Scottish Local Retailer is Scotland’s only monthly magazine dedicated exclusively to the locally-owned convenience retailing trade. Our advice-led, hands-on approach is dedicated to helping the independent retailers of Scotland run their businesses more profitably.

By treating our readers as retail entrepreneurs and centering much of our editorial around in-store, live activity with genuine retailers, SLR consistently delivers lively, engaging and relevant advice and assistance for its readership in a way that no other trade title can match.

SLR has formed strong bonds with all industry bodies in the sector and provides unrivaled editorial and added value projects to its readers, more often that not using real retailers in case studies to help resonate with the readership.

  • SLR is Scotland’s only monthly trade title aimed exclusively at the locally owned, Scottish convenience retailing sector.
  • SLR has won multiple PPA Scotland awards – including Business Magazine of the Year – and  has been nominated for many others for the consistent high quality of its editorial and design.
  • Embracing new media, SLR was the first title in its sector in the UK to offer an iPhone app, digital editions, email marketing, a blog, a twitter feed, a linked in group and a constantly updated website for its readers.
  • SLR has long held a very strong ABC-audited Scottish circulation. [ ]

And we’re not finished yet. Watch this space for yet more ground-breaking activity by your favourite trade title…