National Domestic Violence Hotline
1.800.799.7233 or TTY 1.800.787.3224
English – Online chat is available 24/7/365.
Español – Póngase en contacto con nuestros asesores altamente capacitados las 24 horas, 7 días de la semana y reciba el apoyo que merece. Chat en Español esta disponible cada cuando el botón de chat está en rojo.
Domestic Violence Help in Seattle/King County
Call 206.299.2500 for Solid Ground’s confidential Domestic Violence shelter services and/or 2.1.1 toll-free at 1.800.621.4636, M-F, 8am-6pm for info about all King County resources.
Author’s note: When I originally posted this a few years back, I hoped people would respond with financial support for my friend’s work. Instead I have been contacted by countless people who need help getting out of violent situations. Unfortunately, to my knowledge my friend is no longer actively engaged. I deleted my email address from the bottom of this post because I do not want to give false hope to people in need. And because this is a public blog, I would not encourage anyone to use the comments section to solicit help, because you will be at risk of exposure. Perhaps, however, folks who can help can provide relevant information to those who come here seeking it. ~Mike Buchman, Solid Ground Communications Director
DV Underground Railroad
When I was a kid I went to a summer camp in northeast Ohio that had offices in an old brick house on the shore of Lake Erie. We called the house Old Main, and legend had it that the basement of Old Main was one of the many stops along Ohio’s famous Underground Railroad, which helped over 40,000 people escape slavery to the safety of Canada.
As kids we thrilled to think of the important role Old Main held in providing safe passage. But we also feared the basement, perhaps for the pain and fear we somehow knew was stored in its rock walls.
I’ve recently come to understand how the Underground Railroad is still alive and active in rescuing women and children who are victims of domestic violence and abuse. There is a Michigan-based domestic violence organization that takes its name from this historic movement. But that very public service provider is not what I’m talking about here.
Every 15 seconds an act of domestic violence occurs in the United States. 25% of women and 7.6% of men in the US have suffered from domestic violence at some time in their lives, according to a national study. There are many shelters, advocates and institutional providers established to help people recognize, remove themselves from and heal from the traumas of domestic violence.
Sometimes, however, organizational responses are not enough. Sometimes what is required is speed and secrecy, coded conversations on two-way radios, women with pseudonyms piloting cars equipped with emergency provisions and obscured license plates, midnight rescues that operate, like swat teams, on adrenalin, planning and sheer chutzpah.
I’ve recently learned that a friend is very active in this modern domestic violence Underground Railroad. Over the past few years she has participated in nearly 100 rescues, getting women and children out of dangerous situations and reconnected with family, service providers and others who can support these women through their process of surviving abuse. As someone who has survived domestic violence herself, she has a very private and personal motivation for doing this work. Although she lives on a low income herself, my friend pays out of her pocket for the special radios, gases up her vehicle for rescues that may run 100s of miles, scrimps and saves so she can pay for the next rescue, the next saved life.
As someone who has, fortunately, not suffered the trauma of domestic violence, and realizes the privilege of this good fortune, I feel personally drawn to support this heroic effort. I’m doing that by raising the issue to your awareness: domestic violence is epidemic, people are suffering, people need our help. And I’m working to raise some money to support this work.
But this is not a typical fundraising request. Neither my employer, Solid Ground, nor any other formal organization supports this effort. The need for security, privacy and safety for the clients requires there be no trackable affiliation. And there is no board of directors offering oversight, no audited financial statements. You’ve really only got my word and my belief in my friend. If you can reach into your pocket and help out, as I am doing, you will not get a tax-deductible receipt. But you will get thanked, and you will know that by paying for a few gallons of gas, a month’s phone bill, a jug of water or a first-aid kit for the car, by helping with these barebones essentials, you will be helping to save women’s lives.
Every 15 seconds. In the time it has taken to read this little note, maybe a dozen more women have suffered abuse. Together we can stop the clock enough to save at least a few. We can fuel up the Underground Railroad for another life-saving run.
