Anti Bullying Slogans
Bullying is a key that opens no lock.

Be a friend…put bullying to an end!

Bullying is lame, so don’t play the game.

It isn’t big to make others feel small.

Don’t be mean behind the screen.

Leave bullying to bulls. Be human.

Bullying is Whack, Get On The Right Track.

Bullying is cruel, not cool.

Zip it, Block it, Flag it!

Bullies are not cool, they’re just cruel.

Take a stand. Lend a Hand.

No one will miss a bully.

Only cowards are bullies.

Meanness is a sign of weakness!

Sticks and stones may break your bones but mean words can tear holes in your spirit.

Think before you type.

It’s easy to bully, but the really strong help others.

A bully makes life a bitter pill to swallow.

Bullying is like smoking, it can kill.
