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Introduction to Gray Cast Iron
   Brake Rotor Metallurgy

          Mark Ihm
        TRW Automotive

Tutorial Outline

•   Introduction
•   Microstructures of Cast Irons
•   Properties of Gray Cast Irons
•   Influence of Casting Processes
•   Future of Gray Cast Iron Rotors
Introduction to Gray Cast Iron Brake
            Rotor Metallurgy

The properties of cast iron components are
controlled by the microstructure of the
material, which consequentially are
determined by the chemistry and processing
of the cast iron.
Equilibrium Iron-Carbon Binary
         Phase Diagram

                                     Liquid + Graphite

              Austenite (γ) + Graphite

            Ferrite (α) + Graphite
Equilibrium Solid Phases in the
 Binary Iron-Carbon System

•   Ferrite (α-Fe)
•   Austenite (γ-Fe)
•   Delta Iron (δ-Fe)
•   Graphite (C)
Ferrite Iron Phase

•   Body-center cubic crystal structure
•   Stable up to 912°C in Fe-C system
•   Density: 7.86 grams/cm 3 at 20°C
•   Soft and very ductile phase
Austenite Iron Phase

• Face-center cubic crystal structure
• Stable from 740°C to 1493°C in Fe-C
• Density: 7.84 grams/cm 3 at 20°C
• Strong, hard and tough phase
Delta Iron Phase

• Body-center cubic crystal structure
• Stable from 1394 °C to 1538°C
• Since temperature range is limited to very
  high temperatures, very little is published
  about mechanical and physical properties.
Graphite Carbon Phase
• Layered hexagonal structure with covalent
  bonding of atoms in each layer
• Density: 2.25 grams/cm 3 at 20°C
• Layers easily slide against each other and make
  graphite a solid lubricant
• Soft and low strength
The “Lever Rule” in Equilibrium Binary
           Phase Diagram

The LEVER RULE is used to determine the
compositions of phases and the relative
proportions of phases to each other in the two
phase regions of binary phase diagrams. The
LEVER RULE applies only to regions where
two phases exist together and only under
isothermal conditions.
The “Lever Rule”

                       α               Temp = T

                   A       X"   X                   X!
                                    %B (weight %)
For an overall composition “X” at temperature “T”, the
composition of the "-phase is X" and the composition of
the !-phase is X!.
The “Lever Rule”

                          α               Temp = T

                      A       X"   X                   X!
                                       %B (weight %)
For an overall composition “X” at temperature “T” the weight
fraction of the "-phase (F") is represented by the equation:
                   F" = (X! - X)/(X! - X")
The “Lever Rule”

                          α               Temp = T

                      A       X"   X                   X!
                                       %B (weight %)
For an overall composition “X” at temperature “T” the weight
fraction of the !-phase (F!) is represented by the equation:
                   F! = (X - X")/(X! - X")
Practice Problem #1

                                               Liquid + Graphite

                          Austenite (γ) + Graphite
                                                                         (Solubility of
                                                                          iron in solid
                               Ferrite (α) + Graphite
                                                                           graphite is

For an overall composition of iron with 4 % carbon held at
741°C, what are the compositions of the two phases and weight
fractions of each phase?
Practice Problem #1

                                                Liquid + Graphite

                           Austenite (γ) + Graphite

                                Ferrite (α) + Graphite

               Xγ      X

The austenite phase contains 0.85% carbon at 741°C, and the
graphite phase contains 100% carbon.
Practice Problem #1

                                                      Liquid + Graphite

                                 Austenite (γ) + Graphite

                                      Ferrite (α) + Graphite

                  Xγ        X
The weight fraction of the austenite phase is calculated as:

Fγ = (Xgraphite – X)/(Xgraphite -Xγ) = (100 – 4)/(100 – 0.85) = 0.968 = 96.8%
Practice Problem #1

                                                       Liquid + Graphite

                                  Austenite (γ) + Graphite

                                       Ferrite (α) + Graphite

                  Xγ         X
The weight fraction of the graphite phase is calculated as:

Fgraphite = (X – Xγ)/(Xgraphite -Xγ) = (4 – 0.85)/(100 – 0.85) = 0.032 = 3.2%
Phase Transformations in Equilibrium
         Binary Phase Systems
      Single Phase Transformations (A      B)
– Typically involve pure materials
– Compositions of phases are identical
– Do not involve diffusion of atoms
– Transformation occurs at a single temperature

    Single Phase Transformations for Pure Iron
   Liquid    Delta Iron    Austenite      Ferrite
(non-crystalline)   (bcc crystals)   (fcc crystals)   (bcc crystals)
Phase Transformations in Equilibrium
         Binary Phase Systems
         2-Phase Transformations (A A + B)
– Occur over a range of temperatures and compositions
– Second phase precipitates and grows in first phase
– First phase is still stable
                                    Liquid + Graphite

              Austenite (γ) + Graphite
                                                                            γ         Fe
                 Ferrite (α) + Graphite                                 C            Fe
                                                  ~     100
Phase Transformations in Equilibrium
          Binary Phase Systems
            Second Phase Precipitate Microstructure
– The form of the second phase is dependent upon cooling rates
  and diffusion rates of solute atoms in solution.
– The form is also dependent upon availability of nucleation
– The form may also be dependent upon the crystal structure of
  two phases.
                      Solid dendrites
                      growing from a
                      rapidly cooled liquid

                                       Graphite flakes
                                       precipitated from
                                       liquid iron
Phase Transformations in the Iron-Carbon
   Equilibrium Binary Phase Systems
3-Phase Transformations Iron-Carbon Alloys
                                                      Peritectic Transformation
                                                    (Liquid + Solid A    Solid B)
                               Liquid +
                               Graphite                Eutectic Transformation
                                                    (Liquid     Solid A + Solid B)

             Austenite (γ) +                          Eutectoid Transformation
               Graphite                             (Solid A Solid B + Solid C)

                 Ferrite (α) +

Phase Transformations in Equilibrium
          Binary Phase Systems
• 3-Phase Transformations (A       B + C)
   – 3-phase transformations occur at a single temperature
     and composition.
   – Eutectic and eutectoid transformations involve
     simultaneous nucleation and growth of two phases
   – Typical microstructure is a lamellar
     structure with alternating layers of
     the two phases.

                                         Typical lamellar microstructure
                                         from a eutectic transformation
Practice Problem #2

                                               Liquid + Graphite

                          Austenite (γ) + Graphite
                                                                         (Solubility of
                                                                          iron in solid
                               Ferrite (α) + Graphite
                                                                           graphite is

For an overall composition of iron with 4 % carbon slowly
cooled from 1200°C to 1152°C, what are the weight fractions of
primary austenite and the eutectic microstructures?
Practice Problem #2

                                                      Liquid + Graphite

                                 Austenite (γ) + Graphite

                                      Ferrite (α) + Graphite

                 Xγ         X
The weight fraction of the primary austenite microstructure is
calculated as:
 Fγ = (Xeutectic – X)/(Xeutectic -Xγ) = (4.2 – 4)/(4.2 – 2.1) = 0.095 = 9.5%
Practice Problem #2

                                                      Liquid + Graphite

                                 Austenite (γ) + Graphite

                                      Ferrite (α) + Graphite

                 Xγ          X
The weight fraction of the eutectic microstructure is calculated
 Feutectic = (X - Xγ)/(Xeutectic -Xγ) = (4 – 2.1)/(4.2 – 2.1) = 0.905 = 90.5%
Practice Problem #2

 The microstructure consists of primary austenite and a
 eutectic mixture of austenite and graphite:


Meta-Stable Iron-Carbon System

The formation of graphite in the equilibrium
iron-carbon system is dependent upon the
diffusion of carbon through the iron matrix to
form the graphite precipitates. If the cooling
rate is fast, then the carbon is not able to
segregate, and iron carbide (Fe3C) forms in
place of graphite. This meta-stable system is
commonly called the iron-iron carbide system.
Meta-Stable Iron-Iron Carbide
   Binary Phase Diagram
Iron Carbide Phase
• Fe3C is the chemical composition, and it has
  orthorhombic crystal structure.
• Iron carbide breaks down to iron and graphite with
  sufficient time and temperature.
• For practical purposes it is considered stable
  below 450°C.
• Density: 7.66 grams/cm 3 at 20°C
• Very hard and brittle phase
• Commonly called “cementite”
Combination of Equilibrium and Meta-
      Stable Phase Diagrams
Eutectoid Transformations in the Iron-
       Carbon Binary Phase Systems
• The ferrite-graphite eutectoid transformation is extremely
  uncommon due to the very slow cooling required.
• The ferrite-iron carbide transformation is the predominant
  eutectoid transformation.
• The ferrite-iron carbide eutectic microstructure is commonly
  called “pearlite”.
• Pearlite has a lamellar
Practice Problem #3


