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Zarin khan
 It is the resolving power of the
eye. It is an ability to see two
separate object as separate.
 Visual acuity, in preverbal
infants defined as a motor or
sensory responses to a
threshold stimulus of known
size at known distance.
A child should be aware & responsive
to the surroundings & situation.
A normal pupillary response, a positive
blind response & an elicitable OKN
indicate good visual acuity.
VA improves rapidly during the 1st
years of life than matures
approximately 5-6 years of age
Fixation behaviour can be determined
accurately in this age group as the
fovea develops completely by 3 months
of age.
If the child habitually fixates with one
eye, it indicates poor vision in the non
fixating eye.
 Infants (Birth – 14 months)
 Toddlers (14 months – 2 1/2 years)
 Pre-schoolers (2 1/2 years – 5 years)
 School going children (5 years – 15
Very soon after birth – can fix & follow a light
1 months – fixation is central, steady &
maintained. Can follow a slow target.
 3 months – binocular vision & eye
6 months – reaches out accurately for toys.
9 months – looks for hidden toys.
2 years – picture matching
3 years – letter matching of single letters.
5 years – Snellen chart by matching or
 Opto kinetic nystagmus test
 Preferential looking test
 Visually evoked response
 Catford drum test
 Cardiff acuity card test
 Indirect assessment of visual acuity
 Hundred & thousand sweet test.
 Lea paddle
OKN drum has been proposed as a
method of measuring visual acuity in
In this test, nystagmus is elicited by
passing a succession of black & white
stripes through the patient’s field of
Striped patterns are presented on a
rotating drum.
The drum is moved in one direction
in front of the patient.
If the striped pattern is visible, the
patients eyes will make ‘Rail road
Nystagmus’ eye movements as they
follow the movement of the stripes.
The clinician determine that elicits the
nystagmus response when it is moving.
New born 6/120
2 months 6/60
6 months 6/30
20-30 months 6/6
PLT is used to assess VA in infants &
young children who are unable to
identify pictures or letters.
1. The child is presented with two
stimulus field.
2. One with stripes and the other
with a homogenous gray area of the
same average luminance as stripes
randomly alternated.
3.Typically,infants and
children will look at
the more interesting
4.A small peephole is
centered between the
two fields, for
5.Observer judges the
location of the strips
based on the child’s
head & eye
If the child can see the stripes, he/she
will prefer to look them.
If the child can’t see them, the child will
not show a preference.
Visual acuity determined with this
New born 6/240
3 months 6/60
36 months 6/6
It is quite useful in assessing visual
function in infants.
It is a electro encephalo graphic
recording made from the occipital lobe
in response to visual acuity.
It is the only clinically objective
technique available to assess the
functional state of the visual system
beyond the retinal ganglion cells.
Flash VER determines the integrity of
macula & visual pathway function.
Patter VER depend on form sense &
gives rough estimate of the visual
It is a detection acuity test.
It is useful in infants &
preschool children.
In this test, the children is
made to observe an
oscillating drum with black
dots of varying sizes.
The smallest dot that
evokes pendular eye
movements denotes the
level of visual acuity
 The principle of the target design is that of the
vanishing optotype.
 The targets are pictures drawn with a white
band border by 2 black bands, all on a neutral
gray background.
 The examiner simply observes the children’s
Blink reflex in response to sound.
Menace reflex i.e; closure of the
eyes on the approach of an object
if vision is normal.
Behaviour evidence of decreased
vision in right eye.
A small toy is used to get the child’s
attention & the examiner covers the
right eye to monitor fixation of the left
eye. The child fixates on the toy without
When the left eye is covered , the child
objects & tries to move the examiner’s
When the right eye is covered, the child
does not object & tracks the object
CSM Method
Done with one eye fixating on an
accommodative target held at 40 cm.
‘C’ refers to the location of corneal light reflex
fixates the examiner light at monocular
Normally reflected light from cornea in near the
centre of cornea and it should be positioned
symmetrically in both eyes.
If fixation target is viewed eccentrically, fixation
is termed uncentral.
‘S’ refers to the steadiness of fixation at
examiners light and also as it slowly
moved about.
‘M’ refers to the ability of the patient to
maintain alignment first with one eye then
the other as the opposite eye is
uncovered. Evaluation :
CSM – 6/9 – 6/6
CSNM –6/36 – 6/60
Unsteady central fixation < 6/60
If child able to
pick up small
sweets at 33
cm, visual
acuity is at
least 6/24 or
Lea paddle
It is based on preferential looking and
snellen principle .
The chart is placed at a distance of 1m
from the patient .
It is usually used for the age group of 3
to 9 mths .
There are cards available of various
thickness of lines .
At a time two cards are held infront of
the patient .The blank infront and the
one with lines ie, held behind it .
Then immediately the second card is
flipped out and we keep on changing
the positions.
The patient should appreciate the card
with lines .
The test is done at same eye level and
the eye movement of patient is seen .
Lea paddle
Theory and practice of optics and
refraction—A.K Khurana
Clinical visual optics.

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Visual acuity in infants

  • 2. VISUAL ACUITY  It is the resolving power of the eye. It is an ability to see two separate object as separate.
  • 3. VISUAL ACUITY IN INFANTS  Visual acuity, in preverbal infants defined as a motor or sensory responses to a threshold stimulus of known size at known distance.