If you would like to help out, please post a comment with any resources that you know are available to support women surviving domestic violence.
Please note that this request is not affiliated with or endorsed by Solid Ground in any way. Thank you.
mary says
I would like to help….. tell me how
Mike Buchman says
You can donate to the Underground Railroad, Inc. in Saginaw County, MI here: Thanks!
Anonymous says
I been push around tease and verbally abused visicaly motionly abuse bulled and force to do something that I don’t want to do. In the past he beat me and my back was black and blue.and wrap the cord around my neck.and the police did not do nothing but take picture and left me and the child with # still. I told them that I wanted to go to # # road they would not and would not take me to any where at all. Now I am about to be on the street big time while # is in hiding like he was a victim but I was
Anonymous says
I need help please!
I’m in Sacramento CA on the streets right now due to my x kicking me off this property just days after the “stay@homeorders” and curfew 1st started.
I’m getting desperate to be in safety/sheltered.
Plz help!
Liz Reed Hawk says
National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1.800.799.7233 or TTY 1.800.787.3224; online chat is available at
Anonymous says
My family and I are not having domestic violence problems. We need to be relocated to #. I had a sponsor and a job there with newways. Someone has been trying to take money from us off my cards and other ways. We need new socials and identities. I am gonna be speaking with an attorney because their are obstacles in our way and I need the help of the organization to start fresh.
Anonymous says
I have been given a temporary admittance into # and referred to a lawyer they said they would give me a permanent residency pass because temporary would be for other situations. I was not able to get back in touch with them my phone was not working. Can you help my family and I get back in touch with them to leave as soon as possible. We have had to wait so long on our fundings and someone who has gotten our identity keeps attempting to interfere with money. Luckily we should be getting it in I feel that the best thing is to relocate us because they will not detain the person’s and they keep following my social. The investigation should be over and we should be able to be relocated permanently.
Liz Reed Hawk says
Hi, we recommend you contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline or chat to see if they have recommendations for you: National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1.800.799.7233 or TTY 1.800.787.3224; online chat is available at All the best to you and your family.
Liz Reed Hawk says
I removed your phone number for safety reasons, but you can private message it if anyone reaches out to you. All the best.
Anonymous says
Please help I need some numbers for women’s shelters I’m in the # and need dialing code as well there are no shelters here as I will be tracked and I’m in a very dangerous situation Im now an adult and had protection as a child but I have now been found as I was not aware of my past situation as a child and now being an adult I have been tracked down please help asap
Anonymous says
My daughter is trading her three small children for drugs. I fought for custody for two years but ran out of money. The judge leaned over his desk and told me that it is not illegal in the state of Maryland for the parents to do drugs!! Those babies are living in filth and fear and barely eating. I need someplace far from Maryland to take the youngest baby and to change our names
Anonymous says
I hope you have rescued those babies from their daily hell..praying for your strength and safety to go through with it.
Noah Valovich says
How can i help
Can you come to canada?
Vic says
I pray you have found a way to rescue your precious grandchildren. You may be their only hope. I live far from Maryland. Please come visit. The more the merrier.
Anonymous says
Please help need to disappear fast 417
Anonymous says
i need to get away from my husband please i have 2 small children
Shelby says
What is wrong?
Noah Valovich says
Can you come to canada
Jessica Sparks says
Noah!!! Please contact me i can make my way to canada is there any way you could message me!
Georgia says
Are u still helping? We desperately need help if so
Liz Reed Hawk says
Dear Georgia, we’re so sorry to hear about your situation but unfortunately do not have direct resources to offer. Please contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1.800.799.7233 or TTY 1.800.787.3224; online chat is available at
Josh says
My friend need help from her boyfriend can someone please help
Anonymous says
I need help please!