                                                                  ~            Graphite
                                                                             (Solubility of
                                                                              iron in solid
                                                                               graphite is
                                                                   ~           negligible)

A cast iron with an overall composition of 4 % carbon is cooled slow enough through the
eutectic transformation temperature to produce austenite and graphite, but not cooled slow
enough through the eutectoid transformation temperature to produce ferrite and graphite.
At room temperature, what are the phases and microconstituents present and their
approximate weight fractions?
Practice Problem #3


                                                                 ~            <= L + γ
                                                    (Solubility of
                                                     iron in solid         C + α + Fe3C
                                                      graphite is

The phases present at room temperature will be graphite (C) , ferrite (α) and
cementite (Fe3C).
Practice Problem #3

                   Xγ           X
From problem #1 we saw that the material consisted of 96.8% austenite and
3.2% graphite by weight at a temperature just above the eutectoid trans-
formation temperature. The existing graphite remains stable and the austenite
will transform to pearlite (the eutectic mixture of ferrite and cementite) through
this transformation.
Practice Problem #3

                  Xα         X                           Xcementite
Using the LEVER RULE now with eutectoid austenite composition as X the weight
fractions ferrite and cementite that transform from the austenite are calculated as
  Fα from γ = (Xcementite - X)/(Xcementite - Xα) = (6.7 – 0.8)/(6.7 – 0.02) = 0.883 = 88.3%
   FFe C from γ = (X - Xα )/(Xcementite - Xα) = (0.8 – 0.02)/(6.7 – 0.02) = 0.905 = 11.7%
Practice Problem #3
The overall volume fractions of the ferrite and the cementite in the total
microstructure is calculated as follows:
            Fferrite total = Fα from γ x Fγ = 0.883 x 0.968 = 0.855 = 85.5%
          Fcementite total = FFe C from γ x Fγ = 0.117 x 0.968 = 0.113 = 11.3%

Phases Weight Percentages                           Microconstituents Weight
Ferrite                         85.5%
                                                  Pearlite                       96.8%
Cementite                       11.3%
                                                  Graphite Flakes                 3.2%
Graphite                         3.2%
Practice Problem #3
Microstructure consists of graphite flakes in a matrix of pearlite:

 Eutectoid                                                               Eutectic
  Pearlite                                                            Graphite Flakes

             Microstructure of Gray Cast Iron (200X and Nital Etch)
Other Microstructures in the
        Iron-Carbon Binary System
• Martensite is an unstable phase that can form
  when austenite is cooled below a critical
  temperature too quickly for carbon to diffuse and
  form iron carbide.
• Bainite is non-equilibrium microstructure of
  acicular ferrite and fine carbides.
• Both martensite and bainite will revert to ferrite
  and cementite particles with tempering at elevated
  temperatures (typically greater than 150°C).
Martensite Phase
• Martensite has a body centered tetragonal crystal structure
• Carbon content must typically be greater than 0.1%
• Breaks down to iron and cementite (Fe3C) with sufficient
  time and temperature (considered semi-stable below 150°C)
• Density: 7.8 grams/cm 3 at 20°C
• Very hard and strong phase, but minimal ductility
• Martensite has a needle-like microstructure
Bainite Microstructure
• Bainite consists of acicular (needle-like) ferrite with very
  small cementite particles dispersed throughout.
• The carbon content must typically be greater than 0.1%.
• Bainite transforms to iron and cementite with sufficient time
  and temperature (considered semi-stable below 150°C).
• Bainite is a very hard and tough microstructure.

              Lower Bainite           Upper Bainite
Austenite Transformation Diagrams

• Austenite transformation diagrams are used to predict the
  microstructures that will form from the austenite
  depending upon time, temperature and cooling rate.
• Time-temperature transformation (TTT) diagrams measure
  the extent of transformation with time at a constant
• Continuous cooling transformation (CCT) diagrams
  measure the extent of transformation as a function of time
  for a continuously decreasing temperature.
Time-Temperature Transformation
     Diagram for Cast Iron
Continuous Cooling Transformation
      Diagram for Cast Iron
Tempering of Martensite and Bainite

Martensite and bainite will temper at temperatures above
150 °C to form ferrite and spheroidal iron carbides.

   Martensite       Tempered Martensite    Heavily Tempered
The Addition of Silicon to the Iron-
             Carbon System
• Silicon is added to cast irons in the range of 1% to 4% in
  order to increase the amount of under-cooling required for
  the formation of cementite and promote the formation of
  graphite during solidification.
• The range of silicon added is sufficient that the iron-carbon
  binary phase diagram is insufficient to predict the phases
  and microstructures that form.
• The iron-carbon-silicon ternary phase diagram and/or
  sections of this diagram are needed to properly predict the
  phases and microstructures that form.
Iron-Carbon-Silicon Ternary Phase Diagram


 for y-axis

                   Si                   C

Pure Elements at                      Binary Phase Diagram
  each Corner                          on the Three Faces
Effects of Silicon on the Eutectic and
                 Eutectoid Transformations
                    Iron-Carbon                                            Iron-Carbon-Silicon(2%)
                   Phase Diagram                                                Phase Diagram

                                                  Liquid                                                 Liquid
                        + Liquid                                                    Austenite                          Graphite
                                                                                    + Liquid                           + Liquid

            Austenite                                                   Austenite

                                      Austenite +                                            Austenite +
                                    Carbide /Graphite                                      Carbide /Graphite

Austenite                                                  Austenite
+ Ferrite                                                  + Ferrite
                                                                                                                   Ferrite +
 Ferrite                                                      Ferrite                                            Austenite +
                                 Ferrite +                                                                     Carbide /Graphite
                                                                                             Ferrite +
                             Carbide /Graphite                                           Carbide /Graphite
Microstructural Effects of Silicon
           Additions in Cast Irons
• Silicon strongly reduces the potential for eutectic carbides
  during solidification and promotes the formation of primary
• Silicon promotes the precipitation of secondary graphite on
  the primary graphite during the eutectoid transformation,
  which results in large areas of ferrite (commonly called “free
  ferrite”) around the graphite particles.
Classifications of Cast Irons
• Classifications are determined by the eutectic
  graphite/carbide forms present in the iron
• Classifications are controlled by alloying,
  solidification rates and heat treatment.
• Classifications of cast irons
   –   White Irons
   –   Malleable Irons
   –   Gray Irons
                                  Graphitic Cast Irons
   –   Ductile Irons
   –   Compacted Graphite Irons
White Cast Irons
• White cast irons form eutectic cementite during solidification.
• The white iron microstructure is due to fast solidification rates
  and alloying that promotes eutectic carbide formation.
• White irons typically have low ductility, high hardness and
  great wear resistance.
• White irons get their name
  from the shininess of their
  crystalline fractures in
  comparison to the dull
  gray fractures of graphite
Malleable Cast Irons

