factors of uterus ! Position: –  Normally, the uterus is anteverted anteflexed ! anteverted: the whole uterus makes a right angle with the longitudinal axis of the vagina. ! anteflexed: the longitudinal axis of the body makes an angle = 170 with the longitudinal axis of cervix.
  • 20. Dr. Gamal Said 20 N.B.: Abnormal position of uterus = retroverted , retroflexed uterus
  • 21. Dr. Gamal Said 21 ! Muscles: –  Pelvic diaphragm è supports the pelvic organs by resisting their downward push during increased intra-abdominal pressure. –  Urogenital diaphragm è the muscles of the deep perineal pouch. –  Perineal body è is a fibromuscular body between the vagina & anal canal; receiving the insertions of all perineal muscles. Thus, maintains the integrity of the pelvic floor.
  • 22. Dr. Gamal Said 22 ! Ligaments of uterus: Round ligament of uterus Ligament of ovary Broad ligament Pubocervical ligament Uterosacral ligament Transverse cervical ligament 3 ligaments of body 3 ligaments of cervix
  • 23. Dr. Gamal Said 23 Ligaments of the body of uterus: 1.  Round ligament of uterus: –  It is attached to the upper part of lateral margin of body of uterus (in front of uterine tube). –  It passes down and laterally between the 2 layers of the broad ligament to reach the side wall of the pelvis where it crosses over: ! Obturator nerve & vessels. ! Obliterated umbilical artery. Same as vas deferens in male ! External iliac artery & vein. –  It enters through the inguinal canal where it emerges from the superficial inguinal ring to attach to labia majora. 2.  Ligament of ovary: –  It is attached between the upper part of lateral margin of body of uterus (behind uterine tube) and uterine end of the ovary. “Both these 2 ligaments represents the remnant of the gubernaculum”
  • 25. Dr. Gamal Said 25 3.  Broad ligament: –  It is a double-layered fold of peritoneum which extends from the side of the uterus to the side wall of pelvis. –  It has: ! 2 layers: –  upper (posterior) layer: ! is related to the coils of small intestine ! is connected to the ovary by mesovarium ! is pierced by the lateral end of Fallopian tube –  lower (anterior layer) –  4 borders: –  upper free border: ! its medial 4/5 surrounds Fallopian tube ! its lateral 1/5 forms the suspensory ligament of the ovary –  lower border: rests on the pelvic floor –  medial border: attached to the side of the uterus –  lateral border: attached to the side wall of the pelvis
  • 27. Dr. Gamal Said 27 ! Parts of the broad ligament: –  Mesosalpinx: the part between Fallopian tube & mesovarium & and round ligament of ovary. –  Suspensory ligament of ovary: the part lateral to the ovary. –  Mesometrium: the remaining medial lower part on the side of the uterus. ! Contents of the broad ligament: –  2 tubes: ! Fallopian tube: in the medial 4/5 of the upper free border. ! Ureter: in the root of broad ligament, 2 cm lateral to the cervix. –  2 ligaments: round ligament of ovary & round lig. of uterus. –  2 arteries: ! Uterine A. (in the root then along the medial border then along the upper border). ! Ovarian A. (in the suspensory ligament of ovary). –  2 sympathetic nerve plexus: uterovaginal & ovarian nerve plexus. –  2 embryological remnants: epioophoron & paraoophoron. –  Connective tissue (parametrium) & lymphatics & L.Ns.
  • 28. Dr. Gamal Said 28 Parts of broad ligament
  • 29. Dr. Gamal Said 29 Contents of broad ligament
  • 30. Dr. Gamal Said 30 Ligaments of the cervix: 1.  Transverse cervical (Mackenrodt’s ) ligament: ! It is the main supporting factor of the uterus. ! It a fan-shaped ligament, which is formed of condensed extraperitoneal tissue between the side wall of the pelvis and side of cervix & vagina. 2.  Pubo-cervical ligament: l  It is a condensation of extraperitoneal tissue, which extends from the front of cervix & upper part of vagina to the back of the pubis, around the sides of the urethra. 3.  Utero-sacral ligament: l  It is a condensation of extraperitoneal tissue, which extends from the back of the cervix to the front of 2nd & 3rd pieces of sacrum, around the sides of the rectum.