Jane Doe says
If anyone can help in anyway I would be forever greatful.. I’ve tried contacting the domestic violence hotline and after telling my story twice to two different people, I was hung up on.. Ive stayed here for 3 years.. ive had black eyes, concussions..Im emotionally abused everyday.. I have no social media’s as I was forced to delete them. I have 0 contact with my family.. I had a really good job working for the state but inevitably..was convinced to give that up.. i have gotten peace orders but retracted them..some days even some weeks hes “perfect” but..he isnt.. I have 4 dogs, 2 that weigh 150 lbs and two smaller dogs he has abused them as well.. having my dogs, has made it harder to relocate.. but im ready.. i don’t want to live in fear anymore. I don’t know what else to do..
T says
I need help. Tell me how to get it please.
Anonymous says
when I try to click the link it wont go to your e-mail. I would like for you to e-mail me please.
Anonymous says
please help # shut down # site, he is tracking me
help says
Help I need this 3 years is too much to take! I’ve been running that long and I’m done! Please call # I’m ready to live again. Is it possible?
andie says
If you have not received a reply…here is what YOU can do…. I see that you live or have a cell phone in California (?) …. find a state outside CA that your abuser would never guess you’d be in… somewhere where you have no friends or relatives nor have ever said you wanted to go. Look up that states Domestic Violence Coalition. Contact a dv shelter there …. Call their 800#, tell them you are fleeing DV and need to be out of state to be safe. DO NOT TELL ANYONE where you are going – including your children. Do not say goodbye to anyone. Do not use your current phone if there is ANY chance he has access to it (ie if he can see the phone bill online or is capable of having put a tracer on it) Indeed, I would dump my phone and by a throwaway $10 tracphone with minutes. Have your car swept for surveillance devices; if possible have any laptop devices wiped. If you are in danger at this very minute- grab the kids, drive to the police station; ask them to have a dv advocate from the local shelter meet you at the pd to discuss your NEED to relocate out of state immediately. Do not accept a shelter placement instate. You will need to change your name and SSN, but dont do that until you leave. DO NOT signup for any “benefits” (food stamps, etc) at the new place, under your present name. The sheltr may want you to–but it makes you trackable. Look up Frank Ahearn’s book How To Disappear. And do it. You will not look back and regret leaving. You have a chance to have peace and freedom. If you are wondering whether you NEED to do this.. check out Jacqueline Campbel’s Danger Assessment and see if your abusers behaviors are lethality indicators …which will tell you whether he is likely to continue abusing you — or kill you. (or .com, I forget) You can always call important, left-behind loved ones AFTER you have arrived safely and let them know you are safe –but letting people know before you have left -may even endanger them. Tell the kids you’re going on a little getaway weekend vacation, anything -but do NOT tell them “a secret” and NEVER ask them if they want to go. You are in charge, you ALONE are responsible for their safety (of course, youdont mention if you have kids — so this is only true if you do.) Good luck. Keep reaching out for help. You are not alone.
Anonymous says
please i need help asap!!!!! im in a very volitale situation, my estranged husbund raped my 13 year old son 7 years ago and has committed numerous acts of violence against myself and my 3 chidren, i have a ten year old daughter with this man, he is currently living only 10 blocks from me and follows and tapes my every move, he also resides with a teenage lover and ive spoken with lawyers ,da’s shelters police, i have a pfa but no one will help . im scared for my life and my children. i need to get away secretly. im on ssi because of a work related injury, i have no family or friends because he isolated me from all and now they turned there back on me, he gets my daughter every other weekend and every tuesday for 4 hours, shes scared of him cries not to go is having nightmares, trouble in school, shes depressed and im afrais shes going to run away or harm herself to get out of going to this visits. my youngest son is now becoming violant in his relatshinships my husband has committed suicde on numerous occassions including slitting his wrists over my daughter when she was just one, he has been 302 several times in and out of many drug and alchol rehabs along with psych hospitals,please help me and my children escape this hell!!!!! my email is #
Anonymous says
I read ur message. How can u change ur SSI?? My two children and I are in a dangerous place with my so called boyfriend. I left once and he found us and he threated to hurt my kids if I didn’t went back to him. So I am stuck.. I am trying to get away from him. He blow my car up so now I dont have a car and I dont see me get one any time soon. He comes home from work smell my underwear, blaming me cheating, there to much to go one about. I am scared he is going to end up killing me or my children if not all 3 of us. The law won’t do anything.