• Malleable cast irons are formed by annealing white irons to
  transform the eutectic cementite to graphite.
• Malleable irons have good ductility and good strength.
• Matrix microstructure is dependent upon the cooling rate from
  the graphitization annealing.
• Before the discovery of
  nodular irons, malleable
  irons were the only
  ductile class of cast irons.
Gray Cast Irons
• Gray cast irons form graphite flakes during solidification.
• The gray iron microstructure is due to slow solidification rates
  and silicon alloying that promotes graphite formation.
• Gray irons typically have low ductility and moderate strength,
  but they have high thermal conductivity and excellent
  vibration damping properties.
• Gray irons get their name
  from their dull gray
  fracture features.
Nodular Cast Irons
• Nodular cast irons form graphite spheres during solidification.
• The nodular iron microstructure is due to slow solidification
  rates and magnesium or cerium alloying that promotes
  spherical graphite formation.
• Nodular irons typically have high ductility and strength.
• Nodular irons were first
  discovered in the 1940’s.
• Nodular irons are also
  called “ductile irons” or
  “spheroidal graphite
Compacted Graphite Cast Irons
• Compacted graphite cast irons form graphite particles with a
  shape between graphite flakes of gray cast iron and graphite
  nodules of nodular cast iron.
• Compacted graphite cast irons have properties between those
  of gray cast iron and nodular cast iron.
• Compacted graphite irons
  require very tight control
  of the nodularizing
  alloying (magnesium or
Graphite Forms per ISO 945
Graphite Flake Distributions per ISO 945
Graphite Morphologies in Gray Cast Iron
• Type A graphite flake structures are generally the
  preferred structures.
• Type B graphite flake structures may result when
  there is poor inoculation and nucleation.
• Type C graphite flake structures are typically found
  in hypereutectic gray irons where the graphite flakes
  are the first to precipitate from the melt.
• Types D and E graphite flake structures are
  typically found where undercooling of melt is the
  greatest (edges, parting lines, thin sections, etc…).
Graphite Morphology Variation in Gray
           Cast Iron Castings
• Graphite morphology variation is affected by the
  casting and/or mold design.
• Graphite morphology variation is increased with
  poor inoculation practices.
• First areas to solidify may have types D and E
  graphite morphologies if inoculation is insufficient.
• Types D and E graphite morphologies often have
  free ferrite associated with them, which can affect
  the machinability and other properties in the area
Properties of Gray Cast Irons
•   Classifications and Mechanical Properties
•   Elevated Temperature Properties
•   Wear and Abrasion Resistance
•   Heat Absorption Properties
•   Thermal Conductivity
•   Vibration Damping
•   Corrosion Resistance
•   Machinability
Gray Cast Iron Classifications and
            Mechanical Properties
 Casting Grade                             Theoretical   Typical
                              Typical      Minimum        Brinnel
  SAE J431
                 Class per    Carbon        Tensile      Hardness
                  ASTM        Content       Strength      Range
Current Previous A48M          (%)           (MPa)        (BHN)
  G7     G1800      20       3.50 - 3.70      124        163 – 223
  G9     G2500      25       3.45 - 3.65      170        170 – 229
 G10     G3000      30       3.35 - 3.60      198        187 – 241
 G11     G3500      35       3.30 - 3.55      217        207 – 255
 G12     G4000      40       3.25 - 3.50      272        217 – 259
 G13     G4000      40       3.15 - 3.40      268        217 – 259
Mechanical Properties of Gray Cast Irons
Elastic modulus is lower than that of steels and
nodular iron, and it is non-linear. Elastic modulus
decreases with increasing graphite content.

                              Class 40 Gray Iron (comp)

                              Class 40 Gray Iron (tensile)

                            Class 20 Gray Iron (comp)

                              Class 20 Gray Iron (tensile)
Mechanical Properties of Gray Cast Irons

• Gray cast irons exhibit very little ductility. Typical
  elongations in tensile testing are less than 0.5%.
• Impact strength and notch sensitivity are poor due to
  the graphite flakes acting as stress risers.
• Fatigue strengths of gray cast irons are low due to
  effects of the graphite flakes on crack initiation.
Elevated Temperature Mechanical
      Properties of Gray Cast Irons
Gray cast irons maintain their mechanical properties
up to approximately 500°C. Above 500°C the
mechanical properties drop quickly.
Wear and Abrasion Resistance of Gray
               Cast Irons
• The wear/abrasion resistance of gray cast irons are
  dependent upon the microstructures.
• Increasing amounts of graphite and free ferrite reduce
  wear/abrasion resistance.
• Increasing amounts of pearlite improves wear/abrasion
• The higher grades tend to have greater wear/abrasion
  resistance than lower grades.
• Gray cast irons have wear/abrasion resistance
  comparable to non-heat treated medium carbon steels.
Heat Absorption Properties of
                   Gray Cast Irons
                                            Heat        Specific       Melt
           Material              Density   Capacity      Heat       Temperature
                                 (g/cm3)   (J/kg °K)   (J/cm3 °K)      (°C)
G1800 Gray Cast Iron              7.15       545         0.076         1150
G3000 Gray Cast Iron               7.2       545         0.076         1145
G4000 Gray Cast Iron              7.25       545         0.075         1145
1008 Plain Carbon Steel           7.86       481         0.061         1620
302 Austenitic Stainless Steel    7.93       500         0.063         1400
356 Cast Aluminum Alloy           2.69       963         0.358          675
Copper                            8.94       494         0.055         1083
Brass                             8.75       380         0.043          990
AZ63 Cast Magnesium                1.8       1005        0.558          455
Thermal Conductivity of Gray Cast Irons

                    G1800 Gray Cast Iron

                      G3500 Gray Cast Iron

Vibration Damping Properties of Gray
               Cast Irons
The composite nature of gray cast irons (steel plus
graphite flakes) along with crystal and bonding
structure of graphite makes gray cast irons one of the
best vibration damping metals.
Corrosion Resistance of Gray Cast Irons
 The difference in electrode potentials between the ferrite/iron
 carbide matrix and the graphite flakes is very large. This results
 in mini-galvanic cells with graphite as the cathode and the
 ferrite/iron carbide matrix as the sacrificial anode, which is the
 primary cause of the very poor corrosion resistance of gray cast
 iron.                                                Rusts Formation
                                                   Fe+3 + 3(OH-) ⇒ Fe(OH)3
                                                  (precipitated onto surfaces)

Anode Reaction
                                                      Cathode Reaction
Fe ⇒   Fe+3   +3   e-
                                                3 e- + 3/2H2O + 3/4O2 ⇒ 3(OH-)
Manufacturability of Gray Cast Irons
• Excellent Castability
   – Low melting temperatures of near eutectic compositions
     minimize oxidation of the molten iron.
   – Small solidification temperature range of near eutectic
     compositions helps minimize shrinkage porosity.
   – Low density of graphite reduces the volumetric shrinkage
     during the solidification of the eutectic material.
• Excellent Machinability
   – Graphite flakes make gray cast irons chip well, which
     reduces stress on machining tools.
   – Graphite flakes also act as solid lubricants.
   – High thermal conductivity minimizes heat build-up in tool.
Properties Desired for Brake Rotors
• High strength and durability to sustain torque loads from braking
• Stable mechanical and frictional properties through range of
  expected service temperatures
• High wear resistance through range of expected service
• High heat absorption capability to absorb braking energy
• High thermal conductivity to transport frictional heat away from
  braking surfaces
• High vibration damping capacity to minimize NVH issues
• Minimal thermal expansion to minimize performance variability
• High degree of corrosion resistance
• Excellent machinability
• Inexpensive material and processing costs
Properties of Gray Cast Irons
             Sample Questions
1. Which grade of gray cast iron (G7 or G10)
   would provide greater wear resistance for rotor
2. Which grade of gray cast iron (G7 or G10)
   would provide greater resistance to thermal
   cracking for rotor applications?
3. Which grade of gray cast iron (G7 or G10)
   would provide reduced brake noise for rotor
Properties of Gray Cast Irons
                  Sample Questions
1.   Which grade of gray cast iron (G7 or G10) would provide
     greater wear resistance for rotor applications?
     Answer: Grade G10 has a lower graphite content and greater
     pearlite content, and therefore, it has greater wear resistance.