  • 4. MEASUREMENT OF VISUAL ACUITY IN INFANTS A child should be aware & responsive to the surroundings & situation. A normal pupillary response, a positive blind response & an elicitable OKN indicate good visual acuity. VA improves rapidly during the 1st years of life than matures approximately 5-6 years of age
  • 5. Fixation behaviour can be determined accurately in this age group as the fovea develops completely by 3 months of age. If the child habitually fixates with one eye, it indicates poor vision in the non fixating eye.
  • 6. AGE GROUP  Infants (Birth – 14 months)  Toddlers (14 months – 2 1/2 years)  Pre-schoolers (2 1/2 years – 5 years)  School going children (5 years – 15 years)
  • 7. NORMAL VISUAL DEVELOPMENT Very soon after birth – can fix & follow a light source. 1 months – fixation is central, steady & maintained. Can follow a slow target.  3 months – binocular vision & eye coordination. 6 months – reaches out accurately for toys. 9 months – looks for hidden toys. 2 years – picture matching 3 years – letter matching of single letters. 5 years – Snellen chart by matching or naming.
  • 8. DIFFERENT TYPES OF VISUAL ACUITY TEST IN INFANTS  Opto kinetic nystagmus test  Preferential looking test  Visually evoked response  Catford drum test  Cardiff acuity card test  Indirect assessment of visual acuity  Hundred & thousand sweet test.  Lea paddle
  • 9. OPTO KINETIC NYSTAGMUS TEST OKN drum has been proposed as a method of measuring visual acuity in children. In this test, nystagmus is elicited by passing a succession of black & white stripes through the patient’s field of vision.
  • 10. Procedure: Striped patterns are presented on a rotating drum. The drum is moved in one direction in front of the patient. If the striped pattern is visible, the patients eyes will make ‘Rail road Nystagmus’ eye movements as they follow the movement of the stripes.
  • 11. The clinician determine that elicits the nystagmus response when it is moving.
  • 12. RECORDING New born 6/120 2 months 6/60 6 months 6/30 20-30 months 6/6
  • 13. PREFERENTIAL LOOKING TEST PLT is used to assess VA in infants & young children who are unable to identify pictures or letters. Procedures: 1. The child is presented with two stimulus field. 2. One with stripes and the other with a homogenous gray area of the same average luminance as stripes randomly alternated.
  • 14. 3.Typically,infants and children will look at the more interesting stripes. 4.A small peephole is centered between the two fields, for observer. 5.Observer judges the location of the strips based on the child’s head & eye movements.
  • 15. If the child can see the stripes, he/she will prefer to look them. If the child can’t see them, the child will not show a preference. Visual acuity determined with this method RECORDING New born 6/240 3 months 6/60 36 months 6/6
  • 16. VISUALLY EVOKED RESPONSE It is quite useful in assessing visual function in infants. It is a electro encephalo graphic recording made from the occipital lobe in response to visual acuity. It is the only clinically objective technique available to assess the functional state of the visual system beyond the retinal ganglion cells.
  • 17. Flash VER determines the integrity of macula & visual pathway function. Patter VER depend on form sense & gives rough estimate of the visual acuity.
  • 18. CATFORD DRUM TEST It is a detection acuity test. It is useful in infants & preschool children. In this test, the children is made to observe an oscillating drum with black dots of varying sizes. The smallest dot that evokes pendular eye movements denotes the level of visual acuity
  • 19. CARDIFF ACUITY TEST  The principle of the target design is that of the vanishing optotype.  The targets are pictures drawn with a white band border by 2 black bands, all on a neutral gray background.  The examiner simply observes the children’s fixation.
  • 20. INDIRECT ASSESSMENT OF VISUAL ACUITY Blink reflex in response to sound. Menace reflex i.e; closure of the eyes on the approach of an object if vision is normal.
  • 21. BINOCULAR FIXATION PREFERANCE Behaviour evidence of decreased vision in right eye. A small toy is used to get the child’s attention & the examiner covers the right eye to monitor fixation of the left eye. The child fixates on the toy without objecting.
  • 22. When the left eye is covered , the child objects & tries to move the examiner’s hand. When the right eye is covered, the child does not object & tracks the object
  • 23. CSM Method Done with one eye fixating on an accommodative target held at 40 cm. ‘C’ refers to the location of corneal light reflex fixates the examiner light at monocular conditions. Normally reflected light from cornea in near the centre of cornea and it should be positioned symmetrically in both eyes. If fixation target is viewed eccentrically, fixation is termed uncentral.
  • 24. ‘S’ refers to the steadiness of fixation at examiners light and also as it slowly moved about. ‘M’ refers to the ability of the patient to maintain alignment first with one eye then the other as the opposite eye is uncovered. Evaluation : CSM – 6/9 – 6/6 CSNM –6/36 – 6/60 Unsteady central fixation < 6/60
  • 25. HUNDRED & THOUSAND SWEET TEST If child able to pick up small sweets at 33 cm, visual acuity is at least 6/24 or 20/80.
  • 26. Lea paddle It is based on preferential looking and snellen principle . The chart is placed at a distance of 1m from the patient . It is usually used for the age group of 3 to 9 mths . There are cards available of various thickness of lines .
  • 27. At a time two cards are held infront of the patient .The blank infront and the one with lines ie, held behind it . Then immediately the second card is flipped out and we keep on changing the positions. The patient should appreciate the card with lines . The test is done at same eye level and the eye movement of patient is seen .
  • 29. References… Theory and practice of optics and refraction—A.K Khurana Clinical visual optics. Internet.