John Grotee says
My wife and I can help you or any one move to a safe place do you want me to call you? P.S. this is not my real name, You will be safe here!
Anonymous says
My name is # I’m in need of help I have a four an 5 yr old I’m in a very bad relationship my kids father is physically an emotionally abusive I need to leave the state I have no money without him don’t know where to turn.
Anonymous says
Need to. Need to. Get away me my son #
Anonymous says
I just read ur reply to that poor woman & i think it’s very sweet of you and ur wife to offer her help. I realize that message was from 5+ yrs ago but I was curious to know if you and your wife were still “helping ” women involved in domestic violence situations? I, myself am in a terrible situation that just brings me to tears to even think about…it’s THAT bad. I have been doing alot of research and have thought of going to a local shelter however I know he would find my son and I &then it would just be so much worse! I know I have to relocate…&am just at a loss. But if i don’t go soon im going to end up hurting myself or doing something to him! I don’t know what to do or where to even begin. Any advice?
Anonymous says
Please help me keep my babies safe
Anonymous says
Iam in need of help ive been in a dv state for about 3 yrs ive never been thru anyting like this in my life….my family has all stop there contact with me an my kids. I have a 13yr old daughter an a 12 year old son10 yr old step son an his mother who is my bestfriend me an her son both have same father . im worried that if i dont get any help ill be dead in a week if not days im not even joking this man has beatin me till i couldnt stop cryin. This man kicked me when i was 9mos pragent an my so was born still born. When ever he is drinking it gets 1000 times worst. Im being mental and physically abused Buy him I had to sell my body and whatever else he needs at that time the police walked into my house one day while he was choking me on the couch in the middle of me having a seizure that he brought on he decided to choke me saying that if I was going to die alone him at least let him kill me. That night he went to jail and got out less than 11 hours later I was Furious and heartbroken and didn’t know what to do. This man is getting worse and worse every day he went to jail or not to laugh and was supposed to report to his po an he never showed cause he didnt want the ankel montior on or the scram bracelet which shows if he’s been drinking. But that was a no go like im down to nothing thats wat im down to i live my days an nights very restless an i truy need help there so much more i never knows. Wat to think or do but i sit herd humble an come to everyon im in great danger please help i cant go another year with this man.
Anonymous says
My em is
# please help us….
Anonymous says
Hi im really scared for my daughter. She is 35, she has 3 children. They are 6, 8 and 12. She has divorced and her ex is living with her. He has abused her really bad in the past, and still is mentally and emotionally and has threatened to kill her if she leaves with the kids. She has custody, but he takes all the foodstamps , the childsupport money, everything. She is in need of more than what i can offer her. He was in prison 20 years ago for being involved in a robbery/murder of a pizza man. His twin brother and younger brother was also involved. They are very violent. She doesnt know what to do. This is the only way for her to get away clean. Please help her and the children. We live in Indiana. I never thought we would have to go to these lengths but this the only way. My email is #
Anonymous says
Please I am in #. I need to get home to # where I can disappear. He takes my paychecks , he got a job at the same place. He isolated me here trying to feed me drugs to keep me compliant. I didn’t and still don’t want to take them. I am know he is convincing me every time he beats me or beds another woman its because I am not enough. #. He will make me overdose again to get rid of me rather than give me up. I hate having heroin literally funneled into me as I am held down. Please someone save me.