2.   Which grade of gray cast iron (G7 or G10) would provide
     greater resistance to thermal cracking for rotor applications?
     Answer: Grade G7 has a higher graphite content and higher
     thermal conductivity, and therefore, it has greater thermal
     cracking resistance.
Properties of Gray Cast Irons
               Sample Questions
1. Which grade of gray cast iron (G7 or G10) would
   provide reduced brake noise for rotor
   Answer: Neither grade will guarantee reduced
   brake noise. While Grade 7 has a higher graphite
   content and better damping properties than grade
   G11, the effects of the change in resonant
   frequencies and frictional behavior could actually
   increase brake noise. Brake noise analyses must
   take into account all of the effects that a material
   change can cause.
Typical Gray Cast Iron Rotor
            Casting Process
 Core Molding Raw      Sand Molding Raw       Melt Raw Materials
     Materials             Materials

                                               Melting Process
Core Making Process   Sand Mixing Process

   Core Setting       Sand Molding Process     Melt Treatments

                      Metal Pouring Process

                       Casting Cooling and

                        Casting Cleaning
Melting Processes Used for Production
      of Gray Cast Iron Castings

• Cupola Melting
• Electric Melting
  – Electric Induction Melting
  – Electric Arc Melting
• Combustion Fired Reverberatory Melting
Raw Materials Used in the Melting of
          Gray Cast Irons
• Iron Sources
  – Scrap Iron
     • Internal Returns
     • Machined Chip Briquettes
     • External Purchased Scrap
  – Scrap Steel
  – Pig Iron
• Coke
• Graphite and Silicon Carbide
• Ferro-silicon and Ferro-manganese
Cupola Melting of Gray Cast Iron
• It’s a continuous melting process.
• Exothermic reaction between
  coke and air provides the thermal
  energy for melting.
• Coke and its reaction products
  provide the carbon in the melt.
• Uses greatest variety of charge
• Varying melt content is very
• It is more difficult to meet
  environmental standards.
Electric Melting of Gray Cast Iron
• It’s a batch melting process.
• Induced electric current in charge or
  electric arc provides the thermal
  energy for melting.
• Graphite and silicon carbide are
  added to provide carbon in the melt.
• Restricted to specific charge
• Each batch can have a different
  target composition.
• Less environmental concerns.
• More sensitive to impurities.
Inoculation of Molten Gray Cast Iron
• Inoculant is added to the liquid metal to help prevent the
  formation of eutectic carbides and aid graphite
• Inoculants are primarily ferrro-silicon often with small
  amounts of varying elements to aid in nucleation.
• Inoculants are typically added in the pouring/transfer
  ladles and in-stream during pouring.
• Inoculation also helps to prevent dendritic graphite (types
  D and E per ISO 945).
• The effects of inoculation are reduced with time after
  they are introduced to the liquid metal. This is commonly
  called “inoculant fade.”
Molding Processes Used for Production
     of Gray Cast Iron Castings

• Permanent Mold Processes
• Investment Mold Processes
• Sand Mold Processes
  – Cope and Drag Sand Molding
  – Disamatic Flaskless Sand Molding
  – Lost Foam Sand Molding
Cope & Drag Sand Molding Process
•   Mold parting is horizontal.
•   Molded sand and casting are contained in a steel flask.
•   There are minimal casting size and weight limitations.
•   There is greater flexibility for gating and riser design.
•   In some cases this process can provide a more uniform
    casting microstructure and soundness.
Disamatic Flaskless Sand Molding Process
• Mold parting is vertical.
• All metal in gates, risers and casting cavities are
  contained within the flaskless sand molds.
• There are casting size and weight limitations due to
  the hydrostatic pressure built up within the mold.
• There is reduced flexibility for gating and risers.
Molding Sand Properties
• The properties of green sand and core sand have a
  significant impact on the dimensional consistency and
  metallurgical quality of the castings.
• Typical green sand properties controlled in the mixing
  and molding process:
   –   Green sand compactability   – Wet tensile strength
   –   Green sand strength         – Volatile material composition
   –   Sand moisture               – Percent Active Clay
   –   Sand temperature            – Weight Loss on Ignition
   –   Green Sand Permeability     – Green Sand Granularity
   –   Green Sand Plasticity
Casting Cooling in the Sand Mold
• The time the casting spends in the sand mold is
  typically 20 to 60 minutes. This time is often referred to
  as the “shake-out” time.
• The time the casting spends in the sand provides slow
  uniform cooling of the castings.
   – A long shake-out time can help minimize residual
     stresses that can lead to rotor warpage in service.
   – A long shake-out time could result in free ferrite
     formation and soften the castings. This is especially true
     for high carbon gray cast irons.
   – Too short of a shake-out time may lead to possible
     austenite transformations to martensite or bainite.
Removal of Castings from the Sand Molds
• In the Disamatic flaskless molding process the sand molds
  and castings are pushed off the end of the molding lines
  onto shaker tables.
• In the cope and drag molding process the sand molds and
  castings are pressed out of the flasks.
• Didion rotary drums and/or shaker tables are used to
  separate the sand from the castings and break off gates and
Casting Cleaning
• Any remaining gates, risers or sprues still attached
  to the castings are manually hammered off.
• Castings are shot blasted to remove any remaining
  sand and clean off minor flash. Either tumble or
  rack blasting are used.
• Castings are ground (manually or semi-
  automatically) to removed excessive flash or gate
  material that may interfere with machining.
Heat-Treatment of Rotor Castings

Gray cast iron can be heat treated with many of the
same processes that are used for steels and nodular
cast irons.

Rotor Casting Heat-Treatments
• Stress Relieving Heat-Treatments
• Annealing Heat-Treatments
• Other Heat-Treatments
Stress Relieving Heat-Treatment of
             Gray Cast Iron Rotors
• Stress relieving of gray cast iron rotors can be
  performed to minimize rotor warpage that can occur
  under extreme service conditions.
• Stress relieving of semi-finished rotors is done in
  Europe for many rotors designed for high performance
• Stress relieving is typically performed in the
  temperature range of 500°C and 650°C for periods up
  to 24 hours.
• Stress relieving has no significant effect on
  microstructure or mechanical properties.
Annealing Heat-Treatment of Gray
           Cast Iron Rotor Castings
• Annealing of gray cast iron rotor castings was performed in
  the past to soften hard castings.
• Annealing is typically performed in the temperature range
  of 600°C and 700°C for periods up to 24 hours.
• Annealing will reduce the hardness of the castings.
• Annealing will begin to spherodize the iron carbide in the
  pearlite microstructure.
• Annealing may increase the amount of free ferrite through
  graphitization of the iron carbide in the pearlite matrix.
• Annealing is typically not allowed for gray cast iron rotors
Other Heat-Treatments Considered for
     Gray Cast Iron Rotor Castings
Many other heat treatments have been considered to
improve specific properties of the gray cast iron, but
the costs and/or the technical disadvantages have
outweighed the benefits.

• Austempering Heat Treatments
• Induction Hardening Heat Treatments
• Carburizing and Nitrocarburizing Heat Treatments
Cast Iron Rotor Casting Process
               Sample Questions
1. Which melting process (cupola or electric) would
   likely be best if you desired a slightly lower silicon
   content than is used in the standard gray cast iron
2. Which molding process (cope and drag or Disamatic)
   would likely provide a more uniform casting integrity
   and balance for a integral hub and rotor design with a
   large offset?
3. Which sand separation process (Didion drum or
   shaker tables) would be more likely to cause damage
   to thin and/or sensitive sections of a casting?
Cast Iron Rotor Casting Process
              Sample Questions

Which melting process (cupola or electric) would likely
be best if you desired a slightly lower silicon content
than is used in the standard gray cast iron grades?

Answer: It is difficult to adjust chemistries with a
cupola melting process because of the continuous
melting. Electric batch melting provides the ability to
tailor chemistries specific to designs.
Cast Iron Rotor Casting Process
               Sample Questions
Which molding process (cope and drag or Disamatic)
would likely provide a more uniform casting integrity and
casting balance for a integral hub and rotor design with a
large offset?
    Answer: The Disamatic molding process typically
gates from the bottom and has risers at the top, which can
result in varying degrees of shrinkage porosity with more
complex casting designs. The cope and drag process can
better utilize a riser and gating pattern that minimizes
shrinkage porosity.
Cast Iron Rotor Casting Process
               Sample Questions
Which sand separation process (Didion drum or shaker
tables) would be more likely to cause damage to thin
and/or sensitive sections of a casting?

