Cloud Help Desk

Trusted by more than 280K companies worldwide. 14M+ tickets created annually. Try Cloud Help Desk


Spiceworks Cloud Help Desk

Trusted by more than 280K companies worldwide. 14M+ tickets created annually.

Try Cloud Help Desk We are proud to offer free support
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What is Spiceworks Cloud Help Desk?

Meet your free support Cloud Help Desk solution!

Do you have difficulty tracking and prioritizing user requests, insufficient time to accomplish support tasks, not to mention the cluttered inboxes, and most important of all - No budget?

Whether you're a small business or enterprise, Spiceworks Cloud Help Desk enables you to track, prioritize and manage your daily projects and user requests in one place - without the hassles or cost of setting up a complete support department. It also helps you go paperless by reducing clutter and streamlines end-user experience.

Spiceworks Cloud Help Desk is a robust software that helps you quantify all the tasks you have completed and share in-depth reports on your daily, monthly tasks. What more? We'll host it for you, handle backups, maintenance, so that you can focus on the one thing - solving user issues.

Did we mention, it's completely free and super simple to set up.

We are proud to say that our support is free too. Spiceworks Community is backed by 8+ million experts ready to help.




End users supported


Help Desk Administrators


Tickets created annually

What is Spiceworks Cloud Help Desk?

The Spiceworks Cloud Help Desk ticketing system, with a new tech stack, makes IT simple and easy to use.

Make life easier with Spiceworks Cloud Help Desk

Completely Free with no Upcharge

Completely Free
with no Upcharge

Includes free support;
talk to a human

Extremely Easy to Use

Easy to Use

No server procurement, setup,
or maintenance required

Part of the free Cloud Tools ecosystem

Part of the free
Cloud Tools ecosystem

(Inventory online, Connectivity Dashboard, IP Scanner, Vendor Contracts)


Declutter, Organize, Prioritize

  • Easily deploy a customizable web portal for users-submitted tickets (as an alternative to email)
  • Automatically assign and route tickets, based on priorities and categories
  • Stay on top of tickets via consolidated activity streams and graphical dashboards
  • Organize your tasks with custom ticket queues
Tickets and Tasks
Mobile device browser support


Manage tickets, Anytime, Anywhere

  • Take your help desk tickets and users with you wherever you go with our helpdesk native mobile app. (Android & iOS Apps)
  • From network inventory and monitoring to help desk, vendor ratings & reviews and more, Spiceworks mobile app delivers everything you need to get the daily grind done. All for free.


Save time, Be efficient

  • Automated responses save you time by eliminating the need to write the same responses repeatedly.
  • Custom ticket views help you filter tickets based on multiple criteria.
  • Ticket rules allow you to easily assign tickets, set categories, due dates, and priorities. Just enter the condition that will trigger the rule and the action will take place.
Canned response, task list, cc’d user
Knowledge base


Your very own customized Knowledgebase

  • Discover and create new set of information, and share it with your peers.
  • Alter how-tos to reflect and fit your specific environment.
  • Create your own articles which can be private to you and your team or simply with all the experts in the Spiceworks community.


Strategize, Forecast, Better business decisions

Spiceworks Cloud Help Desk empowers you with easy to use advanced reporting:

  • With advanced reporting, you can add filters, a combination of filters to create any reports.
  • These reports can be as simple as getting all open tickets to finding all pending tickets for any specified timeline.
  • Our custom Power BI Desktop Data Connector allows you to grab data directly from your Cloud Help Desk account, and refresh that data into your Power BI report template, with one click post initial setup.
Advanced Reporting with Power BI

Awards & Recognition for Spiceworks Cloud Help Desk

  • Spiceworks CHD 1
  • Spiceworks CHD 2
  • Spiceworks CHD 3
  • Spiceworks CHD 4
  • Spiceworks CHD 5
  • Spiceworks CHD 6
  • Spiceworks CHD 7

Customer Testimonials