When Leo and Aquarius meet
Opposite signs tend to do similar things, but they come from different points of view. One such axis is Leo-Aquarius.
Opposite signs tend to do similar things, but they come from different points of view. One such axis is Leo-Aquarius. These signs are highlighted this month with the Sun, Mercury and the New Moon transiting through Leo and Saturn and Jupiter transiting in Aquarius. What these signs share is individuation and love.
If we track the first few signs of the zodiac, we notice that they focus on the early stages of personal development. The first three signs are Aries, the sign of self; Taurus, the sign that stabilizes that self; and Gemini, the sign that thinks and communicates with those close by. The next sign Cancer focuses on the parent child relationship. Leo follows Cancer, just as adolescence follows childhood. As adolescents we strive to establish our individuality at a time in our lives when we are just beginning to discover who we are apart from our family. We are freer to explore life in ways that accentuate our creative expression, hobbies and games. Later, our adolescent evolution can involve romantic interludes and sexual discovery. We are filled with adventure, wonder and the drive to be accepted as an adult even though we are in the process of discovering who we are. It can hard to be taken seriously by those who are older and more experienced, but that recognition is important to the teenager. That acknowledgement can be taken as a sign of acceptance, that we are successful in our drive to individuate. This pattern could continue throughout adult life for someone with significant energy in Leo.
Often, Leo will interpret acceptance as lovability, one commodity that Leo values above all others. A person with planets in Leo in their chart, especially personal planets like the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus or Mars, will tend to be outgoing, playful and seemingly confident. If that confidence is grounded in being centered, this person will feel love flowing through their heart and out to the world. This is a person who loves freely and can be seen by others as being charismatic and a born leader. But if that person is off-center, they don’t feel love flowing through them. They could assume that the love-light channel only exists outside of them. As a result they can be demanding responsiveness and respect from others and interpret that attention as indicating their own lovability.
Aquarius is in the latter stages of the zodiac. These are signs that focus more on collective interaction and experience as well as prioritizing consciousness development. It’s as if the planets transiting through the signs have a bigger picture perspective on life.
Leo can be comfortable assuming a position of leadership with all the attention that that role implies. Aquarius is more comfortable being part of a cohort, a group of people working together to accomplish something. They may have a major role in the situation, but don’t feel the need to be in a position that garners attention. There is a detachment to the Aquarian archetype that is not part of Leo. This is based on a degree of self-knowledge and self-acceptance that the Aquarian has achieved that the younger sign Leo is striving to achieve. This enables Aquarius to be accepting of others in the human family in spite of their differences. Aquarius can like others regardless of the feedback they receive. For Aquarius the priority is owning and exploring their uniqueness and then seeing how their individuality can function effectively in social activities. By extension, Aquarian love tends to be humanitarian and detached from personal acceptance or response.
With Jupiter, and especially, Saturn in Aquarius this year we can assume that the focus is on the social collective. We can each find a unique way to fit in with our family, friends, colleagues and neighbors. Jupiter brings joy, generosity and hopefulness that we can be supportive to others who are having a hard time in our almost post-pandemic world. Saturn can bring a sense of responsibility to organize people and work with them to create “a more perfect union”, one based in core humanitarian values rather than one based on social or financial hierarchies.
This month, with personal planets in Leo we can strive to be both Leonine and Aquarian. We can strive for positions of leadership, expressing our creativity and fiery dynamism (Leo) without seeking external approval or validation (Aquarius). We can be playful and loving (Leo) even while being kind and accepting of differences (Aquarius). If we can integrate the opposing influences of these two signs, we can create a powerful unity from which great things can emerge.
Aries: This is a time to focus on efficiency and health. Learning new techniques on the job can free up time to make your daily routines more productive.