Answer: The casting in a Didion drum can fall and strike
other casting from distances as much as 2 to 3 feet.
Therefore, shaker tables may provide less damage to
castings with thin or sensitive sections than Didion
Areas for Future Material Developments
         for Gray Cast Iron Rotors

• Coatings and surface treatments to prevent or minimize
  brake surface corrosion
• Alloying to improve thermal conductivity and/or wear
• Alloying or heat treatments to modify the
  microstructure for improved vibration damping
• Composites of gray iron and other metals or ceramics
Alternative Materials to Gray Cast Iron
        for Brake Rotor Applications
• Aluminum Metal-Matrix Composite Materials
  – Operational brake surface temperatures are limited to
    approximately 450°C maximum.
  – Cost is approximately 2 to 3 times the cost of gray cast iron
• Graphite/Graphite and Graphite/SiC Composite
  – Operational temperatures not limited by rotor material.
  – Frictional properties are better at higher temperatures.
  – Cost is nearly a hundred times the cost of gray cast iron
Concluding Remarks

Gray cast iron has nearly all the properties
that are desired for brake rotor applications.
This combined with the very low costs of
materials and processing makes gray cast iron
a potentially unbeatable material value in
brake rotor applications.

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Tutorial ihm

  • 1. Introduction to Gray Cast Iron Brake Rotor Metallurgy Mark Ihm TRW Automotive TRW
  • 2. Tutorial Outline • Introduction • Microstructures of Cast Irons • Properties of Gray Cast Irons • Influence of Casting Processes • Future of Gray Cast Iron Rotors
  • 3. Introduction to Gray Cast Iron Brake Rotor Metallurgy The properties of cast iron components are controlled by the microstructure of the material, which consequentially are determined by the chemistry and processing of the cast iron.
  • 4. Equilibrium Iron-Carbon Binary Phase Diagram Liquid + Graphite Austenite (γ) + Graphite Ferrite (α) + Graphite
  • 5. Equilibrium Solid Phases in the Binary Iron-Carbon System • Ferrite (α-Fe) • Austenite (γ-Fe) • Delta Iron (δ-Fe) • Graphite (C)
  • 6. Ferrite Iron Phase • Body-center cubic crystal structure • Stable up to 912°C in Fe-C system • Density: 7.86 grams/cm 3 at 20°C • Soft and very ductile phase
  • 7. Austenite Iron Phase • Face-center cubic crystal structure • Stable from 740°C to 1493°C in Fe-C system • Density: 7.84 grams/cm 3 at 20°C • Strong, hard and tough phase
  • 8. Delta Iron Phase • Body-center cubic crystal structure • Stable from 1394 °C to 1538°C • Since temperature range is limited to very high temperatures, very little is published about mechanical and physical properties.
  • 9. Graphite Carbon Phase • Layered hexagonal structure with covalent bonding of atoms in each layer • Density: 2.25 grams/cm 3 at 20°C • Layers easily slide against each other and make graphite a solid lubricant • Soft and low strength
  • 10. The “Lever Rule” in Equilibrium Binary Phase Diagram The LEVER RULE is used to determine the compositions of phases and the relative proportions of phases to each other in the two phase regions of binary phase diagrams. The LEVER RULE applies only to regions where two phases exist together and only under isothermal conditions.
  • 11. The “Lever Rule” Temperature α Temp = T β α+β A X" X X! B %B (weight %) For an overall composition “X” at temperature “T”, the composition of the "-phase is X" and the composition of the !-phase is X!.
  • 12. The “Lever Rule” Temperature α Temp = T β α+β A X" X X! B %B (weight %) For an overall composition “X” at temperature “T” the weight fraction of the "-phase (F") is represented by the equation: F" = (X! - X)/(X! - X")
  • 13. The “Lever Rule” Temperature α Temp = T β α+β A X" X X! B %B (weight %) For an overall composition “X” at temperature “T” the weight fraction of the !-phase (F!) is represented by the equation: F! = (X - X")/(X! - X")
  • 14. Practice Problem #1 Liquid + Graphite ~ Austenite (γ) + Graphite Graphite ~ (Solubility of iron in solid Ferrite (α) + Graphite graphite is negligible) ~ 100 For an overall composition of iron with 4 % carbon held at 741°C, what are the compositions of the two phases and weight fractions of each phase?
  • 15. Practice Problem #1 Liquid + Graphite ~ Austenite (γ) + Graphite ~ Ferrite (α) + Graphite ~ 100 Xγ X Xgraphite The austenite phase contains 0.85% carbon at 741°C, and the graphite phase contains 100% carbon.
  • 16. Practice Problem #1 Liquid + Graphite ~ Austenite (γ) + Graphite ~ Ferrite (α) + Graphite ~ 100 Xγ X Xgraphite The weight fraction of the austenite phase is calculated as: Fγ = (Xgraphite – X)/(Xgraphite -Xγ) = (100 – 4)/(100 – 0.85) = 0.968 = 96.8%
  • 17. Practice Problem #1 Liquid + Graphite ~ Austenite (γ) + Graphite ~ Ferrite (α) + Graphite ~ 100 Xγ X Xgraphite The weight fraction of the graphite phase is calculated as: Fgraphite = (X – Xγ)/(Xgraphite -Xγ) = (4 – 0.85)/(100 – 0.85) = 0.032 = 3.2%
  • 18. Phase Transformations in Equilibrium Binary Phase Systems Single Phase Transformations (A B) – Typically involve pure materials – Compositions of phases are identical – Do not involve diffusion of atoms – Transformation occurs at a single temperature Single Phase Transformations for Pure Iron Liquid Delta Iron Austenite Ferrite (non-crystalline) (bcc crystals) (fcc crystals) (bcc crystals)
  • 19. Phase Transformations in Equilibrium Binary Phase Systems 2-Phase Transformations (A A + B) – Occur over a range of temperatures and compositions – Second phase precipitates and grows in first phase – First phase is still stable Liquid Liquid + Graphite Austenite (γ) + Graphite ~ C γ Fe ~ C Ferrite (α) + Graphite C Fe Fe ~ 100
  • 20. Phase Transformations in Equilibrium Binary Phase Systems Second Phase Precipitate Microstructure – The form of the second phase is dependent upon cooling rates and diffusion rates of solute atoms in solution. – The form is also dependent upon availability of nucleation sites. – The form may also be dependent upon the crystal structure of two phases. Solid dendrites growing from a rapidly cooled liquid Graphite flakes precipitated from liquid iron
  • 21. Phase Transformations in the Iron-Carbon Equilibrium Binary Phase Systems 3-Phase Transformations Iron-Carbon Alloys Peritectic Transformation (Liquid + Solid A Solid B) Liquid + Graphite Eutectic Transformation (Liquid Solid A + Solid B) ~ Austenite (γ) + Eutectoid Transformation Graphite (Solid A Solid B + Solid C) ~ Ferrite (α) + Graphite ~ 100
  • 22. Phase Transformations in Equilibrium Binary Phase Systems • 3-Phase Transformations (A B + C) – 3-phase transformations occur at a single temperature and composition. – Eutectic and eutectoid transformations involve simultaneous nucleation and growth of two phases together. – Typical microstructure is a lamellar structure with alternating layers of the two phases. Typical lamellar microstructure from a eutectic transformation
  • 23. Practice Problem #2 Liquid + Graphite γ+L ~ Austenite (γ) + Graphite Graphite ~ (Solubility of iron in solid Ferrite (α) + Graphite graphite is negligible) ~ 100 For an overall composition of iron with 4 % carbon slowly cooled from 1200°C to 1152°C, what are the weight fractions of primary austenite and the eutectic microstructures?
  • 24. Practice Problem #2 Liquid + Graphite γ+L ~ Austenite (γ) + Graphite ~ Ferrite (α) + Graphite ~ 100 Xγ X Xeutectic The weight fraction of the primary austenite microstructure is calculated as: Fγ = (Xeutectic – X)/(Xeutectic -Xγ) = (4.2 – 4)/(4.2 – 2.1) = 0.095 = 9.5%
  • 25. Practice Problem #2 Liquid + Graphite γ+L ~ Austenite (γ) + Graphite ~ Ferrite (α) + Graphite ~ 100 Xγ X Xeutectic The weight fraction of the eutectic microstructure is calculated as: Feutectic = (X - Xγ)/(Xeutectic -Xγ) = (4 – 2.1)/(4.2 – 2.1) = 0.905 = 90.5%
  • 26. Practice Problem #2 The microstructure consists of primary austenite and a eutectic mixture of austenite and graphite: Eutectic Graphite Primary Flakes Austenite Regions Eutectic Austenite
  • 27. Meta-Stable Iron-Carbon System The formation of graphite in the equilibrium iron-carbon system is dependent upon the diffusion of carbon through the iron matrix to form the graphite precipitates. If the cooling rate is fast, then the carbon is not able to segregate, and iron carbide (Fe3C) forms in place of graphite. This meta-stable system is commonly called the iron-iron carbide system.
  • 28. Meta-Stable Iron-Iron Carbide Binary Phase Diagram
