Howard Gardner developed the theory of multiple intelligences in 1983 which proposes that there are seven distinct ways that people learn and understand the world: linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, and intrapersonal. The theory suggests that teachers should design lessons to accommodate different types of intelligences to help all students learn effectively. Applying multiple intelligences in classrooms allows students to discover their strengths and weaknesses and receive a more personalized education tailored to their unique ways of learning.
2. Howard Gardner
This theory of multiple
intelligences was developed
by Howard Gardner in 1983.
Gardner has a PhD from
Harvard and claims that he
was drawn to psychology
because of mentoring he
received from Erik Erikson, a
famous psychoanalyst who
developed the Theory of the
8 stages of development.
3. Theory of Multiple Intelligences
The theory states that there are about 7
ways, intelligences, that people see and
understand the world.
His theory is similar to the concept that
people have different ways of
learning, i.e. visual, auditor, kinesthetic.
His theory is different in that it goes
beyond the basic ways of learning into
other “intelligences” that seem more
personality based.
4. Linguistic/ Logical-Mathematical
Some individuals are able to learn just about anything using
their logical skills. They are able to calculate and work out
relationships and connections between items. They enjoy
mental challenges seeking out solutions to logical, abstract
and mathematical problems and have good deductive
reasoning skills. On a lesser scale, thy may simply excel at
games involving skill and strategy such as chess or
computer battle games.
Logical-Mathematical Intelligence may be defined as the
ability to appreciate and calculate the effect of actions upon
objects or ideas and the relationships among them. To
apply inductive and deductive reasoning skills, to provide
solutions and to overcome complex mathematical and
logical challenges as well as solving critical and creative
5. Visual-Spatial/ Body-Kinesthetic
Visual-Spatial intelligence makes it possible for people to perceive
visual or spatial information, to transform this information, and to
recreate visual images from memory. Well-developed spatial
capacities are needed for the work of architects, sculptors, and
engineers. The students who turn first to the graphs, charts, and
pictures in their textbooks, who like to "web" their ideas before
writing a paper, and who fill the blank space around their notes with
intricate patterns are also using their spatial intelligence. While
usually tied to the visual modality, spatial intelligence can also be
exercised to a high level by individuals who are visually impaired.
People with well developed spatial- visual intelligence enjoy drawing,
designing, looking at pictures and images, slides, videos, and films.
They are especially proficient at imagining, visualization, sensing
changes, doing puzzles, and reading charts and maps. They absorb
information best through visualizing, using the "mind's eye", and by
manipulating and working with pictures and images. This intelligence
can serve a variety of scientific ends; as a useful tool, as an aid to
thinking, as a way of capturing information, and a way to formulate
and solve problems, and graphically represent patterns.
6. Musical-Rhythmic/ Interpersonal
* Musical-Rhythmic. The ability to master music as well as rhythms, tones and beats.
* Show sensitivity to rhythm, melody, and sound
May study with music in the background, play an instrument, notice non-verbal sounds in the
environment, learn more easily if sung or tapped out.
* Musical intelligence is the capacity to think in music and rhythm. People possessing musical
intelligence are considered to have a strong appreciation for music, can easily remember songs
and melodies, have an understanding of timbre and composition, can identify differences between
musical pitches and generally enjoy being immersed in music. The ability to play instruments
comes naturally to this type of person.
7. Intrapersonal
People with intrapersonal intelligence are adept at
looking inward and figuring out their own feelings, motivations
and goals. They are introspective and seek understanding.
They are intuitive and typically introverted. They learn best
o If you have a solitary style, you are more private,
introspective and independent. You can concentrate well,
focusing your thoughts and feelings on your current topic.
You are aware of your own thinking, and you may analyze
the different ways you think and feel.
o You spend time on self-analysis, and often reflect on past
events and the way you approached them. You take time to
ponder and assess your own accomplishments or challenges.
You may keep a journal, diary or personal log to record your
personal thoughts and events.
8. How this is applicable in
• The theory allows teachers to examine several different ways to teach
his/her students.
• It essentially gives the teacher opportunities to scaffold their lesson plans
in ways that will accommodate multiple ways of learning.
• The teacher takes the theory and applies it to their teaching so that all the
students learn to the best of their abilities.
• The students discover their strengths and weaknesses and how these
things affect their ability to have a fulfilling education.
• The students discover that education really can relate to who they are as
9. Our Thoughts
We think that this theory is really quite interesting
and could really change education.
Students all tend to learn differently but it would be
amazing if we could teach so that every student
completely understood what we were teaching.
This theory could also help make education fun
again. Imagine a high school class with centers
like in elementary school! These centers however
could be more mature and designed to help
students based in their own kind of intelligence.
It’s time to make education more personalized and
less generalized.