George, a 62-year-old farmer, presents with fatigue and yellowing of the eyes for 2 weeks. He reports weight loss but no other symptoms. Laboratory tests show elevated bilirubin and liver enzymes with positive hepatitis B surface antigen. The doctor considers diagnoses including acute or chronic hepatitis B, alcoholic liver disease, and other causes of jaundice. A liver biopsy may be needed to confirm chronic hepatitis B as the cause of the patient's chronic condition and symptoms.
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Pathology of Hepatitis
1. Never offer the devil a ride.He will always want to be in the driving seat…!BK
2. 2CPC 4.2.2George, 62 year old farmer from Tully, presents to his GP with fatigue. His wife has asked him to consult you as his eyes look a bit yellow'. Fatigue: Progressing 2wk. Unable to get out. nausea : no vomiting/haematemesis : no Anorexia, wt loss: yes thinks lost a bit of weight. bowel habit : constipated, stool pale, no blood.
3. 3CPC 4.2.2Fever: no Bleeding/bruising : no cough/dyspnoea : noprevious episodes : 2 x episodes fatigue last 2 years; first attack preceeded by 2 weeks of fever. saw GP - blood tests : 'showed liver not working so well'. then felt better and has not been to see GP since. This time he feels much worse. other PMH of note? 'never sees doc'; has never been in hospital; no regular medication no OTC/herbal remedies SH : married; 3 adult children. Moved to Australia from Greece 26 years ago. Banana farmer
52. 23Hepatitis A'faecal-oral' spread, Travel / exposure. Relatively short incubation period (2-6wk)Epidemics common, may be sporadic. Direct cytopathic virus (immune in B & C)No carrier state – prolonged immunity.Usually mild illness, full recovery usual.Rarely – severe or fulminant.IgM Ab is diagnostic. (no IgG tests).
54. 25Hepatitis BSpread by blood, Sex & vertical.Relatively long incubation period (4-26wk)liver damage by antiviral immune reaction carrier state exists.Relatively serious infection – chronic, Complications: cirrhosis, carcinoma.Diagnosis: Viral serology (HBsAg)
55. 26Viral Hepatitis B: SerologySequence of serologic markers for hepatitis B viral hepatitis demonstrating (A) acute infection with resolution and (B) progression to chronic infection.
57. 28History Hep B Virus:In 1965 - Dr. Blumberg who was studying haemophilia, found an antibody in two patients which reacted against an antigen from an Australian Aborigine. Later the antigen was found in patients with serum type hepatitis and was initially designated "Australia Antigen". Later proved to be hepatitis B virus surface antigen (HBsAg). Dr. Blumberg was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1976.
58. 29Pathogenesis:Ingestion / inoculationReplication - ViremiaLiver – major site replication.Cellular immune response.Apoptosis, necrosis of hepatocytes.Inflammation - Hepatitis Bridging Hepatocyte necrosis (Central vein, portal triad)Fibrosis – patchy/bridgingCirrhosis – extensive fibrosis with loss of archetecture & regenerating nodules.Liver Failure, Coma, Carcinoma..
69. 40Chronic Hepatitis:Persistent CPHLimited Periportal inflammation. Mild Periportal fibrosisNo hepatocyte Necrosis.LFT normal or mild change.Late cirrhosis Active CAHExtensive Inflammation More fibrosis.Necrosis of hepatocytes.LFT abnormal.Early cirrhosis & other complication.
77. 48Fulminant Hepatitis:Hepatic failure with in 2-3 weeks.Reactivation of chronic or acute hepatitisMassive necrosis, shrinkage, wrinkledCollapsed reticulin networkOnly portal tracts visibleLittle or massive inflammation – timeMore than a week – regenerative activityComplete recovery – or - cirrhosis.
88. 59Cirrhosis End stage of diffuse liver disease. scaring with regenerating nodules. (liver failure)Normal Cirrhosis
89. The past has gone and future you cannot see.The present, when you can do something, that is the Gift (Present) with which you can make your future & past memorable.- Sai Baba"The past, the present and the future are really one: they are today."-Harriet Beecher Stowe
96. 67Alcoholic Liver Injury: PathogenesisDiversion of fat metabolism to alcohol – fat storage.Acetaldehyde – hepatotoxic – denatures ProteinsIncreased peripheral release of fatty acids.Alcohol stimulates collagen synthesisMutant ALDH2 gene with low activity enzyme is observed in Caucasians but is found in some 40% of Orientals (autosomal dominant).Acetaldehyde
116. The central vein(or terminal hepatic venule (THV), is encased in connective tissue (C) (central sclerosis). Fat-laden hepatocytes (F) are evident in the lobule. The portal tract displays moderate chronic inflammation.87Alcoholic Liver Injury: ComplicationsPancreatitis – Acute or Chronic. Due to ischemic damage to pancreas.Alcoholic hepatitis – similar to viral hepatitis.Fulminant hepatitisAlcoholic Cirrhosis – Micronodular.Alcohol & Medical students