  • 29. Iron Carbide Phase • Fe3C is the chemical composition, and it has orthorhombic crystal structure. • Iron carbide breaks down to iron and graphite with sufficient time and temperature. • For practical purposes it is considered stable below 450°C. • Density: 7.66 grams/cm 3 at 20°C • Very hard and brittle phase • Commonly called “cementite”
  • 30. Combination of Equilibrium and Meta- Stable Phase Diagrams
  • 31. Eutectoid Transformations in the Iron- Carbon Binary Phase Systems • The ferrite-graphite eutectoid transformation is extremely uncommon due to the very slow cooling required. • The ferrite-iron carbide transformation is the predominant eutectoid transformation. • The ferrite-iron carbide eutectic microstructure is commonly called “pearlite”. • Pearlite has a lamellar microstructure.
  • 32. Practice Problem #3 ~ ~ Graphite (Solubility of iron in solid graphite is ~ negligible) 100 A cast iron with an overall composition of 4 % carbon is cooled slow enough through the eutectic transformation temperature to produce austenite and graphite, but not cooled slow enough through the eutectoid transformation temperature to produce ferrite and graphite. At room temperature, what are the phases and microconstituents present and their approximate weight fractions?
  • 33. Practice Problem #3 L ~ <= L + γ γ+C ~ Graphite (Solubility of iron in solid C + α + Fe3C graphite is negligible) ~ 100 The phases present at room temperature will be graphite (C) , ferrite (α) and cementite (Fe3C).
  • 34. Practice Problem #3 Xγ X From problem #1 we saw that the material consisted of 96.8% austenite and 3.2% graphite by weight at a temperature just above the eutectoid trans- formation temperature. The existing graphite remains stable and the austenite will transform to pearlite (the eutectic mixture of ferrite and cementite) through this transformation.
  • 35. Practice Problem #3 Xα X Xcementite Using the LEVER RULE now with eutectoid austenite composition as X the weight fractions ferrite and cementite that transform from the austenite are calculated as follows: Fα from γ = (Xcementite - X)/(Xcementite - Xα) = (6.7 – 0.8)/(6.7 – 0.02) = 0.883 = 88.3% FFe C from γ = (X - Xα )/(Xcementite - Xα) = (0.8 – 0.02)/(6.7 – 0.02) = 0.905 = 11.7% 3
  • 36. Practice Problem #3 The overall volume fractions of the ferrite and the cementite in the total microstructure is calculated as follows: Fferrite total = Fα from γ x Fγ = 0.883 x 0.968 = 0.855 = 85.5% Fcementite total = FFe C from γ x Fγ = 0.117 x 0.968 = 0.113 = 11.3% 3 Phases Weight Percentages Microconstituents Weight Percentages Ferrite 85.5% Pearlite 96.8% Cementite 11.3% Graphite Flakes 3.2% Graphite 3.2% 100.0% 100.0%
  • 37. Practice Problem #3 Microstructure consists of graphite flakes in a matrix of pearlite: Eutectoid Eutectic Pearlite Graphite Flakes Matrix Microstructure of Gray Cast Iron (200X and Nital Etch)
  • 38. Other Microstructures in the Iron-Carbon Binary System • Martensite is an unstable phase that can form when austenite is cooled below a critical temperature too quickly for carbon to diffuse and form iron carbide. • Bainite is non-equilibrium microstructure of acicular ferrite and fine carbides. • Both martensite and bainite will revert to ferrite and cementite particles with tempering at elevated temperatures (typically greater than 150°C).
  • 39. Martensite Phase • Martensite has a body centered tetragonal crystal structure • Carbon content must typically be greater than 0.1% • Breaks down to iron and cementite (Fe3C) with sufficient time and temperature (considered semi-stable below 150°C) • Density: 7.8 grams/cm 3 at 20°C • Very hard and strong phase, but minimal ductility • Martensite has a needle-like microstructure
  • 40. Bainite Microstructure • Bainite consists of acicular (needle-like) ferrite with very small cementite particles dispersed throughout. • The carbon content must typically be greater than 0.1%. • Bainite transforms to iron and cementite with sufficient time and temperature (considered semi-stable below 150°C). • Bainite is a very hard and tough microstructure. Lower Bainite Upper Bainite
  • 41. Austenite Transformation Diagrams • Austenite transformation diagrams are used to predict the microstructures that will form from the austenite depending upon time, temperature and cooling rate. • Time-temperature transformation (TTT) diagrams measure the extent of transformation with time at a constant temperature. • Continuous cooling transformation (CCT) diagrams measure the extent of transformation as a function of time for a continuously decreasing temperature.
  • 42. Time-Temperature Transformation Diagram for Cast Iron
  • 43. Continuous Cooling Transformation Diagram for Cast Iron
  • 44. Tempering of Martensite and Bainite Martensite and bainite will temper at temperatures above 150 °C to form ferrite and spheroidal iron carbides. Martensite Tempered Martensite Heavily Tempered Martensite
  • 45. The Addition of Silicon to the Iron- Carbon System • Silicon is added to cast irons in the range of 1% to 4% in order to increase the amount of under-cooling required for the formation of cementite and promote the formation of graphite during solidification. • The range of silicon added is sufficient that the iron-carbon binary phase diagram is insufficient to predict the phases and microstructures that form. • The iron-carbon-silicon ternary phase diagram and/or sections of this diagram are needed to properly predict the phases and microstructures that form.
  • 46. Iron-Carbon-Silicon Ternary Phase Diagram Temperature Temperature for y-axis Si C Pure Elements at Binary Phase Diagram each Corner on the Three Faces Fe
  • 47. Effects of Silicon on the Eutectic and Eutectoid Transformations Iron-Carbon Iron-Carbon-Silicon(2%) Phase Diagram Phase Diagram Liquid Liquid Austenite + Liquid Austenite Graphite + Liquid + Liquid Austenite Austenite Austenite + Austenite + Carbide /Graphite Carbide /Graphite Austenite Austenite + Ferrite + Ferrite Ferrite + Ferrite Ferrite Austenite + Ferrite + Carbide /Graphite Ferrite + Carbide /Graphite Carbide /Graphite
  • 48. Microstructural Effects of Silicon Additions in Cast Irons • Silicon strongly reduces the potential for eutectic carbides during solidification and promotes the formation of primary graphite. • Silicon promotes the precipitation of secondary graphite on the primary graphite during the eutectoid transformation, which results in large areas of ferrite (commonly called “free ferrite”) around the graphite particles.
  • 49. Classifications of Cast Irons • Classifications are determined by the eutectic graphite/carbide forms present in the iron microstructure. • Classifications are controlled by alloying, solidification rates and heat treatment. • Classifications of cast irons – White Irons – Malleable Irons – Gray Irons Graphitic Cast Irons – Ductile Irons – Compacted Graphite Irons
  • 50. White Cast Irons • White cast irons form eutectic cementite during solidification. • The white iron microstructure is due to fast solidification rates and alloying that promotes eutectic carbide formation. • White irons typically have low ductility, high hardness and great wear resistance. • White irons get their name from the shininess of their crystalline fractures in comparison to the dull gray fractures of graphite irons.
  • 51. Malleable Cast Irons • Malleable cast irons are formed by annealing white irons to transform the eutectic cementite to graphite. • Malleable irons have good ductility and good strength. • Matrix microstructure is dependent upon the cooling rate from the graphitization annealing. • Before the discovery of nodular irons, malleable irons were the only ductile class of cast irons.
  • 52. Gray Cast Irons • Gray cast irons form graphite flakes during solidification. • The gray iron microstructure is due to slow solidification rates and silicon alloying that promotes graphite formation. • Gray irons typically have low ductility and moderate strength, but they have high thermal conductivity and excellent vibration damping properties. • Gray irons get their name from their dull gray fracture features.
  • 53. Nodular Cast Irons • Nodular cast irons form graphite spheres during solidification. • The nodular iron microstructure is due to slow solidification rates and magnesium or cerium alloying that promotes spherical graphite formation. • Nodular irons typically have high ductility and strength. • Nodular irons were first discovered in the 1940’s. • Nodular irons are also called “ductile irons” or “spheroidal graphite irons”.