Anonymous says
Need help ASAP for me and my 3kids 10,8,& 4month old. I don’t know what else to do need to leave the state I have nothing left but our bodies. I have no help
Mary says
I need help asap
Sara says
I need help badly. My soon to be ex husband physically sexually mentally verbally abused me severely for 10 years and as soon as he threatened to beat and kill my 2 yr old daughter and threw me down the stairs in front of her I knew we wld never be safer. Tried DV workers, courts, everything. We both have orders or protection but we keep moving never feeling safe and I’m told I’m not ‘allowed’ to leave the state until the entire trial is over which is dragging out could take years. My child and Bith are diagnosed with ptsd from his abuse. She still talks about it. Pls pls help men. I need to disappear and give her a life without fear. Please.
Anonymous says
I need help badly. My soon to be ex husband physically sexually mentally verbally abused me severely for 10 years and as soon as he threatened to beat and kill my 2 yr old daughter and threw me down the stairs in front of her I knew we wld never be safer. Tried DV workers, courts, everything. We both have orders or protection but we keep moving never feeling safe and I’m told I’m not ‘allowed’ to leave the state until the entire trial is over which is dragging out could take years. My child and Bith are diagnosed with ptsd from his abuse. She still talks about it. Pls pls help men. I need to disappear and give her a life without fear. Please.
Anonymous says
Offer still available?
Anonymous says
Mom 2 kids sexual assault and child molestation. Need to disappear. Court in3 days. Ex husband has shady lawyer. About to take them away. I NEED HELP ASAP PLEASE!
Phone #
Not my real name
Anonymous says
I need help…email me some info ill contact u from a phone other then my own just to be safe
Anonymous says
John Grotee do you still exist?
Help me please
Anonymous says
Can u help anyone
Anonymous says
I just read ur reply to that poor woman & i think it’s very sweet of you and ur wife to offer her help. I realize that message was from 5+ yrs ago but I was curious to know if you and your wife were still “helping ” women involved in domestic violence situations? I, myself am in a terrible situation that just brings me to tears to even think about…it’s THAT bad. I have been doing alot of research and have thought of going to a local shelter however I know he would find my son and I &then it would just be so much worse! I know I have to relocate…&am just at a loss. But if i don’t go soon im going to end up hurting myself or doing something to him! I don’t know what to do or where to even begin. Any advice?
Anonymous says
Hi! I just wrote you a very long msg and i think it was accidentally posted as a reply to someone else’s comment. Is there anyway you are able to see all the posts? My name is # and I just posted it:12-5-19.
Anonymous says
Please help me how can i reach you
Anomyous says
John, I need to go underground. Are you familiar with this? After research and reading others testimony I know this is what I need. I have no clue how to begin to get out of this abuse but its imperative for my health. I’m on survival mode. I feel I’m also being drugged this takes away my will to want to go away I can see that now but have no proof. I’m ready to move to another state, change names and SSN and have no more contact with anyone in my life friends or family in order to get peace and freedom. I’ve never lived I’ve only existed. Im in major oppression, slavery, and emotionally abuse. It has been my whole life I will need help with everything bec I feel crippled like a dependent child. I’m scared and when I get scared I freeze. I’ve reported this to two of my doctors who claimed to help me but just never brought it up again so they were most likely contacted and stopped much like anyone else I almost had help akd broke free. I’m being monitored 24/7. So I have no clue how I will be able to break free. Yall have to know someone who knows how to get people out of situations like mine. I’m even sharing a car and it is not mine. They have total control over me. I’m on survival mode and I felt like I was dying but I want to live so please help me and my daughter get me out. My perpetrator is my mother. She knows alot of people in the legal field too so this makes this almost impossible. I have more to say about my experience but for the sake of time can you rescue us first then ask about all that later?
