From The Publisher - January 2012
by Sean Saulsbury
Published January 6, 2012
Happy New Year! I am happy to announce that our new release schedule section has completed development. We now have a full section covering release dates for soundtrack albums, theatrical movies and home video titles. Our home page has been tweaked a bit to reflect this new content as well, with new releases for soundtracks prominently featured above. I welcome your feedback, comments and suggestions about this new content and look forward to hearing from you.
Thanks to everyone who in about their interest to contribute reviews and articles on Soundtrack.Net. Due to the number of potential contributors, we are in the process of formalizing the process and, once that's done (later this month), we will get back to you with further instructions. If you haven't written us and wish to contribute soundtrack reviews or other content on a volunteer basis, please contact me directly.
We have a lot more in store for 2012 here at Soundtrack.Net, and I hope your 2012 will be as exciting and fulfilling as I know it will be for us.
Sean Saulsbury
Publisher, Soundtrack.Net