  • 54. Compacted Graphite Cast Irons • Compacted graphite cast irons form graphite particles with a shape between graphite flakes of gray cast iron and graphite nodules of nodular cast iron. • Compacted graphite cast irons have properties between those of gray cast iron and nodular cast iron. • Compacted graphite irons require very tight control of the nodularizing alloying (magnesium or cerium).
  • 57. Graphite Morphologies in Gray Cast Iron Castings • Type A graphite flake structures are generally the preferred structures. • Type B graphite flake structures may result when there is poor inoculation and nucleation. • Type C graphite flake structures are typically found in hypereutectic gray irons where the graphite flakes are the first to precipitate from the melt. • Types D and E graphite flake structures are typically found where undercooling of melt is the greatest (edges, parting lines, thin sections, etc…).
  • 58. Graphite Morphology Variation in Gray Cast Iron Castings • Graphite morphology variation is affected by the casting and/or mold design. • Graphite morphology variation is increased with poor inoculation practices. • First areas to solidify may have types D and E graphite morphologies if inoculation is insufficient. • Types D and E graphite morphologies often have free ferrite associated with them, which can affect the machinability and other properties in the area affected.
  • 59. Properties of Gray Cast Irons • Classifications and Mechanical Properties • Elevated Temperature Properties • Wear and Abrasion Resistance • Heat Absorption Properties • Thermal Conductivity • Vibration Damping • Corrosion Resistance • Machinability
  • 60. Gray Cast Iron Classifications and Mechanical Properties Casting Grade Theoretical Typical Typical Minimum Brinnel SAE J431 Class per Carbon Tensile Hardness ASTM Content Strength Range Current Previous A48M (%) (MPa) (BHN) G7 G1800 20 3.50 - 3.70 124 163 – 223 G9 G2500 25 3.45 - 3.65 170 170 – 229 G10 G3000 30 3.35 - 3.60 198 187 – 241 G11 G3500 35 3.30 - 3.55 217 207 – 255 G12 G4000 40 3.25 - 3.50 272 217 – 259 G13 G4000 40 3.15 - 3.40 268 217 – 259
  • 61. Mechanical Properties of Gray Cast Irons Elastic modulus is lower than that of steels and nodular iron, and it is non-linear. Elastic modulus decreases with increasing graphite content. Steels Class 40 Gray Iron (comp) Class 40 Gray Iron (tensile) Class 20 Gray Iron (comp) Class 20 Gray Iron (tensile)
  • 62. Mechanical Properties of Gray Cast Irons • Gray cast irons exhibit very little ductility. Typical elongations in tensile testing are less than 0.5%. • Impact strength and notch sensitivity are poor due to the graphite flakes acting as stress risers. • Fatigue strengths of gray cast irons are low due to effects of the graphite flakes on crack initiation.
  • 63. Elevated Temperature Mechanical Properties of Gray Cast Irons Gray cast irons maintain their mechanical properties up to approximately 500°C. Above 500°C the mechanical properties drop quickly.
  • 64. Wear and Abrasion Resistance of Gray Cast Irons • The wear/abrasion resistance of gray cast irons are dependent upon the microstructures. • Increasing amounts of graphite and free ferrite reduce wear/abrasion resistance. • Increasing amounts of pearlite improves wear/abrasion resistance. • The higher grades tend to have greater wear/abrasion resistance than lower grades. • Gray cast irons have wear/abrasion resistance comparable to non-heat treated medium carbon steels.
  • 65. Heat Absorption Properties of Gray Cast Irons Heat Specific Melt Material Density Capacity Heat Temperature (g/cm3) (J/kg °K) (J/cm3 °K) (°C) G1800 Gray Cast Iron 7.15 545 0.076 1150 G3000 Gray Cast Iron 7.2 545 0.076 1145 G4000 Gray Cast Iron 7.25 545 0.075 1145 1008 Plain Carbon Steel 7.86 481 0.061 1620 302 Austenitic Stainless Steel 7.93 500 0.063 1400 356 Cast Aluminum Alloy 2.69 963 0.358 675 Copper 8.94 494 0.055 1083 Brass 8.75 380 0.043 990 AZ63 Cast Magnesium 1.8 1005 0.558 455
  • 66. Thermal Conductivity of Gray Cast Irons G1800 Gray Cast Iron G3500 Gray Cast Iron Graphite
  • 67. Vibration Damping Properties of Gray Cast Irons The composite nature of gray cast irons (steel plus graphite flakes) along with crystal and bonding structure of graphite makes gray cast irons one of the best vibration damping metals.
  • 68. Corrosion Resistance of Gray Cast Irons The difference in electrode potentials between the ferrite/iron carbide matrix and the graphite flakes is very large. This results in mini-galvanic cells with graphite as the cathode and the ferrite/iron carbide matrix as the sacrificial anode, which is the primary cause of the very poor corrosion resistance of gray cast iron. Rusts Formation Fe+3 + 3(OH-) ⇒ Fe(OH)3 (precipitated onto surfaces) Water Anode Reaction Cathode Reaction Fe ⇒ Fe+3 +3 e- 3 e- + 3/2H2O + 3/4O2 ⇒ 3(OH-)
  • 69. Manufacturability of Gray Cast Irons • Excellent Castability – Low melting temperatures of near eutectic compositions minimize oxidation of the molten iron. – Small solidification temperature range of near eutectic compositions helps minimize shrinkage porosity. – Low density of graphite reduces the volumetric shrinkage during the solidification of the eutectic material. • Excellent Machinability – Graphite flakes make gray cast irons chip well, which reduces stress on machining tools. – Graphite flakes also act as solid lubricants. – High thermal conductivity minimizes heat build-up in tool.
  • 70. Properties Desired for Brake Rotors • High strength and durability to sustain torque loads from braking • Stable mechanical and frictional properties through range of expected service temperatures • High wear resistance through range of expected service temperatures • High heat absorption capability to absorb braking energy • High thermal conductivity to transport frictional heat away from braking surfaces • High vibration damping capacity to minimize NVH issues • Minimal thermal expansion to minimize performance variability • High degree of corrosion resistance • Excellent machinability • Inexpensive material and processing costs
  • 71. Properties of Gray Cast Irons Sample Questions 1. Which grade of gray cast iron (G7 or G10) would provide greater wear resistance for rotor applications? 2. Which grade of gray cast iron (G7 or G10) would provide greater resistance to thermal cracking for rotor applications? 3. Which grade of gray cast iron (G7 or G10) would provide reduced brake noise for rotor applications?
  • 72. Properties of Gray Cast Irons Sample Questions 1. Which grade of gray cast iron (G7 or G10) would provide greater wear resistance for rotor applications? Answer: Grade G10 has a lower graphite content and greater pearlite content, and therefore, it has greater wear resistance. 2. Which grade of gray cast iron (G7 or G10) would provide greater resistance to thermal cracking for rotor applications? Answer: Grade G7 has a higher graphite content and higher thermal conductivity, and therefore, it has greater thermal cracking resistance.
  • 73. Properties of Gray Cast Irons Sample Questions 1. Which grade of gray cast iron (G7 or G10) would provide reduced brake noise for rotor applications? Answer: Neither grade will guarantee reduced brake noise. While Grade 7 has a higher graphite content and better damping properties than grade G11, the effects of the change in resonant frequencies and frictional behavior could actually increase brake noise. Brake noise analyses must take into account all of the effects that a material change can cause.
  • 74. Typical Gray Cast Iron Rotor Casting Process Core Molding Raw Sand Molding Raw Melt Raw Materials Materials Materials Melting Process Core Making Process Sand Mixing Process Core Setting Sand Molding Process Melt Treatments Metal Pouring Process Casting Cooling and Shakeout Casting Cleaning Processes
  • 75. Melting Processes Used for Production of Gray Cast Iron Castings • Cupola Melting • Electric Melting – Electric Induction Melting – Electric Arc Melting • Combustion Fired Reverberatory Melting
  • 76. Raw Materials Used in the Melting of Gray Cast Irons • Iron Sources – Scrap Iron • Internal Returns • Machined Chip Briquettes • External Purchased Scrap – Scrap Steel – Pig Iron • Coke • Graphite and Silicon Carbide • Ferro-silicon and Ferro-manganese
  • 77. Cupola Melting of Gray Cast Iron • It’s a continuous melting process. • Exothermic reaction between coke and air provides the thermal energy for melting. • Coke and its reaction products provide the carbon in the melt. • Uses greatest variety of charge materials. • Varying melt content is very difficult. • It is more difficult to meet environmental standards.