Anonymous says
PLEASE HELP me 26/F social services/shelters haven’t been able to help. Am tired….: #
Anonymous says
Anonymous says
I just want too get away
Anonymous says
You all is suppose to help me
John Grotee says
[email protected]
Anonymous says
Please help me my email is
# I need advice
And ideas on how to hide from my ex
He is a sex offender and trying to get custody of my special needs daughter
Anonymous says
I left my abusive husband and now he is tring to get sole custody of my son he is a level 2 sex offender and I’m scared for me and my sons life no body will help us please please help us call me at #
John Grotee says
Leave E-Mail this is the only safe way for you and my family
i am here to help. I have spare bedroom. can pick up, ect. I will make sure there is food and clean clothes and toys for children…
Anonymous says
Need help ASAP for me and my 3kids 10,8,& 4month old. I don’t know what else to do need to leave the state I have nothing left but our bodies. I have no help
Anonymous says
Please help will explain in email
Anonymous says
Please email I am in need of a safe hiding quickly for my girls and I. Can u please email and I cn explain all details envolved.
Anonymous says
Are you still available to help? I so need it, I have 2 children
Concerned says
My daughter need help, the system has failed her, the judge is ordering her to let her son paternal grandparents have weekend visitation and a week in the summer, she have been fighting in court since he was two, and now he’s five . They abused him when he was three and he is terrified of them, he’s having nightmares and she withdrew him from pre-k because of his uncontrollable crying and screaming that the grandparents were going to get him. This child is so traumatized that he’s afraid to leave the house . Court the other day was no constellation, the judge said if she don’tet him go 5/17/19 that they will send the sheriff to get him….please help !!!
Hello I amo Brazilien and I live in São PauloCity in Brazil,
I am apaixoneted by Underground Railroad of the american slaves in 19ª century.
O don’t knew about this new underground railroad of domestics violences…
I would like of make part of it .
Would be possible we make a underground railroad here in São Paulo Brazil?
What think about this.
I hobe a answer about this in my e-mai ok?
[email protected]
Luiz Fernando
Anonymous says
Hello, Are there any underground. Organizations in Portland, Oregon??
Thank you,
Anonymous says
Are there any in Phoenix? My daughter and I are alone here without family. My daughter just turned 18, but I have been in a severe stalking situation and was diagnosed with PTSD. I still feel he is watching every move. I am very afraid and need to move close to my brothers in Oklahoma City.
Anonymous says
nevermind, we are moving soon…
Anonymous says
My daughter is in a very abusive and dangerous marriage with her three kids. Is there an underground movement in South Africa? Please help.
Anonymous says
Please help, is there somewhere in southwest Ohio? I am a stay at home mom of two little ones and we have no money or way to get out.Yesterday he tried to run over my 2 year old.
Stephanie says
#, did you get help?
Anonymous says
Yes, I desperately need help.
Mar O'Malley says
do you still need help?
heathe says
need help says
I’ve been in very abusive relationship for many years. He isolates me and im not allowed to have friends . He recently became more and more abusive. We have a 9 month old daughter and I have two kids from another relationship. He threatens me constantly and hes very mean to my kids. Is there a underground in Cleveland Ohio. I need help my life is a prison for me and my children.
Anonymous says
I need help moving out of state with my 2 children he has been both physical and emotional abuse.I have sole custody and my soon to be ex is a sex offender and his family is trying to get my son who is still a minor and my other daughter has mental issues and I having been living in hell for years please help. I have already lost my third child due to them feeling her head full of lies and she became just as abusive and tried to choke me in dec please call #
Anonymous says
I completely understand why people go underground and run.
The courts have failed her and her children.
Please see her full story at Blog (
The courts feel that my granddaughter is better placed with a couple who fraudulently obtained guardianship of her and the courts have been provided with videos of the male guardian smoking a bong and drinking alcohol as well as subjecting her to marijuana plants growing in the yard. The CPS deemed the couple unfit to adopt or have the child in the home, yet they continued to place her there because she has been with them for 8 years because of falsification of court documents. The courts are aware of the documents but state that it is not relevant because they have had the child so long and they are the only parents she knows.
Please read the story below and help my daughter get the word out that CPS and the courts are not watching out for our children.
Thank you.
Anonymous says
How does one go underground? I am seriously in need.