  • 31. Dr. Gamal Said 31 Ligaments of the cervix
  • 32. Dr. Gamal Said 32 ! Uterine cavity: – The cavity of the body appears triangular (the upper angles are the openings of the uterine tubes & the lower angle is the opening of the internal os. – The cervix contains fusiform cervical canal: ! Its upper end is called internal os. ! Its lower end is called external os. The external os is rounded in nulliparous, slit-like in multiparous.
  • 34. Dr. Gamal Said 34 Arterial supply by the uterine artery: ! It is a branch of the anterior division of internal iliac artery. ! It passes medially on the floor of the pelvis in the root of the broad ligament crossing the ureter, about 2 cm lateral to the cervix. ! It ascends along the side of the uterus in a tortuous course between the 2 layers of the broad ligament. ! It turns laterally below the Fallopian tube to end by anastomosis with ovarian artery. ! It supplies: uterus + medial ¾ of Fallopian tube + vagina. Venous drainage ! The veins draining uterus form 2 venous plexuses along its lateral borders. ! Each venous plexus is drained by a pair of uterine veins which ends into internal iliac vein. Lymphatic drainage q  Fundus + upper part of the body + uterine tube è para-aortic L.Ns q  Lower part of the body è external iliac L.Ns. q  Cornu of the uterus è its lymphatics pass along the round ligament of uterus into the superficial inguinal L.Ns. q  Cervix è internal iliac & external iliac & sacral L.Ns. Nerve supply q Sympathetic è from T12 & L1 (produce uterine contraction & vasoconstriction). q  Parasympathetic è from S2, 3, 4. (produce uterine relaxation & vasodilatation).
  • 35. Dr. Gamal Said 35 Arterial supply of the uterus
  • 36. Dr. Gamal Said 36Lymphatic drainage of the uterus
  • 37. Dr. Gamal Said 37 The vagina ! It is fibro-muscular tube between the cervix and vestibule (the cleft between the 2 labia minora). ! It is directed up & backwards forming a right angle with the uterus.
  • 38. Dr. Gamal Said 38 ! Relations: –  Anterior wall: (7 cm) ! Not covered by peritoneum ! Its upper 1/3 è is pierced by the cervix. ! Its middle 1/3 è is related to the base of U.B. ! Its lower 1/3 è is intimately related to the urethra. –  Posterior wall: (9 cm) ! Its upper1/4 is covered by peritoneum which is reflected to the rectum to form the recto-vaginal (Douglas pouch) which contains coils of ileum ! Its middle 2/4 related to rectum. ! Its lower 1/4 is related to perineal body and anal canal.
  • 41. Dr. Gamal Said 41 –  Lateral relations (from above downwards): ! Upper part è uterine artery & ureter. ! Middle part è levator ani (sphincter vaginae). ! Lower part è greater vestibular gland (in the perineum).
  • 42. Dr. Gamal Said 42 ! Fornices of vagina: –  These are 4 pouches formed by the upper part of vagina around the vaginal part of cervix –  (2 lateral, 1 anterior & 1 posterior) –  The posterior fornix is the deepest one & the only one covered by peritoneum
  • 43. Dr. Gamal Said 43 Arterial supply It is supplied by: – Uterine artery. – Vaginal artery. – Middle rectal artery. – Internal pudendal artery. These arteries Anastomose in front & behind the vagina to form anterior & posterior “azygos arteries”. Venous drainage The vaginal veins form plexuses that drains into internal iliac vein. Lymphatic drainage ! Upper 1/3 è external iliac L.Ns. ! Middle 1/3 è internal iliac L.Ns. ! Lower 1/3 è superficial inguinal L.Ns. Nerve supply ! Upper 2/3 (pain insensitive) è by autonomic fibers – Sympathetic: L1, 2 – Parasympathetic: S 2, 3
  • 44. Dr. Gamal Said 44 Arterial supply Venous drainage Lymphatic drainage