  • 78. Electric Melting of Gray Cast Iron • It’s a batch melting process. • Induced electric current in charge or electric arc provides the thermal energy for melting. • Graphite and silicon carbide are added to provide carbon in the melt. • Restricted to specific charge materials. • Each batch can have a different target composition. • Less environmental concerns. • More sensitive to impurities.
  • 79. Inoculation of Molten Gray Cast Iron • Inoculant is added to the liquid metal to help prevent the formation of eutectic carbides and aid graphite nucleation. • Inoculants are primarily ferrro-silicon often with small amounts of varying elements to aid in nucleation. • Inoculants are typically added in the pouring/transfer ladles and in-stream during pouring. • Inoculation also helps to prevent dendritic graphite (types D and E per ISO 945). • The effects of inoculation are reduced with time after they are introduced to the liquid metal. This is commonly called “inoculant fade.”
  • 80. Molding Processes Used for Production of Gray Cast Iron Castings • Permanent Mold Processes • Investment Mold Processes • Sand Mold Processes – Cope and Drag Sand Molding – Disamatic Flaskless Sand Molding – Lost Foam Sand Molding
  • 81. Cope & Drag Sand Molding Process • Mold parting is horizontal. • Molded sand and casting are contained in a steel flask. • There are minimal casting size and weight limitations. • There is greater flexibility for gating and riser design. • In some cases this process can provide a more uniform casting microstructure and soundness.
  • 82. Disamatic Flaskless Sand Molding Process • Mold parting is vertical. • All metal in gates, risers and casting cavities are contained within the flaskless sand molds. • There are casting size and weight limitations due to the hydrostatic pressure built up within the mold. • There is reduced flexibility for gating and risers.
  • 83. Molding Sand Properties • The properties of green sand and core sand have a significant impact on the dimensional consistency and metallurgical quality of the castings. • Typical green sand properties controlled in the mixing and molding process: – Green sand compactability – Wet tensile strength – Green sand strength – Volatile material composition – Sand moisture – Percent Active Clay – Sand temperature – Weight Loss on Ignition – Green Sand Permeability – Green Sand Granularity – Green Sand Plasticity
  • 84. Casting Cooling in the Sand Mold • The time the casting spends in the sand mold is typically 20 to 60 minutes. This time is often referred to as the “shake-out” time. • The time the casting spends in the sand provides slow uniform cooling of the castings. – A long shake-out time can help minimize residual stresses that can lead to rotor warpage in service. – A long shake-out time could result in free ferrite formation and soften the castings. This is especially true for high carbon gray cast irons. – Too short of a shake-out time may lead to possible austenite transformations to martensite or bainite.
  • 85. Removal of Castings from the Sand Molds • In the Disamatic flaskless molding process the sand molds and castings are pushed off the end of the molding lines onto shaker tables. • In the cope and drag molding process the sand molds and castings are pressed out of the flasks. • Didion rotary drums and/or shaker tables are used to separate the sand from the castings and break off gates and risers.
  • 86. Casting Cleaning • Any remaining gates, risers or sprues still attached to the castings are manually hammered off. • Castings are shot blasted to remove any remaining sand and clean off minor flash. Either tumble or rack blasting are used. • Castings are ground (manually or semi- automatically) to removed excessive flash or gate material that may interfere with machining.
  • 87. Heat-Treatment of Rotor Castings Gray cast iron can be heat treated with many of the same processes that are used for steels and nodular cast irons. Rotor Casting Heat-Treatments • Stress Relieving Heat-Treatments • Annealing Heat-Treatments • Other Heat-Treatments
  • 88. Stress Relieving Heat-Treatment of Gray Cast Iron Rotors • Stress relieving of gray cast iron rotors can be performed to minimize rotor warpage that can occur under extreme service conditions. • Stress relieving of semi-finished rotors is done in Europe for many rotors designed for high performance vehicles. • Stress relieving is typically performed in the temperature range of 500°C and 650°C for periods up to 24 hours. • Stress relieving has no significant effect on microstructure or mechanical properties.
  • 89. Annealing Heat-Treatment of Gray Cast Iron Rotor Castings • Annealing of gray cast iron rotor castings was performed in the past to soften hard castings. • Annealing is typically performed in the temperature range of 600°C and 700°C for periods up to 24 hours. • Annealing will reduce the hardness of the castings. • Annealing will begin to spherodize the iron carbide in the pearlite microstructure. • Annealing may increase the amount of free ferrite through graphitization of the iron carbide in the pearlite matrix. • Annealing is typically not allowed for gray cast iron rotors today.
  • 90. Other Heat-Treatments Considered for Gray Cast Iron Rotor Castings Many other heat treatments have been considered to improve specific properties of the gray cast iron, but the costs and/or the technical disadvantages have outweighed the benefits. • Austempering Heat Treatments • Induction Hardening Heat Treatments • Carburizing and Nitrocarburizing Heat Treatments
  • 91. Cast Iron Rotor Casting Process Sample Questions 1. Which melting process (cupola or electric) would likely be best if you desired a slightly lower silicon content than is used in the standard gray cast iron grades? 2. Which molding process (cope and drag or Disamatic) would likely provide a more uniform casting integrity and balance for a integral hub and rotor design with a large offset? 3. Which sand separation process (Didion drum or shaker tables) would be more likely to cause damage to thin and/or sensitive sections of a casting?
  • 92. Cast Iron Rotor Casting Process Sample Questions Which melting process (cupola or electric) would likely be best if you desired a slightly lower silicon content than is used in the standard gray cast iron grades? Answer: It is difficult to adjust chemistries with a cupola melting process because of the continuous melting. Electric batch melting provides the ability to tailor chemistries specific to designs.
  • 93. Cast Iron Rotor Casting Process Sample Questions Which molding process (cope and drag or Disamatic) would likely provide a more uniform casting integrity and casting balance for a integral hub and rotor design with a large offset? Answer: The Disamatic molding process typically gates from the bottom and has risers at the top, which can result in varying degrees of shrinkage porosity with more complex casting designs. The cope and drag process can better utilize a riser and gating pattern that minimizes shrinkage porosity.
  • 94. Cast Iron Rotor Casting Process Sample Questions Which sand separation process (Didion drum or shaker tables) would be more likely to cause damage to thin and/or sensitive sections of a casting? Answer: The casting in a Didion drum can fall and strike other casting from distances as much as 2 to 3 feet. Therefore, shaker tables may provide less damage to castings with thin or sensitive sections than Didion drums.
  • 95. Areas for Future Material Developments for Gray Cast Iron Rotors • Coatings and surface treatments to prevent or minimize brake surface corrosion • Alloying to improve thermal conductivity and/or wear resistance • Alloying or heat treatments to modify the microstructure for improved vibration damping • Composites of gray iron and other metals or ceramics
  • 96. Alternative Materials to Gray Cast Iron for Brake Rotor Applications • Aluminum Metal-Matrix Composite Materials – Operational brake surface temperatures are limited to approximately 450°C maximum. – Cost is approximately 2 to 3 times the cost of gray cast iron rotors. • Graphite/Graphite and Graphite/SiC Composite Materials – Operational temperatures not limited by rotor material. – Frictional properties are better at higher temperatures. – Cost is nearly a hundred times the cost of gray cast iron rotors.
  • 97. Concluding Remarks Gray cast iron has nearly all the properties that are desired for brake rotor applications. This combined with the very low costs of materials and processing makes gray cast iron a potentially unbeatable material value in brake rotor applications.