Mike says
I spent several years in law enforcement and worked 1000’s of DV cases. I have seen the courts, shelters and law enforcement agencies let victims down time and time again. This is done because those agencies/services do not care it is just a fact they can only do so much. I think an underground railroad type system is the best solution for a lot of women in a DV situation but not all of them. I am very interested in becoming involved in a program like that, if anybody here is involved in one and knows how I can help please let me know.
Anonymous says
Seeking help. Interested in bona-fide leads.
Anonymous says
Grace have you found anything as far as leads for help in total identity changes or how to dissapear from these abusers? I would like to know
my email is #
Anonymous says
Please help
In N.C. stay at home mom of 4 small daughters. No family no friends. Husband/monster is a resident alien w expired green card. Received a stay of removal in 2013.
It’s worse every day. Husband is engaging in dangerous crime and I’m scared and want to take my babies to get out of this hell
Anonymous says
Please I need to hide and fast very violitale situation and I’m out but court systems have failed me and law enforcement. And now he’s getting out and he will try to kill us just like he has before. I don’t know what go do except go into hiding. Can you or someone please help me fast. Two small children and myself and we r very scared.
Anonymous says
In hiding now with family, but he has obviously found me. I am a victim of domestic violence and gang stalking.
No children-two small dogs who are traumatized. I am going thru the DA here in my state and an investigator is also on board with the Asst DA .
Protective order in place.
Phones are being dumped for evidence and will ask for a tracker to be found on my vehicle, as he stated there is one he placed when I bought the car.
Are there any underground resources for me when Im ready to bug out?
Erin says
I want to help… please email or call me. 641-210-0308
Anonymous says
My friend needs to get away from a boyfriend who raped his daughter and beat her son. In 4days the tro will be done. She has no money or a car. Please help her. Thanks. She has tried everything. She’s scared for her life and kids. She has a disabled mom and3kids in her family.
Kris says
What is the status on your friend?
Anonymous says
How can I leave. With my children no money. No car. No phone. No friends. No family. He says he will kill and he is already found me once and fleeing charges from that state. I no will kill me if I try the cops or stay here in a shelter he even has co-works come and watch me last yr he owed money for something and that person came to our home and collected but he did not take money instead he took a piece of me as I have tried to plan a way out for years I just don’t see me ever leaving this relationship alive. Help me please 10 years of abuse. ” stopped-living-in-AR”
Anonymous says
My fiance keeps holding me down to funnel heroin into me. He rapes me hoping to get me pregnant. We work in the same place together alone because he was broke and needed me to work. He decides when and what I eat , how I dress , he baths me , grooms me , checks me. He doesnt know about this email though. I dont know anyone here and my family cant come get me but they can protect me and make me disappear. Please I don’t want to die here. I just want to go home.
Anonymous says
Please help #.
Thank you
Anonymous says
I need help asap spouse has very dangerous aquaintances and has thteatened my life i have a nonverbal autistic son im scared to death
Anonymous says
Please help. We have been in hiding in shelters for a year. Can’t keep doing this with our current id’s forever. He is relentless and convicted child abuser trying to get custody in our home state where the court won’t stop him!!!!
Anonymous says
Someone who is willing help me or guide me to where I can be helped please call me or email me! I have 4 children. Complied with DCS and court system all along. I have full sole custody but they won’t stop his visitation or close the case. GAL was appointed and didn’t help because the children are coached by their father. Courts won’t believe me, and blame me for not getting along or coparenting. He’s broke every court order and has sanctions for child support and nothing is being done to him. My daughter was sexually abused and my children are being forced to go visit a meth addict, who is extremely abusive.
I gave the courts the chance. They failed me, I’m tired and worn down from that 3 yr battle, and I’ve told myself If they didn’t help me by my last bit of energy and sanity I have to reach out to the underground before I’m completely depleted. My stamina has been unreal, and my fight, relentless. I know I am nearing the end of it. It’s time to take matters in my own hands. Please someone willing to help or guide call or email…I will listen.
