Nine Line Apparel
This Southern company embodies patriotism through its apparel and lifestyle brand. Nine Line Apparel understands that to have style is to have substance. They stand for so much more than the sweet gear they sell.
“As a lifestyle brand, we’re constantly looking for ways to expand our offerings; we want to give our customers an apparel option for every activity & adventure.”- Tyler Merritt, CEO
Nine line is a military term that refers to a medevac request for a soldier wounded on the battlefield; as such, it represents support coming from behind the front lines. NineLine’s brand namesake is indicative of their style – reliable, quality and patriotic. What began as a one-off t-shirt company has gown into a versatile business offering a wide range of apparel and products, all while continuing to emphasize service and support to the veteran community. NineLine cultivates true American style and values: founded by patriots for patriots as a giveback organization at its core. The company has taken this sentiment to the next level by moving away from foreign-made materials and developing domestic manufacturing methods.
Address: 450 Fort Argyle Rd. Savannah
Phone: 912.480.4250
Click here to see the full list of South’s Most Stylish Companies of 2020.