117. Drug Induced Zonal Hepatitis:88Autopsy specimen in a case of acetaminophen overdose.
124. The symptoms usually begin after a febrile illness, commonly influenza or varicella infection, and are said to correlate with the administration of aspirin,
126. Uncommon, possibly as a result of decreasing use of aspirin in children.Toxemia of Pregnancy:90Hypertension, proteinuria, edema and coagulation abnormalities (pre-eclampsia) and convulsions and coma (eclampsia).
127. HELLP syndrome (hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes and low platelet count) can also occur in pre-eclamptic women.
138. 98IntroductionCirrhosis is common end result of many chronic liver disorders.Diffuse scarring of liver – follows hepatocellular necrosis of hepatitis.Inflammtion – healing with fibrosis - Regeneration of remaining hepatocytes form regenerating nodules.Loss of normal architecture & function.
142. 102Pathogenesis:Hepatocyte injury leading to necrosis.Alcohol, virus, drugs, toxins, genetic etc..Chronic inflammation - (hepatitis).Bridging fibrosis.Regeneration of remaining hepatocytes Proliferate as round nodules.Loss of vascular arrangement results in regenerating hepatocytes ineffective.
172. 42y M, alcoholic, recurrent fatigue. Liver biopsy. ? DiagnosisAcute HepatitisChronic Active hepatitis.Chronic Persistant hepatitis.Fulminant Hepatitis.Cirrhosis.
173. A 42year travelling salesperson has routine medical test for insurance. Following initial testing he was advised liver biopsy. This is a image of his Liver Biopsy. What is the most likely diagnosis?Acute Viral HepatitisAlcoholic hepatitis.Chronic viral Hepatitis. Post viral cirrhosis.Alcoholic Cirrhosis.
174. 69y Female, Chronic bronchitis. Died following chronic Cardiac failure. Liver specimen. Likely diagnosis?Alcoholic Hepatitis Dubin-Johnson SyndromeAlcoholic cirrhosisNutmeg liverMetastatic deposits
175. 135HBsAg Positive, Anti HBcAg PositiveAnti HBcAg IGM NegativeAnti HBsAg NegativeViral serology interpretation:Acute Viral HepatitisImmunised against Hep. BChronic Hepatitis BHepatitis B carrier stageFulminant hepatitis B
176. 136HBsAg Negative, Anti HBcAg NegativeAnti HBcAg IGM NegativeAnti HBsAg PositiveViral serology interpretation:Acute Viral HepatitisImmunised against Hep. BPast Hepatitis BHepatitis B carrier stageFulminant hepatitis B
177. 137HBsAg Negative, Anti HBsAg PositiveAnti HBcAg PositiveAnti HBcAg IGM NegativeViral serology interpretation:Acute Viral Hepatitis BImmunised against Hep. BPast Hepatitis BHepatitis B carrier stageCarrier state of Hepatitis B
178. 138Protein (Total) 59 g/LAlbumin 30 g/LGlobulin 29 g/LBilirubin (Total) 27 μmol/LALP 71 U/LGGT 523 U/LALT 79 U/LAST 151 U/LLab Investigations interpretation:Alcoholic Liver diseaseAcute Viral Hepatitis.Past Hepatitis BHepatitis B carrier stageCarrier state of Hepatitis B
179. 139Lab Investigations interpretation: Urea 5.8 mmol/LCreatinine 80 μmol/LProtein (Total) 66 g/L Albumin 35 g/LGlobulin 31 g/LBilirubin (Total) 192 μmol/LBilirubin (Conj.) 130 μmol/LALP 203 U/LGGT 470 U/LALT 6055 U/LAST 4860 U/LAlcoholic Liver diseasePast Hepatitis BAcute Viral Hepatitis.Hepatitis B carrier stageCarrier state of Hepatitis B
180. 28y M, alcoholic, homosexual icterus and fever. Liver biopsy. ? diagnosisAcute viral hepatitisHemolytic anemiaChronic persistent hepatitisAlcoholic fatty liver.Alcoholic Hepatits.
181. 62 year Male, malaise, lethargy since 2 years. Liver mildly enlarged. No jaundice. Liver function tests normal. Image from liver biopsy. Most likely diagnosis? Alcoholic fatty liver. Acute viral hepatitis.Fulminant hepatitis.Chronic viral hepatitis.Alcoholic Cirrhosis.
