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las entradas(
)A plural noun indicates that there is more than one person, place, thing, or idea.
Ya se le ven las entradas a Enrique.Enrique’s receding hairline is beginning to show.
la entrada
A feminine noun is almost always used with feminine articles and adjectives (e.g., la mujer bonita, la luna llena).
a. entry
La soprano cantó durante la entrada de la novia en la iglesia.The soprano sang during the bride's entry into the church.
b. entrance
Anunciaba su entrada después de la escuela al grito de: "¿Qué vamos a cenar?".He used to announce his entrance after school with a cry of: "What are we having for dinner?"
c. arrival
Estoy esperando la entrada de un correo importante.I'm waiting for the arrival of an important email.
5. (lobby)
a. foyer
Señor Rodríguez, favor de coger un teléfono en la entrada.Mr. Rodriguez, please pick up a telephone in the foyer.
b. entrance hall
Tienen una entrada muy elegante en su casa.They have a very elegant entrance hall in their home.
7. (public)
a. attendance
La entrada al festival se vio afectada por la lluvia.Attendance at the festival was affected by the rain.
a. receipts
La entrada de la nueva película batió todos los récords.The receipts for the new movie broke all the records.
b. takings
La entrada en taquilla fue menor de la esperada.Takings at the box office were less than expected.
c. gate receipts
La entrada del partido del sábado ha superado el millón de euros.The gate receipts for Saturday’s game have exceeded a million euros.
9. (onset)
10. (culinary)
11. (earnings) (Latin America)
Regionalism used in Latin America: all the countries in South America, Central America, and the Caribbean. Does not include Spain.
a. income
Claudia perdió su única entrada cuando se quebró la empresa.Claudia lost her only income when the company went bankrupt.
a. down payment
Ricardo dejó una entrada del 5% para comprar su coche nuevo.Ricardo left a down payment of 5% to buy his new car.
b. deposit
Dio una entrada de 8000 dólares para la compra del apartamento.She gave a deposit of $8,000 for the apartment's purchase.
14. (computing)
a. input
Programe la velocidad a través del panel de entrada digital.Program the speed via the digital input panel.
15. (music)
a. entry
El solista hizo su entrada después de la coda de violín.The soloist made his entry after the violin coda.
16. (bookkeeping)
a. entry
Encontré una entrada en el libro mayor de 5000 dólares por la fiesta de Navidad de los empleados.I found an entry in the general ledger for $5,000 for the employees’ Christmas party.
a. entry
Esta es una de las entradas más largas del diccionario.This is one of the longest entries in the dictionary.
a. tackle
La entrada al número 49 les dio otra oportunidad de ganar.Number 49's tackle gave them another chance to win.
19. (baseball)
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