Anonymous says
I need help. ..I’ve been in a domestic violence relationship for 4 years now…I’m disabled I have cerebral palsy…my fiance’ is getting worse. He spits in my face..pulls my hair threatens me and I need help to get away..I receive Ssi and ssdi. I don’t drive…I am depressed about all of this…IDK what to do..please help.
Anonymous says
Please help no resources to get out of Florida I keep hitting brick walls with getting away from my husband. He will be back on Thursday and I want to be gone with my kids. I have three kids and have a destination picked for us please help with a Ticket.
Anonymous says
I desperately need help. Corrupt. I’ve no where else to turn.
Anonymous says
I need help he trying to kill me he took my car I’m in a shelter I can’t take it im58 help
Anonymous says
HELP!! My children have been being abused since 2015 no matter my efforts and others calling CPS and how many filings I did through the courts the judge refused to do anything and gave me supervised visitation at a center where my kids are still saying they are being starved and neglected. My 7 year old was put in a mental health facility because he said he wanted to kill himself then to live with his father. It’s really bad and no one in Indiana will help me I’m so scared for my children… Can anyone help me I will listen to the advice and do whatever I have to do thank you for your understanding and willingness to help mother’s protect their children from abuse and neglect.
Anonymous says
Wondering if this is legitimate and still exists? If so I’m desperately looking for a safe way for me and my litle to get out of Utah towards the east coast. I cant take anymore and the systems that be are useless. I’m losing hope. Ill check back as I’m afraid to leave more information.
RunningOutOfTime says
Has joint custody but the kids report abuse and CPS won’t do anything. System is so backwards and useless please help what do we do??
Anonymous says
Is anyone still reading this? Does the school Underground Railroad still exist? Can anyone help me?
Liz Reed Hawk says
Hi, it appears there is a program called Underground Railroad, Inc. that serves the Saginaw, MI area. The National Domestic Violence Hotline may be able to help: 1.800.799.7233 or TTY 1.800.787.3224; online chat is available 24/7/365:
Anonymous says
The NDVH has failed to help us because they only have the usual options, and we need help disappearing and gaining legal help for those who can’t pay but who also can’t get help from the only state option because the abuser created a conflict of interest.
Anonymous says
I am in need of serious help. My life is in danger. I have had several attempts on my life and have had rape kits performed, beaten regularly , my son kidnapped, and several unlawful arrears, police will not help me and members of the year Wright patt are involved using security clearance items. I need to escape the ohio area. All federal websites and phone numbers blocked and hacked. I am denied basic needs and no phone repeatedly put out on the streets to be assaulted. 18 n van #, I believe I will diseapear and be killed in the next 24 hours and have 2 sisters who I did not know about and were kidnapped and need my identity
Anonymous says
I have a friend in Texas that needs to get away from her abusive boyfriend. She has a place to go in FLorida but needs help with someone to drive a U-haul for her.
Anonymous says
I am a disabled mother of two needing help “disappearing” from a man who is a self-professed danger to us. I am divorced with full custody and a protective order about to expire. A professional hacker, he finds us everywhere using our names and social security numbers. I’m using a fake name and help-oriented email address here for that reason. He violates the protective order, but nothing is done. I have numerous documents, photos, and accounts that I kept, including police reports and witness reports. I have evidence of all kinds. Yet, nothing is done, and my children are not allowed to have their voices heard. Please, someone help me protect my children, even if not myself.
Amber jarvi says
I am wanting to get away from a man that calls himself my dad but really isn’t at all I am going to end up in jail or dead one or the other I have my three year old little girl 9202405196
Liz Reed Hawk says
Dear Amber, we’re so sorry to hear about your situation but unfortunately do not have direct resources to offer. Please contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1.800.799.7233 or TTY 1.800.787.3224; online chat is available at
Veronica Daniel says
Is there a way to make a monthly donation
RAE says
II would like to assist.. email me