182. 34y M, icterus and fever. Liver biopsy. ? diagnosisAcute HepatitisChronic Persistent Hepatitis.Chronic active HepatitisFulminant HepatitisCirrhosis
183. 22y M, alcoholic, 3wk fatigue, icterus & fever. Liver biopsy. ? Identify the structureMallory hyalineApoptotic cellViral inclusionHepatocyte necrosisInflammatory cell
184. 56y chronic alcoholic, 2 days fever, abdomen distended, tender, tap yielded cloudy yellow fluid with 98% neutrophils, Blood culture E.coli. Patient dies 3 days later. Image shows his liver.A1 antitrypsin deficiencyHEV infectionHereditary hemochromatosisPrimary sclerosing cholangitisAlcoholic cirrhosis
185. 58y M, alcoholic, distended abdomen & icterus. Liver biopsy. ? diagnosisChronic active hepatitis.Chronic Persistant hepatitis.Hepatocellular carcinoma.CirrhosisChronic alcoholic hepatitis.
186. 14651y M, Alcoholic: Look at Arrow ? Pathogenesis.Porta-systemic shuntHyper-oestrogenemiaPortal hypertensionHypo-albuminemiaDecreased vit-K
187. 51y M, Alcoholic, surgery for pigmented skin lesion: Liver specimen. Likely diagnosis?Amoebic Liver abscessesMultiple Liver InfarctsAlcoholic HepatitisMacronodular cirrhosisMetastatic deposits
188. 59y Male, Alcoholic, presents with fatigue, anorexia. Normal liver function tests. Liver specimen. Likely diagnosis?Dubin-Johnson SyndromeAlcoholic cirrhosisAlcoholic HepatitisFatty LiverMetastatic deposits
189. 22y M, alcoholic, 3wk fatigue, icterus & fever. Liver biopsy. ? Identify the structureMallory hyalineApoptotic cellViral inclusionHepatocyte necrosisInflammatory cell
190. 28y Male, 3 weeks after visiting east Timor, presents with malaise, fatigue, loss of appetite. Mild icterus. AST & ALT mild elevation. Total bil 3.9mg/dl (Direct 2.8). Which of the following would be positive?Anti HBsIgM anti-HDVAnti HCVIgM anti HAVAnti HBc
191. 28y Male, 3 weeks after visiting east Timor, presents with malaise, fatigue, loss of appetite. Mild icterus. AST & ALT mild elevation. Total bil 3.9mg/dl (Direct 2.8). Which of the following would be positive?Anti HBsIgM anti-HDVAnti HCVIgM anti HAVAnti HBc
192. 41y Female, increasing malaise, 10kg weight loss since last year. Developed coma and died. Specimen of her Liver. Most likely etiologic agent?Aspirin abuseFerrous sulphateAcetaminophenAflatoxinsRaw Oysters.
193. A 48y man referred following high ALT in health screening. HCV immunoassay +ve. Past h/o appendectomy 10 years ago. Examination is normal. Which of the following tests would determine if he has Chronic HCV infection?Repeat EIA for anti HCV Ab.Recombinant immunoblot assay (RIBA)Alpha-fetoprotein levels.HCV RNA test.Direct, indirect & total bilirubin assay.
194. 154Learn from the mistakes of others. You can't live long enough to make them all yourself…!61% of 5th year students exceeded ‘sensible’ limitsDrugs and alcohol were taken mainly for pleasure and were perceived as a normal part of life for many students… Capability of advising patients…?
195. 155CPC-2.2– Major Pathology CLI:Pathology of Acute & Chronic Liver injury. Hepatitis – Causes, Types, Pathophysiology, Gross & Microscopic Pathology. Complications. Common types: Viral (Specific & Non specific), Alcoholic & Drug induced. Pathophysiology of Jaundice, Clinical & Pathological types. Pathology of cirrhosis – Classification, morphology & Complications. Pathology of Alcoholic Liver disease – Pathophysiology, types & complications.
199. 159Diagnosis pathway:ALT: 52AST: 58 Alk Phos: 150Bilirubin 3.9 (direct 1.8)Jaundice?Mild increase, Mixed (combined)Synthesis?Total protein, albumin – Low & PT abnormal. Obstruction & Bilirubin Clearance ?Alk Phos is up a bit – but not high – some obstruction.Hepatocyte Direct Injury:ALT & AST are up a bit, but not dramatically.Discussion:Chronic Mild compromise - chronic Active hepatitis. (In CPH LFT will be normal)
200. 16028y Male, 3 weeks after visiting east Timor, presents with malaise, fatigue, loss of appetite. Mild icterus. AST & ALT mild elevation. Total bil 3.9mg/dl (Direct 2.8). Which of the following would be positive?