If some one says that sun rises in the west

Jul 17, 2018, 22:01 IST 2K
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1. If some one says that sun rises in the west

1. If some one says that sun rises in the west

1. If some one says that sun rises in the west, let him say ... our first duty is to tell him that he is wrong and he must correct himself ... we must tell him politely - no, sun rises in the east.

2. But if he does not agree

2. But if he does not agree

2. But if he does not agree ... we must tell him the truth one or two times ... even if he does not agree ... then, we must humbly say to him - Sir, you are right.

3. Value of our knowledge

3. Value of our knowledge

3. In this case we are telling him truth without charging any fees ... but he is not understanding the value of our knowledge ... we should not indulge in any dispute or fight ...

4. Truth can not be changed

4. Truth can not be changed

4. Truth can not be changed if some one does not accept it ... truth always remains the truth. Similarly if someone does not believe in existence of Almighty ... it is our duty to tell him the truth once or twice ... but even then, if he is not agree ... then we must say - Sir, you are right, Almighty God does not exist ... He will be deprived by all the fruits of belief in Almighty God ... why should we waste our time and energy on such people? ... om om om ...

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